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S40.E10: A New Era


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Johnny is truly just a walking demonstration of narcissism, from his utter betrayal that Tori would go against him to his contradictory arguments that lots of women have his back so you shouldn't cross him but also that 98% of the people want him to lose. Add to the mix what I think is his genuine belief that Devin's only purpose in showmancing Michele was to turn her against Johnny. Not because Devin liked her, not even because she was good for Devin's game; in Johnny's mind, Devin and Michele's relationship is about him. 

Regardless, his arguments to women that they are incapable of independent thought and that any move that isn't approved by him means they are being controlled by a man are never going to win him any points, and he is casually misogynistic enough to not realize that.

All that said, it was silly of Tori to throw him in against Ryan. The odds were never going to be in Ryan's favor. 

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"Eat my ass!" I loved the edits with Devin's picture popping up behind Backpack. (I never refer to him as Bananas.  Ever.)

Not that he was going to win, but it looked like Ryan's quad was running out of gas.

To piggyback on Jillibean, another point are his complete conniptions every time he feels "betrayed".  Dude, you basically stole money from someone. Drop your binky already.

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9 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I'll say that Johnny staying in the house is better for entertainment purposes than him leaving because what is the rest of this cast giving?


Yeah, I guess I'm just not that entertained by him any longer.  Most players show some "growth" over the years.  But not our Johnny.  Maybe at one point you could excuse some of it because he was just a kid.  He's not a kid any longer and should have some better sense of how to behave.  That kind of stupid in a grown man isn't entertaining to me.  And we don't actually know what the rest of the cast could give us, maybe nothing, but we don't know because it's all centered around the idiot.  Anything anybody does in the game is "for" or "against" him and that's the story.  Once he's gone, maybe we'll see some other players with game.  Or maybe we won't.  Who knows?

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I watched this over Survivor, and I think that was the wrong choice for this week.

Nothing quite like Johnny verbally wanking in interviews. To be honest, I'm not really rooting for anyone here. Everyone has their flaws. Apparently, Twitter is roasting Ryan because -- according to one fan -- he's a thirsty clout-chaser. I don't follow Challengers, so I wouldn't know. Honestly, woulds that be the worst thing you could be on this show? I'd put "bad go-kart driver" on Ryan's dossier, along with "gay" and "the Ryan that's not Ryan Knight."

No matter how you see Ryan, you have to admit he had one of the worst episodes imaginable. It was Josh-level bad. He screwed up the puzzle (apparently not seeing the white markings on one side of the pieces), got thrown into the Arena (or whatever they're calling in; I'm too checked-out to look it up), and he came close to staying in the game before Johnny took him out.

The graphics department needs to chill. The Devin sound bites and "cutouts" were cringe. So was Jordan camouflaged, though it got me to post the GIF of Homer disappearing into the hedge.

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I was rooting for Johnny just because it seemed to guarantee the most drama in future episodes. 

What a boring challenge. I don't like it when the challenges require people to put themselves in physical danger or where it's basically a guaranteed win for the physically bigger person. But they also need to involve some skill and put the more in-shape/skillful person at an advantage. Having better cart driving skills isn't really what I mean. If it was somehow besting some course with hills or something maybe--but drive in circles until you catch the other person?

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I tend to zone out when TJ discusses the rules, but it seemed like this was like the long-beloved and missed Survivor challenge where two teams start equidistant from each other, then they walk around a circle until one team catches the other?

It sounds very dry when I explain it, and there was a little more to it, but it was surprisingly suspenseful.  And awesome.  If that is what the ATV riding was like, the soft sand is what the competitors had to try to figure out.

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This was a weird episode. I didn't get much entertainment out of it, and at some point was just thinking well I guess I have to watch it to follow the story. I guess bananas knows how to play the game and what is needed for the show, you have to show that you are upset about the decision. The moment when he made Tori repeat that she was doing it because that's what Devin would have wanted and then turned to look into the camera was the best part of the drama for me. Jordan is right though, bananas trying to threaten Jordan does him no good since the women pick the male targets. Bananas target picks made sense. At least Rachel isn't a target, thank goodness. Will just wait for next week. 

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8 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

The moment when he made Tori repeat that she was doing it because that's what Devin would have wanted and then turned to look into the camera was the best part of the drama for me.

I feel like we saw and heard from Devin in this episode than previous episodes… and he’s gone.

The thing I really don’t understand is that it seems like Tori puts the blame on Johnny for having to go against Kaycee and putting Devin into elimination, but Johnny didn’t make Devin a target. Johnny didn’t choose Kaycee to go into elimination. Johnny didn’t make Era 3 last place in the challenge.

Where she can blame Johnny is for telling Michele that Devin is using her for game (which I think she explained on a IG post or something like that). However, I’m not sure why made that her business or her problem. Not sure how many of us go inserting themselves into their friends’ problems.

8 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Jordan is right though, bananas trying to threaten Jordan does him no good since the women pick the male targets.

I thought about that as well. Then, they showed Johnny’s alliance pretty much being a bunch of women. However, I’m not sure if any of them would actually choose Jordan as a target unless he volunteered. None of the girls Johnny picked as targets would choose Jordan (I think) if they won an elimination.

Edited by AntFTW
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2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I thought about that has well. Then, they showed Johnny’s alliance pretty much being a bunch of women. However, I’m not sure if any of them would actually choose Jordan as a target unless he volunteered. None of the girls Johnny picked as targets would choose Jordan (I think) if they won an elimination.

Right, I also don't see anyone Johnny's alliance picking Jordan, especially not his #1 Laurel. Picking Jordan would have to be accompanied with a deal of some sort for one of the women. 

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