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  1. I'm waiting for final reports on KSJ too because........................................SOMETHING?
  2. So this was the person who found Kristoff's lifeless body? Sigh! I'm admittedly nosy (LOL) and I feel like I need more intricate details about all of this. Like really, was Kris lying dead on the floor or was he in bed unresponsive when this Marc fella discovered him? Also, wasn't Kris engaged or re-married? Where was the wife/girlfriend and why was her troubled fiancee/husband all alone? Everything about Kristoff's pain and troubles were public knowledge every step of the way, so where the hell was EVERYONE? If it were me, I would've hog-tied him and kept my eye on him for as long as it took. Something about all of this just doesn't feel right. SMH!
  3. His death has me feeling some type of way. Despite his pain about his son's suicide, I hope he didn't do this to himself. He has other children. I hate the idea that he would abandon his surviving kids.
  4. I'm absolutely flabbergasted about Kristoff St. John. On a shallow note? All that gorgeousness GONE, just like that. SMH! Um, any word on how he died? I'm hoping it's not what my mind is thinking. Sigh!
  5. Neil moved to be closer to where Lily is? So in other words, Kristoff St. John is GONE!
  6. Agreed! My problem with this, however, is what might Arturo have been thinking? He's behaved towards Rey as if Rey is some vile villain. Even if Rey wasn't the best husband to Mia, HIM sleeping with his brother's wife was NOT the answer.
  7. Got it! I'm so sick of Tessa's opportunistic ass.
  8. It's so funny how Arturo was ready to treat Rey like a total low life when he stumbled upon he and Abby at Crimson. Really Arturo? You're the one who allegedly bedded your brother's wife but you treat Rey like HE did something wrong? Is there more to this I'm wondering?
  9. Also, to me, it looked like this finale was resetting the entire dynamic of things. Ditching the nail salon setting to a casino setting, and getting rid of Desna's crew? Are we not going to see Jen, Polly, Ann, and Virginia (she was shot in the head afterall), return for season 3? Like, does Desna meet up with 4 new girls involved in the casino setting? I couldn't quite tell what this finale was conveying.
  10. Yes, wearing the same navy pantsuit. The show being clever and twisted as only it knows how.
  11. I wonder if Polly was hallucinating again, or did she really meet Lillian in the insane asylum as part of a twist that I was theorizing last week. So the nail salon theme of the show will be replaced with a casino setting? That will probably be interesting. A lot of seedy shit can go down in a casino atmosphere.
  12. YES! To me, twin Lillian gave off a vibe of wickedness (and she apparently smoked cigarettes, HAHA!), so it would fit that she'd fake her death to get even with Polly for trying to kill her. I'd prefer this more dramatic outcome rather than Lillian being REALLY dead!
  13. Any chance that Polly's twin is still alive? Not sure how, but in typical soap opera fashion (and I do consider this show to be somewhat of a soap opera despite the craziness), moments like Polly had in this episode would only happen to unravel some kind of twist later on.
  14. I think you've described exactly how the show will probably come to an end altogether.
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