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Everything posted by justjen

  1. I was thinking about exactly this last night when I couldn't fall asleep. That part at the end of the show where they show the home movies seemed be the recording Show Adam was doing during that scene with the Goldberg Girls in the kitchen. Which is kind of cool (that we saw that he was doing something but not what it was and then it turned out to be a real Adam F. Goldberg reenactment). I feel like when something really strange actually happened, the narration and sometimes characters stress THIS REALLY HAPPENED. They didn't do that with the stamp storyline shitshow so I'm guessing it was made up (hopefully by an intern and not an actual comedy writer).
  2. I continue to be worried about Troy Gentile, this is the first time in weeks he's had actual interaction with anyone. I enjoyed him in this episode and thought the rap was hilarious, but mostly because Barry reminds me of all the guys I grew up who ended up having a very unsuccessful rap group. Were The Dropouts supposed to be at Lainey's house? Was it weird that there was a Star Wars poster on the wall where they were practicing? When did Adam get so self-absorbed? Honestly, the episode just seemed so implausible to me that I focused on this weird stuff. Or maybe because I'm binge watching the show, since I relatively recently discovered it, I'm just burned out?
  3. Some Brain Droppings: -So yay, Barry was back...for a couple seconds. I wonder what's going on with Troy Gentile or if I'm being paranoid. -Here's the problem with New Jackie -- she isn't Original Jackie so it's hard to remember that she's Jackie and not some Random Friend of Adam. I don't know if that makes sense. - Fiddler on the Roof -- horribly depressing movie, but funny in person as a musical so I don't get why Adam wouldn't like it except for the fact that the movie sucks. -"In the Living Years" is like the saddest song of all time and will always make me tear up. With the tragedies from last weekend, I completely lost my shit and had to rewind twice to catch what was going on at the end of the show.
  4. I just started watching this show about a month ago, but somehow I'm all caught up in just those few weeks. I was really annoyed that there was no Barry in this episode, he's usually Hilarious in the Halloween episodes and it seemed like Geoff took his place within the JTP. So that was weird. And distracting. I *strongly* dislike New Jackie, but as was mentioned at the end of some episode recently (You Got Zuko'd maybe?), Real Jackie came back from New York "a new person." So it makes sense, even though I HATE it!!! I LOOOOOOOVED the fake beer thing. I'm convinced that beer is so bad that people of all ages, who drink from kegs can't tell the difference and will act drunk. Someone should give me a government grant to test out that theory, but that whole story line seemed very true to life. So remember at the end when Erica apologized and Geoff put back on the mustache and it kept falling off? I feel like that was unscripted and perfect! (sorry i have a lot of thoughts for only watching for a few weeks!)
  5. I would have been less surprised if it had been Josh, to be honest.
  6. I am 1000% not surprised by this. I'm sure I should be, but I read the article (actually on msn.com) and my very first thought was "I can see him doing that." Depressing!
  7. Jason Smith: At Least He's Not Damiano Is what I would subtitle this thread.
  8. I thought Nacho's geodo "hole" was unfortunately shaped and colored, but my inner self is a pre-teen boy sometimes...
  9. I'm from the south but OMGhijklmnop every single time she said "peeeecan" I was like "that's what truckers use, it's "pecahn".
  10. So Caleb wants to open a butchery and bakery. PLEASE tell me he's teaming up with a candlestick maker. (Get it?!!?!?)
  11. I originally wanted to dislike Caleb because of his moustache, but as I've watched he actually seems like a normal, funny person. I'd like to think the place where he works is hipster-y so he has to have those curls as part of the Look. And it does look good on him. If he didn't curl it, he'd look like a very tall Yosemite Sam. I think some of the over the top expressions from Heather and Nacho are repeats, like maybe they don't actually do those faces as much as we see? Clearly I have bigger opinions on these points than on the actual show, which means the show is just boring! I don't have anything to add regarding the last episode, except that I really wanted Aaron to be in the finals over Blue.
  12. I don't think this is a judge thing, but it does relate to the judge table. Last night I noticed little black books next to each judge. Kind of like the check at the end of a meal booklet, but it looked more book-like. Do we know what that is? Do they secretly take notes, does someone else take notes, is it decoration? What kind of notes are they? The cold medicine I had to take last night had me obsessed with these books! And also Christina should know better than to make the same cookies she made in the pre-heat...that has never ever EVER worked for anyone! Ever.
  13. When the other contestant is Jessica!! :) From now on I think I will commit to interpreting "not spring-y" as "not bouncy." It should make the results much more fun!
  14. I have had a really terrible week starting last Tuesday, so the result of tonight's show was so perfect!
  15. I didn't even think of that! It probably is time for some new judges. Maybe Carla Hall, Zac Young? I dunno... someone else (NOT DAMIANO)! Maybe their production schedule is such that those 3 have to be the judges, but then the different host thing doesn't make sense.
  16. I really like Canadian Guy. He's the right kind of funny without being all Dad Jokes. Jessica just infuriates me for no good reason; I feel like the closest she gets to a perfect baked good is the bun she wears and even that looks like a clip-on. (I do not like her - at all)
  17. Still don't like Jessica, I don't think making 3 things counts as meeting the challenge, but I'm not in charge. Rewatching last week, I think maybe Andrew never watched the show before and didn't realize it was much different than his baking style?
  18. I got weirdly jealous when duff said ruby is one of his favorite bakers. It was weird. Andrew is an idiot. Just do what they tell you. I don't think Jessica should be there though. Didn't she fail at something last week, too? I mean, they both did but I dislike her more. We had an Emergency Weather Alert, so I missed her presentation.
  19. Initial thoughts: I don't want that guy who made the fancy-pants cheesecake to win because he was too busy trying to be impressive and didn't fulfill the tie-dye challenge (many others didn't, but he annoyed me the most with his sophistication). There are also too many people left for me to care very much, but I like the Canadian guy and the women all kind of blurred together.
  20. I've been thinking about it a little more (slow day at work) and the finale was really, super boring. Maybe if I recognized the judges from anywhere else; maybe if someone had royally screwed up; maybe if they had given the judges crayons and paper menus while they waited it would have been interesting. But it was sooooooo boring. I am a non-cook/horrible cook and I did learn a few weeks ago from the show how folding is different from mixing, but nothing in the finale was compelling for me. My boyfriend watched part of the mini-marathon Food Network was showing and he asked why I watched, so I had to explain to him what hate-watching is.
  21. Do we think Steven has friends in the Worst Cooks editing team? He always seemed to have the funniest/corniest/sarcast-i-est talking head animations. Did anyone notice that? I was a little annoyed that none of the judges, after the cooks were revealed, realized Hazel's dessert and said "I see what you did there," it needed to be said. [Unrelated to the particular episode but related to commercials during the episode (not sure where to put this comment): Looks like next celebrity season I will be obsessed over how unnatural Bronson Pinchot's face looks and that the work he appears to have had is inversely proportional to the entertainment work he has produced since the 80s.]
  22. As someone who absolutely cannot cook (occasionally I can be trusted to boil water without incident; last night there was a loud "discussion" over whether making a microwave meal is cooking) I was SO EXCITED to see them with fire. Next time I accidentally set the stove on fire I can just say "ta-da"!!! It's flambé! With all of the bananas Asaf claims to eat, I worry about his potassium levels - they must be incredibly high! It was interesting watching Sharon (drag queen) vs Steven (real estate agent) and their performances. Sharon completely choked and it broke my drag queen loving heart. Steven's mom asking for ketchup more than once made it seem like she really wanted ketchup and wasn't happy with the fancy-pants taste. :)
  23. The Circleville letters were interesting. I, too, will be spending a lot of time on Wikipedia! I realize that the show is Drunk History/Mystery, but I felt like Alison Rich and Kyle Mooney were *too* drunk. It was just uncomfortable watching Kyle and kind of stressed me out. Derek seems completely sober; not sure if that was "by comparison to the storytellers" or "giving his liver a break."
  24. YES!!! In January, for my bday, I had chocolate cake for lunch and insisted that was really a veggie and protein plate.
  25. It isn't on Wikipedia anymore, but - like previous seasons - the names and ages of the contestants were listed at some point (last week...though it included last names which made it kind of skeevy). ANyway, I think I remember Linsey being one of the older kids...maybe an older 8th grader and Alex and Abbey being relatively younger. So it would make sense for Linsey, getting ready for high school to think to include Food Network in the Food Network birthday cake. But maybe I'm overthinking it and I just like her more. As soon as Abbey asked Linsey how she was making the 10, I knew we were in for another unoriginal Abbey idea. There was something Linsey said while they were baking that I thought was hilarious and something my 13 year old self would totally say - I should have written it down because I wanted to share it here. But Alex suggesting that Canada/Alberta may put on a parade for him was adorable. He's not completely an adult in a kid body!!!
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