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Tribunal Justice - General Discussion

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The Hot Bench style of court show is expanding, with Judges DiMango and Acker (from Hot Bench) being joined by Judge Adam Levy in a new show premiering on June 9 on Freevee. 

Episodes will air every weekday until early December after that. It seems like it may be limited to the US, UK, Germany and Austria. 

This show is created by Judge Judy, and features the return of Petri Hawkins Byrd as one of the bailiffs. (They will have 2, the other bailiff being Cassandra Britt)

Trailer for the new show:


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I have binged the first 3 episodes. I like some things - like the state where the suit is filed and the case name. I mostly was curious about Adam Levy. To me, he sounds exactly like Larry Bakman from season one of Hot Bench. 

I am enjoying this show, as I like the format and the two judges from HB but hate the required commercials. 

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I watched the first episode not knowing what to expect.  The case was nothing dynamic -- it involved friends who had opened a treat shop (cakes, ice cream, caramel apples) together.   These friends did not have a meeting of the minds on individual responsibilities and things went downhill - they only lasted one day as business owners.   The plaintiff wants her investment money back.

Judge Levy (Judge Judy's son) took the lead and asked great questions.  DiMango and Acker have the same personas they used during their time on Hot Bench.   JAcker kind of reamed the plaintiff for wanting so much back when she had a business arrangement.  DiMango also did not coddle either litigant - she was firm but fair.   

Byrd(!!) apparently has a counterpart, a female bailiff was shown during the show introduction.   Since this is a streaming show, I will have to train myself to regularly go to FreeVee and catch up.

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While admittedly not a high bar (no pun intended), this is a lot better than JJ. While the cases are the same ilk, I like that they are summarized by one of the judges at the beginning of each episode - cuts down on the filler - and it's not about the judges' egos. And the map is a cool feature - that would be helpful on JJ when I'm debating if the litigants have WI or MN accents 😅

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This weeks shows made me love Judge Levy even more.  

There was one case where the POS plaintiff let her little dogs out, it was getting dark and she was expecting a food delivery.  Unfortunately the driver didn't see the little black Dachsund and hit it.  The ring camera footage indicates that the driver DID NOTHING WRONG but the POS plaintiff not only reported her to the police (who also told her there was no liability on the part of the defendant) but she called up the delivery company and had her fired.  She literally lied that the woman had threatened and assualted them.  So the woman lost her job and she's having a rough go of it.

So Acker and DiMango just about fall all over each other telling the poor plaintiff how sorry they are for her, and doesn't she feel a little responsible?  They let her get away with lying about how fast the defendant was driving an numerous other things.

Thank GOD for Judge Levy, who wasn't having ANY of this bitch's bullshit.  He fajita'd her like an entree at Chevy's, especially since the live on a large tract of land and any number of predators could come and kill those little dogs she let run so freely.  He also had learned that her whole reason for getting the police involved was to give her a "basis" for a civil suit.  So a day after her "incredible loss" she was already hard at work on a payday.  And Levy told her the police even TOLD her outright there was no liability but she sued the defendant and got her fired (LYING) anyway.

Loved Levy telling the defendant he's sorry she didn't bring a countersuit against Bitchy the Plaintiff because he would have entertained  it.  Defendant was a decent human being - unlike Bitchy.

What was really entertaining was Bitchy coming off with her sad Virginia Victim face while being questioned by Acker and DiMango only to start showing a ragey face when Levy started in on her and she realized there was no way in hell she was going to come off well on National TV, let alone recover.  

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On 8/29/2023 at 4:08 PM, QQQQ said:

The plaintiff in the above case was such a twat. I sprained my eyeballs from the rolling when she said, "I keep asking myself if there was something I could have done to prevent my dog's death." Um...

I completely agree! And her causing the poor defendant her job AFTER the police told her she was not negligent! What a witch!

2 hours ago, badhaggis said:

I completely agree! And her causing the poor defendant her job AFTER the police told her she was not negligent! What a witch!

Anyone want to bet if she did what the judges told her would be the decent thing?  To contact the delivery service and r withdraw her complaint?  I hope the defendant sent a videotape of the show to them. My daughter-in-law was watching with me and we were screaming at the TV.  I was saying “please Judge Levy don’t let me down!!!!”   
And he didn’t.  

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On 9/8/2023 at 5:05 AM, QQQQ said:

What did I just watch about grandma keeping her dentures in a bag of chips?? FYI: I hit the wrong emoji but can't delete it > 🤑

And then blaming a 2-year-old.  That story is completely absurd.  

There were some good cases last week - of course we have the obligatory pit bull owners who claim that their dogs are darlings and that the claim for damages is inflated.  Man was asking $7000 - he was bitten by one of those animals - deep puncture wound - bruised leg.  Loved that the judges found "emotional distress" for him dealing with the horrible injuries inflicted on his dog - in this case a photo of the attack being worth 1,000 words.

And the grandmother suing her young granddaughter for "defamation" for testifying against her in a restraining order court hearing.  Idiot bitch doesn't understand the immunity provisions of testifying.  Levy gave her what for in no uncertain terms.  

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Another week of some good cases.  Especially loved the sloth defendant who nearly KILLED a mother, father and son in a collision and LIED about the circumstances.  Hit the back of their car going about 70 - flipped them over - and destroyed the front end of her car.  She claimed that a car side-swiped her and forced her into the back end of plaintiff's car.  Apparently the bitch doesn't know a whole hell of a lot about physics, since she thinks if you're sideswiped at a high rate of speed you stay on a straight trajectory in your lane of travel.

Has no insurance (LIED that she just got the car and hadn't had a chance - actually had the car for about two months) and has no driver's license (LIED about that, too until Judge Levy cornered her that she just got her license).  Best part was Levy asking her - "What color was the car that sideswiped you?  Two doors?  Four doors?  Car? Van? Truck?  Manufacturer?"

You know Defendant knew she came off like a piece of shit because her last words in the hall-terview (after the obligatory "glad it's over") was "no comment, I'm outa here."  

Levy is still the best reason to watch this show.  Acker and DiMango need to start bringing an "A" game to these cases - they may have looked good compared to Papa bleeding heart (who needs law?  I go with my feels) on Hot Bench, but right now I watch this show for Levy's questioning.  Dude does homework.  

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I can't believe the Defendant whose dogs kept getting loose and killing his neighbor's hens had the gall to make a joke on the exit interview.   Also I thought Acker and DiMango analysis of the recoup for raising new hens was wrong.   Judge Levy is the best.   Better version of his mom (at least in her later years).

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On 10/28/2023 at 6:45 PM, Grumpbump said:

 Judge Levy is the best.   Better version of his mom (at least in her later years).

I don't know if he's "assigned" to research these litigants by the show or he does it on his own, but NOTHING is better than his "gotcha" moments.  I always love it when he says "are you SURE about that???"  Then I know that someone's checker is about to get jumped.  

Acker's looking like she's starting to step up her game a little more as well.  

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On 11/4/2023 at 3:11 PM, QQQQ said:

I think DiMango is the weak link of the three.

I was catching up on some of these & there was one that really annoyed me. As usual it was to do with a parking lot accident & some idiot female who thought her shit didn't stink & that it was okay to have no license & no insurance because she had hit an older car.

Anyway, what annoyed me was that the guy who's car was hit had an older vehicle but he had 3 estimates for repair, one was really high at 3.5k and one was a lot lower at about $1500 but the car was only worth $3.5k and Dimango kept asking the poor guy if the repair was $3.5k did that make the rest of his car worth zero. I don't think she was being awkward but it did strike me that she has no idea how insurance works & what it means to total a car when the damage is more than the car is worth so they give him the lowest estimate & we never did find out what the middle estimate was, unless I was too busy ranting about Dimango to have heard it. 

Personally I would have given the guy (a retired police officer) the highest estimate available plus another $10k just for her attitude.

Now I need a lie down & a blood pressure tablet after even thinking about the case.

Edited by Shrek
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On 2/5/2024 at 2:05 PM, Shrek said:

I was catching up on some of these & there was one that really annoyed me. As usual it was to do with a parking lot accident & some idiot female who thought her shit didn't stink & that it was okay to have no license & no insurance because she had hit an older car.

Anyway, what annoyed me was that the guy who's car was hit had an older vehicle but he had 3 estimates for repair, one was really high at 3.5k and one was a lot lower at about $1500 but the car was only worth $3.5k and Dimango kept asking the poor guy if the repair was $3.5k did that make the rest of his car worth zero. I don't think she was being awkward but it did strike me that she has no idea how insurance works & what it means to total a car when the damage is more than the car is worth so they give him the lowest estimate & we never did find out what the middle estimate was, unless I was too busy ranting about Dimango to have heard it. 

Personally I would have given the guy (a retired police officer) the highest estimate available plus another $10k just for her attitude.

Now I need a lie down & a blood pressure tablet after even thinking about the case.

DiMango absolutely doesn’t know or realize that many people don’t have or cannot afford comprehensive so her bullshit lectures to people saying that if they had had insurance it would have paid for the damage pisses me off.  People should never drive without insurance and the penalties for doing so should be severe but her blanket assumption that insurance would have mage them whole shows a peculiar ignorance.   Liability only doesn’t cover your car.  

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It's back! I really enjoy this show and hope it gets a better following being on Prime this season. Very similar to last season. Looks like they are dropping one new episode each weekday.

We've already had a no insurance car accident case.

Today's landlords were beyond the pale. Judge Judy would have told them she was sending the tape of this show to their insurance company!

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