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Everything posted by OFDgal

  1. I was thinking the same thing and saying wtf when she announced the earlier fight. Her damage control certainly didn't work in this case. There's no way they can put a spin on this one. On another note, I was watching an entertainment show that Beth was on. She was asked if she would return next year. Answered that she wasn't sure because her morals were questioned at the reunion. Should be interesting.
  2. Did Carole also mention that her and Adam are stoned 24/7. That's ok I guess. Bitch.
  3. Exactly. And have Ramona and Carole turn it into the love affair of the century. A fairy tale with a sad ending.
  4. Great minds think alike. I "liked" many comments above. A couple of weeks ago I commented that I genuinely felt happy for Luann because she was so happy. Well, I'm over that now. I too feel that she was just gloating with Sonja. Felt it was mean. Speaking of mean, Bethenny is such a bitch. Don't pretend you feel bad about telling Luann when we all know you are doing the happy dance inside. I turned my volume up during Dorinda's speech cause I thought it was me not hearing it. Then I heard that guy say that he didn't understand what she said and realized it was her and not my hearing. Lol. Carol is truly a mean girl. I liked her the first couple of years but no more. She's a 50 year old women and acts like she's in her twenties. Act your age. Felt bad for Jules but she looked great on WWHL. I said, WTF, when I saw that cake.
  5. I was just staring at Carole eating too. Not sure if she just does this when on screen so we will think that she eats anything in sight (with her mouth open). It was so gross watching her. I thought that maybe she had fixed her own plate but realized she was eating off the common plate. Ick.
  6. Yes. I looked at the tv with a wtf face and shaking my head. Who does that? That was truly bizarre. He's kinda scary .Those two, along with bff Vicki can just go away. Another wtf when she called Brook.
  7. Luann was so happy about the engagement that I found myself smiling, feeling happy for her. I usually get a kick out of Sonja but acted like a jealous bitch. I agree with the above poster who said that Sonja is upset because she didn't think Tom was the marrying kind and then Luann swooped in and proved otherwise. Carol should stop trying so hard with Adam. Their scenes are so awkward that I cringe watching them. He is so stoned that his mind works in slow motion.
  8. Enough with the fucking casseroles! Go back to the Midwest if you want one. The OC is not the place to be if you expect one. Or maybe Brianna could make Vicki one.
  9. I agree. I think that Luann wouldn't have given a shit about Carol and Adam if not for her niece. It was an awkward situation even if they weren't dating. I'm sure that Luann and her niece discussed Carol going after Adam at her house because they are family. I would have felt the same as Luann but would have kept those feelings to family members and wouldn't have been vocal about it to others and Carol. On another note, my daughter and friends met Andy at a couple of clubs in Boston last night and took selfies. She said he's short but was friendly.
  10. As I have said previously, Vicki is a piece of shit. Really? Calling the other women out for their feelings for Brooks' fake cancer. Still harping about the casseroles! I just don't get how she can keep lying about her involvement. And obviously she'd take him back in a heartbeat. That whole ride was ridiculous. Probably Brianna only drove for screen time so she could complain and then they had a driver in between takes. I just can't with this whole Vicki/Brianna storyline. I didn't even know you could buy an icemaker with different shaped cubes. Like the poster above, I have seen trays with different shapes but that's about it. Tamra had a lot of self control during that conversation with Vicki. Good for her. Just keep creepy loser Ryan off my screen.
  11. Just seems to me that this is so scripted. There is no way that Kelly didn't watch the show. She's probably just following the script that they gave her. Doesn't matter. Don't like her. No, Vicki, no. You don't get to be a victim. Especially with your phony cancer charity. She is truly delusional or perhaps a narcissistic person. I just don't understand how she can cry with Jeana because she is not to blame. Fuck her. Again with Ryan. I don't want to see him on my screen. He's so creepy. He doesn't deserve a paycheck from Bravo. Eddie's right, he's an adult. He's been taken care of by Tamra forever. I understand he's her son, but tough love works well too. I personally know this, having dealt with an addict family member. Once he realizes there is no more help from his mom, he will have to take care of himself. Shannon's face was priceless during the lunch!
  12. Me too. She is a horrible, horrible person. I just don't understand someone like her. I can't believe that there are people like her out there. Its mind boggling to the rest of us. And she thinks she's the victim. If she wants to truly help cancer funds, she should have done fundraising for one close to her. Setting up this crazy website and having an insurance tab starring her is insane. She's probably doing exactly what she can get away with. Almost crossing the legal line but not quite. She's disgusting and I wish she didn't come back this season. And I am sure there are many others that feels the same way. Most of us have experienced loving someone with cancer and saw what they went through. For her to be in cahoots with Brooke and now this new venture makes me angry.
  13. Just replied before I saw this saying pretty much the same thing. She's a calculating bitch.
  14. But she was somehow able to buy Brianna a house to get them to come back close to her! She's such a schemer. She probably has money she moves around so Don didn't know about it.
  15. I was thinking the exact same thing about Jim. There is no way he could be a coach and broadcaster! Thanks for the info about coaching staff. Great minds think alike cause I was also thinking about her going through childbirth. Vicki is unbelievable. She knew about Brooks' cancer. I don't care what she says. I have had family members pass away from cancers. So this faking shit really pisses me off. Hope she finds another loser who takes her to the bank. Why is she even on when all anyone will think when she is onscreen is the fake cancer. Still trying to make Brooks look good by saying he was the one that left. Fuck her.
  16. I am tired of the Carol and Bethanny show. This episode was all them being mean. Carol and Adam; yuck. Stop acting like a teenager Carol. A trip without Sonya and Luann wouldn't even be worth watching. Slim pickings of who they could pick on without those two along. Glad that Luann invited herself. What is the excuse if Sonya stopped drinking? Dorinda is such a shit stirrer. How will she feel in the future when she's not invited somewhere because of her drinking.
  17. and I watch the episode. I come to read the boards, then I watch the episode again to see some of the things I missed. I just want to thank my fellow posters for being so observant and funny. I now count Jules' Asian/Jewish comments too and can't believe how often she does it. Agree: Ramona looks awful with long hair; Carole is an aging hipster and looks foolish and sad while trying to act younger with Adam; LuAnn and Sonya are like Lucy and Ethel; Bethanny is not happy and is a very bitter person; Dorinda needs to face reality, John is not for her. Think she already knows this tho. Personally, I'm tired of this storyline.
  18. I miss Sonya and LuAnn too. They are the comic relief on this show. Loved the shoes in the oven remarks. They just say things without thinking too deeply and are real. Sonya, in the few minutes we see her, seems more grounded than last year. Does anyone know when they return. Agree with everyone above about B. Used to like her but she's just a bitch this year. I did like her snoopy scarf remark tho.
  19. I used to like Adam before this episode. I thought he acted like a bitch last night. GG needs a rehab period. Why don't the help her instead of talking about her? I kinda like MJ and the new beau. Laughed out loud when she ate the banana at that gross photo shoot, but I guess her goal was accomplished. Mike and Jessica make me sad. She has tried, with her converting, etc. I think Mike liked the idea of being married but not the reality of it. She is a bitch tho.
  20. I'm having a problem replying so I hope this doesn't post twice. Anyhow, I'm so tired of every episode being a repeat. They sit down to dinner and Rinner is arguing about Yolanda. Eileen is mad at LVP for something that happened months ago and is an absolutely ridiculous reason to keep it up. Yolanda, with her holier than thou attitude, should just keep her bathrobe on and stay home. The way she puts Gigi on a pedestal over her other two kids is horrible. Just Let It Go, all of you. I'm glad this season is almost over. I groan when they sit down to dinner and the arguing starts. This is not enjoyable.
  21. First time I saw Shelly, all I could see were her teeth. talking to my sis later I said that I couldn't stand the one with the teeth and I haven't changed my mind since.
  22. Vicki. she's too rude and obnoxious for me. Ramona, could deal with her craziness.
  23. I just can't with her anymore. She just thinks she is so cool. Get over yourself. What exactly is her claim to fame other than marrying a Kennedy cousin? And she is really showing her age with the vomiting and men thing. Sounded like Luann when she was giving Bethany dating advice.
  24. Bravo used her time for Bethany. Maybe next week Heather will get Bethany's time (not). They should've given Bethany her own show again: "Bethany Divorcing and Homeless as a follow up to her last Bravo show.
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