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S01.E04: Fire Walks With Z

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UUGH, I need these TV writers to stop writing "hot" and "romantic" teacher-student relationships.  It's not.  It's gross and illegal and shouldn't be shown in any way except for predatory (take a look at the fantastic Cruel Summer if you want an example writers).

The ten year old was pretty hilarious.  I need him to show up occasionally in the future.  The writers really should have made him gossip girl.

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3 hours ago, meatball77 said:

The ten year old was pretty hilarious.  I need him to show up occasionally in the future.  The writers really should have made him gossip girl.

The spawn of Georgina Sparks wouldve made the perfect Gossip Girl. He's a child genius, bored, mega rich, and can cover his tracks...go figure they'd miss the best opportunity they had. 

Leave to a Sparks to be the best thing about the episode. Im tired of J being looked upon as a god and her Kelly/Michelle just being evil with next to no personality. The video should've been the fall of J and rise of Z while J turns on her crew instead of a "im going to get revenge. OMG this isnt the revenge I thought it was! I didnt this part of the video! Everyone forgive me! I'm a bully! And I am now a reformed bully" 

Max's storyline was boring. 

Gossip Girl needs to find more to tweet about then just 2 people. Even Dan played a more well rounded game.

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first let me start with a positive. Yesss for the spawn of G sparks popping up and being a chip of the old block. I lived 

now on to my gripe 
Are there only 2 people in this school for the creepy bullying Gossip Girl/teachers to keep focusing on? I get you wanna focus on the Uber popular girl but what about her minions or anyone else around her? Good god this is gonna get old fast with this same wash and repeat thing that is already seeming strained 4 episodes in. A predator teacher being treated not like a predator ugh groundbreaking in 2021. It’s gross it’s creepy and it’s being treated like it’s no big deal. Do better writers stop normalizing this tired and worn out storyline.

And does anyone else find it creepy as fuck that grown adults not just teachers are cyber bullying/Stalking/slandering a 14/15yo and finding glee and happiness in doing so? What the fuck are the writers thinking. She’s a fucking child and they are grown ass adults       In what cracked out brain would someone think you know what no one would care lol. And the writers must have some clue with how fucked up it is or they wouldn’t have the teachers covering their asses with a VPN. In the real world they and the school would be sued the fuck out of the millisecond it was revealed that teachers are doing this shit to students. 

Also they need to flesh out her evil side kicks more why is this girl’s popularity more important then their own? Why is her popularity tied so closely to theirs? Would they not be popular without her? Would they not wanna be the queen B? Do they have no life outside of “working” for her? They see how easy it is to distract her and her popularity seems really really fragile anyway. Why not try to remove her why not strike out on your own or at least and make it seem like they have a life outside her.  What the hell do they think is gonna happen after graduation? Again it’s 4 episodes in and they are just there to be bitchy and that’s it. That’s not good writing guys. Their arc so far makes zero sense. 

And I 100% agree they should have just made the spawn off Ms Sparks GG it would have fit better and would have solved so many problems with having teachers be the one doing all this fucked up shit to underage students. But hey again these writers think teachers fucking students the moment they graduate is groundbreaking plot points and ok in 2021. like it absolves them of being a predator cause they waited till they had that diploma (that’s still beyond predatory guys seriously) so what do I expect really. I now find myself hate watching this in disbelief that this hack crappy writing made it to film.

 Granted the original wouldn’t win any awards or anything but at least that came off as more entertaining and a lot less adult predatory and creepy 

laws baby jebus my rants done lol 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Georgina Sparks' son!!!  As a major G stan, I was tickled by this, though part of me did wish they had just SORAS-ed him a tiny bit so he could be a full player.  Although, shouldn't his last name be...the name of that boring dude Georgina married?  And I was surprised that the photo tour of Georgina's home didn't confirm her status with Jack Bass, though the portrait of Blair was a fun WTF moment.  I also kinda liked Milo's interaction with Luna, that they have scheme-y history together (which, again, could have been even funner if Milo was closer to her age).

So Zoya really took a turn towards the unlikeable for me this week.  I get the emotional place she was coming from with the backstory about the mom, but she was a B to Julien first that day even though they were in an okay place last we saw them and Julien was being very nice.  And while Julien had to open a vein and apologize like fifty times, Zoya never had to say sorry for anything she did.  Also, how lame was the Buffalo secret after the buildup.  She was bullied?  It's definitely no "I killed someone..." *needle drop to "URA Fever*.

But I did like the heart-to-heart Julien and Zoya finally had, and that Zoya was smart enough to ditch Obie and spend some time with her sister.  I also liked, even though it lamely began off-screen, that Davis and Nick found some common ground and are starting to form a relationship.  This is the stuff I'm interested in, these sticky relationships.

What's icky about the storyline with Max and the teacher is the way the show is objectifying the teacher, how much it wants the audience to find him sexy.  "Oooh, look at his wet abs, let's linger on his naked butt for ten years, you get where Max is coming from, right!".  But none of that excuses the teacher crossing this line, particularly since he chose the moment when Max was at his most broken, most troubled, most vulnerable to decide to bone him after all.  The only thing that can save this for me is if it turns out Max is Sebastian Valmont-ing him, that he did it just to show he could and there are no actual fweelings involved.  I'm actually predicting that the conversation he reported on with his dad didn't happen, but that he knew from their last interaction that parental rejection was a button he could press with the teacher.

I dunno what aspect of the teachers being Gossip Girl I hated most this week - Kate's ridiculous whining about the gig NOBODY IS FORCING HER TO DO eating up so much of her time or the ridiculous contrivance of the teachers being at the birthday party (including one of them sneaking in booze, TO A 15-YEAR-OLD'S BIRTHDAY PARTY).

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

It's definitely no "I killed someone..." *needle drop to "URA Fever".

😩  Even the most boring lines of Gossip Girl 1 are never approached by this show

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm actually predicting that the conversation he reported on with his dad didn't happen, but that he knew from their last interaction that parental rejection was a button he could press with the teacher.


  • Love 1
9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Georgina Sparks' son!!!  As a major G stan, I was tickled by this, though part of me did wish they had just SORAS-ed him a tiny bit so he could be a full player.  Although, shouldn't his last name be...the name of that boring dude Georgina married?

Wasn't there a throwaway line from him talking to Zoya about what his last name should be at his house but he goes by Sparks? 


8 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

The teachers are constantly standing in the hallway of the school and in the middle of parties screaming about how they're Gossip Girl.  🙄🙄🙄


Right?? LOL

1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Wasn't there a throwaway line from him talking to Zoya about what his last name should be at his house but he goes by Sparks? 

The throwaway line was about his bio dad, a Russian mobster or something Georgina slept with in Belarus.  I was referring to the super boring dude G married to give Milo a name and legacy and, basically, to have someone to dump the baby on to so she could go out and scheme.

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7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

The throwaway line was about his bio dad, a Russian mobster or something Georgina slept with in Belarus.  I was referring to the super boring dude G married to give Milo a name and legacy and, basically, to have someone to dump the baby on to so she could go out and scheme.

My mom got remarried when i was younger and I didn't take the guys last name ...Slap me why am i defending anything this show has done LOL I agree tho but he is a sparks through and through

Edited by Keywestclubkid

It does make sense for the show to have his last name be Sparks, just so it's easier for the audience to connect him to Georgina.  Nobody cares about the Russian bio dad or that boring dude whose name I can't remember.  And I have to imagine G has left that guy and married and divorced like six other dudes in the interim lol.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Finally catching up on this hot mess after neglecting it while the Olympics were on. I cannot believe I praised the writers for not taking the lazy approach of a teacher/student hookup. And the worse part of it was the teacher was still doing the right thing being professional (for a TV teacher) until the moment when you can tell the writers decided to be lazy and they literally wrote in their own thoughts of laziness and had the teacher say 'F*** it' And they began making out. What is the obsession with TV writers with teachers hooking up with students? And just cause it involves a M/M attraction doesn't making it edgy or original. It's still a lazy trope.

I still don't care about any of the kids, the teachers are the only thing slightly keeping me interested. Although Aki and his girlfriend have began to make me care about them, so maybe there is hope.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel this version of Gossip Girl is influencing events way more that OG GG and that the kids are involved with Gossip girl than the original series. Admittedly I've only got through the first season of the original, but I felt the kids viewed GG more as an gossip site to read than to really interact with.

Anyways, time to solider on and finish this first half season.

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