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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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32 minutes ago, Rodney said:

A little too late on the "girls' alliance" shit, you two!  You fucked around and barfed at the idea of working with Makensy, Angela, and Leah just because they weren't WOC, and now it bit you in the ass.

To be fair to Rubina, she was interested in a "girls' alliance" before she hooked up with Kimo & T'Kor about 3 weeks ago.  T'Kor is the one who has been pushing the POC agenda, IMO - at first it was "Chelsie and I had an unspoken agreement to protect each other until jury..." and she's slowly morphed that into being completely disinterested in working with the non-POC HGs.  Had Rubina not become a solid third to T'Kor and Kimo then I think she'd have been open to working with Leah, Mak & Chelsie - not so much Angela because Angela was CRAY-CRAY with her paranoia for a long stretch there.  

Once T'Kor's gone, I think Rubina would definitely want the F5 to be all women if possible - though she may have enough loyalty and a strong enough bond now with Kimo to move beyond that.

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Makensy and Rubina are game-talking now.  And it sounds like Rubina really has come out from under whatever spell she was under with T'Kor.  She is burying her to Makensy, telling her about her refusal to work with her, Leah, and Angela due to not being WOCs.  Makensy is a bit shocked, but says that she should've been open to working with her.  They both agree that T'Kor would win if she got to the end, and Makensy wants to clip her before she can.  They love her personally, but they think that she has too much power to win.

Rubina also says enough to hint that she's willing to align with Makensy if she stays, along with Leah and Angela.  She knows that Angela listens only to Leah, Makensy (to an extent), and herself, and Makensy agrees with that.  Leah would definitely be a good ally for them, as well.  They agree that Kimo would target Cam and possibly Chelsie before any of them, which makes it better that he's staying this week, after all.

Sounds like Rubina is jumping aboard the Good Ship Makensy and abandoning the T'Kor Express.

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Makensy then talks Cam up to Rubina.  How he’s sweet and takes everything that’s thrown at him.  Things he’s been through in his life.  Coming back to Chelsie’s mistreatment of him.  Rubina defends Chelsie a bit.

Makensy tries to figure out what’s the deal with Cam and Chelsie and the animosity Chelsie is radiating.  Rubina again says that it’s on Cam, not Chelsie.  Makensy is being agreeable, but doesn't seem totally sure that that's true.

Edited by Rodney
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Talking next week now.  Makensy says that she knows that it would be hard for Rubina to put up Kimo, but it would be good for her game, as her options are limited.  Rubina acts open.  Says that she still wants to go with the women.  Might throw up Kimo and Cam.  Then, talk turns back to T'Kor and Chelsie potentially being loyal to her (remember that she doesn't know that Chelsie is actually down with voting T'Kor out).

They discuss where the votes are.  Makensy promises Rubina her vote, and she thinks that Angela is voting T'Kor out.  She thinks that she can convince Cam to be the third vote (though he's already going to be).  They both think that Kimo would vote for T'Kor to stay.

Edited by Rodney
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Makensy is going to talk to Angela and Cam.  She’s afraid to talk to Chelsie.  She tells T’Kor everything.  Gotta break that up.  It’s best for everyone's game.  They agree that she’s sweet and everyone loves her, but . . . she needs to go, as few people would ever put her up.

Now saying that Leah is an easy target coming up.

Now the game talk is interrupted as Jankie has them do a conga line around the yard, followed by some cha-cha-cha dancing.

Then, the can-can.  And ending with a Rockette kick line.

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Well, I've barely heard five words in this Leah/Makensy whisper session.

I know that they were talking about voting out T'Kor, because . . . if not now, then when?

But they whisper so quietly, it's hard to tell what else they're saying.

But the core of the matter is that, yes, Makensy promised Leah that she'd cast a vote for T'Kor to leave on Thursday, and that she's sure that she can get Cam to agree to it (and he likely will since he's already said that he's down).

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9 hours ago, Shrek said:

Why would you want to make fun of a kid for any reason?

I wouldn't but you know what I mean. They are ridiculous even for a kid.

9 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

I liked her; she was my favorite.  Feel free to dislike her, but maybe don't speak for the audience as a whole.  

I thought it was clear I was offering my opinion, not everyone's.

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Finally, we have something to unite all the houseguests... a love of pimple popping! Bored with the same old-same old nose cleansing, Leah is taking care of the blackheads on Kimo's back while everyone else watches, fascinated. They scream to realize they are all fans of the Pimple Popper MD show. They also like watching people get their backs cracked, and some other video about feet, but I missed the particulars on that. Enzo might know.

This is such a weird cast.

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Finally, a dance party! I haven't seen one of these yet. Leah, Makensey and Angela are bouncing around, really getting into it. Chelsie and T'Kor stand in place, slightly moving their arms. Cam's not even bothering.

I think they said tomorrow is Angela's birthday? I wonder if Kimo ever got his birthday present (incessantly teased by T'Kor and Rubina), and what it was. I know they said he didn't get wine, to everyone's annoyance.

Edit: Not Angela's birthday, but rather Makensey's father. He's 50. They sent a birthday message and talked about how old he is. Angela said she was not offended. Really, not a bit. It's fine.

Edited by 30 Helens
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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Finally, a dance party! I haven't seen one of these yet. Leah, Makensey and Angela are bouncing around, really getting into it. Chelsie and T'Kor stand in place, slightly moving their arms. Cam's not even bothering.  ...

I noticed Cam never singing the song they are REQUIRED to sing either.  How has he not been punished yet?  He should be made to stand under that cold shower for 5 minutes straight every time he doesn't follow Jankie's rules.

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I tune back in to find Chelsie and Makensey whispering about upcoming votes and how they have the numbers no matter what happens next. They are certain Angela would put up Kimo and Cam before them, Leah would do the same, and “she” has no chance of winning. I assume they were talking about Rubina, but no confirmation.

Then Chelsie shifts into a long rant about Cam, starting with a rehash of the Bed Incident. She does not let go of a grudge. They both complain about how he expects them to do things for him, complete with a list of things they have done for him (including, in Chelsie’s case, giving him a foot massage). Maybe just STOP DOING THE THINGS?

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10 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I tune back in to find Chelsie and Makensey whispering about upcoming votes and how they have the numbers no matter what happens next. They are certain Angela would put up Kimo and Cam before them, Leah would do the same, and “she” has no chance of winning. I assume they were talking about Rubina, but no confirmation.

They do mean Rubina.

That talk definitely indicates that they're envisioning the next week without T'Kor, which just confirms that, barring a sudden change-up, T'Kor is gone this week.

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Chelsie swears she is not upset on a personal level when Cam pays attention to Makensey and Leah, she just thinks it's really bad game play. Mak agrees, and claims that Cam moving his bed closer to her took her off guard. Like, what the hell, dude? 

They agree he needs to get his head in the game and start thinking about public perception. Like stop laying his head in people's laps. Chelsie says she told him that looks really bad and causes people to make assumptions. In regard to Makensey, Chelsie says he responded, "Well, what am I supposed to do when she lays her head in MY lap?" Makensey: "WHUHH?" She doesn't want to be thought of as in a showmance. They both wish he would just lay off.

And also stop asking them to do stuff for him. Or whatever. They're talking in circles and I'm going to sleep.

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Chelsie is saying that Cam “was in two or three alliances” with Tucker and how Tucker made a F2 with him.  They’re trying to determine whether the Ballers was a real alliance (Tucker, Cam, Quinn, Kim, Rubina, and T’Kor, of which I'm only just now hearing).  Now they're talking about how Quinn is going to look back on the game and regret it.  He was so dumb to turn on the Pentagon, because there was no hierarchy, etc.  (Uh . . . except there was, Chelsie.  Your core three with Cam and Cedric, and then Quinn, and then Brooklyn.)

Now they're talking bad about Leah and how she pretended not to know about the Pentagon.  Her strategy is to get social with everyone, and Chelsie says that she sees right through it and told her so.  Makensy asks Chelsie what her own game is, because she doesn’t know, and Chelsie tells her that Makensy's game has been survival.

Chelsie continues to say how she’s clocked Leah's game and blah, blah, blah.  She said that it’s so transparent, and she’s probably tried to turn Cam against them, but it won’t work, because Cam is still targeting Leah (which I’m pretty sure is wrong).  Chelsie admits that Cam would target Kimo first, though.

Chelsie mistakenly thinks that Kimo is in Leah’s back pocket, and then says that she would have T’Kor, too.  (Huh?)  Chelsie says that although she's trusting Angela a little more, she doesn’t want her in the F5.  Makensy suggests Leah, Cam, and Rubina, but Chelsie says that it’s too soon to decide.  (What?  You guys are almost at F7.)  Chelsie worries that if that’s the F5, then Leah pulls Rubina.  OTOH, if Angela is in the F5, then she would be in their back pocket.  (Wrong.)  So now she's open to Angela getting that far again.

Chelsie says that Leah would nominate Rubina and either her (Chelsie) or Cam.  Makensy wonders what Angela would do there instead?  Now deciding that Cam should win the F7 HoH to boot Kimo, and then let Rubina win the F6 HoH to boot Leah, though they won't be upset if she wants to go with all women and target Cam instead.  They believe that neither of them needs to win HoH in the next two, maybe three weeks or rounds.

Throw ‘em, girls!  See what happens!

But seriously.  I'm questioning what kind of grip Chelsie really has on the house or the game, considering these bad reads of hers.

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Chelsie tells Makensy that Leah will always take Angela farther than they and wants to sit next to her in the F2.

Button Boy is cutting me over to T’kor/Rubina sometimes, too, which is as dull as you’d expect. T’Kor saying that there’s people in this house she genuinely likes, just none as much as she likes Rubina.  Rubina says that she has conversations worth having only with T’Kor.  At least they’re worth having for her, since they aren’t worth listening to for me.

Now T’Kor is mad that Kimo didn’t spend his birthday with her.  She said, “How dare you spend your birthday” with her (Leah) and that he dared to laugh at Leah’s jokes.  What an evil man!  She told Kimo that she felt like she didn’t see him today, and his response was “But . . . you did?”  LMAO.

T’kor said that she always talks to Kimo and spends time with him, but when he got off the block and T’Kor went up, he stopped spending time with her in favor of the person who put her up.  Suck it up, whiny ass.

Now T’Kor is saying that she’s been "too fricking nice" in this game.  Except for Leah, now everyone knows what it’s like to be on the block.  She is complaining that Leah has never been up, Cam and Makensy only twice, and Chelsie only once.  She says that if people notice how often Kimo has been up, it’ll make him a target, since he and Angela have survived so many times.

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Now T’Kor and Rubina are saying that Survivor is different from BB, because you don’t connect with people on Survivor like you do here.  Yeah, keeping one another alive on an island is definitely not as bonding as sitting on a stool frying chicken.

Kimo sat up and glanced around, and they started whispering that he was looking for them, so they did nothing to show him where they were.  In fact, T’Kor actually lay down so he wouldn’t see her.  Um . . . wow.

Rubina said that she doesn’t want to talk about being here next week without T’Kor.  Says that T'Kor is already making contingency plans, and that’s okay.  She is sneaky, having those conversations yesterday but acting to T'Kor like she’s just lying down and taking it.

The way they’re talking shit about Kimo for absolutely no reason, though . . . Go burn those bridges, ladies!  I wonder how much T'Kor and Rubina really gave any shits about Kimo?

Leah and Angela nailed it right.  T'Kor is the glue holding Kimo and Rubina together.  I don't think that either has any intention of working with the other after she's gone.

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Kimo has very clearly become a point of contention for Rubina and T’Kor.

Now Rubina is mad that they all sang "Happy Birthday" while she was in the Diary Room, and T’Kor immediately blamed it on Leah and Makensy, and then took a second to add Angela in as someone else to blame for singing him "Happy Birthday."  And they did this while Rubina and T’Kor were on the block!  Those fucking demons!

I'm starting to think that T'Kor and Rubina bring out the worst in each other, not the best.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Chelsie swears she is not upset on a personal level when Cam pays attention to Makensey and Leah, she just thinks it's really bad game play. Mak agrees, and claims that Cam moving his bed closer to her took her off guard. Like, what the hell, dude? 

Totally get it. Chelsie isn't taking this personally, guys. It's just that it's really bad for Cam's game when he touches, speaks to, or looks at another woman. She just wants to protect him from himself, by publicly causing a huge scene and telling everyone what a jerk he is. You know, to help him in the game.  

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14 hours ago, Rodney said:

She basically relayed that T'Kor (and Rubina, but left Rubina out) believes that Cam should've gone up this week instead of Kimo and kind of told a white lie that they wanted "a guy out." 

In the convo I saw, she did indeed mention Rubina as well. She told him Rubina wanted a girls alliance, which I thought was a mistake.

4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

They are certain Angela would put up Kimo and Cam before them, Leah would do the same, and “she” has no chance of winning. I assume they were talking about Rubina, but no confirmation.

Well then, Rubina for HOH lol. She'd probably do Angela and Leah or Cam though so maybe not.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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On 9/16/2024 at 4:12 AM, 30 Helens said:

Among the reasons to never ever room with Leah:

She is obsessed with nose picking. Earlier, she had what she described as a very satisfying cleansing with the help of some Q-tips. (Apparently she found something "crunchy", her favorite kind.) Then she tried to stick her finger up Makensey's nose to demonstrate how to do it. Mak pulled away but accepted the Q-tip and swished it around until her nose hurt. All while listening to Leah describe how she had a "bugger wall" as a child, which was just what you think.


Leah must love Covid tests, the self-administered kind.

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Also, I'm not convinced Chelsie is really ready to let go T'Kor go. It honestly isn't her best play so I assume she's doing what she did when Joseph/Kimo were nommed; pretending she agrees with Cam/MJ for a few days and then trying to move the target to who she actually wants. I don't think it'll work on MJ (she seems to be genuinely playing both sides now) but it very well might with Cam and Cam is all she needs if no one else tries to change Kimo's vote.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Also, I'm not convinced Chelsie is really ready to let go T'Kor go. It honestly isn't her best play so I assume she's doing what she did when Joseph/Kimo were nommed; pretending she agrees with Cam/MJ for a few days and then trying to move the target to who she actually wants. I don't think it'll work on MJ (she seems to be genuinely playing both sides now) but it very well might with Cam and Cam is all she needs if no one else tries to change Kimo's vote.

We don't really know what Kimo's vote is.  He's definitely seemed to be over T'Kor over the last couple of days, so he might be a vote to get her out, too.

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4 hours ago, Rodney said:

Now T’Kor is mad that Kimo didn’t spend his birthday with her.  She said, “How dare you spend your birthday” with her (Leah) and that he dared to laugh at Leah’s jokes.  What an evil man!  She told Kimo that she felt like she didn’t see him today, and his response was “But . . . you did?”  LMAO.

If this is where T’kor‘s head is halfway through the season, then she SHOULD be evicted.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think he will keep T'Kor but if someone talks to him about it he would probably change his vote pretty easily. Rubina needs to campaign to him because as it is he most likely just assumes she's going and that she's OK with it tbh.

It will be interesting to see if Rubina does indeed talk to Kimo today - hopefully the DR will pull T'Kor in for a long session and Rubina can get a chance at him, and Chelsie as well since I don't think I've seen any reports that those two have conferred about this week's eviction.  If not Rubina, then definitely Leah.  My guess is that both of them are waiting until this afternoon or this evening to have any conversations with Kimo in order to reduce the chances of T'Kor learning that she's the one going home.

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Leah and Makensy have been talking about Matt and his opportunities and what he'll do out of the house.  They're ragging on him a bit and saying that he fucked them by being dumb enough to talk to Quinn, that he probably made a F2 with Lisa in his two-hour talk with her, that Makensy contemplates every day how he made it here, Leah wondering if production made bets on whether he would be first out, etc.  Makensy said no telling what he's up to now.  He could be married for all they know, and then they laugh about how he and Lisa might have gotten married.

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Kimo told Cam that he had told Angela that he wouldn’t put her up.  Cam tells Kimo that he’s leaning toward voting out T’Kor since she nominated him, but he hasn’t done one-on-ones with her or Rubina, so that could potentially change.

Kimo says that he hasn’t talked to anyone about the vote yet, and Cam said that he’s only discussed it with Leah.  He knows that it’s a very tough position for Kimo, so he wanted to pick his brain, and they can touch base later tonight once they know kind of what they’re thinking.

Kimo said that this conversation motivates him to have game talks today so he can get a sense of where people are and so he can give a heads up to whoever is gone, even though he’s not really allowed to.

Elsewhere, Angela is giving T’Kor a Dan/Derrick-type "let death take you" speech.  She said that she should be so proud of getting a strong trio this deep into the game, and she’s positioned herself between two very strong people.

T’Kor is actually speaking in complete sentences to Angela!  She says that she’s not a physical threat, but she is mentally strong.  However, zero promises of safety toward Angela.  Says that even if she isn’t in power, she can talk to people and find out things, but again, not saying anything about protecting Angela.  And Angela's not stupid.  That was the clincher to her backdooring Matt -- no promises made to her regarding safety.  That might be the clincher for her with T'Kor, as well.

Now T'Kor's discussing the mission and how she wants the winner of the season to represent the season, which has been about perseverance and strength.  After a few minutes, Angela says, “That sounds good” and pauses for a while.  She is saying that she has a lot to think about and maybe they can chat again, but she’s gotten the information she needs.

Yeah.  The information to cook her goose, most likely.

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Chelsie and Cam now.

She says Makensy is a bigger priority for her than T’Kor, but Cam says that T’Kor would never touch Chelsie.  Chelsie says, "But I’d never prioritize her over you or Makensy, so why does that matter?"  Cam references the spats that he and Chelsie have been having.  He also tells her that Leah and Makensy think that Chelsie is playing both sides, so T’Kor leaving would be better for Chelsie’s games and prove otherwise.

Chelsie wants to know if Makensy is worried about that, or if it’s just Leah.  He says mainly Leah, but Makensy brought it to him first.  He believes that T’Kor leaving is a benefit and clears it up for them both, and Chelsie says that yes, she’s okay with that.

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Chelsie blames her and T’kor supposedly being close on Tucker and how everyone just ran with it when he created that story.  Yeah, that’s why people think that.  *rme*

She reiterates that Cam and Makensy are her priority and always would be.  He says yeah, he knows and believes it.  She’s getting a little defensive, but he’s calm and saying that he gets it, and he trusts her.  The situation with T’kor and Rubina trying to target him is fine, and he knows that she wasn’t involved, etc.

Cam asking about F5 plans, and Chelsie relays the previous night’s convo with Makensy.  She asks if he’d be okay with Rubina in the F5, and he says no, not really.  Chelsie says that Angela is just as much into girl power as Rubina, and they say that she’s trying hard to get on Cam and Kimo’s good side.  He’s explaining why Rubina in the F5 puts him as the target, but Chelsie says that it doesn’t matter, because they and Makensy would control the votes, anyway.

Chelsie continues to be obsessed with Leah and tries to tell Cam all the ways in which she's playing and trying to keep them against one another and how she only protected Cam because of a public deal, etc.  Cam said that she wants him or Makensy to be with her, because she lost Quinn and wants someone else to help her win competitions.

Cam is still targeting Kimo for next week and outlining the reasons why he would be a danger to them.  He's also advocated for Angela in this conversation, but is very agreeable to any of the pushback that Chelsie has.

Chelsie now asks whom he wants to see in the F5, and he takes a long time after naming them and Makensy.  He says Leah . . . but also he accepts Rubina.  He said that he trusts Chelsie even though he's unsure about Rubina.  Chelsie is now saying that she prefers Angela in F5, and Cam says agrees, but over Rubina, not over Leah.

Hmm. . . . Don't see the big push that Chelsie's supposed to be making.  She seems fine with T'Kor being gone.

Chelsie again says she's fine with T'Kor going home this week, even though she wouldn't be terrible for them in a F5.  Cam wants to know if he should talk to T'Kor about knowing how she tried to float his name to Leah as a replacement nominee.  Chelsie tells him he should ask her for sure.

Cam said he'd be okay keeping T'kor on that hand, but he also has asked her something so many times, unsure what he was saying.  Chelsie says whether Rubina or T'Kor stay, Leah will immediately get them on her side.  She already has Kimo in her back pocket (this read is so bad), so she'll just grab the other one, and then, with Angela, she has all the power!  Chelsie says that the option of a F5 with T'Kor is the main reason she'd want to keep her, as she's worried about Angela and Leah controlling the F5 votes and knocking out Chelsie and Cam over Makensy.

Couple of things...

1) Hopefully no one gives any firm direction to Kimo about how the vote is going to go until and unless he is fully downloaded and understands just how hard T'Kor was throwing him under the bus to Leah - even then, I'm not sure he'll see the light and they'd all be better off not giving him any clear idea where their minds are at on who to evict lest he go scurrying to T'Kor to warn her because I'm seeing some softness on evicting her from Chelsie and Cam (less so Cam, but definitely not trusting Chelsie yet).

2) Angela or Rubina needs to win HOH - we know they'll both go for the remaining trio.  Hopefully Chelsie and Mak really do think they're in a good enough spot with the rest of the house to evade the block regardless of who is HOH and will try to throw it.  Kimo would probably also target them but who knows where his head is at right now.  I think he'd be more open to Angela & Rubina since he doesn't seem to have much of a game relationship with Chelsie, Mak or Cam, but I worry he'd focus on Leah because she got T'Kor out.

. . . Ugh.  Now I'm seeing it.

Chelsie is still lightly pushing back against T'Kor being the boot, giving some reasons why she would be okay for them.  She is saying that her there means that it's one person Leah can't manipulate, then says how Kimo and Rubina won AI Arenas, too, so they could be dangerous in that regard.

Cam doesn't seem to be buying any of it so far, as he is again starting to push T'Kor as the boot for tomorrow.  But I'm curious to see how they continue to hash this out, especially now that Kimo knows that the vote is afoot.

Looks like Makensy could be the deciding vote.  It feels like this week might be decision time for her on whether she wants a real chance to win the game or just be Chelsie's puppet, because there's no way that she should want T'Kor in the house after this week (and has said several times that Chelsie will pick T'Kor over her, which she likely will).

But I'm just concerned about Makensy holding up to Chelsie, and I think Makensy really has an insecurity issue with Leah to which she's vulnerable.

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Chelsie and Cam moved downstairs during fish.  Chelsie asked Cam whom he'd nominate next week, and he said that Kimo is the target, but he would have to think about the best other nomination options, especially in case he wins the Veto.  Chelsie now relays how Makensy definitely doesn't want to win HoH, and they really want him to be the one to win.

Cam tells Chelsie that he's perfectly fine with T'Kor still being here, but he warns her that he still trusts Rubina more than he trusts T'Kor.  He now wants to go have the talk about knowing that she targeted him to Leah.

Chelsie continued the same playbook about how Leah is lying to everyone and wants them to be distracted while she aligns with Makensy and Angela, and that her plan is still to cut Makensy for Angela.  This isn't all wrong, but goddamn, is she obsessed with Leah.

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Cam talks to Rubina now instead of T'Kor.

Rubina tells Cam that everyone will try to influence him, especially Chelsie.  She hopes that he'll think for himself, not for her.  Cam says that he will.  Rubina says that she'll be better for Cam's game, as she doesn't have the pull that T'Kor does.  She means that in the most respectful way toward T'Kor.  But if she wins HoH, Cam will not be a target for her (this is a lie, as she has told Makensy otherwise).  She has other targets in mind.  She leans into story and purpose.  She feels like there are those who should go before the two of them.

Cam agrees with her.  He looks at it like this.  With a Double Eviction coming up, he believes that Rubina wouldn't target him, while he thinks that T'Kor would.  That's why he wanted to win HoH -- to get rid of people he thought were targeting him.  It sucked to lose, because he knew what moves would be made if he lost.  When Rubina fell off, he knew that he was in trouble if he lost.  He was relieved with Leah's deal.

Rubina is now separating personal from game.  She believes that everything happens for a reason.  She thought that both trios would take shots at each other, which wouldn't be good for either of their games.  Cam says that it'll be beneficial for whomever stays, as they can get rid of the trios and plays as individuals.  They won't see things as the bigger groups and play their own games.  It ended up being a blessing in disguise for him.

Cam and Rubina both agree that they can strategize for themselves now that the numbers are dwindlng.  In terms of strategy, he still wants Rubina to stay, because he know whom she's targeting as long as he's not said target.  Rubina again says (and lies) that she isn't.  She also volunteers as a pawn for Cam if he wins HoH, as long as she is not the target.  She's not afraid anymore since they're in the jury phase.

Cam wants to talk more as the weeks go on, but he does see Rubina as more of a benefit to keep in over T'Kor.  They both want to take out similar people, while he and T'Kor do not.  Definitely sounds like he wants her to stay, not T'Kor.

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Chelsie said that she's going to vote T'Kor out this week, because of the house decision, and she wants to prove that the story of her and T'Kor being close is definitely wrong, as she has zero priority for T'Kor.

Aaaand we're back to Leah with Makensy saying she's seen her game since they were together in week one and she'd throw her under the bus, etc.  However, Makensy seems to say that Leah and Rubina wouldn't work together.

I think they're talking F5 and saying how Angela would put up Cam.

Chelsie is lying to Makensy about how Leah has told her that Makensy and Cam are super close, while she's telling Makensy that Chelsie and Cam are close.  She is saying that Leah has been trying to sell Cam on Chelsie and Makensy prioritizing other people over Cam.  Chelsie makes up stories about how Leah is planning to get Makensy and Chelsie to target each other over her, but she doesn't know how smart they are!  They're just playing into it even though they know better.

I need Angela to win HoH and get Chelsie out, because I'm sick of this shit.  They're going all the way back to week one to find reasons to talk badly about Leah.

Chelsie is now saying that if Makensy hadn't won the AI Arena in the week Tucker left, that Leah was after her, but Chelsie and company would've kept her.  Makensy asks whom the votes to keep her were, Chelsie backtracks a few times before she tries to say that it was she, Quinn, and Cam were keeping Makensy, and they would've had the numbers.  She said that Joseph said no, he wouldn't have voted for her.

Edited by Rodney
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Based on what Cam said to Leah a couple days ago and what he's saying to Rubina now, I don't think he's really as misted by Chelsie as she believes.  Same with Makensy.  Would he directly target Chelsie at this point in the game?  Hell no.  Would he be perfectly open to someone else targeting her and seeing her go?  Surely would.

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Makensy tells Chelsie that there's no way they're changing on evicting T'Kor.  Chelsie agrees.

I do wonder if Chelsie's accepting the result and trying to shift to getting Leah targeted next or if she'll make another attempt later tonight on getting Rubina evicted?  If the latter, I hope that Cam and Makensy stand firm.

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1 minute ago, Rodney said:

I do wonder if Chelsie's accepting the result and trying to shift to getting Leah targeted next or if she'll make another attempt later tonight on getting Rubina evicted?  If the latter, I hope that Cam and Makensy stand firm.

She's smart enough not to push it if it'll hurt her at all, but I could see her throwing it out there and testing the waters again. 

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Kimo and T'Kor are talking.

Kimo sounds like he's talking in his sleep.  He recommended that T'Kor talk to Cam, and she said that that was a good idea.  He also referenced the upcoming competitions getting more physical so that could be something to consider, but he didn't really say what she should do with that info.

People have come over to break it up, so we'll see if they continue elsewhere.  Just chitchat about how the pool is now.

T'Kor and Cam now.

Is she flat-out lying when she tells him, "I never said your name.  I never said anyone's name."  We heard her, didn't we?

Cam starts by saying that he has questions.  He rocks with her and wants to be there with her, but he heard she was offering his name up and wants to know what it's about.

She says that she never said his name or anyone's name at all, but that she hinted at physical threats and was referencing Makensy.  That she never said Cam's name and knew he was safe this week, so wanted to clarify that that was the case.  She never "said a name," but she was referring to Makensy in that conversation (the one where she told Leah they should target a guy, IIRC).

Cam says "okay" and moves on, asking her how in the next round and an upcoming double eviction, how does he fit into her plans?  She says whatever line about representation and how to her she wants them, Chelsie, and Kimo all together.  She really wants to see a person of color win this season, and that it'll be very disappointing to lose a POC this week, but she'll work her hardest to make sure that that mission comes true.


Cam said that he gets it.  His big concern was just that she had said his name.  She reiterates that she never said his name and only talked to Leah about things trying to stop from being a replacement nominee, but she thought that it only could've been Makensy or Chelsie and not he, so she was pushing for Makensy.  Not true, sis.

He said that he was also concerned about the fact she had nominated him under her HoH, but he understands.  She said that they're still aligned on who they want to see win in the end, and that's his biggest concern, so all is good.  She asks what else can she dispel?  He says, "If you stay and it's a Double Eviction, whom do you nominate?"  She doesn't hesitate to say Leah and Angela, and if one comes down, it's Makensy.  You know, the three remaining white women.

Where is X/Twitter to get mad or whatever it is they do?

T'Kor goes on to say that after they're gone, then she can relax and say, "Whoo!" because one of "them" will win the game.  Cam says that he's concerned about Leah, since she was trying to stir up lies about T'Kor naming him, so that's a concern he has coming up.  He asks if T'Kor promised Leah safety, and she says no, that she respected the pact that they (Leah and Cam) had made.

Cam was very noncommittal and said that "if things go" T'Kor's way, then he'll have her back, and they can work together next week.  It's actually kind of fun to watch her campaign, because it's so painful.  She's into about forty seconds of silence after Cam asked if there was anything she wanted to dispel or talk about.

I really hope that Cam isn't buying that she never said his name and doesn't think that Leah was actually lying.  Even Rubina could confirm that T'Kor's been saying that, if he wanted to ask her about it.

Edited by Rodney
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3 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Where is X/Twitter to get mad or whatever it is they do?

Nah, it's perfectly okay for T'Kor to be blatantly pro-POC.  

I really hope Cam circles back to Leah and she reiterates to him that T'Kor wanted a GUY to go up in Kimo's place, so, no, she wasn't referring to Makensy or Chelsie.  Duh.  Even if T'Kor didn't say Cam's name, she made it abundantly clear she wanted him up as the replacement.

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Cam tried to go whisper to Chelsie about his T'Kor conversation and how he thinks he still believes Leah because of what Makensy said, too.  They barely make it sixty seconds before she starts getting onto him about how this was "her spot" before.

Chelsie told Cam that Makensy told her (Chelsie) that Leah told Makensy that Leah is trying to plant seeds in Cam's head, though.  He looked pissed and nodded a bunch.

Then, talk about favorite TV shows started, so game talk is over for now.

1 hour ago, HighQueenEB said:

Angela or Rubina needs to win HOH - we know they'll both go for the remaining trio.  

I don't fully trust Rubina lol. She has really surprised me this week though with actually fighting to stay and making good arguments, although with some coaching from Angela. But still, I just don't know. She'd maybe target Cam though and possibly see that she'd have to nom him with Chelsie so maybe.

18 minutes ago, Rodney said:

T'Kor and Cam now.

is she flat-out lying when she tells him, "I never said your name.  I never said anyone's name."  We heard her, didn't we?

Good! Lie your ass off, girl. That's playing the game. Chelsie's whole game is basically lying lol.

This season is so fucking good. These people never stop! 

Really need the BB Gods to do me one more solid and let Chelsie go next week.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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What's really sad for me is that I've come to learn that damn song.

Jankie, Jankie, he loves me!
Jankie, Jankie, let's party!

Ice cream, dancing, so much fun!
Jankie, Jankie, number one!
Candy, pizza, never ends!
Jankie, Jankie, our best friend!

*Sighs with depression*

Edited by Rodney
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