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Everything posted by Balboa

  1. Just finished Kelly’s book and what a tacky filled mess it was. Constant sexual innuendos and dirty humor. Did you guys know Mark Consuelos is quite the Sex God? Or that they made love six times one night in Montreal? Can’t believe this was on the bestseller list, but I’m sure Kelly and Mark purchased thousands of copies to inflate the sales numbers.
  2. Did anyone purchase Kelly’s new book? Kelly also posted a photo on Instagram earlier of Mark looking up her skirt. Having lots of money certainly doesn’t buy class.
  3. Darlene wanting to bring a baby into this world in her current situation, is completely irresponsible.
  4. How are the Dunphy children going to function on their own when they can't be bothered to clean up after themselves or purchase their own food while living at home? Loved the first few seasons of the show but it definitely went on several years too long.
  5. I find it hard to believe Dylan has the smarts to go through Nursing school.
  6. What a depressing episode. It would be so nice to see a Conner family member having some type of success in life.
  7. Estelle Parsons hasn't aged a day in the last 20 years.
  8. Dan: "Darlene, pick out a song. We haven't danced together forever!" Darlene: "That's because it's creepy."
  9. Thought we were going to get a nice scene with Kevin remembering his late wife at the meeting. Instead we get a stupid 20 year old World Series joke. I'm with everyone else who wishes they would have done a King of Queens reboot instead.
  10. Hate commenting on someone's appearance, but Jared Leto looks like one slimy guy. Just get a bad vibe from him.
  11. Enjoyed the shower scene at the end. So happy these first episodes have been high quality. Would love to know what happened between David and Darlene.
  12. Saw an interview with John Goodman and when asked what has changed for the Conner family the past 20 years he commented not much and they were still "struggling to get by". Was really hoping they weren't going to go the depressing route with the reboot. Hopefully Becky, Darlene, and DJ are mildly successful.
  13. They need to stop making idiotic jokes to the trivia callers when they pick up the phone. Not surprised the caller hung up on Ryan today.
  14. Quickly tuned out of today's show after Ryan "300 Million Dollar Net Worth" Seacrest sends an unpaid intern to purchase lottery tickets for him. Just tacky. Used to hate when Kelly and Michael would openly discuss winning the lottery and all the things they would be able to do.
  15. Absolutely. This show was just renewed for two more seasons. The writers seem to have run out of ideas over the last season or so. Either Claire or Haley get pregnant or Cam and Mitchell adopt another child.
  16. It's the Kentucky Derby weekend and I'm reminded of Dave's "And dowwwn the stretch they come!" impression. Really miss Dave.
  17. Desperation time? A few weeks ago it seemed they were in no hurry. Not sure who the finalists would be. I liked the teacher but he hasn't been on in months.
  18. Yesterday Kelly made it a point to talk about how her nether regions feel after a spin cycle class. Show continues to sink further and further down the drain.
  19. Sarah Hyland looked different this episode. Hope everything is okay with her.
  20. Haven't watched GMA in a while. Has Michael Strahan improved at all? He seemed to struggle at first to keep up with George and Robin during the heavier news segments.
  21. Why does Kelly feel the need to inform the audience of her and Mark Consuelos's bedroom escapades everytime he hosts? As a wise person once said "Those who frequently talk about sex usually aren't having it".
  22. Does Kelly not realize how petty she looks when she says her parents owe her $10,000 since she never went to college or had an "official" wedding? I can see joking about it once, but she's referred to it multiple times the last few weeks. Used to like Jerry O'Connell but he's crossed into the "so desperate for this job" category with his over the top zany personality.
  23. Really low of Kelly to bring up Michael's divorces out of nowhere. She knows exactly what she's doing too. Had to laugh when Kelly said you'd have to be super rich to own three houses, when she owns three homes herself.
  24. Bold prediction for Tuesday's show: Kelly and Michael address last week's controversy for less than two minutes. Kelly then awkwardly segways into an article on how it's mating season for spiders or some other lame clipping Gelman has set aside and highlighted for her.
  25. Kelly supposedly has the day "off" today. Very telling. I'm wondering if Strahan even makes it to his last show in September and doesn't attempt to leave earlier.
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