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S04.E07: Legendary


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Pretty good episode overall, I liked the focus on helping people who need help rather than trying to prevent terrorist attacks or etc.

Hilarious that Dante calls out "NYPD!" but does not add "and two vigilantes!" Also, since when does Harry pack heat? I can assume the ladies showed him how to shoot but I don't think I can recall previous episodes where he stormed a bad guy hideout in the role of gun hand.

I also laughed at Dante's Captain calling him out on his multi-tasking. But look at that, if you let him sit idle for long enough, he'll go and bust up a trafficking ring on Staten Island! To add insult to injury, Dante promises his Captain that he'll get that file for her and then just leaves! You want my badge and my gun? Well my badge is called DEEZ and my gun is called NUTS and you can have them both, Captain! But you'll have to wait until I get back, I have more important things to do.

Additional chuckle for the personalized delivery service for Dante's dad's day pass. I am not a cop nor have I ever been to NYC much less inside of an NYPD precinct but there is one thing I do know and that's bureaucracy. Dante's paperwork would have been mailed, even if it was being sent from that building to that building. No way does it get delivered by hand and even if there was a mail person who did inter-office correspondence, they would absolutely not give a shit what was in the envelope. But Dante is getting his mail hand delivered by special couriers who bring his own family drama directly to him before he even knows it's happening! Meanwhile the rest of the NYPD sits around wondering where the damn mail is! No wonder the Captain hates him!

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I agree that this episode was good because it focused on ordinary people who actually need help.  I also liked the character development for Dee, she's definitely grown as a character in four seasons.  The relationship between Robyn and Dee is great.  Latifah nailed her performance with that heartfelt talk with Dee at the end.

Good performance from the actress who played Raya's mom too.

Things I didn't care for:

Drake.  Don't really care.  At all.  I'd rather watch Aunt Vi cook.

Dante and his dad.  Don't care about Dante's dad.

Hardass police captain.  Does it really matter if Dante wants to help others?  Her glaring looks and tough as nails commands are getting old.

Fisk's text message.  I so don't care about anything Fisk.

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Episode was fine but agree about not caring about Dante's dad and whatever drama he's into.  Dante has enough issues with his captain.

The whole Harry keeping stuff from Mel and Robyn regarding whatever it is Fisk has him doing is also not good.  No way this doesn't blow-up in Harry's face when he ultimately relents and tells Mel.

As for the case, granddad didn't find it odd that an organization would accept his say so for taking his granddaughter and not wanting actual parental permission?  Not that he couldn't have just lied about being her guardian but still that didn't send up red flags?  He was wrong regardless but come on.

I could still do with less Dee but I didn't mind her so much this episode and it was good that she and her mom seemed to come to an understanding...for now.

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I really love that Raya's mom was so supportive of her. I hated that her grandpa wasn't. He was also very stupid. So he was okay with an organization that he doesn't know where it is "taking" his granddaughter off the street without telling her mother? Really dude?

It was great seeing Robyn and Delilah teaming up together. I like Robyn finally realizing she has to let her daughter make her own decisons. Finally. That was driving me crazy. 

I agree about Dante's dad and the Captain. I just don't care about them. Same with Fisk.

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Dante’s Captain is the only realistic thing about this show these days.  Just because he’s a detective doesn’t mean he is supposed to wander around NY without his captain’s knowledge. Plus… when does he spend any time on his assigned cases since he constantly wanders off to help Robyn.   You’d think his fellow detectives would get annoyed about his lack of a workload. 

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