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S02.E16: Facing Darkness Is Kinda My Thing

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In a race to save Josie, Hope infiltrates her subconscious and finds herself in a fairy-tale world filled with dark magic; Alaric, Lizzie and the Super Squad commit to their own risky plan to get Josie back.


Original air date: 3/26/20

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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"She once walked past me and said hard pass for no reason"... 

"I'm special and unique but I'm emotional about it for some reason"

" hes probably of being a beta somewhere... Which I'm totally into"

Danielle Rose Russell really captured Lizzy 

Ned and Kaleb going top diva on one another... 

Will say I don't care how bad Lizzy was.. Ppl laughing at the wake seemed off.. Glad and not surprised MG stepped up... 

As I was never into the whole dark Josie thing... That SL didn't move me one way or another... 

So Raf is left as a wolf for months.. Has to deal with a broken brain... Gets possessed... Finds his dad but not his mom... Gets hunted down and killed brought back to life... Used as a puppet to Kill his best fried/brother... Somewhere in there had to deal with his feelings for hope being dashed once again after everyone remembered everything... And has had no time to deal with any of it and no real support for it from anyone in the cast cept a lil bit from Landon last epi... And whenever the show comes back... He's got Landon and Hope in a coma... So I doubt he'll have anytime to deal... I'm not gonna expect much.. But I do hope in one of the remaining episodes somebody in the cast acknowledges what he's been through.. Hell I may even be ok with just anyone talking to him for more than 30 seconds 

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1 hour ago, UNOSEZ said:

"She once walked past me and said hard pass for no reason"... 

"I'm special and unique but I'm emotional about it for some reason"

" hes probably of being a beta somewhere... Which I'm totally into"

Danielle Rose Russell really captured Lizzy 

Ned and Kaleb going top diva on one another... 

Will say I don't care how bad Lizzy was.. Ppl laughing at the wake seemed off.. Glad and not surprised MG stepped up... 

As I was never into the whole dark Josie thing... That SL didn't move me one way or another... 

So Raf is left as a wolf for months.. Has to deal with a broken brain... Gets possessed... Finds his dad but not his mom... Gets hunted down and killed brought back to life... Used as a puppet to Kill his best fried/brother... Somewhere in there had to deal with his feelings for hope being dashed once again after everyone remembered everything... And has had no time to deal with any of it and no real support for it from anyone in the cast cept a lil bit from Landon last epi... And whenever the show comes back... He's got Landon and Hope in a coma... So I doubt he'll have anytime to deal... I'm not gonna expect much.. But I do hope in one of the remaining episodes somebody in the cast acknowledges what he's been through.. Hell I may even be ok with just anyone talking to him for more than 30 seconds 

They way the writers have treated Rafael is almost criminal. At least MG is finally being treated a little better.

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2 hours ago, mommalib said:

They way the writers have treated Rafael is almost criminal. At least MG is finally being treated a little better.

It is criminal.  I hate that he has been absented, shoved aside, and/or ignored for most of the season only to become a puppet of the villain. Now, he may or may not have killed his brother. Fuck, show.  

4 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

She once walked past me and said hard pass for no reason"... 

"I'm special and unique but I'm emotional about it for some reason"

" hes probably of being a beta somewhere... Which I'm totally into"

Danielle Rose Russell really captured Lizzy 

She really did.  It was also nice to see her play upbeat and smile.  Lizzie's not wrong about Hope and her emoness. 

I Love Kaleb and I'm coming around to Jed.  They are fun together.  I've decided Kaleb makes people better. 

I enjoyed the Fairytale scape.  But it was a little clunky. Kaylee Bryant did well with it, such as it was. 

I hated the "saved our bacon" line because I do not for  moment believe someone Hope's age would use that figure of speech. It felt shoehorn for a very lame joke. 

I loved Lizzie's Eulogy for MG.  It was sweet. 

Is it bad that I kept forgetting about Landon?  Like, except when he was directly on screen. And... I don't really care.  Like, I like Landon most of the time (hate his relationship with Hope, but whatevs).  But I cannot say I missed him and would kinda be okay with it except as it effects Raf. 

Hope, however, needs to wake up. 

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I thought this was a good episode. Despite not being planned for a finale it does work okay for one as it resolved a few issues but still has some cliffhangers. 

While not as big a fan of Raf as others, I do think his character was done a disservice since last year as he had a natural storyline being the new student. He should have been the character that we got introduced to different aspects of the school ie different classes/teachers/how each supernatural species being taught because we are two seasons in and we know very little about how the students are being taught. Hell that was a big reason the whole students in the prison world wasn't as effective as it could have been. 

I thought the pig might have been Josie when they got to the cabin and he started saying things that sounded like things Josie would say about herself. Also interesting her thoughts on Penelope. I liked their chemistry last season but the fact that she left does say what she thought about Josie being able to survive the merge. At least what Josie could interpret from Penelope leaving. 

I wonder if Hope being turned into stone in Josie's mind is the reason she is still not waking. 

Also glad Alaric mentioned that the whole golden arrow/new hero riddle might not mean what people think. 

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2 hours ago, RachelKM said:

Like, I like Landon most of the time (hate his relationship with Hope, but whatevs

I think I'm even more of a Landon fan than you as you say most of the time.. I like him except when it has to do with hope... Its not even that the two actors don't sell it.. Its that the writing  has never made sense... It's always felt like the show decided Landon and Hope and then wrote the characters without input from the others and then mushed them together... They've never felt real.. And this universe has had some interesting relationships I mean Marcel basically married his aunt and it still worked... But I really didn't miss him this epi either... But him being gone can only work if Hope and Raf are written to not be so worried about his existence all the time.. And seeing as Bonnie/ Stefan then Damon could never do that for Elena... I doubt Hope and Raf will ever do it for Landon. 

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7 hours ago, mommalib said:

They way the writers have treated Rafael is almost criminal. At least MG is finally being treated a little better.


4 hours ago, RachelKM said:

It is criminal.  I hate that he has been absented, shoved aside, and/or ignored for most of the season only to become a puppet of the villain. Now, he may or may not have killed his brother. Fuck, show.  

It's par for the course for how these shows treat characters of color.  I was hoping this show would be different since they had an actual diverse cast and not just a token, but nope!  Raf could be such a great character too.  

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 Hahaha, homicidal Hot Topic Josie!

Did we know before this episode that Lizzie's middle name was Jenna? I'm guessing that means Josie's middle name is Isobel.

While the fairy tale mind trip was very cliche (and did we really need another trip like this so soon after the noir episode?), I did like the costumes and sets. The Salvatore School is very dark and drab so it was nice to see some bright colors.

I guess I should just be glad that the way this episode ended serves as an impromptu season finale.

Poor Raf has been sidelined left and right by the writing. At least Kaleb and Jed got some more screen time this week. Their Boyz II Men duet/duel was ridiculous but fun.

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Im kind of annoyed at the fact that the plot keeps getting reused; like in Vampire Diaries Elena also goes into a deep sleep in order to keep Bonnie alive and in The Originals something similar happens but I cant remember what. It's like it's repeating itself with different characters. Something else thats also confusing is why did Ben (the alpha of the schools pack) not say or do anything when he saw the eye in the last episode. 

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First note: More Kaleb and Jed together, they seriously cracked me up the whole time, especially them trying to make the video memorial for Lizzie, and failing at singing Boyz II Men. As much as I felt bad for Lizzie seeing how people didnt seem to care that she was dead, I did get some chuckled out of it. "Its great that we remember her at all...so she wasnt sucked into Malivore..." "She looked at me and said "hard pass"."

Poor Raf, every storyline he gets just involves him being miserable, when he isnt just straight up being written out of the show by sticking him with long lost parents or is a wolf or is just off-screen somewhere, the poor guy deserves so much better. Now that he finally gets some decent screen time, he spends it crying and miserable and begging to be killed because he was forced to kill his brother/best friend. And the only person who would probably check in on him is probably Landon...who is currently dead and isnt resurrecting. 

Josie's fairy tale subconscious was kind of silly, but it was fun too, and the sets and costumes all looked really great. Very colorful and magical. I am apparently kind of slow because I didnt realize Josie was the pig until Hope pulled her out, but in retrospect I should have seen it coming. Glad that it seems like the Dark Josie stuff is done, or at least put on the back burner for now, and that she is more or less back to normal. 

Lizzie's Hope impression was pretty spot on. "I am super special and unique but that makes me all emo for some reason. Let me sacrifice myself unnecessarily." The mutual eulogies between Lizzie and MG were sweet, they seem to be inching towards them becoming a thing it seems like, and if they do, I am glad that Lizzie has become a lot nicer towards him. 

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

The mutual eulogies between Lizzie and MG were sweet, they seem to be inching towards them becoming a thing it seems like, and if they do, I am glad that Lizzie has become a lot nicer towards him. 

I think compared to a lot of other pining best friends stories... MG has shown that he really could JUST be a friend to Lizzy if thats what she needed... He never gave off a... Waiting around for my shot or entitled to this romance vibe... 

The more I think on RAF the worse kt feels because.. Fine they tortured him all year a la Bonnie... It sucks but somebody had to carry that water for the cast... But to not really give him screentime with anyone.. We are what 15/ 16 episodes in... Can you recall him even speaking to Josie... Any non Landon related convos with Hope?...  Maybe a wolfie wolf chat with Jed?...  Its been Landon or Alaric... Like  he's some trapped in a toxic relationship and can only talk to or about Landon... 

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