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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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5 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

I may have been a little disappointed Liz Wilcox from the most recent season of Survivor wasn't recycled into the house this summer because she would've been excellent feeds for the week or two she might've lasted*. I saw an ad for Applebee's and immediately thought, "HOW DARE YOU TAKE THAT BOURBON BURGER OUT OF MY DAUGHTER'S MOUTH ON HER BIRTHDAY?!?" But none of my RL friends watch both Survivor and BB, so my Derrick/Rockstar/Liz mashup would've gone over their heads. #alas

*Liz and Angela together would've been a lot, though. 

I don’t know- Liz couldn’t eat anything.  How do you think she’d have digested all the glitter?  

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I thought there were 4 Have Nots.  Why are only 3 beds full?  Woke up at 5 EDT this morning and turned on the feeds hoping that the hamsters were still up.  Caught the tail end of  T-Core  and Rubina whispering in the bathroom.  No idea what it was about. Then Angela and Joseph laughing in the dark HN room.  Probably about how uncomfortable the beds are as Joseph then proceeded to get up and wander around the dark house, making a stop to peruse the picture wall. Then back to bed and I had to mute the volume because someone was snoring.  

1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

I mean, as a fan, I love people getting removed at the POV ceremony for maximum chaos, but I love that Tucker is just adding removing a guy who hates him to now give a FOURTH person reason to hate him. 

It doesn't change anything, as they were all going to nominate him either way, it's just funny saving Quinn and nominating Chelsie doesn't do anything for his game (unless somehow Brooklyn and Chelsie turn on each other dramatically, which I doubt they will - they're much more likely to turn on Cam). 

Right! But Tucker isn't here to play the game; he's here to create storylines for the show. 

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According to reddit, the three wake-up songs today were:

Today by the Smashing Pumpkins
Another Ones Bites the Dust by Queen
Whatta Man by Salt-N-Pepa

Hidden messages? Random choices? Someone hacked into my Spotify account and chose off my top 30? We'll never know.

Guarantee that Tucker flexed and posed during Whatta Man, though.

  • LOL 12

Okay. I don't know how to make it happen but Kimo needs to be removed from the house for assaulting my ears all morning. First it was rolling around on the ground and moaning and groaning as he stretched out his back. That, like everything Kimo does, was interspersed with various belches and farts. I mean, better out than in and all of that. But now he's added a new sound to his symphony of squick: gagging and choking and hacking while brushing his tongue.

Evict this man immediately. Forcibly remove him. I am not well.

ETA: They went to pets, thank fucking God. VETO MEETING TIME.

Edited by Callaphera
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Brooklyn is now defending herself to Rubina, saying that she never, ever promised to keep Makensy.  She was gone if she had lost the AI Arena!  Chelsie also reiterates that things had changed.

Sounds like Tucker blew up that they were gunning for Rubina last week.  He's explaining his plan to Makensy in the HoH room right now.  Indeed, he confirms that Quinn is down and Chelsie is up.

Again, why he did this, I have no idea.

If he wanted Brooklyn gone, then maybe he should've left Quinn up, as now Brooklyn has a better chance to win the AI Arena.  Chelsie is not winning that, but Quinn could've.

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4 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Brooklyn is now defending herself to Rubina, saying that she never, ever promised to keep Makensy.  She was gone if she had lost the AI Arena!  Chelsie also reiterates that things had changed.

Sounds like Tucker blew up that they were gunning for Rubina last week.  He's explaining his plan to Makensy in the HoH room right now.  Indeed, he confirms that Quinn is down and Chelsie is up.

Again, why he did this, I have no idea.

If he wanted Brooklyn gone, then maybe he should've left Quinn up, as now Brooklyn has a better chance to win the AI Arena.  Chelsie is not winning that, but Quinn could've.

Well, it's possible that Cam could win the AI Arena.  I do wonder if any of this will stick with Makensy and she'll realize the "cool girls" aren't her friends.

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Tucker says that Kimo and T'kor's names were thrown under the bus.

Ooh!  Supposedly, Brooklyn had a "little outburst," and Chelsie backed her up.  They're trying to throw Joe and Quinn under the bus, saying that Joe ran the entire Collective meeting and even asked if he was talking too much, and saying that Quinn clearly did something, too, because he was the one who told them that Rubina was going up and it was his plan, but now he has the Veto on his neck.

Chelsie left the room, but Brooklyn stayed in with Rubina and put on her sunglasses.  She says that she doesn't blame T'kor and Kimo for flipping, because they were in the middle, but they got information faster.  Says that Quinn is a snake, because he sat in that room and cried to her about being a pawn, which Tucker confirmed wasn't true.  She's mad, because she now has a F2 with Quinn, and he didn't tell her that she's the real target (though to be slightly fair to Quinn, he didn't know that she was the real target until probably the Veto meeting).

Aha!  So this did work all right for Tucker.  It turns out that his plan to Veto Quinn wasn't out of any goodness of his heart or to get a favor from him later.  It was done out of the hopes that it would make Brooklyn and Chelsie lose their shit and act even more suspiciously to the other houseguests, and it seems to have worked.

Brooklyn is now saying that Quinn said whatever he had to say, and now he's safe this week, so congratulations to him!  But he's coming after "Tucker and you (Rubina)."  Rubina has said pretty much absolutely nothing, and it's kind of funny.  Brooklyn is saying that people who don't say things never have to admit anything, and if they're quiet all the time, then they get away with it.  Rubina says nothing in response, proving her point.

Tucker is now telling Makensy that he knew all along that Brooklyn is the one who fucked with his clothes and that he did it to him, Angela, T'kor, and Kimo, and it was so obvious that it was she.  He was blowing up at Quinn the whole time to misdirect (according to him) and said that the entire time, Brooklyn was being petty instead of actually looking for the Veto.

Makensy is eating this shit up.  Tucker is finally giving her the time of day, game-talk-wise.  Little does she know, though, that he just wants her vote to go against Brooklyn.

Tucker tells Makensy that "people" wanted her to go up if he used the Veto.  Of course, he means his current allies (all but Angela), but he won't tell her that.

Edited by Rodney
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Chelsie and Quinn are now whispering by the dining room table, and Brooklyn just walked by, so I guess that she got sick of talking at Rubina with nothing coming back.  Chelsie asks Quinn why he didn't let one of them know how he felt.  He said that he thought if he recognized that he was at the bottom to them, then it would reinforce it and make it a reality.  He talks about how his game blew up last week, and he went from believing that he would be with his people in the jury to even questioning if it would happen.

Chelsie says that she's playing a type of game where she didn't start the Collective or Pentagon and still hasn't mentioned it, but other people are.  Tucker is mad that Chelsie didn't honestly tell him who voted for Rubina, but that's not her game.  She says that even after the Collective blew up, it's Joseph's story to tell, and she's not throwing everyone under the bus for it.  It's their duty to be honest on their own.  But wouldn't that mean that they then blow up everyone in the alliance?  Make it make sense, Chelsie.

Chelsie gripes that she is now being blamed for something that wasn't even true (the Collective).  Now she's bitching about how she and Brooklyn are being posed as a F2 despite not ever saying that out loud (even though they are one).  Quinn says that she honestly did offer him a F2 and can say that is true.

Yep, he's digging a hole with these girls now.

Meanwhile, Tucker and Angela are privately celebrating in the HoH room.  They're so cute, and such an unexpected duo.

Leah is holding court outside about how she knew about things the whole time and doesn't like where lies get layered or people target someone for something that another person did (like Rubina for Tucker).  She continues hen Chelsie comes out, who said that she missed the start.  Leah says that she's just talking about where people don't take accountability and shove blame on others.  She likes where Tucker stands in front and speaks the truth.

Chelsie says that it isn't all true, and Leah said that she doesn't care about the F2s.  Chelsie says yeah, that's not the problem, but some stuff is true and some isn't.

Tucker, Angela, and Makensy all came out of the HoH room and walked right past Brooklyn stewing by the fish without addressing her.

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Leah now says that people were lying to Makensy's face that she would've stayed, and that bothers her.  She straight-up told Makensy that if she was going home, then Leah would've voted for her.  She said that she watched five minutes ago people (Brooklyn?) tell Makensy that lie, and it makes her mad.  She didn't lie about it, and if she goes home for telling the truth, then she's fine with it.  She really is pissed.

Makensy and Rubina meet and agree that they have to win the next HoH Competition.  Makensy's now stressed out about that competition and is realizing that people told her not to play for power, because they wanted to vote her out.  She's getting stressed out about all of this and feels blindsided.  She said that this week was her recovery week, and the only people who tried to pull her in were Brooklyn and Chelsie, but now she understands why.  She said that it hurts really badly.

Makensy apologizes to Rubina about T'kor and Kimo, because now they're realizing that they had planned to vote out Rubina over Cedric.  Sounds like a lot of stuff got exposed.

So Makensy is essentially stressed from finding out the truth about the two girls with whom she wanted in.  Brooklyn and Chelsie's approval and loyalty she wanted so badly, but all along, they were planning on getting rid of her.

Edited by Rodney
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Well, it sounds like Makensy is going to stick with Tucker for now.  She said that at least one of "them" is going home this week, but that next week, it's going to be she vs. Tucker on the block.  Rubina said that they'll definitely backdoor Tucker, and said that they could nom her against Makensy instead.

A few minutes ago, Makensy said that she knows all the Bible study stuff is real, but it sounded like she was bothered that she trusted the girls and just fell for that.

Makensy tells Rubina that Joseph and Leah only voted to keep her to be on the right side of the vote, not because they wanted to keep her specifically.

Not totally true.  Leah wanted to keep Rubina on her own.  Joseph just wanted to work with T'kor and Kimo and go forward with knocking the Pentagon out of power. 

Makensy is now trying to turn Rubina against others.  I think T'kor and Kimo, specifically.  Said that they didn't turn to save Rubina.  They turned because they all thought that it was the wall and didn't want to be on Tucker's bad side.

Lots of God talk about how Makensy knew that she was going win, and blah, blah, blah. . . .

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On 8/16/2024 at 7:26 PM, dizzyd said:

I expect Tucker will win veto and either keep noms the same or replace one of them with Chelsei.

Well, so far this has come true. And I like it, because it shows that Tucker likes and maybe respects Quinn’s game and sees him as a worthy opponent than the rest of the Pentagon. Now just hoping the target is Brooklyn and not CC. I also hope that after week 5, AI arena is over and down to  2 noms for eviction with the possibility to backdoor after veto (and my definition of backdoor is not just a replacement nom but actually backhandedly getting them out the door which is impossible with a comp beast in AI arena and I say this as a Tucker fan even though I find the character he’s playing annoying, I’m enjoying his game style and unpredictability but I don’t want him to comp beast his way to victory, I want to see him use his social game and that pied piper charisma of his to do it.) I expect I will go back to liking Chelsei once she’s deBrooklynised and hope chaos Angie and Quinn hang around a bit too. 

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3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

And I like it, because it shows that Tucker likes and maybe respects Quinn’s game and sees him as a worthy opponent than the rest of the Pentagon.

Wrong on both counts.  It was just to make the rest of the Pentagon blow up.  Which they did.

T'kor and Chelsie are talking now.  T'kor is saying that she doesn't want Chelsie to go home and really admires how she didn't name names to Tucker.  She'll do everything in her power to make sure that Chelsie stays in this game, and she still trusts her.

T'kor, T'kor, T'kor. . . .

Tucker and Cam have been talking, too, but nothing interesting so far.

Edited by Rodney
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59 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Well, it's possible that Cam could win the AI Arena.

Speaking of which, I wonder what Sixth Avenue's target priority is, depending on who loses the AI Arena?  I think that Brooklyn is firmly the target, no matter what, if she loses.  But who's next in line?  Will they go after Chelsie to split up her and Brooklyn?  Or will Tucker see to it that they vote out Cam for his physical prowess?

Speaking of Cam, it's amazing how keeping quiet has pretty much kept him out of the line of fire.  He hasn't done much of anything, and he's facing no scrutiny at all.

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Leah spending like 10 minutes monologuing after the veto meeting like it involved her in any way: hilarious.

MJ having literally no idea what has happened or what is happening while continually saying that Jesus told her she would win the AI Arena: hilarious.

Let's be real, Tucker did all that for TV. He's creating a show, that's what everything he does it about. And I'll hand it to him, he is quite good at it.

Sorta hoping Brooklyn wins AI Arena and T'Kor gets everyone to boot Cam because I am not ready for Brooklyn to leave before she really shows what a villain she is and I'm not quite ready for Chelsie to leave either just because I need people around who aren't Tucker minions. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Oof!  Leah has now found out that people told Quinn that she was only pretending to be his friend.  She's crying a little and saying that it's not true, and she was real with him.

Kimo is holding her hand as she talks to Quinn.

Did Leah seriously think that that wasn't going to get out?

Ah, but it looks Quinn bought it.  He said that he was sorry for believing it, and he had pretty much stopped believing it yesterday when they were having a good talk outside together.

Sheesh, Quinn.

Edited by Rodney
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Makensy walks into a room.  Cam is under the comforter, with T'kor beside him.

Makensy: Am I interrupting?
Cam: I was just napping.
Makensy: You and your damn napping.
Cam: Well, what else am I supposed to do?

Um, I don't know, Cam.  I'm just spitballing here, but maybe . . . play the game?

Edited by Rodney
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Rubina, Kimo, and Joseph agree that they thought that Tucker's speech was going to be funnier.  But Rubina says that it was major anxiety-inducing instead.  Kimo and Joseph agree.

Rubina is now complaining about Makensy bragging about being close to Tucker.  It bothered her, as suspected.  "Why would she tell me that?" she wonders.

Thank you, Tucker, for lighting this current fuse in the house, even if we didn't get to see the actual lighting.

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Tucker: (to T'Kimo) I apologize for saying your name and saying she (probably Brooklyn) was throwing you under the bus.  Sorry.  I was just freestyling, but I wasn't trying to back you guys up under a bus.

Rubina mocks Brooklyn for lying about the internal alliances of the Collective.  Tucker says that she will die on that cross.

Tucker on a rant about people thinking that he, Angela, and Makensy are in an alliance, but he is heatedly denying it, saying that they were just the three lone wolves.

Tucker: I'm down to blow this shit up with the honesty.


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Chelsie is trying to bullshit Tucker, going down the list of all of the alliances that she didn't have.

Tucker is very good at sounding like he believes her.  (He doesn't.)

Tucker admitted to Chelsie that part of the reason that he took Quinn down was because he does respect him being a superfan of the game.  But he closes this out with saying that he's terrible at this game.

Sorry, @dizzyd.  He really doesn't respect his game, just as I'd said.  He just thinks that Quinn will take himself out with his sloppiness eventually.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Sorta hoping Brooklyn wins AI Arena and T'Kor gets everyone to boot Cam because I am not ready for Brooklyn to leave before she really shows what a villain she is and I'm not quite ready for Chelsie to leave either just because I need people around who aren't Tucker minions. 

Sorry to break this to you, but . . . the way that Brooklyn and Chelsie behaved in the wake of the Veto meeting has turned Sixth Avenue on to the "one of the girls, no matter what" mindset.  They now know for sure that Brooklyn and Chelsie need to be split up.  So if Brooklyn wins, then Chelsie will just go.  Brooklyn goes no matter what if she loses.

Suddenly, Cam has become the safest of all three unless he says or does something very stupid before Thursday.

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Tucker: I'm aware that I'm super close to going home next week, but I'm someone that believes in energy and the universe in that sense.  I think this game can be played truthfully.
Chelsie: Until it gets down to [the last few houseguests].
Tucker: But even at that point, you can give the real reason.  I'm putting you up because of x, y, z.  I had to do the lies this week, which made me uncomfortable, but I was lied to and given deceit all week, so . . . But still, you're a better player than he is, and I felt I could talk to you better, talk things through.  But I knew all his cards.

Ooh, Quinn told Tucker the plan to mess with Tucker's head by going after Rubina.  Tucker is relaying this to Chelsie, who acts as if this is news to her.  (It's not.)

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Tucker: (to Chelsie)  You're the secret analyzer, and [Brooklyn's] good socially, and that's why you two should be together.
Chelsie: I don't have a final two with anyone.  I still feel like I need another week to analyze that.
Tucker: You have vastly underestimated how well I know this game, and how good I read people, and I don't care that I exposed this.

Chelsie can't seem to stop herself from bullshitting about her alliances, and Tucker can't seem to stop himself from boasting about his "reads" on people.

Tucker tells Chelsie that Brooklyn is the target.  But says that he can't tell her whom it would be if Brooklyn comes down (though he knows that she's the target, in that case)


Edited by Rodney
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Tucker just left the HoH room, and Joseph is talking shit about Makensy's game.  He says that her game is trash.  He says, "How do you vote with the house and still land on the wrong side of the house by trusting Brooklyn?!"  He says that she’s just like “her ratty Matty.”

Quinn and Kimo are in there talking about her, too.  Kimo says that he’s never trusted her, and they talk about how she talked badly about T’kor and Kimo when she has nothing to do with the situation.  Kimo leaves for a nap.

Joseph and Quinn then talk about how they don’t spend much time together on purpose.  No one knows they’re close.  Yawn.

Feed cut to Brooklyn raising her eyebrows at Leah talking about how she knew about everything and listens to people through the walls.

Brooklyn explains herself to Leah and how she was brought into an alliance and lied to about the Rubina thing.  More blaming of Joseph.  She also denies telling Quinn that Leah was bullshitting him and actually doesn’t like him.

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Leah tells Brooklyn that she was jealous of her F2 with Rubina, and they kind of laugh about it.  Leah is super obsessed with telling everyone how knowledgeable she is, that she knew the numbers of the alliance, the name, who was brought in last, etc.

Leah recaps how she was bothered that Chelsie was lying to Makensy about how she wouldn’t have gone home against Cedric and told Chelsie to her face that she didn’t like that lie.

She’s seen how people work, and that’s why she’s going to keep being on her lonesome rather than being brought in and play other people’s games.  Says that she was hurt by Chelsie and Brooklyn.  Brooklyn says not to feel bad, because she wasn’t supposed to be in the alliance, but got duped, and here we are.

I love watching both of them try to turn the conversation back to them each time they start talking.

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Now Brooklyn isn’t used to lying and she just trusted people.  She throws it back on T’kor and Kimo, and how they all agreed that it sucked, but they would vote out Rubina, anyway.  She and T’kor even passed one another in the hallway to vote, and she didn’t tell her!

She says that she still doesn’t believe that it was at the last minute.  Joseph said that he had been told.  She’s watched BB forever but didn’t know that people like Tucker could just win.  Leah reminds her that he can’t win next week, and Brooklyn says that that’s why he removed Quinn -- as safety for himself next week.  She's saying that she hasn’t even talked with Quinn, then retells how Quinn spilled all of the stuff about them all being pawns.

If her pitch continues to be victim noises, then she deserves to go.  She should be preaching that if Chelsie and Cam go, then she’s defanged, and even Quinn and Makensy aren’t interested in working with her, etc.  Pity parties aren’t pitches.

Brooklyn talked more shit about Joseph and how he’s not going to win anything.  He almost won a Veto, but it was just all luck, she said.

Brooklyn says Tucker is the lowest on her list of people to whom to talk, because he doesn’t have power anymore, anyway.  (Finally someone who gets that.)  She believes that Cam is a guaranteed vote for Chelsie, but she’s hoping that Chelsie will keep her in.  She said that if she wins the AI Arena, she’ll look Tucker in his face and say, "Good game move, but good luck staying, because I ain’t helping you!"

Brooklyn telling Leah that she’s playing smart by not saying much and waiting.  Yet after the Veto meeting, she was ranting about people who play that way.

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Brooklyn’s newest pitch to Leah may be the best.  She has to wear athletic clothes for the AI Arena, and she can’t be evicted in those clothes!  She said that she can’t meet the queen (Julie, most likely) wearing leggings.

Now patting themselves on the back for a game that’s bananas and unlike any other game ever played.  They said four nominees every week (except five in Makensy's week).  That is right that the Veto has been used every week so far.  Wow.

Brooklyn laughing about a seven-girl group.  They can duke it out together instead of against a robot like Tucker, who’s good at everything.  (Where was her wanting this when Lisa was in danger?)

44 minutes ago, Rodney said:

She’s watched BB forever but didn’t know that people like Tucker could just win. 

So...by "forever" she must mean "never," because that is the only way she would not be aware that comp beasts can dominate Big Brother. 

Although we do know, of course, how much she admires winner Taylor Hall. 

I guess there isn't a lot of time left for BB after God, her husband, and her kids. 

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Okay.  Basically, T'kor and Brooklyn are talking alone.

T'kor is asking if Brooklyn is still on board for the two of them, Chelsie, Rubina, and Kimo to the end.  Brooklyn says absolutely.

Brooklyn says that if she wins the next HoH Competition, she’s going for Tucker and Quinn.

Brooklyn asks, "How am I the drama? I was just trying to cook and clean."

T'kor asks if Brooklyn has talked to Kimo, but Brooklyn says not yet.  T'kor wants them to have a conversation tonight and will set it up.

Oh, sheesh.  T'kor is desperate to get Brooklyn and Chelsie's approval, and I don't know why.  No wonder her Jokers ranking has dropped.

Brooklyn says to T'kor that she’s the breadwinner of her family, and God told her to quit her job.  (Oh, boy.)  She trusts God and wouldn’t make her family suffer, so she believes in God, and winning this game would change her life.

Brooklyn goes on to say that the money would change her family’s life, and it would mean more to her family than others in the house.

T'kor reports her conversation to Kimo that Brooklyn’s targets will be Quinn and Tucker.  And Kimo . . . actually seems intrigued.

But then, Angela walks in and interrupts.  She walks away briefly, and T'kor makes sure that Kimo also talks to Chelsie one-on-one.

Is T'kor considering yet another flip?  It can't be!

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Damn.  Game talk now going on everywhere in the house.

Joseph reports something to Tucker, him know what his (Joseph's) stories to other people has been about the Collective.  Joseph thinks that Quinn is being truthful to him about not coming for Tucker anymore.

Meanwhile, T'kor and Rubina in the bathroom.  T'kor says that she’s empathetic, and it’s easy for her to forgive people and wants to know how Brooklyn responds to Kimo, because Kimo is more direct than T'kor.

Chelsea and Kimo talk one-on-one now.  Chelsie tells Kimo that she didn’t even ask whom the Cedric votes were, so she doesn’t understand how she was painted as the head of this.

Kimo says that he still wants to protect Chelsie, and Chelsie says that she believes him.  She is talking about what hurt her feelings.  She’s not mad.  She knew that Cedric was going.  Believes that it was a last-minute decision, etc.

T'kor and Rubina are still alone in bathroom, talking game.

Brooklyn and Quinn are also talking game.  Brooklyn reports what she said to Tucker to Quinn.

Tucker and Leah also talking game alone.

Leah tells Tucker that Chelsie and Brooklyn pled their case to her and talked to her like she doesn’t know anything.

Brooklyn defends herself to Quinn about why she’s in the position she’s in, and she says that she didn’t tell Tucker about their F2.  “That’s silly, Quinn.  Why would I expose a final two?  I’m not that calculated.  Sorry.  I’m not.”  She is now crying to Quinn.

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Last update before I have to jet to work.

Leah comments to Tucker that Brooklyn is "sore loser vibes."

Tucker: (about Brooklyn) You are eating your own shit, and it’s your fault.
Leah: You’re extra nice to people you’re about to stab in on the back.
Tucker: If you’re in a final two with Rubina, then why the fuck would you vote her out?
Leah: She cannot be trusted whatsoever.

Meanwhile, Brooklyn is asking Quinn for his vote.  Quinn says that he thinks that she’s the best player in the game.  Brooklyn says that she hasn’t won anything.  She says that she told Quinn her secret because she trusts him.

Brooklyn: I have people thinking my husband is cool.  It's meI’m cool!

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As Lester Bangs said in Almost Famous, "Because they make you feel cool. And hey. I met you. You are not cool."

As we have seen, the allure of being part of the "cool kids" is a powerful drug to some nerdy people like T'Kor. Christine in BB16 was the most famous example. That lady would have burned her whole fucking life down to feel "cool." 

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I'm so excited to see one of those three go. They were really cocky walking in there like nothing can touch them while others had to fight for their lives constantly. I don't know who I dislike most between Chelsea and Brooklyn.

From the other side, I don't want Tucker to win all comps and win by default. Do something with the comps so that more people can win them! Even crap shoots I'm okay with!

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Oh, sheesh.  Tucker and Brooklyn talking again.  He just finished telling Kimo that he didn't want to have yet another conversation with her tonight.  He's over her for the day.

Both are getting heated, rehashing the same stuff.  Tucker says, "You're backed into a corner."

Then, the camera cut to some pointless conversation that Leah is having with Joseph.

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