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The Bachelor Canada - General Discussion

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Anybody see this last night? He seems like an okay guy, but I am still scratching my head at some of the women he chose to keep, and thought he let some go that seemed relatively sane and were far more attractive. Previews show what looks to be a train wreck of a season, with Lisa (curly red hair) the dastardly villain. I already cannot stand the ballerina. 

I watched.  He must have said he preferred dark hair.  Most of the women had dark hair which just makes it harder to remember names.  Interesting that last season the bitch that nobody liked was from Calgary.  Red curls is from Calgary and seems to be the one we are going to hate this season.


He seems like a nice guy so far.  But I do wonder about his taste. 

I'm also surprised at some of his choices.  He kept the 42 year old???  Ew.  And the ballerina was driving me nuts!  Begging for compliments to feed her massive ego.  Also ew!  I was also slightly disturbed by the very vampy woman dressed in black (Dominique).  She has a really stalkerish vibe.  Actually, there were a lot of women that I disliked, including curly haired chick.... no one gives a shit if you're not there to make friends.  Don't worry, though, because no one wants to be your friend anyway.


I liked the ER doc and seashell woman.  That's about it.

I liked a few of the women (couldn't tell you their names if you paid me- he certainly has a physical 'type'), and I was a bit more impressed with him than I thought I'd be.  I would have liked to see the conversation where the producers yelled at him for giving out too many first impression roses :-)  


The Ballerina seems a bit odd.  The ballet dancers that I've met or known who've trained for at least a few years have perfect posture- even if they haven't danced for years or have put on weight etc.  Is she dancing now? 

Ballerina was so irritating and needy, I hope that was just first night jitters and not something we're going to have to watch all season.


I thought the tall real estate woman was beautiful (one of the Aprils?). Very sad he got rid of the joyologist - I really liked her. Although I suppose the producers don't want someone there talking common sense and boosting the self esteem of any of the crying going off the rails crazy types.

Ugh I can't even bother to remember her name, but ballerina needs intense psychotherapy. Bullying because someone suggested that she pull herself together and stop acting like a hysterical baby? Also on their one on one date, I was so distracted by two enormous mouths full of teeth, I didn't hear a word they said. Girlfriend is not attractive or entertaining in the slightest and appears unable to handle her drinks.

I do like real estate April. In fact, she is one of the only ones. She is pretty and seems sane - so far. Not a very high bar, to be sure. Burlesque April is another weirdo.

This season is not off to a good start and my estimation of him is dropping a little each week. I cannot see how he can be serious about finding a wife with the women he has picked. Not sure if I am going to last much longer with this show.

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This second episode seemed to start very abruptly.  I felt like I missed something.  Maybe it was because they just had an hour episode and had too much to stuff into it.


Ballerina is obviously a little unhinged.  He would be smart to get rid of her immediately.  She is needy and clingy.


Not surprised he got rid of the older woman.  I was surprised he kept her last week.

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Wow, that was a really bad episode this week.  Crazy, melodramatic, oh-look-at-me ballerina needs to go.  Seriously, you're a bitch. honey, and need to get the hell off my screen ASAP.  I can't think of any women left on the show now who I like.  And Tim really does have dead eyes!!!  I may need to stop watching this show.... it's not even entertainingly bad.  It's just kind of sad and pathetic.

Surely, with all the people here, Canada has a good-looking bachelor somewhere.  This is the second year with a fug.  And the women aren't much better.  Way to make Canada look ugly! 

  • Love 1

I am a bit bored with this season.  Not sure if it is Tim or the women. The location tonight was even boring.  I didn't care about the dancing.  Most of the episode was the women sitting in the cabana chatting.  At least he got rid of 4 instead of 2 so I might start to remember their names.  I have decided I wouldn't want to kiss Tim if I was one of the women.  I find myself cringing when he goes in for the kiss.  Something about his face is too puffy.  Not sure exactly what it is but something is off with his looks.

I completely agree with everything you wrote, LakeGal.  I don't know what it is about Tim, but there is just something off or weird about the way he looks.  And the show is so boring!!  You're right... they're all just sitting around, talking and bitching.  Who cares?


I see he kept all the cry-babies and drama queens.  I don't think he's there to find love at all.  I get major gay vibes from Tim and I think he's just there to have fun and be on TV.  That doesn't bother me, but I feel bad for the women.  Actually, I don't like any of the women, so I don't really feel sorry for them at all!

I agree with both of you. I am actually starting to hate myself for watching this borefest. Something is definitely off about Tim, but I haven't really gotten a gay vibe. I can't stand the way he talks and his facial features are kind of simian-looking. I will say that he does have a nice body though. Loved that footage of him running along the beach to get to crying April (sarcasm). They could have really amped up the cheese by showing it in slo-mo.  It sure didn't take long to get to the leg wrapping stage - doesn't this usually happen around home towns? At the rate that he is cutting women, we might be down to final four by next week...


If I had been on that jumping off date, I would have left the show. I wish they would knock it off with these "challenges" - this is not Amazing Race. 

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I was bored enough to watch all 3 eps during the weekend. During the first episode I thought this show had promise, because there seemed to be lots of beautiful women and he seemed like a sweet enough guy. Now it's just getting boring. He has a few real moments here and there but mostly it seems like he's reading from a script and not even trying to hide it. He's also looking tired and straight up bored half the time. I think there are only two viable options left and those are Sachelle and April the realtor. They seem nice and normal. Kaylynn is a wreck and needs some therapy, Lisa is bitchy and Natalie is trying wayyyy too hard. I have a feeling she's a control freak. Don't even remember who else is left. Can't be many by this rate.

For those of you who remember it, I keep thinking that "The Bachelor Canada" is to "The Bachelor" ..... as "The Trouble with Tracy" is to "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". 


Not that The Bachelor has much quality to it, .... there's just a production value/cheapness to this whole thing that is so bad it's hilarious!  It's sooooo scripted.  And so poorly scripted.  Totally cringeworthy

Edited by ladymon
  • Love 1

Is Natalie really claiming to be 27??!!?!?  No way in hell is that woman under the age of 40.  It's not just the way she looks (older); it's also the air of desperation that she has, which even the other woman are picking up and commenting on.  I really hope she doesn't come back next week.  That date was just painful to watch.

Maybe being on TV makes you look older, but Natalie definitely looked older than 27 (not that there's anything wrong with that, but seriously, own your age!).  She seemed very sweet, and had enough self-awareness to leave early.  Side note: I was confused by that.... on the original Bachelor, weren't the rules if you didn't get a rose on the one-on-one, that meant you went home?  Oh well, Tim seems to be making up his own rules as he goes along anyway.

This show was on Tuesday this week.  I guess it has moved from Thursdays.


I would be giving back a rose and leaving if I was on this season.  I find Tim boring.  The girls are not even fun enough to stick around and hang out with.  Why am I still watching?


Why were the women all mad at ballerina girl about making out with Tim in front of them?  Shouldn't they have been mad at Tim instead?

Why were the women all mad at ballerina girl about making out with Tim in front of them?  Shouldn't they have been mad at Tim instead?

That would make sense, but I'd imagine at this point they're so far into Stockholm syndrome that he can do no wrong.  I thought that it was pretty tacky on his part- the whole thing was obviously producer-driven or the girls in the cafe wouldn't have been seated at the one table in the empty diner that looked directly on to the 'hot rod', but he could have told crazy pseudo ballerina that he wanted to kiss her, but didn't think that it was fair to anyone else at that moment.   I almost feel sorry for her, because I think that she's going to lose her stuff completely when she sees him making out with someone else.  


Tim certainly does like to kiss- I didn't think that anyone would beat Andi the bachelorette, but he's certainly into it. I'm getting more skeeved out by him burying his face in the women's shoulders/neck every time he hugs them- I don't know whether he's smelling them or tasting them, but it is possible to hug without your face mashed into the other person, especially when you're saying goodbye to them. 


I'm loving the 'after-show' clips- that pageant bit was very funny, and it's nice to see Lisa having fun with the other girls, when she's not getting the bitch edit. 

Mini recap.

Another case of ebola in texas. Joe is mad at mindless chatteres on cable news who are worried enough about ebola. He wants travel bans.

Joe is in an undisclosed studio wearing a sportsjacket over a red fleece top.

Joe is mad at Assad for bombing the rebels who are supposed to be fighting isis. Joe is mad at tyrkey for not helping fight isis.

Joe said Obama is isolated . there is more support or ground troops to fight isis.

Mika talked about Ann Romney & Columba bush. Joe said Bush & Christie aren't popular in the polls.

Michael Steele said people are on the sidelines.

  • Love 1

Oakville, that was probably more interesting than anything that's happened in the Bachelor Canada all season.


I can't believe Tim managed to drive away the one normal, non-drama woman in the house.  Bye Dominique!  You're better off away from boring Tim and the crazy children you were stuck living with.  I can't even call them high school, because they're not that mature.


Lisa... no one cares what you like, because no one likes you.


I did enjoy Natalie stirring up the hornet's nest.

At least he got rid of ballerina girl.  But wanting to keep Lisa just shows he is not looking for wife.  He just wants to be on TV and bring the drama.  No man looking for a wife keeps a female that is kissing random guys in a bar in Italy.  I would have liked to see the other females all throw their roses at him and walk out when he kept Lisa.  Losing Tim is no loss.  It would have made for great TV. 

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I am disappointed, was expecting an epic meltdown when ballerina girl got the boot.


I didn't think Lisa's transgression was that big of a deal, after all it's not like her and Tim are exclusive. He's still kissing other women, right in front of her last week. That being said, I don't like Lisa, not a fan of anyone woman that says she just doesn't like women. If you have a problem with all other women, then the problem is you.

  • Love 3

Wow this show seems to keep moving around and didn't record until last night. I wish they would give all these people a vocabulary and grammar class before airing. Banned words to include: connection, amazing, awesome and like. I want to quit this, but am in it for the hometowns at least.

After this week, much to my surprise, my favourite (or best of the worst) is Trish. She seems to have a great personality, but should be able to do better than Tim. Still, I find it hard to believe she was a beauty queen as she needs a serious makeover, starting with the hair.

Ballerina actually looks not bad when she smiles, but her cry face is frightening. Surprised that there was no drama with her departure. I also am wary of women who don't get along with other women, but what would this show be without one of these? I think Tim is keeping Lisa because he thinks she is "edgy", or because he has the worst taste imagineable, or because of production shenanigans.

The hometown visits are always my favourite episodes on these shows.  It is the one time the lead is not in charge.  The families get to ask the questions and put them on the spot. 

It was pretty obvious by the time on the clock that Tim was not having a visit with Lisa's family.  There just was not enough time left in the episode.  I assume Tim thought about it and realized he didn't believe Lisa.  Maybe he wanted to let her go last week and the producers wouldn't let him.  Hard to say.  But he finally decided to drop everyone but the final 2. 

I do wonder if Sachelle's brother helped make the decision.  He clearly told Tim if Sachelle was not The One to let her go now.  It did seem odd he went from 4 to 2 in one episode.  But I never did see any chemistry between Sachelle and Tim.

Obviously Trish is the one that makes him laugh.  April is the one he feels protective of.

Next week is the Women Tell All.     

It seems odd that we're already done hometowns- maybe it's just because it's one hour episodes and a short season so we haven't seen a lot of screen time with anyone, but it just doesn't seem like anyone's had enough time to get to know each other at all.  I like Tim a lot more in the outtakes at the end of the show than in the show itself, although kudos to him for actually shaving once.


I wish that they'd stop giving families an unpleasant edit- I wasn't sure whether April's yaya was supposed to be oddly psychic, or suffering from dementia.  Sachelle's brother just came across like a bullying moron- there are certainly jokes in our family about my daughters' stepfather and father sorting out any guy who doesn't treat them right, but they're jokes. Hopefully her brother was also joking, but he certainly didn't come across well. 


I felt so badly for April when she was trying to explain her family history to Tim- kids shouldn't think that their parents' mistakes reflect on them, or feel like they need to take responsibility for them.  I think that she's been Tim's pick for a while now,  and if he does pick her, I hope that he can reassure her that she isn't her parents. 


It looks like Tyler's going to show up again next week for the women tell all- I've missed him popping in to announce how many roses are left on the table.  

Why oh why do I watch this show??  Honestly, Tim looks like he's trying to be all smoulder-y and deep but comes across looking as dumb as a bag of rocks.  It drives me nuts when someone says something to him and he just stares at them and doesn't say anything at all but "looks intense".  I'm sure it's just dreadful editing but this show is so embarrassing!  But it's like a train wreck I can't turn away from.  I've not been aware of how directed the American show is compared to this!!

I think editing Tyler out of the episodes is one way they cut the show to an hour.  It just seems odd to have the women show up at the rose ceremony and nobody there to greet them or tell them where to stand.  We expect our Chris Harrison to be there with the roses.  It really does seem like this season is being rushed to the conclusion.  I can't remember but did the first season seem like this?  Maybe they don't know what to do with Tim so they quickly just move on.


I noticed that Sachelle's sister was engaged and at the house with her fiancé.  Did the brother have a problem with his other sister dating too?  Did he give her boyfriends a hard time?  It was something I was curious about. 

This does seem to have gone by quickly. Maybe they are trying to put it out of its misery as the ratings are probably dismal. I now think that he let ballerina go last week rather than Lisa because he knew she was not the one, and that she may have had a complete meltdown if he brought her along for another week due to her seemingly unbalanced nature. Not sure why he wasted a trip to Calgary for that quick breakup, but at least it was on the way to Vancouver for the rose ceremony. I think he feels protective of April, but also there seems to be some physical chemistry as well, and geographically it might be easier for them to have a relationship. I think he has a lot of fun with Trish, and he actually shows some personality with her, but possibly more in the friend zone? I know she is the one I would prefer to hang out with. Sashelle seemed very sweet, but I saw nothing between them and creepy brother certainly didn't help her cause.

Hope to see some fireworks next week on the Women Tell All but not sure how much there is to hash out besides Liarface (tm Vicki Gunvalson) Lisa and her escapades.

If I had to guess I think he will pick April in the end.  Looking back at past Bachelor shows and their actions it leads me to this opinion.  Tim acts like he is very protective of April.  I do not think he would drag her to the end and put her through this if he was going to dump her.  She is insecure and it would hurt her more to be dumped at the Final 2.  Trish appears to be the one that he is very comfortable with. They have fun and Tim is himself.  I think he really likes to be around her and she probably makes it easy for him.  If he has to keep someone around with his chosen one it might as well be someone that he enjoys being with.  He might even think she is the one that can take being dumped on TV.  She is a pageant girl and competition is not new to her.  I like Trish the best.  So I think she is better off without Tim.   

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If I had to guess I think he will pick April in the end.  Looking back at past Bachelor shows and their actions it leads me to this opinion.  Tim acts like he is very protective of April.  I do not think he would drag her to the end and put her through this if he was going to dump her.  She is insecure and it would hurt her more to be dumped at the Final 2.  Trish appears to be the one that he is very comfortable with. They have fun and Tim is himself.  I think he really likes to be around her and she probably makes it easy for him.  If he has to keep someone around with his chosen one it might as well be someone that he enjoys being with.  He might even think she is the one that can take being dumped on TV.  She is a pageant girl and competition is not new to her.  I like Trish the best.  So I think she is better off without Tim.   


Me too!

God, I tuned in last night hoping for an end to this horrible season.  No luck.  I hated this silly 'drama'.  I think that he wants to pick April.  No way he'd be encouraging her trust so much if he wasn't going to pick her.  That would just make him a total bastard.  But I was cringing while she met Tim's parents... I had to fast-forward through most of it because April was just so awkward.  It was painful.

I agree Canada, it doesn't seem likely he is going to pick Trish after all the "trust me" crap he gave April. I personally prefer Trish to April, but I did pick April as a good match for him early on based on the fact that they are both from Ontario and work in real estate (I think he is in construction?). I guess we'll finally find out next week, this season has just dragged on and on and on, Tim is so boring!


I've been wondering if they'd ever do a Bachelorette Canada, and which of the ladies from this season they might pick to headline that if it ever happened. Trish could be a good candidate after Tim dumps her next week.

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April seems to have more issues than Readers Digest, but she has some very realistic concerns about moving WAY too fast. But that is not what this show is about. I also think he clearly wants to pick April, but I don't see it lasting because it seems more like a physical attraction than anything else substantial. She feels intense pressure that she should be having these intense feelings for him, and it might be the most sensible thing for her to just escape now while she has a chance because she seems to be in panic mode (as would I in her shoes). But then that might leave Trish as the default, and would hate to see her in that spot. Who knows, maybe Tim will end up alone at the end. I must say that I liked his parents and his interraction with them humanized him a little more in my estimation.

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I have not posted here before and obviously leaving it rather late but my main reason for doing so is that City TV videos is showing today who Tim has chosen and it is mentioned with regard to After The Final Rose which of course follows Part 2 tomorrow night when Tim chooses and possibly proposes. I think that this is a huge faux pas on their part because nobody wants to know ahead of time, I don't understand at all why they would do this. I noticed because a friend missed last weeks episode and went onto City TV The Bachelor site to get a link to send to her so as to make is easy for her to find and watch before tomorrow night, wish I hadn't because now I know the outcome...so don't do what I did and spoil it for yourselves.

I mean, it was pretty obvious that it was April from the start just like last season with Bianka. Tim was boring but he seems nice. It's sad because I think he is more comfortable with Trish but April was the challenge so he picked her. Well, maybe they'll make it. I thought Brad and Bianka would and they proved me wrong. Oh well.

First, Trish looked AMAZING on ATFR! They almost fooled me into thinking he was going to pick her with the way his face lit up when he saw her before the proposal. I can see why she seemed shocked at the rejection. She showed a lot of class and is definitely better off without him. 


There is going to be lots of drama for Tim with April. Maybe he likes the role of big strong man to rescue his delicate princess. They look happy now, in lust. Will see what happens when the honeymoon phase wears off.

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The only thing duller than Tim was the host on ATFR - they really need to replace that guy, his interviewing skills suck.


AstroMaria, I agree with the way Tim's face lit up when he saw Trish coming to the final rose ceremony, wth was that? Poor Trish, usually when a guy looks at you like that he is not getting ready to break your heart.


Next season they really need to put a little more effort into finding a lead with a personality.

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Trish did look amazing on ATFR, and I thought that she handled herself well.  Tim's huge smile and his face lighting up when he saw her on proposal day was just cruel. There's just no upside to being the second choice- if I was ever stupid enough to go on the show, I'd want to be kicked off just before the fantasy suite, because it seems to  be pretty apparent by then who the 'winner' is going to be to the people involved, even if the editing is leaving it up in the air.  I'm happy for her that Tim didn't 'choose' her- she seems to be a genuinely nice person, and can probably do a lot better than him. 

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