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Mystery Author

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Everything posted by Mystery Author

  1. Actually, Jim Bridger wasn't that bad a guess. He and Hugh Glass (think: The Revenant starring Leonardo DiCaprio) were among a group of trappers heading west overland to the Yellowstone River. Whereupon Glass was severely mauled by a grizzly bear. According to legend, Bridger and another trapper were to stay with Glass until he died, but they abandoned him. Glass is said to have found Bridger and forgiven him. Apparently, Glass spared the life of a man who would become one of the most important fur trappers and guides in the American West. Trivia R Moi! Plus, Mr. Author wrote an historical novel inspired by the grizzly bear attack :-)
  2. Me, too! Mr. Author and I call her "Kim" for Kim Darby. (Whatever happened to Kim Darby after True Grit?) I like James, too. This is a fun TOC for me.
  3. Hi Peeayebee, missed ya'. I played "chorus" :-) The chorus sang every song, just about all of the second act songs as harmony-backup from the wings. I called us the wing-singers. Actually, the director had me do a bunch of funny pantomime bits, as well. But no adlibbing. Mamma Mia has strict rules and you can't add even one word to the script. My next musical adventure is a Christmas Panto called GRINCHED. Lots of 70s and 80s songs (my kind of venue). I play The Narrator, a fun part because I interact a lot with the audience. Anyway, back to J!.... I taught high school art [in NYC], so today's FJ was easy-peasy. The kids used to giggle when I said Picasso had a blue period!
  4. I, too, thought Paul Robeson (a friend of my parents), then Lena Horne. Then <snap of fingers> Marian Anderson...too late to write it down. Good to be back y'all. Long story short: I was in a local production of Mamma Mia. Rehearsals started in May. Although I managed to see J! most nights, I was too tired to "do" forums. The show was a blast.
  5. When it comes to sucking, Ann Coulter comes close. Mr. Author and I finally put Howard on Mute. And then I thought he'd refuse to leave. And THEN the chair had barely cooled down from Stern's kissable ass when Amy Klobuchar sat down. Since when does Bill do a "mid-show interview"? And why invite a panel at all?
  6. Not much competition tonight, eh? For FJ I pre-guessed Funny Girl, inspired by Fanny Brice. Then... Mr. Author: "Okay, who is Marc Chagall?" Me: "Artist. Jewish. Painted lots of FIDDLERS...OMG, Fiddler on the Roof."
  7. You took the words out of my fingers. Mr. Author liked it. I'm not sure...
  8. Bad ending, BAD. No real conclusion. Hung jury? They can still have a civil trial, right? This is not the Bull show I've come to appreciate. And that's the problem. That's what made this show different from all the other "legal shows." And why the hell is he drinking again?
  9. He didn't hear me and I screamed said it four times. As for Rubic Cube---a toy I shall never again forget the name of---Mr. Author made motions with his hands and fingers, but couldn't come up with the name, while I said, "You know, that thingy Will Smith played with, in the car, in Pursuit of Happyness."
  10. My rescue dog, Pirata, was born in Mexico, so I ran the Espanol for your Spaniel category :)
  11. I suppose you're right. They are already advertising the appearance of James on TOC, which I think is in November. I'm so happy to have J! back, I didn't even mind the guy on the end swaying. Well, not too much. No one mentioned the Pope's beanie from yesterday's game. WTH! The category was beans! I'm afraid I've begun shouting at the TV again---except, just like the Denver Broncos, they won't listen to me!
  12. Then I'm a moron, too. Hi y'all, great to "see" you again. Someone is reading our forum. FEMALE writers. Heh! I can't believe I ran the fish category! PS- Alex had a blast with so many "johns" (aka genres).
  13. WTF indeed. And what's with the stage lighting, or should I say non-lighting? Did SYTYCD forget to pay its electric bill?
  14. Well darnit! I go on a brief hiatus...business, health issues (not mine), and then J! goes on hiatus next week. I do NOT plan to re-watch 2 teen tournaments. Nor that stupid star thingy. (Grizzle, grizzle, grizzle!)
  15. I'm confused. Are they actually going to have 20 dancers dance with 20 all-stars next week, as they cull down to 10? If it's an hour show, including commercials and "jidges" natter, that's approx. one minute per dancer.
  16. Thanks, LOL. Finally a category I could run without blinking, though I did shout "Edgar Allen Poe" and "J Edgar Hoover" before they revealed the 3-Edgar category. I miss Sue! Speaking of AE Poe, whom Jeopardy! loves, they also love Jane Eyre. A lot. I was hoping Roey would bet more than zero. He sure wasn't in it to win it (hate that expression, but it fits). Rats! Now we'll never hear Alex say, "And where did the name Roey come from?"
  17. I'm baaaack! From a lengthy hiatus...for one thing, my daughter and grandson were in The Music Man and I had to see them, even if it meant taking 3 planes to get there! Is it my imagination or did they use leftover Teen Tournament clues these last 2 days?
  18. Is Sophia the dancer who sleep-walked her way across the stage? I thought the most exciting part of her dance was letting her hair loose <yawn>. Is there going to be a Top 20? Or is it once again a Top 10...5 "boys" and 5 "girls"?
  19. I have a [growing] pile of good books to read. Not to mention books to write :-) Nothing against kids. Really. Honestly. Abso-bloody-lutely. Cross my heart and hope... LOL scar on Outlander. I had forgotten about that. Did I tell y'all I knew Diana Gabaldon before she was Diana Gabaldon?
  20. Me, too. I figured some of y'all would mention the wink and kiss, but no one saw the swaying? Cool! Did all his kids and baby mamas live there, too? My only fun singer fact was that my first husband went to school with Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel (Forest Hills High) and sang with them when they were Tom & Jerry...before they were Art & Paul :-)
  21. THIS! Plus, I'm reminded of Simon & Garfunkel's "Hello darkness my old friend." Some of the scenes were so dark, I could barely make out the characters!
  22. I'm not as crazy about Death as Jeopardy! is :-) All My Sons is okay (it's presently a revival on B'way, according to the Tony Awards), but The Crucible is pure brilliance. One of my mystery novels goes back and forth between the present and the Salem witch trials, so I did lots of research and Miller was spot-on.
  23. I miss Twitch, too, and I'm mesmerized by new judge Laurieann Gibson's fingernails...but not in a good way. Also, I get the impression she's trying too hard. Dominic actually has a long history with the Fox franchise — and other popular reality shows. Finally... Hey, show, why waste time on the pregnant dancer when you can give us one or two of the montaged dancers?
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