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S02.E05: Boardroom Politics

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This was an excellent episode, with some action. Although the failure of the flying father and daughter to untie River, choosing to ask questions and discuss the predicament instead, was extremely annoying to watch.

As the Russians and MI5 agents sat in the board room, I expected the spectre of the Cessna to appear in the big windows.

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Why didn’t they kill River?  Could it be that they counted on him calling in a code September?  We now know that they specifically made them get Slough House involved.

Agents like River think of themselves as good agents but they’re at Slough House for reasons which aren’t valid.  Marcus hid a gun in the boardroom he and Louisa failed to check the car and the Russians sneaked a gun in.

Though what was the point, Webb isn’t important, you’d think they would play along so Taverner was in there.

Why is the bald guy driving into London when the city is being locked down and transportation being shut down and he goes to get on a train?

Lamb sees that his name was forged so there’s a mole or traitor within MI5.

Maybe she’s not flying into London, that little plane would be easy to shoot down.  MAybe the husband and daughter are still playing River.

If things are as they seem and River helps prevent a major attack, wouldn’t he be promoted back to the Park?  Or will it be something else and he’s shown to have been fooled so he remains stuck with Lamb after the finale next week?

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6 hours ago, aghst said:

If things are as they seem and River helps prevent a major attack, wouldn’t he be promoted back to the Park?  Or will it be something else and he’s shown to have been fooled so he remains stuck with Lamb after the finale next week?

Lamb figured out that Glasshouse & Chernitsky are diversions... But River is unaware...so Katinsky is likely going to attack the Park while MI5 is distracted...Webb getting shot means Slow Horses stay where they are...

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On 12/23/2022 at 11:28 AM, aghst said:

Lamb sees that his name was forged so there’s a mole or traitor within MI5.

Cartwright Sr...??!!

Taverner is too young... Standish would never have faked it... He is the only other person we have seen that was working with Lamb in the field...

Edited by paigow
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The Park appears to be the main HQ of MI5.

The Glass House seems to be the skyscraper where Louisa and now Marcus were scoping out to set up the meet with the Russians.

I guess the key is they're both in central London and it would be a big deal to have a terrorist attack there.

Hell if they blew up a bomb at a Nando's in London, it would be a big deal because of the potential for casualties.

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I kept thinking that Spider is completely insufferable; glad I wasn’t the only one. Tavener arranged in s1 to keep him and slough off River (pun intended). She really played herself in that deal. 

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almost surprised Pashkin held out on shooting Spider as long as he did.  sheesh what an annoying idiot.

can't believe Louisa didn't check the car boot.  i guess that's why she's still in Slough House.  Did we ever hear what got her assigned there?

Edited by Hanahope
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