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S02.E10: I Do

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Gabriela prepares to walk down the aisle on her wedding day as Bode receives some surprising news, on the second season finale of FIRE COUNTRY, Friday, May 17 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+


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Well...ok, let's start with the positives.

For once, I felt that no one did anything stupid. The writers actually let the characters guide the story, they played the beats they were supposed to and resisted the urge to do something crazy or shocking for the sake of the plot.

It was actually an enjoyable hour where the episode and the show were allowed to breathe, and it was so much better for it.

Which I think is great because this show, far too often, forces things and makes characters be stupid just to advance plots the writers want to advance, even if that plotline is abjectly stupid and drags the whole show down with it.

...but then I thought, "I'm praising the show for doing the absolute bare minimum."

I mean, great that Bode didn't do something stupid and wind up back in jail.

Great that Gabriella didn't run away from the aisle and ruin her wedding.

Great that Manny decided to show up to the wedding and accepted his fate.

Oh, and finally, great that the person the show was setting up to be this season's Sleeper turned out to be the exact opposite.

(It was also great that W. Tre Davis came back as Freddy and that Eve is sticking around as Three Rock captain, but those are side points)

All of it was great work...all of it. A great show of restraint and a great sense of letting things be and be organic as well as a great job of keeping things simple.

...but, while it's commendable, it's really only a start. Episodes like this are the episodes for which you form the basis for developing the story later, taking what you can build from and going from there.

If the show is treating this episode like a second pilot, well, it did the job.

However, the real test is taking what they have here and building upon it. Which is a straightforward task but it's one the writers have already shown they're not capable of doing, if S1 was any example.

About the only positive- and the only hope that maybe things will be different- is that this was the kind of episode that could have went 600 different ways sideways and it didn't go any of those ways, so maybe the writers are learning.

The only question will be can the writers keep up this momentum, or will the urge to be "shocking" make them slip up?

Only time will tell, but at least I can say- with a lot of reservations and a healthy dose of "show me what you got"- that I'm actually looking forward to next season.

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I liked this episode. I always like when they showcase the issues for the convicts and ex-cons. Bode wanting to be a firefighter and there being barriers to that is a good story to tell. 

Likewise, I was feeling most of the epiosde like: how do they know the guy from high school wasn't reformed? Bode changed, so why assume the other guy didn't? And then they went there! So I liked that, too.

A lot of people don't change. But we already know that. I think it's interesting to explore the assumptions people make, evn when they themselves have been hurt by similar prejudices.

I was less enthused about making the guy [possible/probably] Gen's biodad. And I really don't like the triangle with Gabriella. 

I have mixed feelings about Eve's story. On the one hand, I like seeing her being recognized for good work and offered a promotion. On the other hand, obviously she can't take it because I don't want her to leave the show [for a second I thought they wer writing her out and were going to put Bode in charge of Three Rock-- at least the show isn't THAT badly written!! phew!!].

But having her turn it down for show convenience is not that satisfying, either, because it's a thing for women to stay in jobs for sentimental reasons, where they are sacrificing for the collective and being martyred in the process. I don't want women to be expected to give up all that she gave up, IRL. Yeah, maybe she's happy where she is. But she would probably also be happy in a bigger city, with more gay bars, more money, and still running a fire service.

Also, it was implied that she was only offered the promotion so Luke could get rid of her-- not cool!

I would have preferred to see her get recognition and a raise in some other way, so they could keep her on the show and not set up her giving up an opportunity.

The show really has improved. I hope they continue in this direction, because I do like the bones of it. And I love the way it showcases the issues surrounding the prison issues, when they go there.

But... was there only one kid in the hospital? He was in a private room? Only his room caught fire? Nobody in the hospital besides him? No sprinklers? Hmmmn....


I forgot to say: Bode with the bare arms instead of the orange jumpsuit coveering him up? Looking good! Now wash your damn hair, man! 

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4 hours ago, possibilities said:

I liked this episode. I always like when they showcase the issues for the convicts and ex-cons. Bode wanting to be a firefighter and there being barriers to that is a good story to tell. 

Likewise, I was feeling most of the epiosde like: how do they know the guy from high school wasn't reformed? Bode changed, so why assume the other guy didn't? And then they went there! So I liked that, too.

A lot of people don't change. But we already know that. I think it's interesting to explore the assumptions people make, evn when they themselves have been hurt by similar prejudices.

I was less enthused about making the guy [possible/probably] Gen's biodad. And I really don't like the triangle with Gabriella. 

I have mixed feelings about Eve's story. On the one hand, I like seeing her being recognized for good work and offered a promotion. On the other hand, obviously she can't take it because I don't want her to leave the show [for a second I thought they wer writing her out and were going to put Bode in charge of Three Rock-- at least the show isn't THAT badly written!! phew!!].

But having her turn it down for show convenience is not that satisfying, either, because it's a thing for women to stay in jobs for sentimental reasons, where they are sacrificing for the collective and being martyred in the process. I don't want women to be expected to give up all that she gave up, IRL. Yeah, maybe she's happy where she is. But she would probably also be happy in a bigger city, with more gay bars, more money, and still running a fire service.

Also, it was implied that she was only offered the promotion so Luke could get rid of her-- not cool!

I would have preferred to see her get recognition and a raise in some other way, so they could keep her on the show and not set up her giving up an opportunity.

The show really has improved. I hope they continue in this direction, because I do like the bones of it. And I love the way it showcases the issues surrounding the prison issues, when they go there.

But... was there only one kid in the hospital? He was in a private room? Only his room caught fire? Nobody in the hospital besides him? No sprinklers? Hmmmn....


I forgot to say: Bode with the bare arms instead of the orange jumpsuit coveering him up? Looking good! Now wash your damn hair, man! 

Was also going to mention the dirty hair look on the male actors.  Not a good look.

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So new highschool buddy is the father? Does he know it too? Who told him?

Odd Jake would skip the wedding instead of both of them going. 

Eve did nothing to get that promotion she was pretty terrible as boss of 3rock for most of season. 

Didn't Manny just punch the boss? He could have turned himself in and be out on bail before the wedding instead of during it. 

I hope Gabriella does get married and actually makes it work.  Bode has a lot of growing to do on himself. 

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23 hours ago, possibilities said:

Now wash your damn hair, man! 

And get it cut, too.  Appearances make a difference out in the free world.  And I wish the fire crew would quit wearing the grungy, filthy fire clothing all the time, too.  That's the first thing that comes off, even before returning to the station/camp.

15 hours ago, Artsda said:

Eve did nothing to get that promotion she was pretty terrible as boss of 3rock for most of season. 

Not to mention it's a helluva big jump from brand new fire captain to Camps Chief.  You don't get to bypass Battalion Chief, Division Chief, Assistant Chief,  Unit Chief, and Region Chief to get to that office in Sacto.  And what is this "My crew needs me"?  No, they don't.  They'll work for anyone.  You need the crew, Eve.

Throwing the propane cannister in the dump brings down the Wrath of Bode, but not even a blip about the guy grinding metal and showering sparks directly above the dumpster?  Come on, show.  But I'm sure glad that E42 dropped a few hoselines and got that fire put out, instead of watching Bode do his rescue thang.  

I did like Sharon telling Luke that she wants her DC job back, and look out!

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So Rick knows that Gen is Cara’s daughter.  He must also know Bode isn’t her father.  Because otherwise why wouldn’t  he assume Gen was Bode’s?   If he knows this much, why doesn’t  he know Jake is her guardian? 

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On 5/17/2024 at 10:28 PM, Danielg342 said:

Great that Gabriella didn't run away from the aisle and ruin her wedding.

Except we don't know that didn't happen. Last we saw, the priest was asking for the rings as Gabriella was repeatedly looking for Bode. We don't know yet what transpired after Bode bolted to search for Luke. Corny or not, she really is in love with Bode and her chemistry with Diego the Placeholder just isn't there. So yeah, I can see her pulling the handbrake on that ceremony right quick fast and in a hurry.

It's obvious that Bode and Gaby are endgame, so the pathways to get there if the wedding goes forward are minimal. He turns out to be a creep, they separate with more BodeAngst™, followed by The Inevitable Fistfight (leading to an arrest and maybe getting locked back up again), or else they bump him off just like Cara. To me, the best road is the simplest one. She knows who'll make her happy for the rest of her life so she decides accordingly. It would be absolutely cliché, but the least bad writing option. And it still might foster The Inevitable Fistfight, only with Placeholder Diego swinging the first punch—and confirming that Gaby made the right choice.

As for the fire and the ridiculous rescue, I laughed all through it. My disbelief was willingly suspended during that scene, and not hanged by the neck until dead. Much as how Neil DeGrasse Tyson accepts there being sounds of ships zooming in space in Guardians of the Galaxy, but only because he bought into the premise of a talking bipedal raccoon. It was obvious what had to happen, and how it would end so there was no suspense.

I really like how they introduced New Guy, and I hope his being legit in recovery turns out to be real. But the question is what will the complicating incident(s) be that causes him relinquish any pending claim to what is almost certainly his biological daughter. Either he turns out to be a baddie after all or some yet-to-be-revealed Deep Dark Secret.

One thing that wasn't mentioned, and that really caught me off-guard, was what Manny retrieved from his locker. By its shape and size, I was convinced there was a pistol in that sweatshirt, since it was triangular. And that said pistol was going to be used on Luke. I was less sure of that after Luke said it wasn't his doing, but still, Chekov's gun. So glad it was Chekov's bracelet instead. That could have gone all sorts of wrong otherwise.

All in all I give it a solid 7 or 7.5/10 for storytelling, and I'll be back in the fall.

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Gabriella is essentially in love with her father [Bode and manny are the same person, more or less and mostly more], which I think is another reason the Bode-Gabriella relationship squicks me out. I also think it's incredibly obnoxious to know you're in love with someone else and not tell your fiance until either you are at the altar or after you tie the knot. I don't think this triangle can be redeemed. I'm watching the show despite it. I actually think it's the worst part of the entire operation.

Edited by possibilities
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14 hours ago, possibilities said:

Gabriella is essentially in love with her father [Bode and manny are the same person, more or less and mostly more], which I think is another reason the Bode-Gabriella relationship squicks me out. I also think it's incredibly obnoxious to know you're in love with someone else and not tell your fiance until either you are at the altar or after you tie the knot. I don't think this triangle can be redeemed. I'm watching the show despite it. I actually think it's the worst part of the entire operation.

The Bode-Gabriella pairing is the worst part of the show even without the triangle.  There’s no chemistry and the character  has the maturity of a teenager.  That’s a ick factor for me.  The entire Gen storyline is unneeded too.  


Edited by mythoughtis
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I'd love it if Bode and Gabriella realized they're better off as friends and the show crafted a great story about platonic love between a man and a woman because Hollywood never seems to go that route (or at least stick to it). Of course, I realize it's a pipe dream, but if the show wanted to really be different, that's one direction they could take.

On 5/21/2024 at 1:20 AM, NJRadioGuy said:

Except we don't know that didn't happen.

Fair, but I will give the show writers credit for not having it happen in this episode. Considering that Hollywood loves to have its "shocking twists" in season finales- or, at least, the tease of one come the fall- the fact that the writers resisted the urge for Gabby to do something "shocking" is commendable. Yeah, there's a good chance all that gets undone with a "shocking" S3 premiere and I know mileage varies on this, but I feel the writing in this episode gives me hope that perhaps the writers are actually learning from their mistakes.

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5 hours ago, Stevie Nicks said:

So Gabriela went through with the wedding. Interesting to see how long that lasts. 

See my earlier post, above. We don't know that it went forward. We saw the ceremony only get to the point of rings being asked for. After that the action cut away to what went on outside with Bode.

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