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Kate Callahan: Love Is All Around

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"Taught a whole generation about a scary man in a trench coat, hiding behind a tree. Then we learned that strangers are only a... fraction of the offenders out there. Most are people you see every day - your family, your neighbors, schoolteachers. You know the rest. Prepared our children for 1% of the danger, made them more vulnerable to 99%. So we've been wrong before. All we can do is learn from it, and hopefully be better next time."


That is absolutely true.  We spend so much time telling them to avoid people they don't know, when it's most often those they do know who are their predators.  The time would be better spent teaching them when and how (loudly) to say 'no'.  And whom to confide in afterwards.

  • Love 3

As I said I feel indifferent towards Meg's fate. However, if they killed her I think it would feel too emotionally manipulative, as if the writers think they're doing something major to break our hearts. It will also be another non-major character death, not that I'm hoping they kill off a regular. These writers just seem to kill off peripheral characters to get a reaction while never offing anyone who is integral to the show. It's like the anti-Shonda Rhimes.

That's a fair point. I'm just thinking that since Meg is just a prop for Callahan the only credible path in the story at this stage is killing her. That way, it has some lasting impact for Callahan and, depending on how Callahan's obliviousness to her online activities is played, it can become a “teachable” moment for her. If Callahan is going to be here for the long haul, she needs a few missteps.

Another thing that bothers me about the story, for those who have seen the promo, is the concept that the trafficking ring sells victims to serial killers. I'll reserve my judgment to see how it is played, but it just doesn't seem credible to me. All the serial killers we know are not afraid to cull their own victims, so I don't understand why there's a need for intermediaries. Unless it's for “specialized” killers that have a hard time finding victims, or it's for killers that might lack the confidence to go out on hunts of their own.

All I know is that I'm leery of the explanation, and I know I'll likely be let down again.

  • Love 3

Letting Meg suffer fatally at the hands of an UnSub would probably make a great story, but I just don't think they'll go there, unless Kate also leaves. That would just cast a pall over the team that they'd never get past. It's one thing to let wives/girlfriends experience a violent end on the show, but for it to happen to a team member's child, they'd be entering into territory that I don't think the team would survive.

Besides, we know it will end well. Messer has already spoiled that all will be hunky-dory, and that wouldn't be possible if Meg dies. Why even watch at all?

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 3

Well, not to be pedantic, but Meg technically isn't Kate's child, and she's still a loved one either way. I don't think being a child should carry any extra significance in that regard.

Furthermore, Kate will likely have to take time off from the first part of next season, so there's still a chance for a pall to be believably cast.

Edited by Danielg342
  • Love 1

I am in agreement with you; however, I don't have confidence that it would be realistically depicted. For a team member to lose a child, it would have to constantly come up, and I don't think the writers can do it. Plus, virtually every show with an UnSub who kidnaps/kills anyone with parents, it would have to become The Kate Show. 1) I don't want that; and 2) I don't trust the writers to do it well.

Edited to add: Kate has raised her since she was an infant, and she is Kate's sister's child. I have no question that Kate loves her as much as she will her unborn baby. For all intents and purposes, Meg is Kate's daughter.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 7

I have to say that even when the engangered child was that of someone who had been on the team for a long time, I didn't really care. When I was watching "100" for the first time I knew they weren't going to kill Jack so I had no concern. I was disappointed that they killed Haley, but I wasn't broken up about it. When Will and Henry were supposedly in danger I rolled my eyes and checked my clock to see when the snoozefest would end.


I guess its hard for me to fathom kids behaving like Meg-- even though I know some are total brats at that age. I never did risky things in my teens. I didn't rebel against my parents. I was on the honor roll, I did my homework, took Taekwondo, and my father was my best friend. He was able to be a parent AND a friend to me and I always respected him.


Anyway, I like Kate, but I don't really care about Meg. If she dies I will laugh my ass off and say good riddance. When it comes to TV, if a character is too stupid to live, then I am not upset when they die-- unless I am annoyed with the writers for taking a previously non-dumbass character and turning them into a complete idiot to lead to their demise (like Haley). I do think it was a huge mistake to have the finale be about the child of the new character.


and on the spoilers

I think the idea that the buyers are all serial killers instead of sex traffickers or abusers is just stupid-- and it was already done in "Supply and Demand". Apparently Messer finds that concept particularly frightening and keeps rehashing it.

It takes away any sense of authenticity and makes me care even less.

  • Love 1

Anyway, I like Kate, but I don't really care about Meg. If she dies I will laugh my ass off and say good riddance. When it comes to TV, if a character is too stupid to live, then I am not upset when they die-- unless I am annoyed with the writers for taking a previously non-dumbass character and turning them into a complete idiot to lead to their demise (like Haley). I do think it was a huge mistake to have the finale be about the child of the new character.


and on the spoilers

I think the idea that the buyers are all serial killers instead of sex traffickers or abusers is just stupid-- and it was already done in "Supply and Demand". Apparently Messer finds that concept particularly frightening and keeps rehashing it.

It takes away any sense of authenticity and makes me care even less.


I think of Messer using Meg is just an example of lazy writing- she's thinking "everyone roots for kids", so to go for some cheap emotion, she puts the kid in peril. It's just plain silly, especially because she doesn't do anything really "novel" with the stories anyway.


(Plus she's already went to this well in a première before, with "It Takes A Village...")


As for the spoiler:


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the serial killer angle contradicts what was established in the first episode. Sure, Steven Parkett was a serial killer, but there was nothing about the website that indicated it was simply *for* serial killers- it was just your rudimentary "girl shop". I also wonder how someone would even sign up for a site like that- it's not like serial killers have a "card" or something.

  • Love 6

I think of Messer using Meg is just an example of lazy writing- she's thinking "everyone roots for kids", so to go for some cheap emotion, she puts the kid in peril. It's just plain silly, especially because she doesn't do anything really "novel" with the stories anyway.


(Plus she's already went to this well in a première before, with "It Takes A Village...")


So true...

And again with Henry, in hit and run, season seven

And again with that annoying kid in the longest night, which was worse because she kept coming back for some Moore episodes.

And another child in danger in demons, preventing the mom to tell who was the unsub.

  • Love 3

That action would definitely be illegal, but since this team has been flouting the law in recent seasons, it would not SHOCK me if that idea was approached.

It could work as a sting operation, where they buy back Meg and Markayla and arrest the seller. Only problem is that, likely, the person they buy the girls from wouldn't be the ringleader of the operation, so there would still be some more work to do.

  • Love 2

Yeah, but that is essentially the same as running a child porn sting operation where law enforcement officers trade pictures of child porn to get in to the operation. And as was stated, the act alone is illegal, which is why I don't recall the actual law enforcement officers weren't exchanging pictures of child pornography. I really don't think law enforcement officers could get away with actually buying persons, even if it was ostensibly to rescue them and it was a sting operation. 

A few points:

-I'd agree that it couldn't be something Hotch would authorize. It would require the authority of the higher ups or the undercover division in order for a “buy and bust” scenario to occur.

-Having said that, doing something illegal isn't enough to quash a valid police investigation. As the Canadian Supreme Court noted, in some cases, in order to detect a crime the police must be willing to commit one themselves, pursuant to the investigation. For example, a drug dealer will not loudly proclaim they have drugs for sale, nor will they readily give up their supplier. For the police to arrest the supplier, they will need to buy drugs from the dealer to gain a sense of trust, and from there, hopefully, they can gain information that leads to the supplier.

(Source: http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/sen/committee/371/ille/library/powers-e.htm)

-With regards to this case, it's a grey area if the BAU needs to actually buy the girls in order to “detect” the crime. The BAU could argue that, while they believe a kidnapping has taken place- simply because they know the kids are missing and their last known action was meeting a suspicious character- their leads may have dried up so much that, in order to get to the kidnappers they'd have to purchase the girls themselves.

-In a case like this, though, time wouldn't be on their side. Since *all* the leads would likely need to be exhausted- such as being unable to trace the UnSub's computer, being unable to find the van, being unable to recognize the kidnapper through surveillance or witness accounts, etc.- a considerable amount of time would pass in which the girls could get sold. So there's no guarantee, going this route, that you'd be able to rescue the girls. You might be able to rescue *a* girl or several girls, but not the one you're looking for.

-Furthermore, purchasing the girls would involve a significant expense, one the FBI budget might not authorize anyway. It's one thing to buy drugs at a couple hundred dollars, but it's another to buy two girls who might cost you a couple hundred thousand.

In short, for the BAU to buy the girls- and thus commit an offence- the test is whether or not all the other legal remedies were explored first. If they were, then this becomes necessary. I just think it'd be too arduous to be plausible, however.

  • Love 1

Yeah, but I would bet money that paying money to purchase human beings, even as part of a sting operation and ostensibly to rescue them, is very much in the off limits category for law enforcement. Just like exchanging images of child porn or receiving actual sexual favors from prostitutes, even as part of a law enforcement investigation, is off limits, except in very specific situations, as well. 

Edited by ForeverAlone

Way back in the beginning of season two, the episode P911 focused on a similar subject with Peter, the little boy who had been kidnapped and was going to be auctioned off online when the clock ran out. Even with Elle's Haircut of Angst stinking up the joint, that was a better way to handle the situation than I have the feeling this will be.

  • Love 5

Way back in the beginning of season two, the episode P911 focused on a similar subject with Peter, the little boy who had been kidnapped and was going to be auctioned off online when the clock ran out. Even with Elle's Haircut of Angst stinking up the joint, that was a better way to handle the situation than I have the feeling this will be.

Yeah, it would be nice if Kate would make a return appearance, or at least Andi Swan. It would make a lot of sense if the BAU enlisted other agencies to help them with this search, plus it would be a nice callback to previous guest stars. It will be interesting to see how this hunt goes down for the team, and how they realize that Meg and Makayla were trafficked and not just abducted by a garden variety criminal. 

  • Love 1

Yeah, but I would bet money that paying money to purchase human beings, even as part of a sting operation and ostensibly to rescue them, is very much in the off limits category for law enforcement. Just like exchanging images of child porn or receiving actual sexual favors from prostitutes, even as part of a law enforcement investigation, is off limits, except in very specific situations, as well. 

Yep, there are definitely limits, and I don't see how money could exchange hands, but I do know stings work on getting the offer on tape, the consent, and the supposed delivery is where the sting goes in. No actual transaction would happen, especially because Garcia's magic computer would make sure of that...

  • Love 1

All I know is that I really don't care about these two girls.

If this is the last season, and it ends being centred about anyone but the original team I will be really truly mad.

I think this is exacly what's going to happen. :-(

The promo is about Kate.. no one is going to watch the episode because of this.. they decide to cancel CM because "no one cares about the show" anymore, meanwhile people still love the show but no one wants to watch the Kate Show. I hope that JJ fans will watch the ep b/c they promised that she announces she's expecting a baby in the season finale. I really don't know anymore though.... I'll believe it when i see it.

Edited by Guesswht

The decision has already been made on whether or not to cancel the show, the network is just waiting until the up fronts to announce it. The feeling I get is that most casual viewers of the show are indifferent towards JLH. It's just some very intense people who despise her and are threatening to quit the show because of her presence. Keep in mind these very intense people have been threatening this since the beginning of the season and yet they clearly continue to watch and bitch. And yes, intense is the nicest word I can think of to describe this small minority of viewers.

  • Love 4

The promo is about Kate.. no one is going to watch the episode because of this.. they decide to cancel CM because "no one cares about the show" anymore, meanwhile people still love the show but no one wants to watch the Kate Show.


Let me be clear.


Although I do have my doubts about this episode, Kate (or JLH) isn't the reason for those doubts. I've been mostly accepting of her this season despite some initial misgivings, as I accepted Alex Blake before her. I like to be contrary, and my inner ten year old mightily resents the shouters and screamers who pile on almost any character because it doesn't like being told what to do. Hell, the only reason I'm so sick of JJ is because Messer shoved her in my face for so long. That hasn't really been the case with Kate, although I'm sure the shouters believe it has.


My doubts about this episode lie with the writing, partly because the show has done human trafficking stories a couple of times before, and I'm not sure the crowd behind the scenes now is capable of pulling it off decently. That doesn't have anything to do with Kate, and it doesn't have anything to do with Hewitt. If it was about another kid and not Meg, who I don't care about all that much, I would be a bit more interested, but I'd still be uncertain in general. I am willing to wait and see, but I just don't know how its going to turn out.

  • Love 8

Perhaps my last post was too mean-spirited and it was removed as a result? So I'm gonna put my kids gloves on and try again. The majority of viewers do not hate JLH. It is a minority. It just so happens that this minority speaks as if they are a majority. It's no different than people who hate JJ, Garcia, or even Reid. The large majority of fans love the entire team. When it comes to television the critics always talk the loudest.


There are several explanations for why the ratings have dropped and I believe all of them apply. First of all this is a show in its tenth season. A drop in ratings is a natural progression. Second, CM had to go up against the biggest show on network television for several weeks and the ratings never recovered. Third, less and less people are watching live. More people are choosing to record all of their shows and watch them later. It's also important to factor in online streaming. Because of this, a 2.0 in the demo is no longer a kiss of death for a show like it was only a few years ago. This number now indicates a solid hit. Let's keep in mind CM skews younger than any other drama on CBS and also has the highest percentage of female viewers. All things considered CM has aged extraordinarily well ratings-wise, particularly for a show that gets little to no promotion from the network.


Edit: this post was meant as a response to an earlier post from another user, but that post has since disappeared. I'm just gonna leave this here anyway to remind people that it's not as dire as some people think. And because I like JLH and feel bad for the hate she gets.

Edited by Russet29
  • Love 6

I'll say this: CM used to hover around 14-16 million viewers from S2 until about halfway through S7. Since then, its average has lost five million viewers. Granted, the TV landscape- and how we view TV- has changed considerably in the last few years, but the truth is, Erica has lost viewers in every season. There has to be more to it other than “people are DVRing it”.

  • Love 7

I'll say this: CM used to hover around 14-16 million viewers from S2 until about halfway through S7. Since then, its average has lost five million viewers. Granted, the TV landscape- and how we view TV- has changed considerably in the last few years, but the truth is, Erica has lost viewers in every season. There has to be more to it other than “people are DVRing it”.

Agreed, which is why I made the point about a show being in its tenth season naturally losing viewers. It's rare a show can hold onto those types of lofty figures after 10 years. I've heard live+7 is a good way to evaluate the popularity of a show, so I'd be curious to compare those numbers from season 7 to this season. Unfortunately I'm not sure where to find those ratings from 3 years ago.

I'll say this: CM used to hover around 14-16 million viewers from S2 until about halfway through S7. Since then, its average has lost five million viewers. Granted, the TV landscape- and how we view TV- has changed considerably in the last few years, but the truth is, Erica has lost viewers in every season. There has to be more to it other than “people are DVRing it”.

Our way of viewing TV has changed greatly in as little as five years. Five years ago, I definitely had my appointment tv shows that I had to watch when they initially aired. Today, CM is one of the very few shows I consider "apointment TV", and a lot of my shows I catch on-line days or even weeks later.


And sure, CM, as it rapidly enters its dotage, is going to lose some viewers. This happens. But I truly think a great deal of lower ratings has to do with Erica Messer and her mind-numbingly silly decisons. How did such a witless woman get her job?


On-topic: I have no problem with Kate (or JLH), just her niece. Meg could have been written with true complexity if in the hands of a superior writers. Instead, the writers make Meg as complex as a cardboard cut out. Tis a pity.

  • Love 4

On-topic: I have no problem with Kate (or JLH), just her niece. Meg could have been written with true complexity if in the hands of a superior writers. Instead, the writers make Meg as complex as a cardboard cut out. Tis a pity.

In another thread, someone opined that CM thrusting women front and centre over men is “anti-misogynistic”. Now, I disagree with that on another level, but it's also worth pointing out that, even though CM has featured more women lately, they still fall into the old sexist roles. Erica Messer's women- like so many other TV women- are obsessed with love and having a family, continuing a disheartening TV trend where women seem to have no goals in any story other than “having a family”, whereas men can have all kinds of foci and goals. Kate, with Meg, seems to be no different in this regard.

So it's interesting that Messer tries to promote “girl power” only for her to fall back into the same pitfalls that befall too many women in Hollywood.

  • Love 5

In another thread, someone opined that CM thrusting women front and centre over men is “anti-misogynistic”. Now, I disagree with that on another level, but it's also worth pointing out that, even though CM has featured more women lately, they still fall into the old sexist roles. Erica Messer's women- like so many other TV women- are obsessed with love and having a family, continuing a disheartening TV trend where women seem to have no goals in any story other than “having a family”, whereas men can have all kinds of foci and goals. Kate, with Meg, seems to be no different in this regard.

So it's interesting that Messer tries to promote “girl power” only for her to fall back into the same pitfalls that befall too many women in Hollywood.


What is your evidence AJ Cook is sue crazy? I've never heard such a thing.

Edited by thewhiteowl
Deleted quoted post

The decision has already been made on whether or not to cancel the show, the network is just waiting until the up fronts to announce it. The feeling I get is that most casual viewers of the show are indifferent towards JLH. It's just some very intense people who despise her and are threatening to quit the show because of her presence. Keep in mind these very intense people have been threatening this since the beginning of the season and yet they clearly continue to watch and bitch. And yes, intense is the nicest word I can think of to describe this small minority of viewers.


Agreed, and people threatened to quit when Paget left the show, and to a lesser extent, Jeanne. Some fans are always threatening to quit the show. It leads me to wonder how seriously, if at all, the bigwigs take any of it.

Getting back to the discussion of Kate and JLH, I watched the sneak peek and promo for the next episode and I thought JLH was selling the feelings and such well. In the hands of someone who can't act, those scenes could have been painfully bad. But fortunately I didn't see any bad acting from anyone in those scenes.


I actually am hoping that JLH will stay. I like Kate- and I admit I really like her husband. It's one time I don't mind seeing the significant others because they got a very good actor for him. I didn't mind Blake's husband, but this is the first family member (other than Reid's mother) that I really liked enough to want to see more of them.

  • Love 5

Getting back to the discussion of Kate and JLH, I watched the sneak peek and promo for the next episode and I thought JLH was selling the feelings and such well. In the hands of someone who can't act, those scenes could have been painfully bad. But fortunately I didn't see any bad acting from anyone in those scenes.


I actually am hoping that JLH will stay. I like Kate- and I admit I really like her husband. It's one time I don't mind seeing the significant others because they got a very good actor for him. I didn't mind Blake's husband, but this is the first family member (other than Reid's mother) that I really liked enough to want to see more of them.

I laughed so hard when she tried to cry / make a sad face ..whatever i don't know what the ___ she tried to do. This is what "good acting" is? lol ((MY OPINION))


I hope that Kate is on bedREST because they're trying to give others some screen time. idk i'm very scared to watch the season finale. If Shemar is leaving , .. JJ isn't revealing that she's pregnant .. Kate isn't leaving -- i'll stop watching the show. (i guess it's not a big loss, at least i'll stop complaining here.lol..but it's a loss for me :( ..)

I don't think Shemar is leaving -- I think they would've teased that enormously by now, and probably well before now.

And it's already been said that JJs pregnancy will be made known.

I don't think that Shemar was planning to leave, but I think contract negotiations are still ongoing. If they fall through, he might not come back.


If JLH does leave, it would be nice if they had her come back for a visit sometime next season.

  • Love 2


Bummer. Well, here's hoping they do NOT replace her and just leave the cast as-is. If they need someone to fill in for JJ, fine, but don't have more than six agents- it's just too many characters.

  • Love 4

I just feel the need to point out that someone left a comment on the article comparing this sixth profiler position to the Defense Against the Dark Arts job. Amazing.

ROTFL! Although I believe the curse Tom Riddle put on the position was that it would only last a year-- and Jeanne managed to last 2-- although she probably got the screentime of only about one. :P


JLH was absolutely fantastic in this episode. She can act the heck out of a scene. Sad we didn't get to see more of what she is made of. But she is going out with a bang.

I agree. She was never over-the-top, she had just the right intensity, and while you could see the panic in her eyes she was able to have a believable amount of control.


I will also add that I think she is now the first and only female team member to be hugged by Hotch. I don't remember him hugging any other female team member before. I'm sad to see her go, but I understand the reasons. I figured the reasons she gave were the actual reasons Jennifer gave. Although, in reality the FBI would NOT let her come back after a year-- it would wipe the slate on her time-in-grade. But they let Rossi come back after being gone 10 years, so I guess we can assume in the "mythology" that its ok.


As for that article, am I the only person who gets annoyed by Erica constantly saying "Oh my gosh!" ?

  • Love 7

ROTFL! Although I believe the curse Tom Riddle put on the position was that it would only last a year-- and Jeanne managed to last 2-- although she probably got the screentime of only about one. :P

I agree. She was never over-the-top, she had just the right intensity, and while you could see the panic in her eyes she was able to have a believable amount of control.

I will also add that I think she is now the first and only female team member to be hugged by Hotch. I don't remember him hugging any other female team member before. I'm sad to see her go, but I understand the reasons. I figured the reasons she gave were the actual reasons Jennifer gave. Although, in reality the FBI would NOT let her come back after a year-- it would wipe the slate on her time-in-grade. But they let Rossi come back after being gone 10 years, so I guess we can assume in the "mythology" that its ok.

As for that article, am I the only person who gets annoyed by Erica constantly saying "Oh my gosh!" ?

I loved the scene with Hotch. Loved. And he hug-hugged her; not just a perfunctory back pat. He seemed to always have a kind inclination toward her, not completely unlike he seems to have toward Reid. Wonder if he is more emotional since Mr.Scratch? Considering his feelings more? He closed his eyes when they hugged, and then his face through the blinds on the window after she left... Regardless, it was great.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 5

Hello everyone! I am not a native English speaker, so please excuse my mistake.

Today, I saw a picture on Twitter about Criminal Minds. My older sister uses IMDB and posts on her account there. I saw some person had edited a picture of her account to say bad things about Jennifer Love Hewitt. (I had to Google her name to spell right, lol.) https://twitter.com/littleCupcakeAJ/status/685699582194487296

Firstly, is this okay to do on Twiter? She thought it was like "impersonation." The person tried to send to Criminal Minds staff. We don't want them to think it's real.
Then, where I lived, she is a quite recent character but we like her basically. In Criminal Mind's country, is she really so hated? "She doesn't really do anything" is what many people said over there...I wonder if here is different.


I shouldn't worry about this now. I have homework to do. (╬゚◥益◤゚) ╬゚

There is a small but very vocal group on social media who seem to hate JLH with a great and unfounded hatred! They seem to be mostly from the JJ crazies - immature, irrational and best ignored. I thought JLH was OK in the role although I hated the plotline with her bratty niece and had been sorry to see Jeanne Tripplehorn go as she was the best actress in that position in recent times.

Best to ignore the crazies I think. Hope the homework goes well!

  • Love 5

Thank you Old Dog. I'll try hard! But essays aren't my thing, lol...

I was surprised by the person's determination. We looked at her Tweets to laugh, but we ended up scared...I hope the staff didn't look! It could get risky. My sister wants to fight with her! Like you, I think ignoring it is best.

As for me, I did like Kate. But there is not a lot to hate about her in the end. I thougt Blake was more interesting too.

  • Love 5

Hello everyone! I am not a native English speaker, so please excuse my mistake.

Today, I saw a picture on Twitter about Criminal Minds. My older sister uses IMDB and posts on her account there. I saw some person had edited a picture of her account to say bad things about Jennifer Love Hewitt. (I had to Google her name to spell right, lol.) https://twitter.com/littleCupcakeAJ/status/685699582194487296

Firstly, is this okay to do on Twiter? She thought it was like "impersonation." The person tried to send to Criminal Minds staff. We don't want them to think it's real.

Then, where I lived, she is a quite recent character but we like her basically. In Criminal Mind's country, is she really so hated? "She doesn't really do anything" is what many people said over there...I wonder if here is different.


I shouldn't worry about this now. I have homework to do. (╬゚◥益◤゚) ╬゚


To make a very long story very short, you would be amazed and/or appalled at what's allowed on Twitter, which has no code of conduct in place to keep the place from exploding with usually baseless outrage every ten minutes. I'm still not sure which is worse, even in retrospect - the blistering Jeanne Tripplehorn got or the reaming Jennifer Love Hewitt took.

  • Love 6

To make a very long story very short, you would be amazed and/or appalled at what's allowed on Twitter, which has no code of conduct in place to keep the place from exploding with usually baseless outrage every ten minutes. I'm still not sure which is worse, even in retrospect - the blistering Jeanne Tripplehorn got or the reaming Jennifer Love Hewitt took.


Thank you for telling me. In my opinion, I think that all the women on the show are great...except for one! But that person on Twitter back then looks like she might be a big big fan, so I will say nothing. Lol. I don't understand why people hate characters a lot. You should hate the writing, or like the character because the writer made you hate them. Do you understand? Maybe not, lol. But I do understand small dislike for characters too.

We sent a Tweet to the person, because we thought that maybe she did not edit the photo, like...she got sent it by another hater and does not support making people look bad. We are very nervous about her reply... T.T I think she will be angry and call Jennifer fat again.


All of you, thank you for helping me!

  • Love 4

Thank you Old Dog. I'll try hard! But essays aren't my thing, lol...

I was surprised by the person's determination. We looked at her Tweets to laugh, but we ended up scared...I hope the staff didn't look! It could get risky. My sister wants to fight with her! Like you, I think ignoring it is best.

As for me, I did like Kate. But there is not a lot to hate about her in the end. I thougt Blake was more interesting too.

You made the right choice in ignoring this person.Her hatred for Jennifer Love Hewitt knows no bounds.Can you imagine a hatred that actually extends to that of an innocent little baby.Well that is exactly the kind of hatred this person has.I remember her referring to JLH's baby as her spawn shortly after it was born.Now I don't remember if she was using this twitter handle or a different one when she said that despicable thing.


As for myself I had nothing against the character of Kate.But I wasn't particularly sorry to see the character go.Mainly because like Old Dog I could not stand that niece of hers, Meg.Although I did like Kate's husband and would have liked to seen more of him had her character remained with the BAU.

  • Love 5

Thank you for telling me. In my opinion, I think that all the women on the show are great...except for one! But that person on Twitter back then looks like she might be a big big fan, so I will say nothing. Lol. I don't understand why people hate characters a lot. You should hate the writing, or like the character because the writer made you hate them. Do you understand? Maybe not, lol. But I do understand small dislike for characters too.

We sent a Tweet to the person, because we thought that maybe she did not edit the photo, like...she got sent it by another hater and does not support making people look bad. We are very nervous about her reply... T.T I think she will be angry and call Jennifer fat again.


All of you, thank you for helping me!

Well I will tell you flat out that I can't stand JJ. I use to like her. I even petition to get the character back.But I don't hate the actress,although she isn't exactly my favorite person.Still I could not have been happier for the actress when she got pregnant.I could be wrong but I somehow get the impression that getting pregnant is something that might be difficult for the actress.This of course is just speculation on my part based on what the actress tweeted when announcing her pregnancy on twitter.Not to mention that baby is absolutely adorable.I can't believe the amount of hair he has already. I don't remember his brother having that much hair at that age.


I get what you are saying about the writing vs the characters.But the fact is the writing has effected my feelings for these characters.I mentioned before my dislike of JJ.And I blame a good deal of that on the way she has been written since her return.Now I have been told that they have started to tone JJ down and I know that some people have started warming to her again.Which I think is great.Unfortunately for me it is a case of too late, too little.But JJ isn't the only one.Garcia irritates me to no ends these days.Once again I chalk it up to the way she is being written today vs the way she was written in previous seasons.

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I agree MMC. The writers seem to pick a characteristic from way back that garnered a fan reaction and then inflate it out of all credibility. So the quirky and original Garcia has now become this cartoon-like pseudo genius with kitten ears who is still squicking about the job after over a decade and irritates me no end. Everyone oohed when JJ had Henry and so now JJ is this uber mother figure who is the only one who can empathise with anything to do with kids. Then they decided to make JJ into a version of Prentiss crossed with Seaver so we had this dreadful super agent ninja mom - although it is true that this season we have seen JJ toned down into a more believable character.  Reid - our lovely Reid - who was so adorably dorky at the start is so often written as being even more of a dork and a joke - again after over a decade. It is such a relief when we get a writer who writes him as the 35 year old professional FBI profiler he should be - so often (and I'm looking especially at Virgil Williams) he is written as the butt of jokes and with the same social ineptitude he had at the start. Hotch is always grim and stoic and seems to be only there to say "Wheels up in 30" especially as JJ seems to be determining when it's time to give the profile. The writers seem to have stagnated the characters in an exaggerated version of how they were at the start and only concentrate on the unsubs these days. It is a shame - yet so many of us are hanging on because once or twice a season we get an episode that shows what a great show it should be.

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