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So this was one of the most fun experiences I've had watching TV, not gonna lie. I loved this season, from self-aware humor to weaponized explosions to freaking psycho twins. There were things I found lacking in some areas, such as Summer's consistency as a character, but overall I can safely say I enjoyed it.

Edited by DigitalCount

Hadn't seen a Power Rangers episode (of any kind) in many years, but watched the pilot for this on Nick's website. However I must say the pilot for this one was surprisingly good (Power Rangers being such a mixed bag of a few periods where it was really good mixed with tons from what I recall of total shit).  Assuming you aren't too old now, and have become turned off by "monsters" defined by cheap rubber masks and over the top theatrics... at least a tiny bit into this... it was fun.


Here's the kicker.  The main lead character (as much as these shows have one--but there IS usually an initial main ranger they follow) is not only a girl, but a black girl.  It's a very Diversity Yay moment, especially since the show itself treats it as such a non-event.  She's just the focus, period, with no excuses or need for justification.


Another thing I was amused by was the major conceit that the stupid big-headed rubber masked hero mentor character (named "Keeper") basically starts the story off with the biggest dick move/screw-up in history.  Running from his enemies and hiding these power crystal things, Keeper calls for the help of the bravest warriors on the planet he's crash landed on.  Meanwhile the obligatory "dumb guy" who the Power Ranger show baddie boss (whoever it is at the time) always first chooses to chase his enemies finds the crashed ship of our rubber-masked mentor (Keeper is a kind of an uglier even bigger-headed E.T.) and APPEARS to find him dead.  But then Dumb Guy finds what he seems to be able to identify as the carrying case for the power crystals he's supposed to bring back to his evil boss.  So enthused by this, he stops checking on Keeper and just goes up to their ship.  


When they open the supposed crystal case up on the ship though... they find that Keeper has replaced the crystals in the case with a big bomb.  Which blows up the baddie's ship.  But even worse, the baddie makes money on the side by capturing asteroids (presumably for their minerals I guess, but they don't really go into it).  Here's where Keeper's plan really goes awry. By now we find that he was just faking his death and he's talking to the brave warriors of the culture on this planet... and they're... Dinosaurs.  Meanwhile, he has no idea that his bomb not only worked but has sent these asteroid fragments into the atmosphere of the planet.  So ET's uglier brother is there assigning the crystals to these brave Dinosaurs (they kind of just get absorbed into them), but moments later the asteroids HE'S arguably to blame for rain down on the planet and... destroy the entire Dinosaur race!  Ruh-Roh! Way to reward them for helping you out, ET guy!


Of course then we flash forward to 21st century Earth and our female African-American protagonist.


There's a ton more plot shoved into this 23 minute show (the pacing is actually really good to fit it all in--a situation really helped by the fact that they only introduce two rangers in this episode), but go watch it rather than me simply narrating it. I just thought it was kind of cool that this show had 1.) the show backstory be the first ten minutes.  Brave as hell to not even show a single one of the show's eventual stars until about 10 minutes in--it gives an expectation that they actually DID think about this backstory.  2.) the Diversity Yay! I mentioned.  3.) the WTF, but strangely compelling idea that the first representative we meet of "the good guys" wiped out the entire race of the beings he drafted to help him.


Here's the online ep, location on Nick's website: 



Edited by Kromm

Been watching the show since childhood, and it's had its ups and downs (the biggest "downs" of all coming from the last couple years), but there were some really great seasons in the in-between years that a lot of people will probably never bother with because it's not the sainted originals. "Power Rangers RPM" is an especially harrowing story for a kids show about heroes fighting rubber monsters. Very cinematic, clever, and full of amusing movie references for older viewers. But anyway.


This was a strong opening in comparison to recent fare. They've brought back one of the best showrunners the franchise has ever had, to revitalize the series after a bit of a creative lull, and you can tell that there is some real ambition here. Of course, the show is still totally ridiculous and crazy, but it's the charming sort of crazy that someone like myself can have a lot of fun with.


We've never had an African-American Pink Ranger before, and it's quite rare for a female character of any kind to be the first of a new cast to get this much focus, so that is definitely a huge plus. Especially if you sat through some rough patches recently, where the ladies were not often afforded such luxury.


I'd be interested to know what people think of this episode, who haven't watched much of the franchise beyond the early 90s though.

  • Love 1

I suddenly find myself wondering if the suits at Nick are pissing their pants today, hoping the aphorism "no press is bad press" will prove out, given today's story that one of their alumni just murdered someone, and it's all over the news.


Will it draw people to the online video and the planned TV premiere in a few weeks, or drive them away?


Actually since I don't watch much Nick, I'm curious if the channel is repeating the mistakes they made with promoting the Avatar shows.  I wonder how many people even KNOW this new Power Rangers show is coming out,and what channel its on.

We've never had an African-American Pink Ranger before, and it's quite rare for a female character of any kind to be the first of a new cast to get this much focus, so that is definitely a huge plus. Especially if you sat through some rough patches recently, where the ladies were not often afforded such luxury.


I'd be interested to know what people think of this episode, who haven't watched much of the franchise beyond the early 90s though.

Between that character focus, and the show starting out with well.. lets call it what it was... the seeming moral center of the show committing accidental genocide... yeah. There's a lot to chew on to start with.

A mentor accidentally committing genocide is nothing new though. Dr. K did exactly that. Further, his actions were to defend himself. It's worth noting that in American legal principles, one could probably exonerate Keeper through the felony murder rule, given that Sledge's actions probably constituted a felony.

I'm a fan of the opening, and since I have zero willpower I'm already shipping Tyler and Shelby. I love the characters, how they play off of one another, everything.

One thing, though: given that the dinosaurs were obviously sentient, why didn't they gain enough power from the Energems to survive the meteors?

  • Love 1

A mentor accidentally committing genocide is nothing new though. Dr. K did exactly that. Further, his actions were to defend himself. It's worth noting that in American legal principles, one could probably exonerate Keeper through the felony murder rule, given that Sledge's actions probably constituted a felony.

But Sledge wasn't the victim of the genocide.  An innocent planet of third parties were.  And it's not like it can even be argued that Keeper didn't know the huge ass meteor wasn't tractor beamed behind the ship he blew up--we saw Keeper's spaceship fighting the ship before it crash-landed.  At the very least, it shows Keeper as having a reckless disregard for possible side-effects of his actions.  Unless we buy the idea (a very deep thought if so) that Keeper regarded Sledge getting the gems SO intense a threat to the entire universe that Earth possibly being destroyed (or at least sterilized) was the lesser of two evils.  So it's got Keeper either being reckless, or... playing God.

I honestly really enjoyed that. It almost had a feel like when I first saw Mighty Morphin. I'm optimistic because the guy who did PRIS (which is my absolute fave season) is the guy in charge here.

That theme song though. I liked it until the 'go go Power Rangers, rangers forever' crap that we've been getting the last few seasons. I wish they'd cut it out with that. At least that stupid roll call is gone.


Shelby is adorable. And on a shallow note, the guys are hot.

Dude, these characters have gotten more development in one episode than the Samurai and Megaforce characters got in 40 episodes.


The voice acting was weak, but it's only ep 1, so I'm not gonna complain too much. Tyler's actor seems the weakest so far imo, but like I said, it's only ep 1 and he's still better than most of what we've gotten the past 2 series. And it's not like we saw too much of blue or black, so maybe it's not fair to point him out so early.


All in all, so far so good. I could totally get on board with Tyler/Shelby, but I don't wanna jump the gun.

Edited by Gumdrops

Actually since I don't watch much Nick, I'm curious if the channel is repeating the mistakes they made with promoting the Avatar shows.  I wonder how many people even KNOW this new Power Rangers show is coming out,and what channel its on.


I knew another Power Ranger series was being made but I'd didn't know it was airing now until I just happened upon it while scrolling through the satellite program listings.

Megaforce and Samurai were so horrible I didn't even watch all the episodes so this is a definite improvement. So far the acting and character development is better.


I like Shelby so far. She's bubbly and smart without it being forced. As someone who hasn't closely followed PR since the 90s and missed most of the Disney era (though I am watching RPM) it'll be interesting to see where this goes.

  • Love 1

Well, Kendall is a bit of a bitch so far.

She seems like a really obvious "secretly evil" character (something like: she's using the others to find all of the gems then intends on walking away with all of them the moment they find them all).


So I'm hoping the show isn't that obvious.  Even worse is she's secretly an alien in disguise.

  • Love 1

1 girl teams bug me. I've been trying not to let it bother me too much and with there apparently being more rangers to come, I can hope for more girls, but it just irritates me when the core team only contains one girl. I know they have to work with the Sentai footage, but hey, MMPR made yellow a girl. The team does have good chemistry together though, so that's good.


Anyway, Chase is totally my fave ranger so far.


I really like that they don't have those big bazongo morphers that the previous two series have had.

Edited by Gumdrops

I seriously doubt Kendall is anything more than a stern boss who expects a lot out of the Rangers she's helping, and she'll eventually develop a greater appreciation for them as friends. The fact that she's not perfectly nice to all of them right away is something that I regard as a very good thing. It means she actually has someplace to go as a character, and she's not just immediately done, like too many recent Rangers when it comes to cast dynamics.


A mild spoiler about genders of Rangers:

There is at least one more female Ranger on the way, who will play a prominent role in many episodes. There is also another female costume that may or may not be used, as it made very rare appearances in the original show, so its inclusion is less certain. Either way, the show isn't always going to have just one chick on the team.

And, in fact, it looks like Dino Charge has deliberately taken steps to ensure there's more prominent female energy from the start than its Japanese counterpart did.


I'm loving that this show feels like there's a plan in place. It's not just random episodes, but a progression of plot, and revelations that come out slowly as time goes on. You will wonder about certain things one week and have a few of your questions answered within the next two. And, considering the clips we see in the opening credits, it's a fair bet that these revelations will steadily continue. It gives you a reason to tune in, other than just the fact that you know it's on. You have a legitimate incentive to learn more. And, unlike the last couple incarnations, Dino Charge actually makes me feel like we'll get some decent answers.

I will say that for all my initial happiness that the lead character SEEMED to be a black female... I noticed fairly quickly in the second episode that the guy she joins up with is first in the credits before her.  That kind of bothered me, because they had such a nice setup for the story to be hers, and yet that telegraphs there will either be a change in direction to feature him (the Red Ranger) more--which already sort of happened in fact with the bit with him breaking off on his own to have his own fight scene and having his own mecha-dino around already--or that if she really IS the central character (after all, she's the "flawed" one... so the best possible point-of-view character...) that they won't be supporting that with top billing.

Edited by Kromm

I hope there turns out to be no lead character and that they all get an equal amount of focus. Power Rangers is supposed to be about a team after all and the seasons that gave everyone their time in the spotlight have usually been the better ones imo. The last thing we need is one character monopolizing all the screen time all Tommy like.

Edited by Gumdrops

Well, it's an ensemble show. Whoever the red person is, they almost automatically get the top spot in the credits by virtue of the fact that they're the most popular, recognized figure in media.


Of course, that didn't stop RPM from making Dillon (Black) the focal character of the season, or Time Force from making Jen (Pink) the actual leader of her team. Whichever name comes first doesn't often mean much in terms of the actual writing of the show. But even if it did, I never expected Shelby to be considered the "main character." Power Rangers doesn't often have that, since it's so team-oriented.


I was just impressed because of the fact that the primary target audience for the show is young boys, and the prevailing thought among The Powers That Be often seems to be that boys don't want to see the girls kicking ass as much as the guys (which has been proven to be a pretty stupid thought, but that's not going to stop some people). And yet, they still decided to give Shelby some prime focus right off the bat, instead of waiting until, like, episode four or something, when they've already exhausted their supply of standard introductory material for all the dudes. No, she's front and center, and she gets to have attitude and depth and just enough smarts for us to see why she's a hero without turning into a Mary Sue bore. Refreshing.

  • Love 1

I was just impressed because of the fact that the primary target audience for the show is young boys, and the prevailing thought among The Powers That Be often seems to be that boys don't want to see the girls kicking ass as much as the guys (which has been proven to be a pretty stupid thought, but that's not going to stop some people). And yet, they still decided to give Shelby some prime focus right off the bat, instead of waiting until, like, episode four or something, when they've already exhausted their supply of standard introductory material for all the dudes. No, she's front and center, and she gets to have attitude and depth and just enough smarts for us to see why she's a hero without turning into a Mary Sue bore. Refreshing.


        I will say it makes sense that 'young boy' audience will follow Power Rangers if it was 60-80% guys kicking ass, but I guess since the Super Sentai has developed that formula, Japan has no problem seeing just one female member. However, I think after watching the last episode, with the focus PRIMARILY on Riley and Chase, the show is urging to pander to the Internet fangirls who speculate a 'deeper' relationship between two guys. As a fangirl myself, I think Judd Lynn is lightly  teasing the mature female (and male) audience with these interactions, and I humbly oblige if he continues this in the next few episodes (or even Super Dino Charge). 

         Agree or disagree, there's nothing wrong with character interactions. Just the subtle play between Riley and Chase was just enough for the fangirls to swoon when they 'understand' each other. Perhaps the show will push their relationship? I mean after looking after the character descriptions about Shelby ending up with Tyler, and rejecting Chase's flirting, who will fill Chase's void? Hmmm...Well played, Mr. Lynn.

Edited by The Luvly Junkie

I didn't get any pandering myself, but then I've never been the type who insists on seeing the 'ho-yay' everywhere either rather than just simple friendship.


Anyway, I think they need to spread out the character development stuff better. Shelby has been kind of ignored since the first episode. I understand why they do the it, but I'd rather see everyone get some development throughout without it having to come from certain 'focus' episodes.

  • Love 1

That's ok, Gumdrops. Fanservice is not every person's cup of tea. It's just fun picking out the sentimental behaviors and proximity between two characters. There hasn't been a confirmation about the speculation of Chase and Riley being a couple. I don't even know if that whole apology at the end of the episode implied Riley's struggle with his family background or his own sexual attraction to Chase. Either way, stuff like that is too complex for a children's show so I'll savor that feeling until I'm proven wrong. To put it bluntly, it's just the beginning a bromance...if the show obliges to that after this episode.


Also, the next episode's focus will be on Shelby, so no worrying about the character development. So far she's a solid character and definitely representing for the girls. I for one, believe the show needs a break from Chase falling under the monsters' power. 

I hear you on taking a break from Chase. I like Chase. He's hot with a sexy accent, but dude has gotten more attention than everyone else put together so far.


Hey, if Riley is gay/bi/whatever, then cool. I rather think it's about time PR goes there. I just think people are reading faaaarrrrr too much into things with Riley/Chase as of now. Most of it is probably just wishful thinking, but there's always that contingent that is absolutely convinced of something even with evidence to the contrary and won't accept otherwise (like the shippers who just won't get over Tommy/Kim. I'm usually a proponent of ship and let ship, but my hatred for Tommy supersedes that. :D ). If it happens, fine. But don't act like it's fact when it's not is all I'm getting at. Not that that's what I think you're doing, The Luvly Junkie. Just you know, speaking in general.

Edited by Gumdrops

Can someone give me a quick little rundown on how this ended? I checked out shortly after Orion arrived and I only watched certain clips of the legend war to see Cassie/TJ/Karone.


Did Jake/Gia get together? Not that I shipped them or anything (it was a little too Zack/Angela for my liking), but I'm curious if it happened or just stayed a ship tease.

Okay, I put some thought into it...


Waaaaaah~ Y_Y I didn't mean to put it as a fact!!! I've already seen enough online from hardcore fandoms who push this speculation to everyone. And as far as I know, I'm glad that someone like you, Gumdrops, is pretty lax about a person's sexuality, unlike other people I have to hear about on the news all the time.


I'm with you that it's about time Power Rangers would update itself with relativity to modern individual reflection. I mean the Rangers are teens, so I think around that age they should demonstrate exploring their identity but with enough subtlety to show the younger generation what to expect when they reach that age. 


But yeah, back from the topic, I'll do my best not to push the whole Chase/Riley speculation as the truth, even though their interaction is to me enjoyable, interesting, and just plain cute. At least the episode is enough proof that Dino Charge has renewed my hope in the Power Rangers franchise. Again, sorry. T_T

I'm of two minds on the Riley/Chase thing.


While I would love for it to be a legitimate ship that the writers intended all along, I can also see this as easily just being a coincidence of acting chemistry and vaguely ambiguous dialogue. It certainly wouldn't be the first time people have read too much into a friendship on the show (though some of that is more joking than anything else).


At the same time, when Riley mentioned how people back home often made "assumptions" about him, the thought immediately popped into my head. That he could be gay or bisexual, and this was another reason he wanted to get out on his own. Of course, that could just be because I know exactly what that feels like for real. As do several other people who I know have mentioned this elsewhere, and thus could be guilty of wishful thinking.


So, my current position is that they're probably not into each other like that, but it would be pretty rad if they were, and I'll enjoy the idea of it either way. At least until we randomly meet Riley's new female love interest in a few episodes and it totally destroys everyone's theory. >_>


Looking forward to Shelby's episode this week. This show is doing a truly excellent job of distributing information and adding nuance to the characters/universe as time goes on. It seems like, every time I hear a complaint that we're missing something, the very next episode comes along to fix it. Spoke too soon, lol. They haven't left anyone out or dropped the ball on explaining things. They're just taking their time, allowing each episode to add something new to the pot. It hasn't been this skillfully planned in years.

I hope the coming episode has some stuff about how Kendall and Shelby relate to one another too. They did a good job making that a thing early on, so hopefully that gets developed in Shelby's ep.

For the record, the wrong assumptions line made me think Riley is gay too, but it--or he, now that I consider it--could go either or both ways. I did see slash with Jayden and Antonio, and even more with Gia and Emma, but this was more subtle than either of those. That's probably true of the show as a whole though.

Poorly, in a word. I didn't see the special edition, but the normal one has:

1) the main bad guy dying long before the team-up in the quarry, which is purely fighting grunts

2) the off screen disappearance of a general with no fanfare

3) the unexplained resurrection of Robo Knight

4) barely any lines for the returning Rangers

5) a peck on the cheek from Gia to Jake, nothing further

6) Troy lets go of his weapon after huffing and shouting about letting go of a weapon

Cool, thanks. Sounds like I didn't miss much.


People were posting on Tumblr that Karone stealing the show with her one line (the call back to her time as Astronema) was the only good part about the whole thing, so I had to see that considering she's one of my faves. I like that Cassie got a little speech too. I go back and forth on if she or Ashley is my fave girl ranger.


The season was just one big disappointment. There was potential there too, but it was completely squandered.

It was definitely a Girl Power episode but I liked that they weren't too overt about it. Most shows constantly tell the audience their women are smart.


"I simply cannot be responsible for sending you down this hole. It's much too dangerous." said the person who can't morph. 


Lol that location they pin pointed though is in Hacienda Heights, CA.

Dude, Koda is adorable. Seriously.

About the only issue with Koda is that his story is ridiculous.  That he'd be so... stilted and shielded in so many ways after having been alive for so long.  Not that Power Rangers does realistic, but Koda's character was very badly thought out.  They needed some "unfrozen" explanation for him for it to really work.

I think he was unfrozen though, they indicated that he was in the glacier for most of the time he'd been alive.

I'm shipping Tyler and Shelby because why not? I shipped them somewhat since episode 1, but it at least looks like they're going somewhere with it. On the other hand, Ranger romance tends to be pretty front-loaded, so who knows. I do like the fact that "random shovel lying around" seems to be the melee weapon of choice for everyone though.

Double post, but now that the show is back from hiatus, the next episode is available on Nick.com. I don't know what site policy is on discussing episodes before they've aired on television, but are available on proper (read: legal) online channels.

You can double check with the mods, but I think overall it seems to be "a legal broadcast is a legal broadcast" (as long as it's in the US--if it's not they definitely want you to use SPOILER tags).  


Actually using SPOILER tags anyway can't hurt if you are unsure.

(BTW: if it wasn't clear above, I meant that the online seems to be a broadcast just as much as a TV, if its "official")

Double post, but did anyone catch the new episode? I think Phillip's actor is one of the best of Neo-Saban, though it overshadowed Ivan a bit. I'll edit this post with my review later.


EDIT: Figured I'd plug my reviews for this and last week:

Break Out

Knight After Knights

Edited by DigitalCount

If I had to pick out my favorite parts of the latest Dino Charge episodes, it would have to be Phillip- I mean, family-friendly Christian Grey. Stole the whole show with his interactions with Koda.


By the way, call me out if I go too far, but I would like to propose a possible theory for Chase being a shooter or "Hot Shot": because he was rebelling against Australia (and possibly New Zealand's) gun control laws. I'm not sure if New Zealand exercises the same gun regulations as the mainland but backing up that theory after I remembered watching a piece from The Daily Show where John Oliver visited Australia to report on the politics of gun regulation, as well as Chase's general personality and streak of being the first victim, I feel like it's a possibility that his nationality would build to his interests and characteristics.


Digging deeper into New Zealand's social regulations, perhaps that is also why the possibility of having Chase and Riley as a possible couple is both unlikely but also hilariously hopeful. Pair Riley's rural, perhaps traditional background reminiscent of conservative regions in the US like Kentucky or Tennessee with Chase's New Zealand progressive politics (they regulate same-sex marriage since 2013) and one can assume that this could be a nod to traditional cultures intermingling with modernized, progressive cultures outside of their own and having that nonverbal conversation about love and acceptance.


You can call me crazy for this proposal, but because the Chiley fandom is simmering now that Shelby and Tyler are the main couple and clearly Chip Lynn and the director are doing everything they can to show any footage with minimal screen time of just Riley AND Chase together, I needed to let out my thoughts before this ship sinks. 

  • Love 1

I definitely think that Riley and Chase have been deliberately contrasted against each other in many episodes. Personally, I absolutely see something from Riley's side. The thing is, Chase is such an unsubtle Casanova wannabe that it doesn't seem like he'd be anything but straight. Like, he hardly seems the type to be in the closet, you know? It kinda feels like what you see is what you get.


The sharpshooting thing is an interesting perspective. I didn't even think about the whole gun laws issue. Hmm, I may need to ponder this further...

Edited by DigitalCount

In his main focus episode, Chase was portrayed as seemingly a little bit oblivious. I got the impression that, if he did like guys (instead of or) as well as girls, it was plausible that he literally might not realize it. Like it simply would never occur to him, because he just would assume he was like everybody else.


Not that I'm suggesting any of this is real- I'm just entertaining the idea. If I was coming up with plots to "make it work," I'd probably take that tactic, to keep things consistent. Less "in the closet" and more "had no clue".

  • Love 1



I get the feeling that it's generally easier to keep up interest in a show if it's incredibly good in a strange way or incredibly bad on all counts. It's part of why RPM and Samurai/Megaforce were so heavily discussed over the years. But now, I think Dino (Super) Charge is just good, so it doesn't really inspire the level of praise or vitriol that has pretty much been the last ten years of PR.


Anyway, here's my When Evil Stirs review.

My DVR was set to record new episodes of Power Rangers Dino Charge so it wasn't aware that new episodes had started under Power Rangers Dino Super Charge. And it's not as if I spend a lot of time on Nick to be catching any possible promos for it. I'm just glad I happened to catch it on the guide as I was strolling through the dial this morning.

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