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S07.E12: Once Upon A Time (1)

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 I think I'm glad the cancelled this one now.   Hannah and Carter are a yawner and I'm glad we don't have another season to watch that paint dry.  Loretta is still barely in the show.   We did get more Pride, but not in a good way.  I was half hoping the rumors of him moving to NCIS Hawaii were true, but but now that we've found out he has some secret lovechild from an extramarital affair with an organized crime family heir?  Yeah, please don't drag the shit to a new show.   I think Rita needs to head back to Washington.  In addition to reclaiming her job, her spine and her identity, she can ditch the Dwayne drama.  

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I was very much distracted by that bad porn 'stache on Pride.  Seriously, they couldn't think of a better way of trying to de-age Bacula?  

I always roll my eyes when they exaggerate the so-called skills of a profiler.  I mean seriously, noticing that hannah was wearing a man's shirt (not even a very distinctive shirt) and associating it with Carter?  that's stretching it too much.  Serious eye rolling there.  

It was nice to see Pride's brother again.

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This show has died. The last episode to showcase the unique charm of that city was when they held the concert in the park. Recent episodes have dropped it completely except for the food bank nod. 
Was not a bit impressed with nosy nellie’s so-called profiling skills. Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it needs to spew out your mouth. She’d be the first to take issue (loudly so) if any one of the team invaded her boundaries that way. 
Clearly the writers of these long-running shows have lost all creativity. Maybe they’re suffering from COVID-brain. 

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Well that bit of shocking news was telegraphed the minute we saw the memory of them  at dinner  and heard how old the boy was.  Furthermore, this supposed relationship between Pride and Sasha should have come up in the episodes featuring her several years ago. Retconning it now is just jumping the shark for no good reason.    

Still not interested in Hannah and Carter or  Hannah OR Carter.  This being the last season how about we find romantic partners for the original cast members - Sebastian or Patton.   


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Sigh.  Hated the retconning of Pride and Sasha.  I don't recall ANYTHING in the past shows featuring Sasha that she and Pride were ever "involved" with each other, and now there is the "Love Child"?.  Gimme a break!  Is this some stupid male fantasy that they have a love child somewhere is the shadows?   And of course, Pride has a daughter so it makes everything so nice that now he has a SON.  Especially, that the kid's mother is some criminal mastermind as opposed to the local donut store counter girl. Blech..   Frankly, if I were Rita, I'd run like hell in the other direction.  

And the cliffhanger - now that Carter and Hannah are having an affair (and did the show really need to go "there"), we don't know if she survived the explosion.   Well, they killed off Lasalle, so no biggie if they kill off somebody else also.  

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Well I guess I fell asleep through most of this episode...Sasha/Pride love child...yikes.. Hannah/Carter love affair they are really going to kill this show. Man can't believe I slept through all that...they  are going to ruin this show for rewatches with all this retcon...The NCIS franchise is slowly killing itself.

Edited by Gramto6

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