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S25.E32: Power of Veto #11

Message added by Dustbunny,


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Forget the solitary, the biggest part of Felicia’s punishment was living with a soft-sided (therefore odor permeable) port-a-potty. In her room. Next to her bed. For 24 hours. And it looked like it was getting heavy use. 

And unless that room was fumigated the next day, Cirie and whoever else moved back in got a residual punishment. And so did the intern who had to move the toilet back out and dispose of it. So many punishments, so many innocent victims. 😣

Edited by 30 Helens
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I used to think Jag was smart; he's not.

He could have had Cory & America on the block all along with NO fallout if he'd just kept his mouth shut and done the deed. Instead, he wasted his invisible HOH on Felicia and Blue (Felicia and Blue!?), which ended up not keeping him in anyone's good graces anyway. It was cowardly, frankly, and dumb.

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Jag handled the Invisible HoH about as poorly as possible this week.  Blabbing to Cory and America was mistake #1.  Nominating Blue and Felicia instead of Cory and America was mistake #2.  Needlessly putting his relationship with Blue at risk was Mistake #3.  Showing his weakness as the HoH/leader for the week was Mistake #4. 

I've been a fan of his all season, but I'm starting to wonder if he has what it takes to get to the end in this game.

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16 hours ago, Nashville said:

*Another* dumbass faux cliffhanger?Seriously???

When you can't tell a story properly, a cheap cop-out is manufacturing fake "suspense"

The Veto episode has a natural structure that has served this show well since 2002.

1.  Recap nominations

2.  React to nominations

3.  Make plans for Veto

4.  Veto players drawn

5.  Adjust plans based on draw

6.  Veto

7.  Strategize about use of Veto/campaign to Veto holder

8.  Veto ceremony

If you can't make a story out of that (in this case from Cory going "I'm so glad I can trust Jag" to [presumably] Jag backdooring Cory up and Cory in despair), you need to find a new job besides editing.

I mean, Dan's Funeral was a Veto episode.  (With 8 players in the game, and a double-Veto in play, as it happens.)  They had to cut a ton of good shit out of the feeds there, too.

(The Sunday night BBAD took us through so much post-Funeral cross-chat and plotting, ending with Dan facedown on the bedroom floor out of "penance" and "regretting" how he "blew up" at Danielle, and Britney trying to cheer him up, telling him that Danielle will forgive him…little knowing that Danielle had already forgiven him and the plan to backdoor Brit out of the House was in motion.  Possibly the best thing I have ever seen on this show.)

But they took their footage and told their story.  Start of episode, Dan is a dead man walking and Britney is running the House.  End of episode, "I'm a risen man!" and Britney being red-faced and tear-stained and completely broken.  (And I haven't even discussed all the drama and subplots within the Veto comp itself.)

DO YOUR DAMN JOB, people.  Take us from a-to-b.  Delaying the punchline for fake "suspense" means you can't tell your story correctly.  Grrr.


With Cory (presumably) back-doored and (almost certainly) evicted 5-0 (unless he not only convinces Cirie/Felicia that he can split up Matt/Jag and he flips Bowie Jane, which I would think unlikely), this will mean that the House has gone 11 damn evictions without anything resembling a competitive vote.  (Cirie hung Cameron and Bowie out to dry by not mentioning she had flipped the vote against Red, but that was still 8-2.)

Keep this up, and we'll be reaching BB16 levels of "Go with the House" unanimous boredom. "Who flipped?", Fessy?  Everyone, every time, in lockstep.  The Army drill team would be impressed.



It seems that our colorful contestants should have swapped shades.

Mr. Utley was so depressed and weepy about Cameron "selling him out" (which didn't actually happen, but all that hair doesn't leave room for a brain, I guess.) that he would have been an appropriate "Blue" and Ms Kim seems so unable to let go of her anger towards Cory (just as she was unwilling to listen to Cameron, previously) that she is clearly seeing Red.

Which is a pity, since once Cory hits the bricks to make sweet love to hang with Cam in the Jury House, it would seem logical for the five remaining ladies to unite against Jag and Matt.  Instead it appears that Blue and Bowie will compete for the "privilege" of clinging on to the guys, never mind that they're probably taking Cirie or Felicia to the finale.


It's probably all for the best that Matt isn't prone to violent fits of temper…but it does rob me of the opportunity to refer to our dominant duo as "Hyde and Sikh".  Oh, well.


I'm so glad to see Cirie really get into the spirit of Big Brother and embrace her punishment, aren't you?  What a good sport!  

(sour entitled slug, taking the spot of somebody who would enjoy the opportunity…grrrr…)

And it was really wonderful to see her trying so hard in the comp, too!

(Sour smug entitled slug…GRRRRR…)

Edited by Halting Hex
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Message added by Dustbunny,


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