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Everything posted by Literata

  1. I have thyroid issues and am menopausal -- but thanks to adhering very stringently to Weight Watchers -- no going off-plan for seven months -- I lost 65 pounds, going from a size 18 to a 10. So it usually is possible to lose weight in spite of most health issues, as weight loss is basically calories in, calories out. That said, though, I'm having to work like a you-know-what to keep it off, and it's absolutely not fun. I'm certain Whitney's PCOS makes it more difficult for her to lose weight, but I'm also sure she's not trying -- not a judgment call there, as I was overweight for 20 years before deciding to take it off. Just a fact. I like Whitney a lot. Yes, she's "out there," but she wouldn't have gotten her own TV show by behaving in a mainstream way, so that's to be expected. What I really like is that she's not, like many of us, waiting until she loses her weight to live her life. I can't tell you how many times I told myself, "After I finally lose weight, I'll do this," or "When I'm finally thin, I'll do that." In the meantime, I felt "less than," somehow -- as if my life didn't count because I was heavy. Good for her for realizing that her here-and-now isn't worth wasting. A person can't lose weight till he or she is mentally ready. Whitney's not, and that's OK. She knows dancing is not going to cut it without a lot of nutritional modification, but she's heading in the right direction; she's moving more. Weight loss can happen in phases, and maybe she's getting ready to finally be ready, if that makes any sense. To those of you who have never struggled with weight: I'm happy for you, sincerely, because it's devastating (as Whitney's health care provider says, it's one of the last accepted prejudices). Whitney has a long road ahead of her when she finally makes the decision to change. But how can anyone begrudge her being happy in the meantime? She's no less deserving, no less worthy, because of her weight.
  2. The biggest question to me in all this is: How is the average person supposed to view the show? My cable provider says there are no plans to being the UP channel to our area anytime soon, and it's not a part of the channel lineup in many major markets. The first episode is on YouTube, but that obviously was a teaser, as the second one isn't up. Anyone know for sure how this is being handled -- Amazon Instant Video at some point, maybe?
  3. Anybody have any idea if all the episodes will be posted on YouTube, or whether the posting of the first one was just a teaser? My cable company doesn't carry UP and has no plans to (yes, I called and asked. [Hangs head in shame]). I like that the Bateses (see what I did there?) front-hug, but I'm disappointed that Michael's boyfriend is reminding people of TFDW. Poor Michael. I hope she wasn't just in such a rush to get married that she decided to settle. Then again, it's not as if any of these folks seem to have functional gaydar. Ooh, do tell. Where did this come from?
  4. Ilovemylabs: Re: believing one of the boys is gay, this isn't news; we discussed it on TWOP without naming names, and of course I won't name names here. And of course no one knows who's gay and who isn't, and in my opinion, no one should care anyway ... and not to perpetuate stereotypes, but he's extremely effeminate. My point was that of course the Bateses will care and will try to "pray the gay away," and I feel for him.
  5. I'm not into their ultra-fundie beliefs, but there seems to be a lot of genuine love in that family. I worry about the son who's clearly gay and trying not to be, but other than that, I so prefer them to the Duggars, hands-down. But, please, everyone -- one Bates is a Bates. More than one Bates are Bateses. There is no such thing as "the Bates'". It's not "the Bates' house," it's "the Bateses' house." For sure, absolutely, no exceptions.
  6. Alyssa doesn't seem quite as warm as the other girls. And she's very pretty, but she's got something weird going on with her mouth when she talks. Not my fave Bates.
  7. Can Jill please just cut her hair? Shoulder-length, or even bra-length, would be so much more flattering. I would guess that's what she's doing, but any elastic-waist skirt would probably work for most of the pregnancy.
  8. I am in the minority in that I agree with this; I still think, if left to his own devices, Boob would be perfectly happy being a "normal" conservative-Christian guy, if a bit famewhore-y and sex-obsessed. I truly think MEchelle has been driving this bus from the day Boob met her, and that it's her extremism that's made this family what it is. I'm sure he gets off on the whole "head of the family" thing -- but we all know who the head of that family really is. What MEchelle says, goes ... and Boob does and says whatever he needs to to keep her happy. I'm not absolving him of responsibility in this mess, certainly. But I think MEchelle captivated him early on, and then, when she added her magic vagina to the mix, he was in for the long haul. He was a skinny, nerdy, poor, unhappy little guy, and MEchelle chose HIM. He's probably never gotten over what he considers to be his phenomenal luck. So, given that MEchelle clearly does not like Amy, Boob has to temper his feelings. I do think he loves his mom, his sister and his niece very much, and probably also feels a bit paternalistic toward Amy. But he can't get TOO excited about her and her big Nashville dreams, or MEchelle will certainly let him hear how HIS niece is putting ideas in the heads of HER children.
  9. For the camera, yes. In real life, my guess would be no.
  10. Duggar is her mom; Deanna Duggar Jordan is Boob's sister. Amy's dad is Terry Jordan. And if I didn't know this nonsense, perhaps there would be room in my brain for trigonometry or something...
  11. I have numerous "friends" on FB who are really professional colleagues. I didn't want to be rude by not accepting their friend requests, but I don't know them well at all. I'd characterize them as "potential friends." I'm eager to see if the guy is one of those Maxwells! On another topic, the UP network needs some communications help. Here's teaser for the Bateses' new show. http://www.uptv.com/bringingupbates
  12. As Deanna and Amy's dad weren't married when Amy was born, I wonder if her name is, in fact, Amy Duggar, and she started going by Amy Jordan when her dad came (back?) into her life. My guess is that her grandpa and Boob were father figures to her, at least when she was very small. Yes, IMO, her taking the Duggar name now is clearly famewhoring. But I don't know ... I have a soft spot for Amy, and for Deanna. I'm sure MEchelle has always made Deanna feel somehow "less than" because she had a baby before she was married. And because MEchelle no doubt looks down on her, I'm sure Boob's relationship with his sister and niece is impacted. I imagine the Duggar kids are allowed to associate with Amy to a point. Yes, she's family, but she's also all kinds of Nike. I can see MEchelle and Boob warning the girls about Amy's pants-wearing, boy-kissing ways, and making sure they're chaperoned whenever they're with Amy. I also can see that causing friction between MEchelle and Boob and Grandma, who seems to be close to Amy. Someone asked what Amy does for a living. She's a nanny, isn't she?
  13. It would be so awesome if any of this were true. If I were an alien who had never seen this circus and were forming my opinions based on reading stuff like this, I'd think the Duggars were pretty great. I work in public relations, and I probably should consider hiring them; they certainly know how to play the game.
  14. Just finished watching TFDW's "meet my daughter" video, and a few things jump out at me: Much as it pains me to look at the guy, he's got some guns. He must have climbed quite a few rock walls at the Alert Academy... also, it's going to make me seriously sad for Priscilla when we read about the airport-bathroom scandal he finds himself embroiled in one of these days. Davia (I'd prefer it pronounced DAY-vee-uh, but whatever) looks like MacKynzie. They both, IMO, look like a not-creepy, cuter version of Pa Keller. Yes, Priscilla is a little dim, but I'll say this for those Keller girls -- they obviously were raised in a nurturing environment. They're both seem to be naturally affectionate, loving mothers.
  15. No, just that it's cheap, and in the Duggars' older shows, they used to buy a ton of it. Then, IIRC, they stopped eating pork altogether, right?
  16. Agreed. And that actually makes him seem less of a giant douche. Since Smuggar and Anna have been in DC, I'm sure they've been exposed to couples their own age who have no desire to create gargantuan nuclear families, so they're seeing there's an alternative. I also think Smuggar, despite his many shortcomings, isn't a stupid guy, and he's well aware how expensive kids are to raise; perhaps he doesn't want his kids to have to eat Aldi pork-and-beans and call it dinner. I agree they have to toe the line, but I wonder what they're actually doing to prevent conception; dollars to donuts they're not using birth control, but I'd be willing to bet they're relying on some form of natural family planning. Or maybe, unlike the senior Duggars, they find more to do than screw all the damned time. I'd love to see their family stay the size it is. I don't always love Anna, but she bugs me less than the rest of them do, and she seems to be a genuinely good mom who knows her kids and delights in the things they say and do.
  17. TFDW clearly has a crush on Smuggar. Their interactions reminded me of junior high -- David was constantly trying to get a rise out of him (Ha! No pun intended). I agree that TFDW was less fabulous this time around. I'm sure girlfriend Googles himself, and chances are he panicked a little after reading viewers' impressions of him the last time. Poor Priscilla. The weird thing about her, though, is that when she was alone with Anna and they were shopping, she didn't sound nearly as insipid. I feel for her, though -- it has to be hard to try to please a husband who'd rather be throwing down with his brother-in-law. My favorite part of the whole episode: "Throbbing." Heh.
  18. I'm hoping Jana was along because she's dating one of Smuggar's friends as and is taking advantage of every opportunity to head out their way. Hey, a girl can dream. Mackynzie is adorable, seriously, and she looked like a little doll in that old-fashioned dress. (Also, what was with her wearing only leggings in the RV? Total Nike, defrauding her little brothers that way.) She's smart and articulate, and it makes me sad that she'll never go to school.
  19. OMG. Is it just me, or can she actually sort of sing? She has some speech issues, but she's on pitch. Wonder which one of the sister-moms taught her that.
  20. I've been watching the Duggars for years and have shaken my head in astonishment many times, but this takes the cake. I see this as a jealousy move on MEchelle's part, purely and simply: "See? We can be as 'in love' and sexual as our young, beautiful daughter and her husband." In all seriousness, this is one sick move.
  21. My husband and I went old-school and watched the Parenthood movie, the one the show is based on, tonight. And if the show is going to mirror the movie, Sarah will find out she's pregnant. That could explain Mark Cyr's return -- he could be around long enough for the two of them to hook up.
  22. OK, so this is episode 8, and Mark Cyr comes back in episode 9 ... which fuels my death speculation. Could something happen to Amber?
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