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S01.E05: Brother, Where Art Thou?

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Mary opens a store with Jeremiah in an effort to take her mind off being shunned; Andy and Chapel reach a milestone in their relationship, but wonder if they'll have Abe and Rebecca's support; Sabrina gives birth to a baby girl.




If what Jeremiah said about his mother is true, I kind of feel badly for him. Adopted kids have a hard enough time dealing with self-worth, often feeling like they somehow weren't good enough for their bio parents. Now he has to hear he isn't wanted by his adoptive mother on top of it? For what? Because he's not Amish anymore? 


Overall, this show depressed me. Maybe it's because I'm dealing with being basically disowned by my father and his side of the family over differences in beliefs and lifestyle, but I just hate seeing family members shut each other out because people aren't doing things the way YOU would do it. It's so sad. 


Like the church expecting Mary and Chester to have zero contact with their English kids (IF that meeting was real, I find is suspect the elders would allow themselves to be recorded). Fuck a bunch of that. I'd never belong to any religion that forced me to cut off contact with my kids simply because they didn't believe the same thing. I don't know what Bible they are reading, but I've never seen anything that calls for that kind of behavior. I've long respected the Amish for their work ethic and self-sufficiency, but their intolerance of others is really disgusting. 


And then you have Abe refusing to go to his brother's wedding. And for what reason, I'm still not sure. Because Andy has been in bars while on probation? I get that it's frustrating to see someone you care about repeat destructive behavior, but you can't just attend the wedding? It's not like he's asking you to PAY for it. I would just think as ostracized as Abe and Reeebecca have been since leaving their community, they'd be more accepting and forgiving of others. But I guess I was wrong. Actually, I see this as all Rebecca. I bet if she wasn't in the picture Abe would be up there standing with his brother. 


Sabrina as a mother kind of terrifies me. Like I am seriously worried about that baby. She just strikes me as so mentally deficient that I worry about her even understanding the basics of infant care. And she seems incredibly depressed to me as well. She will be saying happy words, but her tone is all sad. I really hope there is someone sane in her life watching over her. 

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So Mary sits on the couch crocheting yet another of those blue and black ripply-edged afghans......or is the same afghan used over and over in every scene involving Mary's goods?  If so, I hope it's getting it's own paycheck.


Did Ree-becca take her TLC funds and buy those boobs? She looks like she's loving the fame-whore life to the Nth degree, so I figure she's angling for a Maxim spread. (Gag. Belch. Puke.)


Sabrina....I just can't with her...is anyone on earth that dumb? And that guy seems like a keeper (snerk). I hope someone is watching out for that baby.


Abe, and then Ree-becca, both sat on their kitchen counters. Remind me not to eat there.


Poor Kate.....making bibs now too?......oh, hell no. Just when I thought that particular fake story-line was going to die, along comes the flashback to that fake shirt-sewing guy from the other Amish show. Can't TLC come up with anything better than that? Didn't they even have him hauling his sewing machine around with him? They'll make Kate do that next.....she'll be rolling it around NYC and then "home to Punxsy". Oy.


It sometimes feels like Rebecca is angling for a spin-off show with just her, Abe, & the kids.



Yes, because she acts the fuck out of her scenes. Dramatic...


I got a chuckle when she said, "I'm not letting him ruin the Schmucker name!" Oh dear, that name ruined itself. I can see your point since you've been a Schmucker for like 2 years. And all Schmuckers have done good.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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Abe could always work at Walmart. They'll hire just about anyone. I'm sure Punxy has one, and I'm also sure that Abe could handle pushing carts around or stocking some shelves. I can't say I'd trust him with money though. I don't get why all these people keep acting like they just can't let go of being Amish. They've already left. They're done! Why keep trying to jump in and out of the community when it suits them? Real Amish communities would never put up with that crap.

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