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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Didn’t think happen last season with Sifu? Technically, no one said “episode several” yet. Damn, it’s quiet there. I’m hoping Probst didn’t talk through the whole thing.
  2. I’m between episodes at the moment. Who knows what happens in the second episode. The start was fun . . . but isn’t that always the way? I’m happy for Steve. I think he’s going to be “the hand guy” for the rest of his “career,” but I still remember his time in RR10. I feel bad for Tyri, since he always went out early. I thought Steve was toast, but he worked smarter. BTW, since when is his name spelled. “Tyri”? Is it petty that I still don’t like Adam? He was an ass throughout his tenure, with the ADD and toxic showmance with Ellen. I vaguely remember Viewers’ Revenge, but I know he deserved his beating from Abram. Maybe I should let things go. But then that means I’d have to forgive Rachel, Tina and Veronica for their petty actions. I’m also happy Kefla survived the first episode. I don’t think anyone remembers him. Ditto Flora, and that might cost her next episode. Hearing that she’s 51 at the time of filming makes me feel old.
  3. Oh, shit, Ben’s got the terrors. Oh, good, a water endurance challenge.
  4. Will someone say the title quote? Or are the producers screwing with us and throwing out an obvious reference to Jelinsky? Oh, and the new tribe is Nuinui.
  5. Erik's cartoon for the episode, "Voting Blocks":
  6. Grim episode. More stuff about executions, including how a bunch were under Trump. That figures, given his hard-on for the death penalty. John revealing the potential source of execution chemicals was chilling . . . mostly because of the legal ramifications. I don’t think anyone at LWT would be careless and/or reckless, but one slip-up would lead to problems where not even Business Daddy couldn't get John out of suffering. After we got slow-motion footage of speedy dogs, John brings forth the king of stock photos. We needed that, bizarre as it was. It didn’t solve problems with the death penalty, but it was fun to watch.
  7. I forgot to post . . .Adult Swim has been running episodes of Frisky Dingo two at a time from 4:30-5:00 a.m.
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Nothing as cathartic as going thirteen innings without a hit, staring down the prospect of getting one-hit again and losing six games to start the season . . . and then to come back with two runs in the ninth inning. If the weather was better, I would have at least thought about going. Single-admission doubleheader for the win. But it was too cold, I had stuff to do, and the Mets make it so hard to root for them. Well, at least before the ninth inning in game two.
  9. Meh. By now, this show is just a lead-in to The Amazing Race, I'm not compelled to root for anyone, and I think the editing agrees with me. This isn't the worst cast, and we're beyond Jalinsky and Bhanu, but I am not caring that much. All I know is that it'll take a lot of effort to get Hunter out of the game. He lost his vote, but it didn't matter because he picked the right rock. To be fair, any colored rock he'd pick would be the right one. He could have landed on the overmatched sextet, and they would have stood a better chance. And he managed to grab his hidden idol before everyone met each other. I swear, I'm not stanning Hunter. I'm just thinking that any plans to boot Venus, Ben or whomever should be put on the back burner. I liked Soda stepping on Probst's spiel for the "earn your merge" competition. Yes, there could be a better way to handle it, but I think ol' Jeff will shrug and say, "We got rid of breaking the hourglass!" and that would be enough for us fans. I get why Venus would be unpopular. I'm also getting how people could root for her. I think Yanu was the big winner of the night. Q and Kenzie landed on the strong team, and Tiffan got to "bet" on them winning. I'm not bothered too much by Q, but then again, I'm not caring that much. I did notice that he has his last name tattooed on his arm. Why? And after Brandon Hantz, you'd think we would never see something like that again.
  10. I guess the bottom line is to never give up. I thought they were toast. They screwed up on the rebus puzzle 31 times. THIRTY ONE. What was a relative cakewalk for other teams turned into a nightmare . . . a nightmare so bad, they had to switch Detours. I still call bullshit on them getting the breakdancing on the first try. The judge might have just waved them on for all we know. Good episode, even with the cracks showing for several teams. And we had the funniest ending since Phil went “oy vey” at the guy who held onto the Express Pass into elimination. Him trying double-dutch with Michelle & Sean shows why he’s the superior host over Jeff Probst.
  11. Cousins are going to burn out the way they angst. Damn, Double Dutch screwed up. At least they’re taking elimination well. And they’re giving Phil a lesson! And they winged a cameraman!
  12. Phil toys with the grandparents. Still not as dickish as Probst, though.
  13. #Understatement Whuh oh, the firefighters caught up.
  14. Congratulations, Angie & Danny! Puzzle solving paid off! Ugh. More helping. I guess loopholes weren’t closed after all.
  15. Man, Shelisa’s botched the map. It took the firefighters one shot to get the breakdancing?!? I call bullshit.
  16. I guess Danny isn’t conflicted about getting help. Dang, the greeter has a lot of hats. Is the prize cash taxable?
  17. Only thing missing from the Sunny/Bizzy interviews is a janitor sweeping behind them.
  18. I think Rod was a little too eager to breakdance. Luckily, it didn’t cost him and Leticia. Sunny & Bizzy . . . oy vey. “Globe, rat . . . ‘As I walk through the valley to the shadow of death’?”
  19. “Double H hockey sticks”?!? The actual fuck?
  20. I think this is the most we’ve seen of them this season. Another seemingly lopsided Detour.
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