maraleia August 16, 2014 Share August 16, 2014 Quote Cullen goes back to work on the railroad and butts heads with his new boss. Durant and Campbell battle over a valuable piece of real estate. Link to comment
beesknees August 16, 2014 Share August 16, 2014 (edited) Hmmm, I wonder how many more episodes we'll have to wait until Elam appears? You SO know he's being nursed back to health by the Native Americans! Edited August 16, 2014 by beesknees Link to comment
ikmccall August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 I felt sorry for Ruth when she saw the wife and baby. And I felt sorry for Eva for getting cheated at cards. 2 Link to comment
Ohwell August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 (edited) This show is getting better and better, and I don't even miss Elam. My heart went out to poor Ruth. Last season I was hoping that she and Cullen would wind up together. I didn't mind a Mormon storyline, but I am disappointed that it carried over to him getting a wife and child to spoil his relationship with Ruth. I'm actually glad that she was so torn up that she didn't/couldn't hide her feelings when he came to see her. When he asked her to look out for his wife and child, I love that she basically told him that, sure, they're welcome anytime to her tent, but unspoken was "but I'm not going to her and chat and have coffee." I did love the look of joy on the boy's face though. Besides the fact that she's with Cullen instead of Ruth, there's something about Naomi that I just don't like. She seems nice and accommodating, but I didn't like the scene in the store when she allowed Campbell to pay for the food. I understand that she needed the food, but she should know her husband well enough to know that he would not want to eat food that another man paid for. I'm pretty sure Cullen didn't like Campbell telling him that. She just doesn't seem truthful and, frankly, I'm not convinced that the baby is even Cullen's. I keep wondering if she had trysts with that other young Mormon guy at the fort. I used to feel sorry for Eva but now I'm kind of getting tired of her and her storyline. Sure, she got cheated by the card shark but she stole the money she played with anyway. Whatever. I have a feeling that when Elam does come back, she'll either be dead or he won't want her anymore. Carpetbagger dudes are rough. although Cullen should have expected a beatdown. Psalms cracks me up: Looks like you gon' be the new boss. Edited August 17, 2014 by Ohwell Link to comment
Dowel Jones August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 Eva knew the game was rigged; Mickey told her. Did she go ahead with the idea of running a long con? Only the dumbest, or drunkest, of dullards would get involved in that game now. Carpetbaggers: Welcome to Badassery 101. You may have beat Bohannen down in the dark, but he's still not afraid of you in the light, either. The same cannot be said of you, yet. And you left him alive. I wonder of that law about railroad land was true. I would think that a wily and conniving railroad manager would know the ins and outs of real estate law and land titles, and would be able to prove the railroads "use" of the land, if even in the most lax means possible. I kind of like the prologue and epilogue in the voice of the publisher, as long as she stays eloquent. Link to comment
M-L-C August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 (edited) Wow, I am in awe, yet again! (I have been so drawn to H*O*W because, of it's historical value. Are the people real? Nah, are the events real? Maybe, maybe not; yet, I have always wondered what life for our pioneers would be like. Wondering just how difficult it would be to make ones way through to the unknown) Naomi ~ I'm intrigued, to say the least. Here is a young Mormon girl, dazzled by the, ever gorgeous, Cullen Bohanon. He is nothing at all like the boy's she grew up with. I think a part of her wants to know what life outside, the comfortable confines, of the Mormon camp is like. Remember, she knows nothing more than life inside the camp. Her life has already been planned out by her parents. Mine wasn't! I figure it's got to be pretty similar to the Amish who choose to leave there home and life. They are shunned. Will her family shun her and her child? (whether or not it is Cullen's) We do know that when Cullen first met the Mormon family they invited him in and Naomi & Cullen got, shall we say, friendly. I'm sure (possibly) the baby is his (one never knows). How scared must she be trying to figure out how the rest of the country works!? Let a lone the new, little Cheyenne. She is not familiar with how life is supposed to go. She doesn't know who to trust, when she's being played, or even what her role is going to be. At the Mormon camp she didn't have to figure things like this out. It was the same thing every day. Now, what does she do, she's just an outsider, mother & wife in a strange place. It will be quite interesting to see how her story unfolds. I am very intrigued. Eva ~ She too, a little like Naomi, is trying the best she can to make it in a country that can't stand her and what she represents. She has no family to rely on. Where is her place in a town full of men who see her for only 1 thing. They have no respect for her. I feel so sorry for her, The world is so full of judgement, and accusations, and it hurts. The Indians used her, the whites use her, the blacks keep far a way from her. (Cuz she's different, than all of them) She has nothing, at all, in common with anyone. She is a lone in Cheyenne (walk in her shoes,...what would you do). Remember when you were in school --where did you fit in, did you fit in at all with anyone--or were you a lone? I do want to see her be able to stand her ground and make her way. I want to see her rise to the occasion and pick herself up, and shock the heck out of everyone; because she did, it on her own. When she walks down the street I want to see the town show her respect & honor; because, she made it, she became something no one thought she would! Ruth ~ She left home to find her dad who, in turn, abused, then left her!? She found him, deceiving everyone. Now she's left with picking up the pieces that he left behind, and trying to be Christian about it. Now throw a little boy (Ezra, an orphaned Mormon) into her topsy tervy world! She does know that she must protect her shattered heart and his shattered world. She will do what she must to protect him. Even from Cullen! Cullen ~ OMG, at the end of tonight's episode, -- ( @_@ ). Don't think for one moment that he will let that beating he received, go unnoticed! But, at the same time he has his wife, and child to consider. He won't remain too quiet much longer, He's just feeling his way through, after being gone a while. Now he's back and, watch out. Once he gets his 'mojo' back he will be THE force to be reckoned with. I truly can't wait to see how all of this unfolds. These characters I've mentioned are my favorite and I want each of them to succeed in each of their endeavors! Edited August 17, 2014 by M-L-C 1 Link to comment
nodorothyparker August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 (edited) Good episode, even if a lot of it was mostly table setting three episodes in. The adversarial relationship of Cullen and Durant continues to fascinate. As Durant remarked way back in the first season, Cullen has the biggest balls of any man he's ever seen to roll back into town after several months away and to expect to immediately regain his former place without any discussion. Durant hates hates HATES that he needs Cullen so badly that he's going to try to tough it out with an engineer who's clearly out of his depths and carpetbaggers who are obviously going to continue to put the screws to him at every turn. It'll surprise me very much if they don't come to some sort of uneasy partnership in the next episode or two. Loved that the women were front and center this episode. Eva was much better this episode trying to figure out her own way even if she did get cheated and didn't end up any better than she started. Her utter indifference to the gambler she traded with to learn card tricks spoke a lot about where she came from and was kind of amusing, as was her reminder to Cullen that he really doesn't have any friends now that Elam's gone. I liked Ruth more than I have in maybe ever with her utter disappointment and disillusionment over the romance that might have been and her letting Cullen know in no uncertain terms that while she wouldn't turn his wife away if she needed help she wouldn't be going out of her way to become best girlfriends either. Louise continues to be awesome in her observations, even if she does come up just short of fangirling at times. Naomi seems to slowly be grabbing a clue that life in the "city" isn't going to be like it was in Mormon camp, and it was interesting to watch her continue to do her best to be the good wife while her frustration was clearly growing about the squalid tent and Cullen's stubborn refusal to be anything other than a railroad man. There's going to be hell to pay for that beatdown at the end. That may be finally what it takes for Cullen to finally get over the kinder, gentler version of himself he's adopted since the Mormon camp. The smile on his face when he got back to where he belonged, even if if was breaking rock as a lowly worker, said it all about who he is. Edited August 17, 2014 by nodorothyparker 1 Link to comment
Ohwell August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 I can believe that Naomi is naïve, living in the Mormon camp, but there's still something I don't trust about her. I really do think that the baby's not Cullen's and she just used him so that she could get out of the camp. I agree there'll be hell to pay for the beatdown. I was just surprised that Cullen wasn't more vigilant and walking around like that, knowing the carpetbaggers were gunning for him. Link to comment
nodorothyparker August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 (edited) I have a hard time seeing how they could pull off a "somebody else's baby" storyline short of another father showing up and demanding his kid. There isn't a Ye Olde West DNA lab next to Mickey's saloon. People decided that Eva's baby couldn't be Elam's for no other reason than she looked white. It'll be interesting to see how quickly Naomi gets over her naivety as she has to start interacting more with our townspeople. Really, she didn't think it might come up at some point that the most powerful man in town had paid for what had to be half a month's wages worth of supplies? I think Cullen was a bit off his game in not preparing for possible payback. He wasn't watching his back because he was back in a familiar place and doesn't seem to consider that his reputation doesn't necessarily always precede him with people who didn't know him before. Edited August 17, 2014 by nodorothyparker Link to comment
Irishmaple August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 I liked Naomi speaking her mind to her husband about his career choices. Cullen Bohannon intimidates so many people and even those who like him are reluctant to get too close but Naomi had no fear of sharing her observations. I really do like this couple and I want Naomi to find her feet in Cheyenne. She took a misstep in accepting Campbell's largesse but she clearly torn between the fear of not having food and the shame of having to walk out empty-handed. With no idea of local politics, she took the offer likely having faith that Bohannon would repay it in short order. She made a pleasant home in what was basically a shed and it was nice for once to watch Bohannon walk into some place that looked warm and inviting. I'm good with Naomi for now and I want to see how she interacts with the other women in town, and whether her Mormon faith will survive contact with Cheyenne and her own independence. I admired Ruth for being so open in her disappointment and sorrow without ever losing her dignity, and I absolutely adored Louise Ellison telling Campbell she was perfectly capable of crossing the road all by herself. The amount of mud was unbelievable. How did people manage to get around in that? Skirts and petticoats must have been ruined daily. Ezra and Bohannon's reunion was a lovely moment, and I hope it helps Ezra settle down. I wonder if he'll be torn between staying with Ruth, or joining Cullen's new family? Eva's storyline is completely frustrating me. She's always been one of my favourites but right now I haven't enjoyed the direction of her character. First she was raped and now she's been cheated, going into a game even though she knew it was rigged. With a man just shot for cheating and the shooter hanged for murder, why take the risk of cheating in Cheyenne with the new regime introducing itself so aggressively? I can't believe the Swede is back again next week. Is he never going to leave? 1 Link to comment
nodorothyparker August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 Sigh. The Swede in next week's promos again. Why show why? 1 Link to comment
Ohwell August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 Quote I liked Naomi speaking her mind to her husband about his career choices. Except that Naomi doesn't know diddly-squat about the situation in Cheyenne, and that his choices were to become Mickey's henchman or Campbell's henchman. I think Cullen chose the "safer" job for him and his family, and he said as much. Link to comment
Irishmaple August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 I didn't mean that I agreed with her; I was just pleased to see her firmly state her opinion. Link to comment
justmehere August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) Quote The smile on his face when he got back to where he belonged, even if if was breaking rock as a lowly worker, said it all about who he is. Absolutely agree. I loved that smile. He hasn't been himself for so long. Being free out in the open air, able to simply prove himself again with his own efforts instead of playing some role -- the ultimate being the way that he made his escape with that "revival" confession from the Swede. He was back in his element out building the railroad again, whatever the job. Speaking of... I don't see how the Swede's story can continue with the Mormons. I also don't see how he can go to Cheyenne because wouldn't he still be wanted for Lilly's death? That would be satisfying, though, with Ezra also there to identify him. Just - the character is played out. There's a new antagonist in the carpetbaggers. End the storyline, show. Oh, poor Ruth. I agree with all the other commenters about liking the way she handled the matter. Cullen ticked me off for knowing how Ruth felt yet still asking her to watch out for Naomi and William. I'm not sure that Eva joined the rigged Faro game. It seemed like she was playing poker and the guy just cheated her. The rigged Faro game would benefit Mickey and the house while in this case, it seemed like only that guy benefited. Not that I know how to play Faro, but they had a game in the movie Tombstone, and it was different. From Wikipedia: "[Faro] is played between a banker and several players winning or losing according to the cards turned up matching those already exposed or not." I'll have to watch again, but that's not what it looked like they were playing. Either way, I had to laugh a little at Eva practicing with the cards while the guy, uh, took his payment. Edited August 18, 2014 by bets Link to comment
Dowel Jones August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Quote while the guy, uh, took his payment .And thus was born the concept of "comping" the gamblers. 2 Link to comment
RealityGal August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Okay - I'm going to need for Eva to stop running behind white sheets drying in the wind. The last time she did that she got raped, this time she almost got her neck cut. As for Naomi - unless the baby was starting, she should have just waited. Maybe in the Mormon community people just sort of share, but why would she think that there would be an account opened for a man who had pretty much just disappeared before? And if she had money she probably just should have bought whatever it was she could afford. Weird. I feel like Naomi isn't going to be a permanent character, and if she isn't I'm scared/intrigued about how they will get rid of her. Link to comment
Ottis August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Quote Eva knew the game was rigged; Mickey told her. Did she go ahead with the idea of running a long con? Only the dumbest, or drunkest, of dullards would get involved in that game now. No, Mickey told her the craps table was rigged (they called it another name, but it looked like a craps table). He was talking about the new game they had and showed several times. Eva understood that and instead played cards. Link to comment
bentley August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) I loved the visual metaphor of Ruth dousing the fire leaving Cullen smothering in the smoke and ashes. Cullen's new wife is tougher than I thought. She may just make it in the big city, although I don't know how long she'll play the submissive wife if Cullen can't support her in the style she is accustomed to. Not much by our standards, but everything at Fort Boredom (tm somebody) was at least neat, clean, and good quality, and meals were regular. I like that Ezra so far talks only to Cullen. They have such a bond of trust I hope that Cullen never lets him down. I didn't remember Cullen trading himself for Ezra, but I like that when Ezra brought it up, Cullen didn't try to "there there" him or deny it. It happened and it changed Cullen's life irrevocably, but he isn't one to look back or wallow. Which just shows how far he's come since Season 1. Edited August 18, 2014 by bentley Link to comment
nodorothyparker August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 During the shootout with the Mormons last season, Naomi's father grabbed Ezra and had him at gunpoint. Cullen agreed to give himself up if they'd let Ezra go, which they did. Link to comment
RealityGal August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 On 8/18/2014 at 10:28 PM, bentley said: I loved the visual metaphor of Ruth dousing the fire leaving Cullen smothering in the smoke and ashes. Cullen's new wife is tougher than I thought. She may just make it in the big city, although I don't know how long she'll play the submissive wife if Cullen can't support her in the style she is accustomed to. Not much by our standards, but everything at Fort Boredom (tm somebody) was at least neat, clean, and good quality, and meals were regular. Here is the thing thats been sort of bugging me about Naomi. Cullen wasn't surprised when there was a meal on the table. A pretty full meal with candles and what not. This leads me to believe that he probably left Naomi with some money or means to pay for the food. Or else he would have asked her about the food and the candles. And when she went to the shop, she only seemed panicked when she found out how much all the food was gonna cost, and thats when she asked for credit. She didn't ask for credit right off the bat because she didn't have any money, and I don't care how protected you are, if you know about credit, then I think you know that people generally ask for money, so its not like the concept of paying for things is foreign to her. Now, Cullen could have assumed she went to see Ruth, and got the food and candles from her, but I wouldn't imagine Cullen would even be the sort to leave Naomi in the town without any money at all, which would assure that she would have to ask for handouts. So if Cullen left her money, and she went to the store - because why would she even go to a store without money and without knowing if she could get credit, and was told that her items were beyond her budget why not simply say "okay, well what can my $5 buy" and work something out? I think it supports your conclusion that she will keep trying to push Cullen for the lifestyle that she wants, and will have no problem doing it passive-aggressively, which is probably how women in her old Mormon community got anything done for their benefit. 3 Link to comment
Ohwell August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 (edited) Also, it's not like she needed food for the baby; she's breastfeeding. She could have just bought what she could afford and then discussed the finances with Cullen when he got home. I thought it was interesting how captivated she was when Campbell dangled that bag of candy, or whatever it was in, front of her. I think Campbell knows now that she is gullible (or maybe even a little greedy?), so I'll be interested to see where this goes. I don't want anything bad to happen to her and certainly not the baby, and I don't want Cullen to lose yet another family. I just want Ruth to just pray Naomi out of town. Edited August 19, 2014 by Ohwell 3 Link to comment
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