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Season 06

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Hey, FBI agents!  The fugitives are getting away in a car!   In plain sight!  We the viewers can see the make, the model, even the license plate.   Don't you want to, oh I don't know, call it in?   Alert local police or maybe the rest of your team that two fugitives wanted for a double homicide and kidnapping are speeding down Getaway Lane?   What's that?   Oh, you have a personal call to take?  Never mind.


Remy: "Congratulations, kid.  Your sympathetic black orphan routine cut right to the heart of my white guilt.  No way will I investigate Brianne's involvement in this.  I will simply take your word that she's completely innocent.  I won't even consider the possibility she goaded you into murderous behavior or that she said "kewl beans" upon hearing you offed the Bedfords.   As for the dead security guard at the ice rink, it gave me the chance to get off a Zamboni joke, so let's just call it even."


"Hi, this is Nurse Miranda -- you know, the healthcare professsional your father has reduced to an old goat's masturbation fantasy?  Well, his brain is about to explode like an overripe tomato.  If he bumps it or even moves it the wrong way ... What's that?  You'll bring him to the hospital yourself?  Sure, why not?  I was about to suggest we send an ambulance with EMT's to stabilize him properly since this is a life and death situation, but if you say you got this, that's good enough for me.  Watch his head when he gets into the car, k?"


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2 hours ago, LisaM said:

TPTB seem to be creating chaos in each agent's personal life as a mechanism to write them off of the next show: Nina had to deal with her sister's issues and now Ray will likely be off dealing with his dad's medical crisis. Barnes was missing from earlier episodes for a reason I cannot recall - likewise for Hana. 

They could just do like SVU and have squad members randomly absent from eps with no explanation...

I found this to be an engaging episode. I'm divided on Brianne. It's not like she really had a good opportunity to get away from him, I don't think? If she ran, she could have risked him shooting her. Though maybe if she knew the ice rink well, she could have run and hid somewhere. But it also wasn't like some similar cases (here and other shows) where the initial kidnappee joins in on the killing.

On another note, they could have taken some steps to disguise themselves, like put on a hat (or hoodie) and/or sunglasses, say. Maybe a mask.

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Making Brianne an Olympic hopeful figure skater was an absurd and transparent plot device to make her more sympathetic.   Take that away, and what's left is a  murderous abuse victim who apparently never considered going to the police or anyone else before winding up Jake.  Probably a case could have been made that she emotionally manipulated Jake into killing the Bedfords. 

Meanwhile, Sydney seemed so 180 degrees different from Brianne and Jake, especially in temperament, that I didn't buy she was ever close with them. 

IMO, the worst episode of the season (so far).

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Another strong episode, good manhunt for a very dangerous and evil perp. I thought they might screw up somehow given that Remy’s ex was a victim, and I did think it was odd that they let her go with them to talk to the other victim, but everyone did their job well and it was a good investigation. Thought Remy was really good here and I liked seeing his compassion and softer side. Good manhunt and case and it was nice to see an “it’s personal” case handled professionally and without an investigative fuck up. This show has consistently good cases

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S06•E12 — 68 Seconds

This episode is so intense and triggering.

Annie Funke from Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders as Hailey the girlfriend. I haven’t seen her for a while.

It’s good to see April again, that Remy and her stay friends.

The impromptu confessions during the car ride with Sheryll, Nina and Hana… 😢

Dammit Remy, you shouldn’t have touched Patrick’s trophies without gloves. 

Re the trip to Italy, does Remy realize the hesitation on Abby’s part before saying yes? Pay attention to little things, Remy.

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Anyone else think the perp's girlfriend was lying to Remy and had him hiding someplace? She seemed the type to stay devoted to him, even having evidence he was a rapist (I actually was expecting him to kill her). So I thought she was lying about him leaving in the Civic, and he was actually hiding in the house or even in the van.

And agreed that Abby didn't seem too thrilled about Rome. Seems a bit controlling on Remy's part, like couldn't they have talked about it and planned a time that worked for them, instead of him pushing it on her? I know I wouldn't like that.

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S06 | Episode 13 — Greek Tragedy


When two sorority sisters are found stabbed to death in their off-campus home, the Fugitive Task Force heads to Virginia to hunt down the suspect before more killings occur.

Meanwhile, Hana agrees to meet with Ethan after he asks her for help with his latest troubles.

Air Date: Feb 25, 2025









12 minutes ago, GiandujaPie said:

I feel like I missed an episode with regards to Hana and Ethan. I thought she found out that the woman she thought he was cheating on her with was his drug dealer and she stormed out. Did they get back together after that and then break up again? Or is Ethan someone else? 

No they haven’t gotten back together since then that we know of, and that was the last onscreen appearance of Ethan. Not sure where that storyline will go from here. 

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This was kind of a boring episode, not bad but I couldn’t get into it as much as normal - not many twists and the villains/people involved weren’t as compelling as normal. Remy was missing, he would’ve had some good lines towards these drug dealing douchebags - I know some dislike Remy but I like the charisma he brings and some of the stuff he says to the bad guys. Didn’t care about Ethan either. This show doesn’t have many boring episodes but this kind of felt like filler. 

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15 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

This show doesn’t have many boring episodes but this kind of felt like filler. 

Did the writers take a trip with Remy? It felt like this episode was written by one or some of those "drug-dealing douchebags." 

Also Demarcus Ware was a real NFL football player with the Dallas Cowboys back in the early 2000's

Edited by preeya
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On 2/19/2025 at 10:06 AM, Chaos Theory said:

Although a good episode my biggest issue about an episode about how prevalent Rape actually is in this country wasn’t focused on the three women in the group or even the rape victim (who had actually been on previous episodes) but on Remy and his feelings.

I cannot stand him. Pretty much every one of his actions would guarantee the rapist walks. Letting the victim join the interview because she’s his ex. Showing her his picture without any others. Opening the grill without a warrant - all that jewelry’s out now. Giving April back hers?? What?  I guess since it’d get tossed as evidence anyway why not? And then of course his ridiculous constipation-face rage while his female colleague, who as we just learned had far more reason to Take It Personally, has to calm him down and get him to just do his job rather than stomping the guy. Just cannot stand him.

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S06•E13 — Greek Tragedy

The good things about this episode — no caricature Remy and Sheryll gets to lead the Fugitive Task Force. 👏🏻

The COTW surrounding “privileged little jerks” is really boring. They are just a bunch of idiotic kids getting in over their heads and not delivering their drugs. At some point, the Kimani guy feels like a comic relief.

Am not interested in Ethan’s subplot either. Hana should’ve realized that Ethan is emotionally blackmailing her with that impromptu “I love you”. His body language shows he doesn’t really want to get clean. He only agrees to go to rehab so that Hana will help in getting his drug dealer off his back. It’s all about HIM. 

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