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Thrive Without Janelle: The Accountability Group

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21 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Hey you guys!

After years of struggle and feeling useless/hopeless and rejected by the agency I’d worked at for over a decade, I finally got a good job. And not just a job, but one in my field (museums). It’s a non-profit museum with a small staff and big goals. 

A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and my mood has improved so much that I didn’t realise how bad it actually was. I essentially shut myself in (except running/hiking), avoided people and was embarrassed to be asked, “So what are you doing?” I’d have to say “Nothing, I keep getting rejected.” So I avoided the risk of even being asked that question. I’m still in grad school — and now with a way to pay for it (I’d been putting tuition on my credit card along with medical bills) I feel so much less stress and worry.

I used to hate just existing. But now I have a purpose and an income (which is an internal thing with me, I always needed a purpose). 

Excellent news, than you for sharing as I too was beginning to worry about why we hadn't heard from you lately. Best of luck in your new position.

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4,929 steps yesterday.

The weather has changed drastically and rain all day is expected today and into the evening. The good news is it will definitely help put out the fires, the bad is now they are warning about flooding. My creek is higher than yesterday but still has a way to go. I'n not panicked at this point.   

And of course there is always something else.  I have been getting notices re my hotmail acct asking me to get to get Modern Authentication Methods set up or the acct will be closed 9/16!! I thought I had done everything, but yesterday got the warning again.Last night I downloaded the Outlook app and input my hotmail addy and it showed up so I thought that did it. But no, this morning I get the warning on that too. I am so confused and totally a nerd so am going to ask my friend's hubby to help me. He is very good w/computers. I really just don't know what they want me to do....

Edited by Gramto6
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1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

And of course there is always something else.  I have been getting notices re my hotmail acct asking me to get to get Modern Authentication Methods set up or the acct will be closed 9/16

Is this possibly a scam?

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Is this possibly a scam?

Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that, but I don't think so. I have been getting notifications since June and they do seem to be directly from Microsoft: 


I just can't see anyplace that walks me through what I need to do to accomplish this on a mac.

They do seem  to be pushing that I buy the 365 thingy what ever that is. Not techy at all!!

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Is Microsoft closing down Hotmail accounts?

However, to the best of my knowledge, Microsoft does not have any plans to close all Hotmail accounts. There have been some phishing attempts where users received emails claiming that their accounts would be closed, but these emails are not legitimate.May 1, 2024


That was one among several I found.  My hotmail has not one word about authentication.

Edited by Absolom
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OHHHH!! I hope you are right!! I have banners saying it is closing the 16th of Sept!  That is an awfully long term scam. I have been tearing my hair and fretting over it since June when it started. Like I needed any more on my plate!

I never even thought of scam...I just googled and it seems according to ZDNET it is just rolling into Outlook.com but we can continue to use Hotmail.com. Since I did download Outlook for mac last night then I am set. It just had me type in my addy (@hotmail.com) and everything transferred there. Oddly I am still getting  the Modern Authentication Methods on the new app email. 

I'm going to read the zdnet article through and then just ignore those warnings...

Thank you guys for letting me know! I'm glad I posted about it! Hmmm maybe I need to change my password if I am getting this type of spam.

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4,279 steps yesterday.

Not much walking yesterday. The rain really was coming down, but today should be better. My friend is coming over to put in one of the cat doors in the kitty house. I hope that they can adapt to it quickly...

I have a bad kink in my neck this morning, must have slept wrong.  I rubbed in some Aspercreme hopefully that will help some.

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Sorry to hear that, both of you. I guess Friday the 13th lived up to its reputation. I fell yesterday going up steps to a restaurant with a porch and my knee is a little swollen and sensitive. Stupid me, I was trying to get to the last table before someone else behind me that was younger and faster....Grrrr.....I should know better. Anyway fortunately I know how to fall and it was a wood porch plus I was wearing my tough Levi's AND my knees and legs are sturdy and tough from all that walking, so it could have been a LOT worse. The people were SO nice to me - most were in my age bracket and really sympathized. We all are petrified of falling after a certain age. They helped me up and the waitress brought me a big plastic bag with ice. My friend wasn't there yet, thankfully, but I told her about it and she also can relate. I kept it iced off and on yesterday and today I almost wouldn't know anything happened. Yay!

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Well, my knee is still a bit swollen but I'm realizing so is the rest of my leg below that, at least more than it usually is. I hope that resolves itself. These days I worry that calf swellings won't go away. I'm going for a follow-up with the podiatrist this coming Friday about my toes, which both look about the same. I'm frustrated with that because I never got a notice about the x-ray of my toe and never heard from the scheduling people for my leg ultrasound. The doctor warned me that might happen and gave me their phone number to call myself if I didn't hear from then in a week, but I can't find it now. Of course she put it on a piece of paper - why couldn't she put it in my after-visit summary or notes? She's young enough to want to do everything electronically! I didn't see any summary online and usually those things are posted right away. So I am very frustrated right now with the entire thing. At least I'm not in pain. My lower back is a teeny bit sore but it's nothing and it's already going away.

Anyway I hope everyone else is doing OK!

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This morning as my swelling goes down and the soreness gets more localized, I'm realizing that my point of impact was below the kneecap on the outside of my upper calf, not the kneecap itself, which is probably a better thing. So that explains why the calf is swollen and gives me hope that as the injury heals the calf swelling will go down. Whew!

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4,106 steps yesterday.

I took it as easy as possible yesterday, but still had things to do. Today will be about the same as foot and neck still sore. Both are better but not 100% so I will baby them another day. I need to do a grocery run tomorrow so saving my ankle for that.

Only chores for today is gather the garbage for pick up tomorrow and feeding/playing with the cats. 

Glad you didn't suffer any bad repercussions from your fall and seem to be on the mend @Yeah No! Falls are my worst fear! Especially because I live alone. 


Edited by Gramto6
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Fallls are quite scary at our ages.  A couple of us have ended up with surgery after a fall.  I'm glad yeah no missed the kneecap!

My digestive system is behaving better after about 36 hours of acting up.  The heat wave is definitely gone and today has not been any sunnier than partly cloudy with a very briefly high of 75.  

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34 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Fallls are quite scary at our ages.  A couple of us have ended up with surgery after a fall.  I'm glad yeah no missed the kneecap!

My digestive system is behaving better after about 36 hours of acting up.  The heat wave is definitely gone and today has not been any sunnier than partly cloudy with a very briefly high of 75.  

Glad you are feeling better @Absolom!  Yeah, the heat is gone here too. This high so far today at 4:30 PM is only 65°! At least given all the rain the past few days, all the fires around me are out and the sky os blue that pokes out from the clouds.

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Hi everyone,

in reference to the posts that were removed from the previous page… When discussing with your fellow posters, please remember that we’re a community made up of individuals from all walks of life. Our backgrounds, upbringings and experiences differ and because they do, we each perceive life, and all that comes with it, differently. We each are impacted by life’s challenges differently and even when they’re the same challenges, the impact they have on us is determined by our individual circumstances; a situation that was easy to deal with for one individual may be much harder for another as they may not have the same support or faced a previous challenge another individual has not faced. Likewise, a more harmless-seeming issue can still be just as much of an issue to one individual as a more severe-seeming can be to another when taken the individual circumstances into account.

Therefore, please be mindful of the other person’s perspective when you disagree. Keep criticism constructive and disagree in ways that acknowledge and respect the perception, impact and feelings of the individual you disagree with. Recognize that our individual perceptions, impact and feelings are equally valid. “Listen” not with the goal to win the argument or best another poster but with the intent to understand; sometimes, a member may just be in need of empathy, so understanding the other poster’s perspective and/or situation can help turn disagreements to support and encouragement.

Thank you. 

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4,300 steps yesterday. Don't often get such round numbers!

Taking it easy the last few days helped, but what I need to do today may set me back. Sigh, can't win for the losing...  The weather man says there may be snow in the higher elevations this week. I am not ready for it down here yet! My left hand still needs more healing/exercises to get to full function...

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12 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

4,300 steps yesterday. Don't often get such round numbers!

Taking it easy the last few days helped, but what I need to do today may set me back. Sigh, can't win for the losing...  The weather man says there may be snow in the higher elevations this week. I am not ready for it down here yet! My left hand still needs more healing/exercises to get to full function...

I had about 3,800 steps myself. I'm trying to take it easier on my leg and toes to help the healing. The swelling is getting better slowly. But I'm feeling more tired than usual and I don't know why. I had great sleep last night but I felt like I was dragging. I think at this age something like the leg thing can take the wind out of my sails more than it used to.

I've felt compelled to go out every day even though I don't have much going on because the weather here has been absolutely beautiful with low humidity, blue skies (except for some wildfire haze in the upper atmosphere) and highs only around 80 if that! This is making up for that horrible Summer we just had with nothing but rain, rain, and more rain, and temps. over 90! I usually stay home and take care of stuff around the house a couple of days a week but I have FOMO big time and don't want to miss out on the weather. Last year at this time I had Covid so I missed September altogether so that's another reason for it. September and October have become my favorite months. I used to be a Summer person but the Summers now are just too hot. 

I can't even imagine snow yet - I feel for you, gram! You've had your share of awful weather too this year.

I was going to ask you how your hands are doing. I guess it takes time to heal. Is it better than it was before the surgery yet?

4 hours ago, Absolom said:

I saw the new doctor about the unintentional, unwanted weight loss.  We have a plan!

That's good news!

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4,849 steps yesterday.

The errands didn't set me back too much, in fact I think the waking in the store loosened up my ankle. But since my neck is still sore, I guess the driving wasn't such a good idea. At least I don't have anywhere until next Tuesday, so I can rest it.

The weather here has been cool and drizzly. Fortunately the storm coming through today and tonight is going more North so we'll just get more drizzle. The snow for now it higher elevations, but that can change fast!

My hands as far as the trigger fingers being fixed are great!! They all work as they should. There is just residual stiffness in the muscles from the surgeries that I have to exercise out. And hand strength is not back at 100% but the exercises will help that too. They say 6 months to be totally healed and back to normal. But I am a fast healer so I don't think it will take that long.  Even so it was worth it to have all my fingers bend and unbend normally again!!

@Yeah No I hear you about recovering from things like falls takes a bigger toll on us as we get older than it did in our younger days. And that sux!!

@Absolom that is good news. I hope it works out for you!

Edited by Gramto6
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4,070 steps yesterday.

Still in take it easy mode. My ankle is just about back to normal and neck is improving, probably thanks to the Meloxicam (my rx is for 1-2 /day and I've only been taking 1 a day) but  the past 2 days, 2 seems to give me more relief for my neck.

Not much on agenda today, maybe a load of laundry.

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5,396 steps yesterday.

Even though I was taking it easy, for some reason doing laundry always adds steps. I guess the back and forth from one end of the house to the other as I slowly empty dryer. I hang dry most of the clothes after tumbling just enough to get the wrinkles out. Before all the kitties, I used to have my clothes rack on the porch, but now it would just be another climbing toy for them now. Cute, but not conducive to clean dry clothes!  

Edited by Gramto6
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