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Everything posted by CheekyCharlie

  1. Wow... did Tamra (I lie constantly to suit the situation) Judge just tell Shannon she didn't say anything to Heather Dubrow about the emails from Shannon's husband? I am dying to see what Shannon has to say to Mrs. Judge at the reunion when/if they show the clip of Tamra not only telling Heather about the emails, but laughing about Heather's imitation of Shannon. Tamra Sue Waddle Barney Judge... if you are going to Heather and spilling the dirt about Shannon and her husband so you can get the focus off that fact you are a bitch who can't be grateful for winning the jackpot with FREE advertising, you should have the balls to own up to it. Lying to Shannon's face so you don't have to take responsibility for your actions, especially someone who looks like she is on the cusp of a nervous breakdown is evil, pure unadulterated evil!
  2. Kody tweeted this yesterday: "Business plan was solid. I don't know what Stan meant by "holes". It was a little over the top with the criticism. Shark tank. #SisterWives" I'm sorry, but I don't recall them pitching a "Business Plan". What I heard was 4 housewives and too full of himself husband patting themselves on the back for a "business" they built "from the bottom up, out of their garage." They wanted to tell a story about how awesome they think they are and were hoping to receive all sorts of praise. They should be grateful for real, honest criticism. At no point did I hear what would sound like an actual business plan to anyone with a background in business. A business plan doesn't include the person in charge of boxing up 500 orders over 2 years telling you what her definition of customer service is, or the person in charge of marketing letting you know not to give them more than $2.5 million because they might not work hard enough then... sounded more like a warning to me. Of course he thinks they were too hard on them, For some reason this family seems to believe everything should be handed to them and asking coupe of questions is somehow "over the top". The people telling them to get over themselves are 110% right! I don't know if I can continue watching this show anymore. They become less likable as time goes on. And before I forget.... I would love to know where this "everything we touch turns to gold, we've got the midas touch" comes from? I've always thought Kody was delusional but this comment from him cements it!! Kody is Delusional with a capital D!
  3. Interesting! I'm going to assume if Kody is making rude comments about one of the investors, the Brown's did not get the money they were hoping for. I also find it interesting that $2.5 million is right around the same amount it would take to pay off the 4 new houses in Vegas. Perhaps they assumed they'd get the homes paid for and then when their Jewelry company didn't make it the investor's would have to sue to recoup their money. This would buy the Brown's at least a few more years in those home. Watching them pitch their investment reminded me of a 6th grade class completing an assignment to create, market, and find investor's for a pretend company. Epic fail! I think the Brown's would be better off getting other polygamy housewives to sell their stuff at home parties similar to Silpada. After all, that's their market, not 18 to 50 year old but other polygamists.
  4. I'm wondering if Shannon was taught during etiquette classes (She said her daughters were 4th generation Cotillion girls which I'm sure means they all will have and she also had her debutante ball, so I'm assuming etiquette classes were a must in her household) while growing up that gossiping behind your guests back during a party you are hosting is proper etiquette or high class refinement. Loved the look on Tamra's face when Shannon mentioned bringing up the 'pick a side' thing to Heather. Also loved that the new gal, can't remember her name at the moment, was the only one with enough balls to tell the truth, Heather is no dummy, she knew something was going on. And.... what is up with Tamara's eyes? Those talking heads with the white eye liner are horrible. Her under eyes are pulled so tight her eyes appear to be slits. It has aged her drastically! Also loved Eddie telling Tamra that it was a great opportunity and Heather had been a good friend to her. For all of Tamra's expectations of 'what can you do for me', I'm curious to know what Tamra has ever done for anyone that didn't benefit herself. Hell she doesn't even buy insurance from her great friend Vicki for Pete's sake!
  5. The other ladies being so in shock and looking down their nose at Caprice's 'selling' out to the tabloids while they are all on a D List TV show on Bravo is hilarious.
  6. Ramona is a hideous, horrible person! Poor Cody, her engagement party and she has to put up shit from a person she doesn't even know, how dare her ask her why she is marrying George, it's none of Ramona's damn business.
  7. Ran across this show completely by accident. Complete trainwreck and just had to finish the episode. Won't tune in again though. I cannot believe anyone would believe this is the real Prince Harry, have these girls been living under a rock? Is he even British? Do Brits typically use the phrase 'you guys' and I'm wondering how often the royals respond to a question with 'yeah'. Maybe they do. Sad thing is, he is probably a really nice guy and if he weren't pretending to be Prince Harry none of these girls would give him much if any attention.
  8. I hope this entire series is not going to be 'we Brits are so much better than those loud, low-class Americans'. And I'm sorry but the 'I'm true royalty' gal is a snob and not nearly as attractive as she thinks she is. She should thank her lucky stars she was born into the 'right' family in a country where snobbery is considered an asset.
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