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Memorable Quotes: Everthing Has Multiple Meanings

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Yewll: "I'm going to get something to eat. Can I trust you not to peek?"

Lev: "I'm a hallucination induced by an ego-implant in your neck; so are the cards. Why would I bother?"

Yewll: "Didn't answer the question."

Lev: "Of course I'm not gonna peek."

Yewll: "You know what I miss most about Defiance?"

Lev: "The hot lady mayor?"

Yewll: "You have the weirdest taste."

Lev: "I'm a manifestation of your subconscious thoughts."

Yewll: "Kaziri is also a concatanation of arkbrain fragments just like the ego-device inside of my neck. Is this the Kaziri that I'm speaking with right now? Did you just hack my imaginary wife?"

Yewll: "You can tell the Kaziri to take her 3000 year old instructions and shove them up her virtual ass."

Miko: "Is that a letter opener?"

Amanda: "It's a popular weapon in this office. Don't make me use it."

Rafe: "So many ways to die in this new world. But a firing squad feels..."

Berlin: "Quaint?"

Rafe: "Yeah, quaint."

Datak: "Good evening, captain. We need this man. Family emergency."

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I hadn't thought about it until Pilar said it but Stahma DOES give the impression of a stick insect.  I just never put my finger on it. 


And the punch line to the Yewell convo with her imaginary wife upthread is that the wife DID imaginarily peek at the imaginary cards.  AWESOME.  Whatever else you can nit pick about this show it isn't the dialogue. 

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