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Would You Rather?

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It'd be hilarious to see Cinderella trying to ballroom dance, and all Morgan would know how to do is twerk.

A new mobster has come to town and is targeting Sonny's friends and family. Would you rather see Kiki blown up in a car bomb meant for Sonny, or Morgan shot in the head when Sonny dove to protect his latest slampeice?

Edited by Tiger
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Oh man, that's hard. I choose Morgan, by a slim margin.

You are Ron and it's time for you to bring back / ruin a completely random, nonessential 80s character that nobody was clamoring to see again. Do you choose: (a) Laura Templeton, the dimwitted kleptomaniac who liked to steal tiny animal figurines; or (b) Colton, that boring-ass dude Felicia almost married when she thought Frisco was dead and who was somehow brainwashed or something.

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The klepto. So much potential.

Ron loves pop culture. A character from Empire is coming. Is it Cookie- to be revealed as a secret baby mama of AJ and ally of Micheal which will make Carly and Sonny's heads explode while she strings Morgan along to get him off Micheal's back, Or Jamal to have a sexy, mind blowing fling with Lucas since they had a thing when Lucas was in med school and Jamal was on tour, Or is it Andre, coming to town to get away from his family when he runs into sexy agent Anna Devane and is enchanted by her? Who do you choose and why?

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As much as I love Mal & Andre, I need Cookie to beat multiple Port Charles residents with a broom.

Would you rather David Gregory join the cast as Nathan's ex-boyfriend, or Farah Fath join the cast as a Jimmy Lee's daughter making her a Q?

Edited by Tiger
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Farah Fath? Just 'cause that name is funny to me? Also, Jimmy Lee and Celia were awful, so I guess their awful daughter would fit right in with the current show.

Which characters are getting a made for TV, buddy / road trip movie to air on ABC family:

1) Mac (who remembers he used to be a pilot), Silas, and Dante. Silas is called on to treat a mysterious patient ... somewhere. Mac flies him there and Dante tags along just because.

2) Anna and Jordan, who finally realize they should just let the mobsters kill each other - rather than get themselves killed - and so they book it out of PC to go be spy partners together.

* Robin will be saved from her latest kidnapping by the road tripping buddies at the end of either movie.

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Anna & Jordan because Port Charles isn't worthy of their hair, and I wouldn't want to inflict that saline drip Silas on poor Dante.

Would you rather the Newmans or the Hortons move to Port Charles?

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The Newmans because my dream is a world where Sonny and Victor kill each other. Also, I need MB, Eric Braeden, MSt, RoHo, TG, and MST in one scene to eat all the scenery. I dgaf how it happens. Plus, what will GH hair horrors do to Nick Newman's already shit hair? What happens when Carly and Sharon try to out victim each other? Will Phylis bang Dante, Nathan, and Spinelli on the dumpsters? Shawn shoots Dylan! Omg! Yes!

Would you rather Deacon Sharpe and Brooke visit Port Charles or Ridge the poet and his muse Caroline? Explain a dream scenario.

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Deacon and Brooke. Deacon will pretend to be Ghost!AJ and drive Sonny straight to the loony bin and Brooke can sleep with everyone Carly cares about.

Would you rather be AJ (alive and well, but you have to listen to Carly harangue you for faking your death) or Baby!AJ (parentage stays the same)?

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Damn, too slow. Uh...I guess to be AJ. If Carly starts in, I can push her down the stairs.


Since we're on a crossover kick...


You have the chance to bring over a character from a defunct show, and your choices are Sydney Bristow or Sylar. Choosing Sydney means she'll throw in with Anna and Jordan and entirely clear the mob out of Port Charles. Picking Sylar means Silas' brain is the first one he's going to eat. Make your choice.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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Sylar. Because then he'd clearly kill Kiki for fun, eat Ava's brain for her ruthlessness, and we'd have a respectable serial killer.

You're the head writer for a um sweeps period. Would you and how would you wrap up the Jason reveal to keep Billy Miller, but lose Luke, Franco, and Nina or Reveal Morgan as Avery's father so Ava gets out of the basement dungeon, Kiki is sacrificed, Silas is um there (your story ) but you lose three contract actors and Kiki?

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Oh, I asked you have the option to reveal Jason (and keep Billy Miller ), but lose 3 actors, or Reveal Morgan is Avery's father, but kill Kiki and lose 3 actors and Ava gets freed from that room she's in, but you lose 3 contract actors and Kiki? Bonus, you can choose to do the reveals.

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Morgan as Avery's father & bye bye Keeks!

Uncle Frank is hard up for cash and needs to add some in-show product placement. Would you rather Flo from Progressive join the cast and radnomly talk to characters about their insurance needs, or the red-head from Wendy's pop up to suggest people eat at Wendy's?

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The red head from Wendys. I like food placement.

Would you rather be Morgan and have Sonny as a dad or Michael and AJ is your real dad, but Sonny loved you and is now your enemy?


A Wendy's product placement would lose all potency without AJ around, though.


I'd be Michael.  It would be bad enough to have Cujo's DNA, let alone Sonny's too.


Would you rather have Shawn as your hit man, or have to confide a life-threatening secret to Carly?

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I'm slow! I'll be I'm guessing the one who's banging Billy Miller! Way better than anything Carly!

Would you rather own the Metro Court with Olivia, but Carly is always trying to steal it back from you or own the Haunted Star where Johnny is a silent partner, but his goons are the security because they see everything?

Edited by Grrpants09
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I'd rather have to deal with Sonny. I'll just ask him where the towels are and he'll be distracted for a while.

Would you rather eat at Little Caesar's Pizza with Faison, or at Sonny's BBQ with Sonny?

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"Bang Bang" b/c that would be comedic gold!....especially if Sonny in his Forever21 coat got to lip sink Nikki's solo rap in the middle. heh!


Would you rather be Kiki being a hypocrite about Sonny or Sabrina being a hypocrite about Carlos?

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Carly sing Firework, though I think Wrecking Ball might be more appropriate.

Would you rather see a return of Mr. Mumbles or the mob crew (Sonny, Julian, Carlos, Shawn and Duke do a number to Right Said Fred's I'm Too Sexy?

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Mob crew "I'm too Sexy".

Would you rather Morgan & Keeks put Michael in a laundry cart and pour booze all over him, or Sonny hang him on a meathook and threaten to stage a drunk driving death?

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Bonus points if Morgan & Keeks try to scrounge up some change to put him in the washing machine.


Would you rather have a scene of Maxie and Lulu after they let out helium balloons or a full episode of Sonny arguing with himself in front of a mirror about which color socks to put on?

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Sonny and the socks. If Sonny and the towels are hilarious, Sonny and socks would be comedy gold.


Would you rather...


Have to listen to Maxie dither between Nathan and Spinelli




Have to be either Nathan or Spinelli  waiting for Maxie to make up her mind?

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I'd rather listen to Maxie . . . Maybe eventually all her high-pitched screetching will burst my eardrumbs.

Would you rather teach Spinelli how to box, or Morgan how to read?

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Related to Franco. I'd take advantage of it and get him and crazy face to kill someone (just say baby or something ) and I'd be ok. Being related to Carly seems like a pain in the ass.

You're in prison. Who would you prefer as a cellmate- Borg Jason, Sonny, Flesh Eater Fluke, or Heather Webber?

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Heather. I don't want anything to do with her sons, so we'd have no beef.

The Prospect Park litigation is finally over and Ron wants to bring in some more OLTL and AMC characters. Would you rather Gigi from OLTL or Zarf from AMC join the cast?

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My bad. I think I saw Christopher Meloni naked. Is that a decent excuse?


Would you rather be held at gunpoint by Luke and forced to tell a big secret or have Carly interrogate your significant other in the midst of your wedding for your own good?

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I'd rather deal with Carly than Lewq. He might try and make me eat nasty looking scrambled eggs.

You've discovered the Port Charles wormholes and need a vacation. Would you rather go to Bolivia or Switzerland?

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Ethan? Because there's still an outside chance I'm really related to Robert?

Would you rather watch Robin wreak sweet vengeance on the Legion of Doom for everything they've put her through ... or watch Monica laugh heartily as Sonny gets taken away to jail, this time for years and years, for some crime (other than killing AJ, but hey, at least he's going away for reals this time).

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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As much as I love Monica and would love to see her laugh at Sonny, Robin needs to medieval on the LoD for all the #### they've put her through.

Would you rather be married to "Jake", or Fake!Jake?

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Best friend, because at least I wouldn't be biologically or legally related to her.

The Prospect Park lawsuit has been settled. Would you rather it be revealed that Hayden is really Greenlee, or that Silas is really McBain?

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McBain! !!!!!!!! Omg he can arrest Ava, bust Sonny, knock sense into a lot of people, high five Dante, save Anna from Sloane, steal Jordan from Shawn, reveal Jake is Jason, knock the drugged pills out of Micheal's mouth, tell Anna to get Robin, and still shed a lone tear. And there will be an explosion and stuff.

Two primetime actors have decided to join the cast of GH as recasts of characters. One is Christopher Meloni replacing a current male actor, which role is he playing? The other is Ian Somerhalden playing any character, which role?

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I choose Christopher Meloni to be on the show. 


Being trapped in a small apartment with Luke and a gun or trapped in Sam's bedroom while she and Patrick go at it?

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Sam's bedroom. What? She's hot!

Would you rather be stuck babysitting a new relative-in-law or go blindly rushing into a dangerous situation and be shocked when it doesn't work out for you?

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