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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Nigeria just started looking a whole lot better to Michael.
  2. Good excuse, Michael. Well said in a way she won’t snap.
  3. @Mercollen, Jessecwould not approve of your alcohol intake.
  4. Darcy is ridiculous. Both of them need to go away.
  5. So nice when everyone’s is walking on eggshells.
  6. Wow, Darcey and Herr Jesse are a terrible example for the girls.
  7. Turned in the closed captioning so I don’t miss a word.
  8. @Mercollen, that last picture was brilliant. The red spoon/hat was inspired.
  9. I’m too lazy to pick up the remote to change the channel so I usually end up sliding into the cesspool known as Unexpected.
  10. I just couldn’t stop myself from my single serve chicken microwave cup of RR last evening. The salty deliciousness and the chemical aftertaste made me wonder why this doesn’t have its own level on the food pyramid. Now I’m just two clicks away from putting Twinkies on my shopping list. Carrot cake seems much too healthy. REMINDER for anyone who has nothing better to do at 8pm Eastern. Bring your grey steaks (hacked on the bias, of course.....I worked in a restaurant, so....), your RR, and your non-alcoholic drink (as per Herr Jesse’s strict orders) and come on over to the hilarious live chat. No extra “likes” if you end up marching out just as the meal is served.
  11. The hair clips are there to accessorize his ripped clothing.
  12. I actually bought the single portion microwave version when I was in the market a few days ago. I can’t even remember the last time I had Rice-A-Roni.
  13. Great to see both Saul’s office (although I would have been even more thrilled to see an outside shot with faux Lady Liberty) and the space before the meth lab became the meth lab. Was like seeing old friends. Poor Kim. Looks like Mesa Verde is a millstone around her neck. She really can’t walk away from the bank, not after all that Jimmy (and she) went through to keep the client. And what happened to Kim’s cute and perky ponytail? Maybe once her arm heals....
  14. Michael will WEAR her hair if it means escaping Nigeria.
  15. Welcome to the dark side, @Cementhead. Maybe you’ll get a chance to join the live chat at some point. Comedy gold!
  16. Not only was he probably drunk, but he was probably pissed off about being crowded into numerous airplanes (and Dean is not a small guy), dealing with the time change and whenever something en route to meet up with Tarik happened (like sharing an armrest with a smelly person or not getting any food on the plane), that was one more strike against Hazel. Dean came loaded for bear.
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