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Bachelor in Paradise Canada

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Well Demi isn't a contestant or whatever you want to call them.  She is just there to be Demi.  Yuck.  I hope she is gone and we don't see her again.  

Lisa is really getting the attention this season.  She will probably screw it all up by running in circles with the guys.

The questions at the Bonfire really brought out a few things.  

I do enjoy watching the guys get jealous.  

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I kinda wish there were more Canadians in the cast.  I don't know if they're getting much of a ratings boost from the people who went home night one on Michelle's season or whatever, but there aren't any Grocery Joes among the retreads.

Being in a camp on a lakeshore is definitely a different vibe from sweltering on a beach in Mexico. They should have brought Tahj here instead.

I had forgotten how Cat Guy Connor has no game.


Three episodes in, and I'm enjoying it well enough.  You know what you're going to get with BiP.

But are the conversations this season more inane than usual?  Or am I just getting too old to deal with 23-year-olds trying to be deep?

"I have an old soul."
"Me too!"
"What you said about having an old soul is intriguing..."

No it's not! It's boring!  Stop it. It just means you heard an orchestral piece you like once or read a book that wasn't a school assignment.

Sheesh :)

ETA: Putting Sharleen in direct sunlight is.... well, it's definitely a choice.  Putting her in a white dress as well makes her look like a giant incandescent bulb.

Edited by phlebas
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On 5/28/2023 at 2:58 AM, shok said:

Something that's bugging me this year is the treatment Lisa is getting. Last year she was the village idiot that no one wanted to be around and this year, supposedly half the men are madly in love. 🙄 I think last year's depiction is the most accurate one.


I kept thinking that as I was watching. Wasn't she the one who kept having melt downs in the last season.

Also not getting the Joey love. He's OK, but it is like his storyline this season is to be the guy all the girls want. 

I am a casual watcher of this franchise, but honestly this season I am bored to death with what appears to be scripted couplings and un couplings. Yawn. 

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I still have trouble with all the dark haired women.  I can never remember which one is which.  I had to listen to the names at the rose ceremony to know the difference of which one is with which guy.  Everyone changes partners so often it does get confusing.  I do not know why Lisa and Sam are fighting over Cole.  I am sure he will not stay in touch with either when the show is over.  

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So, Austin and Chelsea have been together since day one. They went to the boom boom room (has the franchise always had this childish name for spending the night together and I just missed it?). Then Chelsea goes on a date with Josh where they give each other butt massages, and of course, make out. Austin is not happy about it. Chelsea thinks he is overreacting, and sees "red flags". But when she wants to spend more time with Josh and he resists, suddenly the red flags are gone, and she is into Austin again. Am I the only one who thinks had Josh been receptive to spending more time with Chelsea, Austin would have been toast? 

Honestly, the kissing on this season is nauseating. I don't need to see someone's entire tongue before it is shoved down someone else's throat. Production should invest in someone to give lessons on how to kiss on camera. It doesn't look hot, or romantic, or sexy. No chemistry whatsoever for the most part. Like spin the bottle, but with tongues. 

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Hmmm, so anyone watch last night's epi? 

Joey made it sound when he was talking to Tessa that he laid the law down regarding boundaries to Maria. But from what we saw of his talk with Maria, that wasn't the case at all. And if he was really falling in love with Tessa, wouldn't he have told Maria himself that her touching his knee (for quite a while from what I remember) was not appropriate? Nope, not Joey. 

I think Joey also made a Freudian slip when he said that he would see Josh back for season three. Sounded like he figured he would be there too.

Unless they edited out part of the convo, I didn't understand why Maria was so devastated that Josh wanted to leave, and wanted her to leave as well. It seems like he made it clear that he was leaving regardless, though they didn't show us that. Maria could have saved face and made it look like they were leaving together to pursue their relationship outside of paradise, but she didn't. Why she still wanted to stay even with Josh is beyond me. Oh, and Josh's version of "defending" Maria to the girls was pretty weak, including the thumbs up to them as he left. 

The roast was pretty lame (had no idea who the host was), but I did think that Conner and Chelsea had way more chemistry with each other while writing and performing their roast than either has with their supposed partners. I don't see any of these current couples lasting much longer than a month or two after paradise. 

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I don't like Maria.  She is a mean girl and then she plays the victim when she is called on it.  I noticed that what she told Joey was not the actual truth.  She told him that she had said she was sorry to Tessa and made it seem like Tessa was the one in the wrong.  I did not see it that way.  Also Lisa told Josh that the girls ganged up on Maria.  Josh just believed it without any fact.  Poor victim Maria.  

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I don't 'get' the relationship between Chelsea and Anthony (is that his name? that's how invested I am in the show - I can't even remember half their names. 😵  ) To me, she is one of the most strikingly beautiful women I've seen and she has a figure to die for. You'd think men would be falling all over her out in the real world but she's gone and hooked herself up with a decidedly mediocre dude on this stupid show. It puzzles me.

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8 hours ago, shok said:

I don't 'get' the relationship between Chelsea and Anthony (is that his name? that's how invested I am in the show - I can't even remember half their names. 😵  ) To me, she is one of the most strikingly beautiful women I've seen and she has a figure to die for. You'd think men would be falling all over her out in the real world but she's gone and hooked herself up with a decidedly mediocre dude on this stupid show. It puzzles me.

Ya, their relationship is a head scratcher for sure. I agree with your assessment that Chelsea is drop dead gorgeous, and mediocre is a great description of Austin. (And  I only remember his name at the moment because I posted about them previously -lol). They have zero chemistry. I still maintain that she would have dropped Austin had Josh been receptive to spending more time together. Since he wasn't, she figured Austin was the best she could do (at least on the show) and walked back everything she said about red flags. 

Couples are all over the place though. They are all celebrating Austin asking Chelsea to be his GF. I thought she already was, at least for the time they are going to be on the show. Certainly don't see them lasting IRL. Then Garrett's squeeze (don't remember her name) says she thinks of him as husband material. He definitely had a deer in the headlights look on his face when she said that, but recovered. I am sure the recovery was producer driven.

I also don't get two guys vying for Ana. She is the female version of Austin for me. But then I also didn't get why two guys were interested in Lisa at the same time. I also think that was producer driven. Guess I am just jaded, but for the most part they could put all the names in a hat and draw out pairs, and it would make just as much sense. 

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"Saline" for the win! Not that I think Matia is much of a prize, but thank goodness he kicked Krissy (I think her name was?) to the curb, and realized that he does have a connection with Celine. Does anyone else think the big shock was that Celine came back just as Matia was saying his goodbyes? 

Thank goodness Cole finally ended it with Sam and put us all out of our misery. Sam is way too needy for, pretty much, anyone I would think.

I loved Connor's song, and he is way too good for Lisa. She always seems like she is waiting for something (someone?) better to come along. The fact that he is a cat guy also adds points in my eyes. I really hope he finds someone who is worth writing songs about. Lisa is not that person.  

Not buying that Joey and Tessa, and Austin and Chelsea will make it away from paradise. The rest are just beach chair fillers at this point.

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Hmmm, so did anyone watch the final? 

I wasn't familiar with Chelsea before this season, so was surprised that this is her third kick at the can. It did make sense to me though as I have felt the whole season that she was desperate to make things work with Austin (except when she was willing to kick him to the curb for Josh). It seemed like she was more concerned about failing again, that making sure Austin was really the right guy.

I am not putting this under a spoiler tag since the season is over, but I googled to see how the couples are doing now. I didn't realize that the show had wrapped up 14 months ago. That is a long time to keep things under wraps! Imagine my surprise to find out that Chelsea and Austin are still together, he has moved to NYC to be with her. So I totally read them wrong, and good for them. 

Tessa and Joey are also still together. She moved from the states to Toronto. I did like how she took charge in the last episode to let him know she wasn't going anywhere, and neither was he. It was what he needed. Also love that she proposed first. So glad that I was wrong in my last post about both couples.

Not surprised that Garrett and Meghan are not together. Neither are Matia and Chelsea. I guess though that two couples making it (so far) is pretty good odds for the show. I think I read that it isn't back until 2025. Please though, not more Lisa. And I hope cat lover Connor finds someone outside of the show, he seems like a good guy. 

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Feeling under the weather and bored today, so was googling if there was any further info on the two lovebird couples. Came across an interview by Global of the two couples at the same time via zoom (I assume). 

I still don't get the Chelsea-Austin pairing. He always seems way more into her than she is into him. Joey and Tessa OTOH are very affectionate, and clearly in love. 

The interesting part of the interview was when they were asked about any behind the camera surprises. Joey talked about how he saw a different side of Maria when he watched the show. I guess it is safe to say their friendship is over. The couples talked about Sam, and how she was very friendly to everyone when the camera was rolling, and not so much when it wasn't. Anyhoo the interview was only about 10 minutes long so worth a look if you are bored like I was. ☺

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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