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Everything posted by doodlebug

  1. He not only said she was college educated, he said she had more college than those who were criticizing them. I think that is fairly easy to refute. Jill took a few classes at a Bible college, never got a degree.
  2. Did you consider it 'full time, salaried' employment? Derick says that that is what he was doing at age 5.
  3. And massaging the truth to make himself look better. Also, at the time Derick claimed that he worked full-time at a salaried job for 23 years, he was around 28 years old. So, he went out to work at age 5? So, the time he hung around in Arkansas both during and after his stint in El Salvador, he was working full time? Coulda fooled me.
  4. Derick says he pays for law school with work, scholarships and budgeting. Later, he came back and said that they threatened to sue Jim Bob for compensation for doing the show and got a payout. He didn't mention that as a source of income. He also hasn't had a full time job in years, no way he has ever made enough to support his family himself, budgeting or not. As for his kids being 'leaps and bounds' ahead of other kids their age due to Jill's homeschooling efforts; we've seen enough of their kids to know that they're bright; but not ahead of typical kids their age. And, if Jill is such a terrific teacher, why is Israel going to public school? And, why didn't he skip a grade or two if he was so advanced compared to others?
  5. Gothard has always been ok with wives working from home at their own businesses to augment the family income. There are a lot of them with Etsy stores or other online operations to make some extra dough. He mainly railed against women working outside the home away from her husband's control. And, yeah, Jill never even got to the point where she had a state license as a direct-entry midwife, so she was hardly prepared for an actual career. Even if she and Derick had stayed in the fold, I don't think she would've worked outside the family and close Gothard contacts. She also, being unlicensed, wouldn't be able to charge for her services or accept payment. Not that that would've stopped her if Derick or JB wanted her to collect.
  6. Just an ugly rumor I was banned from TWOP. As I'm sure you know, people rise from the dead all the time online. Thanks for the kind words, I hope you get some answers and feel better soon. I suspect the VAERS people are also classifying the side effects by severity which is why a side effect that can result in death or longterm disability was picked up so quickly. It's going to take a while to assess the rest.
  7. Didn't Anna also claim after the molestation scandal that she knew about Josh' history before she married him? If so, she'd have a tough time proving that she was forced or there was fraud involved. Courts tend to think sentient adults can think for themselves and make their own decisions. Since she claimed that she married Josh after learning of his history, it would be hard for her to go to court and claim ignorance now.
  8. Don't you think its going to depend on the amount of the bond? Although, with JB onboard, he has a lot of property that can be used to secure the bond, so he could probably come up with the dough. Since this is Josh' first offense (for which he has been arrested), his bond won't be outrageous. His lawyers are going to argue that he has a wife and 6, soon to be 7, kids as well as dozens of other relatives in the immediate vicinity which makes him less likely to flee. I think Josh has a savvy lawyer who deals with this stuff all the time and he wouldn't have asked for the hearing if he didn't know what they'd have to do to be ready for Josh to be released on bond and wasn't pretty certain that JB would do what it took to provide it.
  9. Not a lawyer, but a mandated reporter at my job. Yes, the courts can and do require those charged with these sorts of crimes to have someone else in residence with them. Remember what Josh is accused of doing. He will probably also have to agree to no internet access pre-trial, too. The court wants to do what it can to make sure he has as little opportunity as possible to commit similar crimes in the run-up to the trial. It is also likely that he will have a GPS monitor on his ankle so his whereabouts are always known and he will be required to remain at home except for medical appointments and court related appearances/meetings with his lawyers. He doesn't really have a job, I doubt he'll get a release to work. As far as supervised visitation, the courts can also mandate where that visitation is to occur. He not only would need someone to supervise his visits (Anna would probably not be considered eligible), he might be ordered to only see his kids in a neutral location and perhaps with a specific trained individual like a social worker present. Most of the time, it doesn't come to that; but, if the judge is strict and/or has concerns about the welfare of the children, it could happen. There are actual professional centers where this sort of visit can take place and it is up to the defendant to pay all costs associated with the visit, too.
  10. Medical literature is showing evidence of Long COVID Syndrome which refers to people who have the actual virus and then continue to have symptoms for months afterward. There are many major medical centers studying this and running clinics. While it seems that your problems were triggered by the vaccine and not naturally acquired virus, it could be that one of the major medical centers in your area has such a program and you could at least talk to them if not participate in some sort of study. https://newsroom.clevelandclinic.org/2021/03/01/cleveland-clinic-opens-recover-clinic-for-patients-with-long-covid-syndrome/ The VAERS system is very good in that it lets anyone suffering from possible side effects of any immunization to report it. You don't have to be a medical provider, literally ANYONE can file a report. That is, however, its drawback, too. There are literally hundreds of thousands of reports already on file for the COVID vaccine. Someone has to go through them, classify them and look for trends. That is how the initial data on the J&J vaccine being possibly related to unusual clots in women was discovered. Someone at VAERS compiled the data, saw the reports and alerted the CDC. That complication occurred in less than one in a million vaccine recipients; so the system works. However, if your side effect is even more rare, it is going to be a while before a trend can be discerned and someone has to first go through all the complaints that the vaccine caused people to get acne or their hair to fall out or caused them to fall and break their arm. There are, unfortunately, far more anecdotal cases with little merit than actual reports that need to be investigated.
  11. I don't recall that version of the story. On the show, Michelle was discussing the importance of women dressing modestly to avoid arousing men. She talked about mowing the lawn in a bikini when she was in high school. Her neighbor happened to see her, and, shortly afterwards, divorced his wife. Michelle seemed to think that the sight of her in a swimsuit drove the man into a lustful frenzy which caused him to end his marriage. Michelle never said that her neighbor actually flirted with her, admired her bikini or otherwise expressed any interest in her. Nor did the neighbor or his wife every tell her that her lawn mowing outfit had anything whatsoever to do with the collapse of the marriage. Michelle apparently assumed she was just so darned irresistible that it was inevitably her fault.
  12. It also sounds like he has to have a 'third party' in residence with him; so someone would have to go to that hotel with him. Sort of like an accountability partner, but court-mandated not Boob-mandated.
  13. All of the major celeb interview shows have been doing virtual interviews for a year now. Jing and Jer live in LA, giving them easy access to TV studios or to television crews to get an interview on tape. The big celeb shows like Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood are very reliant on interviews with reality TV participants these days and I think one or both would've interviewed them for sure. Then, in these late COVID days, I think the morning network news shows are still short on fluff pieces to fill time since not many new movies are out and there is less mainstream media to plug. I could see Jer and Jing doing the third hour of the Today Show or similar. However, I don't think any of those venues would interview them now without being free to ask about Josh.
  14. By 'third party' don't you think that means someone other than Anna and not necessarily the rest of the family? I could see the judge reminding everyone that Anna's first duty has to be the welfare of her minor children who have already been upset by events. Requiring Josh to live with someone who is not Anna means that she will be tasked with caring for their children, IMO.
  15. There is no way they're going to do interviews with the major networks or other prestigious news outlets. None of those places are going to give them the time of day unless they are willing to talk about the charges against Josh. And there is no way that discussing Josh' perversions is going to square with Jinger's story of the perfect childhood with the best parents who handled Josh's issues perfectly. Either, Jinger is going to have to publicly admit that her parents didn't do right by their kids when the molestation occurred, or she's going to have to claim that Josh is just being persecuted by the anti-Christian liberals. Her parents won't like the first explanation; the reporters won't accept the second one. If she admitted that her parents weren't perfect, she'd also be left with having to explain why she didn't say so in her book instead of praising them. They will probably get some softball interviews with online leghumpers and some Christian media who will agree to avoid all mention of Josh; but their big opportunity to sell their book to people who might otherwise never hear about it is gone.
  16. Yes, if the JB and Mechelle wanted to cut Josh off, giving considerable assets to the wife who promised to obey him was not the way to do it. Stuff was put in Anna's name because they know that Anna is subservient to Josh and, no matter whose name is on the deed, Josh will control the assets.
  17. The feds can know not only when the files were accessed but also how many images were downloaded. If it were just a couple of pics of kids being abused, they wouldn't have bothered. There are probably hundreds, if not thousands of images that were downloaded on the two dates given. The charges also give two distinct dates as having been when the downloads occurred. That doesn't mean they don't have a bunch of other dates and a lot of other files. Pedophiles who play online don't just go there once or twice. There is probably a pattern and other instances but these were the times that it was well documented that it was Josh sitting at the computer. If Josh doesn't play ball and cooperate, I would expect that the Feds will be happy to let him know what else they have and how many more counts could be filed against him if he'd wants to play chicken with them.
  18. One word: COVID. Everything has moved much more slowly over the past year.
  19. My mom would've been 89 today. No numbers to play, just sayin'.
  20. Probably not, most localities require that there be multiple means of egress especially from bedrooms. It probably isn't permitted for residential use. I believe this is the same place where Jessa's husband, Ben, lived before they were married. However, there is a big difference between a single 17 year old guy living in unsafe housing and 6, soon to be 7, little kids living that way.
  21. Who knows? From what our other posters who have worked with the feds have told us, the search warrant has to specifically indicate what they are looking for. Also, the 16 months or so that it took for Josh to be arrested is not unusual in this kind of case. The experts suspect that the feds found Josh through tracing others who shared files with him.
  22. Yes, they do. They live in a large building with no windows that JB used to store all kinds of junk in. It has been partitioned into rooms, it seems. Still, NO windows. If you go back in this thread to around Christmastime, there are photos Anna posted of the living area decorated for the holiday.
  23. I seem to recall there being reports of a DCFS investigation a couple years back which we thought centered on JB and Mechelle and the TTH. They denied it all, of course, although I have no problem with people keeping things like that private. The press doesn't get to know everything, at least as it involves kids. I wonder if we were on the wrong trail and DCFS was looking at the warehouse and the M kids.
  24. Oh, I agree, DCFS will remove children temporarily, but, at least in my experience as a mandated reporter, they usually don't remove them immediately unless they feel there is imminent danger. They have a low threshold, but many cases don't meet it, at least initially. I wouldn't be surprised if DCFS has been involved since the raid and interviewed Anna and the older kids and didn't find any evidence to support imminent risk to the kids.
  25. At some point, a judgment call was probably made. If there wasn't any evidence Josh was harming any kids in his orbit, then the investigators would feel that developing a federal case that would put the offender away for years was the better option than coming in and taking the kids. Also, as others have said; it wouldn't hold up in court anyway and the feds would've tipped their hand unnecessarily. When someone reports abuse of children to the authorities, the child is not immediately removed from the home most of the time. Usually, a social worker and law enforcement interview the parents, and the child, if he/she is old enough; but, unless there is blatant evidence of abuse (broken bones, bruises, etc), the child is usually left in the home as the investigation continues and the decision as to whether there is enough to file charges is made. Once charges are filed, the kids can be taken or the arrestee can be kept from seeing them. It's not perfect, but innocent until proven guilty is a real thing.
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