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Everything posted by doodlebug

  1. The specialist in Gynecologic Infectious Disease who runs the Vulva and Vagina Clinic at my place of employment, recommends probiotics to women who suffer from recurrent vaginal infections like BV. She says there is a little bit of research that shows it could help, so she tells women to give it a try. I do not recall ever seeing this particular brand, however. A lot of companies who make various vaginal preparations have branched into the probiotic market these days and those are the ones I've seen.
  2. I'm with you. I think most people who are depressed are well aware that they aren't meeting basic standards of cleanliness and organization; they are embarrassed about it and try to hide it. Jessa has never done that. She proudly showed us the pile of dirty diapers on the dresser and told us about sleeping on puke stained sheets for weeks. With her, I get the impression that she had no idea that the standards she was raised with are far below those of most people. She spent her entire childhood being told that the Duggars were better, smarter and luckier than the rest of the world because 'they did things a little different' and it was a shock to her when the public on social media didn't agree with that. I think it was the cognitive dissonance which caused her to stop taking photos of filthy diapers and nasty food; she certainly didn't change her own standards in response. And, she still thinks her kids look just fine, they don't need betimes or regular meals or haircuts. Because that is how she was raised and she is not interested in anyone else' POV on the matter.
  3. She announced the projected cost of the addition when she started begging for donations to pay for it. Jill would never admit to having received anything, especially money, from the evil government. We calculated the amount of the stimulus check she and Shrek would have received ourselves based on the government's rules which are widely published. I am sure the entire stimulus check will be wasted overfilling the new living room with tchotchkes and crappy oversized furniture, all selected by Jill and paid for by the taxpayers. Not a dime will be spent improving the lives of any of those kids. As for Easter baskets, my parents never had two nickels to rub together, but, as each kid had their first Easter when they were old enough for candy, we got an Easter basket which was then put away after the holiday until it the bunny brought it back filled with goodies the next year. Each basket was different and we each recognized our personal basket on sight-mine had the tallest handle! When I came home for Easter during my freshman year of college, there was my basket, containing candy and jelly beans and also a brand new Texas Instruments calculator that I needed for school! That bunny knew how to fill a basket.
  4. I'm a fan of this quote from Will Rogers: “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” I think he made an excellent point there. It wouldn't be heaven if the pups weren't there. So Jill purchased a grandfather clock for the living room that hasn't been built yet; but couldn't get a chocolate rabbit for each of her kids at Easter? I believe the dogs in heaven took a poll and they don't want her there. Not that she was heading that direction anyway. As far as 'defiled by bitterness', I think Jill, once again shows her lack of education by using a word in a non-standard way because she had such poor education and doesn't understand grammar and usage in her own native language. She probably thinks the big words make her look smart. No Jill, they don't,
  5. I don't know if they follow the Rods, but I am sure they believe that Jesus wants them to beat their kids. 'Spare the rod, spoil the child' you know. It is in the Bible, sort of.
  6. I would not be surprised at all if we don't need an annual COVID booster when all is said and done. Especially with all the new variants out there, I think they will refine the vaccine to suit whatever versions of the virus are currently rampant just like the flu shots. So far, both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines show no loss of immunity 6 months out. The hope is that it will last a lot longer than that, it just hasn't been around long enough to know.
  7. Here in Cleveland, they have opened a mass vaccination center at the Convocation Center at Cleveland State University downtown. They are vaccinating up to 7000 a day. The site is being run by the military including the national guard which makes sense since they are experts at vaccinating large numbers of people. The city and county are running all sorts of shuttle buses, many of them from churches in the inner city. Multiple pastors from those churches have gone down and gotten their vaccine and are publicizing it through the church bulletin and from the pulpit. The shuttles run literally door to door. The regional bus system has also promised free rides to anyone going down to CSU for the vaccine. They started out mainly giving the Pfizer vaccine, but, from what I understand, they are switching to J&J from this point forward to avoid having to schedule second doses. I have spoken to at least a dozen people who've gone down for the vaccine and not a single complaint; every single one was in and out in minutes and raved about the fast, efficient system.
  8. From what I understand, it's an immune system thing. The headaches, fevers, aches and fatigue are due to the immune system's response to the vaccine. I don't think it is caused by mRNA. It varies from individual to individual, some people will get symptoms and others won't. There are reports that older people and men seem to be reporting fewer side effects than younger people and women. Some people do have a similar immune response to Tdap and other vaccines. I am not sure, but, I wonder if, with time, researchers are able to refine a vaccine so that it causes fewer side effects? That most of us don't have much problem with Tdap and flu shots because those particular vaccines have been around long enough that we can prevent most immune reactions? I don't actually know, but I think it is possible.
  9. I'm not sure there is a 'kid of the week' every week; for example, over the holidays or when they're out on the road. Just saw the OP's correction. So, back when there were 13, they may have gotten to be the favorite as many as 4 times a year. Bonus! This is particularly the case when said child only gets maybe 4 candy bars A YEAR. I'm sure some of the littlest ones have trouble remembering the last time it was their turn.
  10. Now, there are 52 weeks in a year, so some of them get 3. And with Nurie gone and Timbits on the sh**list, I suppose there are only 11 kids in rotation, so they get 4 or 5 candy bars a year. Yay them! How sad is it that a hollow bunny made of poor quality chocolate is such a big prize that 11 kids have to compete for it?
  11. Anyone wanna bet that, as soon as this picture was taken, Jill grabbed the rest of the rabbit away from the kid so best hubby ever could have it? They have just received thousands of dollars in stimulus money. There is no reason on God's green earth that Jill couldn't have run to the dollar store and gotten some cheap pre-filled Easter baskets, at least for the littlest kids. Every kid should get their own dam*ed chocolate rabbit on Easter, maybe 2! And it might be nice to get the little girls a stuffed animal for the holiday. You can get little stuffed bunnies and chicks and puppies at the Dollar Store, too. Those poor kids; they know so little about the joy and excitement that most kids have on the holidays. And, while I am ranting, Jill could've taken some of the cash and gotten them a good meal, a big meal, a holiday meal to remember instead of the meager fixings she served. And she could've done it all for under a couple hundred bucks. But, she didn't. Because that money is Mama's. No doubt, we'll soon see photos of Jill with the flowers, candy, perfume and big stuffed bunny that the kids bought for her for Easter.
  12. Yeah, I think Henry 'loves' crackers because they're stored someplace where he can get them himself when he's hungry and they fill him up since he cannot depend on his mother and father to provide him with regular, healthy meals
  13. I must be an old lady because I think it looks terrible when kids wear dress shoes with no socks or tights. I just cannot get into it and I think she would look much nicer with some anklets on her feet in addition to the shoes.
  14. Yes, indeed. The kids had to thank Meechelle for risking her life by getting pregnant and delivering them as part of the birthday tradition.
  15. Israel is also going to remember that his mother asked him what kind of cake he wanted and made him the exact cake he was hoping to get. It means a lot to kids when adults listen to them and their ideas.
  16. Well, Nurie's only claim to fame is that she is married to Nathan Keller. She could've at least reminded us that he is the brother of Anna Duggar. And the other adult children get no billing at all, just their names. So glad Jill decided to add a last name to every single shot of the kids. Otherwise, we might not have known they were all Rodrigues' and might've thought some were from a sluttish early marriage or fling (oh noes!!!).
  17. And, once again, Jill shows the world that she actually knows her kid; what he likes to eat, how he wants to celebrate his birthday. And Israel looks just delighted with his Lucky Charms (ick! those marshmallows were awful!)
  18. Oh, I agree, Joy certainly knows her aunt's name. I just don't think that she is close enough to that aunt or sees her often enough that she would have any qualms about giving her daughter the same name as that aunt who she probably hasn't seen for years and seemingly isn't close to. As I said, I know my uncle's name, his wife's name and the names of 3 of their 4 children. But, if I liked any of their names well enough to give it to my fictional child, I don't think it would occur to me that I was either naming the kid after that barely known relative nor that I should avoid the name because it is the same as a relative I never see. I also know the names of my grandparents and great grandparents. One of my cousin gave his daughter the same first name as our mutual grandmother who died before he was born. I was 9 when she died and do have fond memories of her. However, my cousin and his wife didn't choose the name because it belonged to the grandmother he never knew; it never occurred to him that anyone would think that. I happened to have delivered that particular child and I know they chose her name because they both liked it and they were pleasantly surprised when family members who remembered grandma brought up the fact that their baby had her name. ETA: after our earlier discussion, I asked my older sister if she remembered the name of our uncle's fourth child. She said he didn't have 4 kids, only 3. So, who the heck knows? My youngest sister knows the uncle's name, but had to guess at his wife's name (incorrectly, but close, so, partial credit) and had no idea how many kids or what their names might be. This is not unusual in a lot of families.
  19. Me too. I still wear a mask in public,, and wear both a mask and face shield in the office because my employer requires it; I just feel better about going to work each day. And, seeing the vaccinations ramp up so spectacularly in the past couple months has really started to make me feel like we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, thank goodness.
  20. Yes, but they also don't live across the country, we all get along and see one another regularly. I think that makes a difference. As far as Joy choosing to use the name Evelyn, presuming it wasn't to honor her aunt; it probably makes a difference whether Joy feels she knows her Aunt Evelyn and has an ongoing relationship. If Joy hasn't seen her in years, doesn't share family events, cards and photos and the like; even if she knows her aunt's name, it doesn't mean she would completely avoid Evelyn for her child just because a relative she rarely sees and barely knows has the same name. All of the Duggar kids who are adults have traveled around the country pretty freely, many of them have access to private planes for trips; but I don't seem to recall a single one of them mentioning going to Ohio or elsewhere to visit their maternal aunts and uncles. I had an uncle who was career military and who was not close to the rest of his family, especially after both their parents died when I was in first grade. He married a woman from another part of the country and, when not deployed, they lived near her family and eventually, when he retired, they stayed in that area. He was my mother's brother. I remember my mom sending him a Christmas card each year and getting one back, usually with school pics of his 4 kids, I can only remember the names of 3 of them off the top of my head, BTW. He never came to see us, we never went to see them. The very first time I met him was at the wake when my uncle, my mom's other brother, died. He was there with his wife and they introduced themselves. This was 1981 and I was in med school at the time, in my mid 20's. I never saw him again, he didn't come when my mother died. He died a few years back, but don't know any details. I certainly didn't go to the funeral and I didn't even have an address to send a card. I don't know what happened to his wife or his kids, my first cousins. I never met them, ever. If I had ever had a child and gave it the same name as my uncle, his wife or my cousins; it surely wouldn't have been in their honor and I doubt it would've even occurred to me to think so.
  21. Michelle's sister Evelyn is considerably older than her, so she was probably out of the house before Michelle can remember. It is also possible that, while Michelle is 'close' with her siblings, she isn't particularly close to Evelyn. Certainly, if I were Evelyn and was aware of the Duggars rampant anti-gay sentiments; I wouldn't feel the need to reach out with love often and I wouldn't expect my wife to want to nurture the relationship either. Even if the Ruarks have regular reunions, it doesn't mean that Michelle is close to Evelyn specifically. I have a sister who is almost 16 years younger than me, she is almost 17 years younger than our oldest sister. The youngest does not remember a time when I ever lived at home with my parents; she was 2 when I went to college and about 4 the last summer break I spent at home. My older sister also got married when the little one was 2 and she doesn't remember when she lived at home nor does she remember a time when my brother in law wasn't part of the family. My youngest sister and I are pretty close, I am closer to her than to my other 2 surviving sisters and she'd probably say the same about me. However, virtually all of that happened as adults. Sure, I used to send her little cards and gifts and take her to the movies or out for ice cream when I was around; but, it wasn't until I moved closer, she graduated from college and started working; that we really got to know one another as adult women. Considering that Evelyn hasn't lived in Arkansas for quite a while and that Michelle got married right out of high school and eventually had a large number of kids as well as very rigid beliefs that excluded her sister; I can imagine they are not terribly close. Just because they pose with the rest of the gang for a picture here and there doesn't mean they are sharing themselves and their lives in any meaningful way.
  22. I like that Jill is asking Israel what he likes and wants for his birthday and then trying to meet his wishes. No generic gooey free sundae and equally generic birthday post.
  23. I had a former neighbor who taught kindergarten. She said she knew it was time to get out when she had parents complaining that it was Christmas and their kid still couldn't read. In kindergarten! As she told me, she had 3 sons, none of them learned to read or write until they entered first grade, and, yet, they'd all grown up to be good students and decent people; they managed to graduate college and get good jobs, even though they weren't reading at age 5. She thought the kids were losing out on a lot of social skills that used to be the core of kindergarten learning.
  24. Has anyone heard of the Vaccine Queens? They're a couple of women here in Northeast Ohio who've scheduled Covid vaccine appointments for hundreds of people; all for free. They started out separately, helping friends and family get appointments and eventually found out about each other and joined forces to help anyone who asked. People just email them with their name, age, zip code and how far they're willing to travel for the vaccine. They have given lots of interviews with tips on how to get an appointment at the various venues. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/continuing-coverage/coronavirus/vaccinating-ohio/as-mass-vaccinations-in-ohio-ramp-up-vaccine-queens-share-tips-on-scoring-a-covid-19-vaccine-appointment-online
  25. That's all I could see, too. Get your hand away from your crotch, Whitney! Her feet do look long, but I think it is at least in part due to the perspective. Her foot looks just about as long as Zach's. She probably does have big feet, but not that big.
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