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S01.E10: Spring Fling

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Oh Victor... while I can't blame him essentially swooning after Benji's confession, still not the wisest move to make out right outside the front door while knowing that there are two powder kegs walking around the school potentially ready to go off. That said, Pilar and Andrew can both fuck off with their righteousness.

The episodes didn't do such a great job IMO establishing Benji's character, other than demonstrate that the boyfriend's an ass. I was still rooting for Benji and Victor, but with so much more focus on Mia than Benji, I'm wondering if I should have been, since it seems that the show's just painting her as a victim to Victor's dishonesty. Even though she's been dishonest (especially to herself, in fairness) with her feelings about Andrew. I like Mia a lot, but I was anticipating more of a love triangle, instead of a guy and girl with other guy as passive interloper. It just makes Victor look like an ass, when he really isn't, and it gives Andrew more ammunition to be a dick towards Victor (not buying Andrew's redemption yet).

Ugh to the cliffhanger ending. That's the kind of finale that curses shows I watch to be cancelled. I hope Disney/Hulu prove me wrong.

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#1 rule for having important private conversations in the bathroom - always check to make sure there isn't anyone in the stalls before you say anything incriminating!

Andrew continues to be on my shit list. He is one of those gross people who just rinses their hands instead of washing them with soap. The nicest thing he has done in ten episodes is not out Victor (which is a pretty low bar since anyone who does that is shitty).

Wendy is just as weird as Felix so it made me sad that he's too hung up on Lake to appreciate it. And sadly, he wasn't even being subtle. Poor Wendy could tell that he was watching her all night.

I really felt for Victor because although he did intend to tell Mia the truth, circumstances kept getting in the way. There was no way he could have followed up her dad's baby/wedding announcement with breaking up with her a few minutes later.

Pilar can get right off of her high horse though. She violated her brother's privacy by reading something private that he had in his backpack. Sorry, that is not something that you're allowed to do in my world without serious repercussions. As if that weren't bad enough, then she went around poking any bear she could find (at the school dance, no less, because that's the appropriate place to sabotage people's relationships) because she was being self righteous about other people's relationships.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


Pilar can get right off of her high horse though. She violated her brother's privacy by reading something private that he had in his backpack. Sorry, that is not something that you're allowed to do in my world without serious repercussions. As if that weren't bad enough, then she went around poking any bear she could find (at the school dance, no less, because that's the appropriate place to sabotage people's relationships) because she was being self righteous about other people's relationships.

Omg,  I totally agree.   I get that she's paranoid about her parents,  but you could kindly butt the fuck out of your brother's relationship woes.   Plenty of seventeen years old couples aren't endgame and she'd know that if she'd stop being so obsessed that her freshman long distance relationship didn't work out.  My sister was also a few years below me in high school and I'd lose my shit if she ran around the school trying to figure out every person I was hooking up with, who were also boys incidentally. 

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Gonna need that second season now, they cant end like that! I have no idea how his family will react, or what the fall out will be from him and Mia, but I am really excited to find out! 

I hate that Mia found out that way, but I cant blame Victor for not telling her quite yet, he kept getting interrupted. It would have been awful to break up with her the night she found out that her dad was getting remarried, and then during the dance, its just a sucky situation for everyone. I hope that she can forgive him and that they can be friends at some point, or at least that Andrew wont be her rebound guy, she deserves better than him. I feel really bad for her and it sucks that Victor wasn't honest with her earlier, especially blowing off her dads party to hang out with Benji (which was probably his crapiest moment) but he didn't mean to hurt her or lead her on, he really was confused and he really did like her. Being a teenager is tough y'all. 

Of course, the drama of her seeing Victor and Benji kissing could have probably been avoided if Pilar could have stepped off her high horse and kept her nose out of her brothers business! I have normally liked Pilar, moody teen-ness and all, but her was insufferable being all self riotous and crappy to her brother without even knowing the whole story, and even dragging other people into it at the middle of a school dance. And she was the one who was rummaging through her brothers private letters in the first place! Yeah she is clearly projecting after the stuff with her mom, but there is a big difference between a teenager kissing someone else when they have a girlfriend of a few months, and a full affair, especially when she doesn't have the whole story. The amount of self riotous smug disproportionate anger radiating off of her reminded me of Simon's "friends" from the movie who acted like he personally killed all of their puppies after they found out he was being blackmailed into helping creepy Martin, even ignoring him when he obviously being bullied. 

Overall, I went in thinking that the premise of the show was kind of stretching it (random new kid become pen pals with old main character in a spin off?) but I thought it turned out pretty well. It was fun and cute and I liked the supporting cast a lot more than in Love Simon, possibly because they can get more development in a show than in a movie. I did end up feeling like we didn't get to know Benji very well, while we got to see Mia a whole lot, which makes it hard when you kind of know that Victor is going to end up with Benji, at least in the short term. Of course, if nothing else, Benji seems like he can do better than his jerk boyfriend. He should have kicked him to the curb the night of their anniversary when he saw his super cute date and was just like "ugh romance is dumb lets go see my friends shitty cover band" and bailed on him. I felt like we didn't get much of Victor and Benji as a possible couple, but I guess we can do that next season. Like I said, I liked Mia a lot, and while he was a LOT I liked Felix as well. He was rather overbearing and over the top, but he was also a good friend to Victor, and they did a good job of showing different sides of him, like his sweet reaction to Victor coming out to him and his mom. Lake was fun as well, and the dynamics of Victors family was interesting and complicated in ways that I liked. Andrew I was not a fan of, the one time I kind of liked him was when Felix told him what a dick he was even as Andrew tried to play off his bullying as "messing around" and how funny people think he is, and how he seemed upset that people dont think that he is a good guy. If they follow up on that more, maybe, but like I said, Mia can do better.  

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On 7/13/2020 at 11:00 PM, tennisgurl said:

Gonna need that second season now, they cant end like that!


On 6/18/2020 at 4:18 PM, Delphi said:

So... this had better be getting a second season.   Because wtf. 


On 6/18/2020 at 3:51 AM, dmeets said:

Ugh to the cliffhanger ending. That's the kind of finale that curses shows I watch to be cancelled. I hope Disney/Hulu prove me wrong.

It was renewed for season 2 🙂

Also, was it ever established who is the older sibling, Pilar or Victor? It bothers me that I can't figure it out.

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On 11/20/2020 at 4:00 AM, Harvey said:



It was renewed for season 2 🙂

Also, was it ever established who is the older sibling, Pilar or Victor? It bothers me that I can't figure it out.

Victor is older. He’s 16 (he had his bday in an earlier episode), Pilar was 14 at the start of the series.

Mia and her Dad’s GF- she wasn’t rude to her but she could stand to be a little nicer. This woman never did anything to you and she has really tried. No she won’t ever be your mom or caregiver (Mia is too old for that) but she will be your sibling’s mom and your Dad’s wife- you could at least try to be friends. Mia might actually like having an older woman as a friend.  See she was so warm and welcoming to her when she came home from the dance.

Mia had no business asking Andrew to come in. She knows he likes her, and she’s used him sexually for emotional validation once before- to do it again because she feels embarrassed isn’t right. I’m glad he shut her down.

Pillar needs to cut shit out, she shouldn’t have been reading her brother’s letter, but if she really wants to know what happened ask him tomorrow! Stop SNOOPING SHIT. I understand her being mad and confused and feeling like she didn’t know her brother. But that doesn’t excuse what she did, like I said before she could’ve talked to him it in the MORNING. Just the two of them and not brought others into it.

The parents separating doesn’t surprise me. I do think they could use therapy. I have a feeling they may get back together (they seem to genuinely be in love), but they have to deal with their issues. Given how young they were when they got married this doesn’t surprise me.

Shallow Bus- everyone looked so pretty for the formal, I loved Victor’s suit with the dots. Pilar’s hair is gorgeous AS ALWAYS. Andrew is a jerk but he looked FIIIIINNNNEEE in that Velour Suit (is the actor of legal age I feel ashamed??!- I just googled, he is! Mason Gooding is 24 and Cuba Gooding Jr’s son!) Wendy looked really nice with the dress and the feather in her hair. Mia’s silver dress looked great on her (the actress is petite but with more muscular shoulders so the asymmetrical dresses are fab on her). 

Off to season 2!

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