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Perfectly said. Claire is the Maryest of Mary Sues.
THANK YOU. I actually hated how he acted at the bar, not just his crappy treatment of his 'date', but his ridiculous display of jealousy when he invited himself to Janine's table, all this after HE had rejected Janine. I hate the 'jealous person resorts to invasiveness and sabotage when they realize the person they like is moving on' trope. I also hate the 'will they, won't they' trope, especially when they're clearly dragging it out for the sake of dragging it out like Abbott Elementary is doing. We all know they're going to end up together, so killing time like this is annoying to the viewers who want them together, AND to the viewers who don't want them together. And I'll be honest, I don't think the actors have romantic chemistry with each other. Janine and Gregory have always had 'just friends' chemistry, and they seem so forced together. I would honestly be fine if they didn't end up together. They're going the predictable, done-a-million-times route because that's what people expect, but it would be so interesting if they stayed just friends.
Tommy to asshole in bar: Do not compliment me on my dick! The whole fuckin' world lookin at my dick! Nikki: But dude...you love showing your dick. Albuquerque Civic Center Shout at the Devil Tour? It was out the whole fuckin' drum solo! Tommy: That was consensual. I CHOSE to wag it. Look, I know this is a serious issue, but I CACKLED. That scene was hilarious. A lesson on consent from Mr Tommy Lee, y'all. Loved the appearances of Kurt Cobain and Jay Kay of Jamiroquai. My 90s heart was happy. All in all I think this was really well acted. Great performances.
Thank you. I bet there are full on porn stars who would be mortified if a private recording of theirs was somehow made public. Why? Because that is NOT what they signed up for when they made this specific video, and people are allowed to either grant or deny consent, and furthermore they are entitled to privacy. Period. It does NOT matter what their chosen profession is. The idea that because Pamela posed nude when she wanted to, that she's supposed to get over her honeymoon tape being stolen and broadcast (and there is a MASSIVE difference between posed still shots and raw video for crying out loud) is a disconnect I will never understand. Even Tommy tried to imply this to Pam a few episodes ago and I have no idea how she didn't manage to shoot him with his own shotgun. Dude is NOT HELPFUL.
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This. And he doesn't seem THAT upset about it...I know he's genuinely angry that Pam is hurt and he did grieve for the baby...but he's not exactly teeming with righteous indignation. I think he's secretly enjoying the drama. He thought it was a big joke when he had to list his enemies for the investigator. And furthermore what's shitty is Pamela DID NOT want to sue. She had a sixth sense that it was a bad idea and she wanted it dropped. She gets steamrolled by Tommy and the lawyers and the lawsuit goes ahead...guess who gets deposed and has to watch (and provide commentry on) her own sex tape in a room full of strangers? The irony is horrific.
The Dirt is an autobiography so I definitely wouldn't place too much merit in any description of Tommy Lee found in it. I fully expect him to make himself sound great or at the very least downplay his assholishness. And he'd definitely have his 'nice guy' persona on in interviews to counteract any negative publicity swirling around him. I'm sure he could be nice if and when he wanted to, like anybody else, but I'd be wary of trusting his curated public image. Pam wasn't the only person he's assaulted, by far. I've seen a lot of people mention Sebastian being too short to play Tommy which is interesting to me because Tommy is only 2 inches taller than Sebastian but apparently the difference is that noticeable. Tommy is extremely lanky so I guess that accounts for him looking so much taller.
Nathan knew, just like we all did, that he was just a placeholder. He knew she was forcing that "I love you" earlier and trying to force him to say it back because it was the 'right' thing to do. She was settling for him because he happened to be there at that time. There was never any passion between them. And then when she instantly said "ok" and got out of the car after the tussle with Lawrence, when Nathan said he wanted to step back, and she walked off without arguing, he knew that he was right all along that it just wasn't that deep for her. She didn't even attempt to fight him on it, because I think she was finally acknowledging the truth, that Nathan was just there so she wouldn't be single. Glad they didn't make it all the way to marriage with a placeholder relationship. It lasted way too long as it was. Man I don't care what anyone says: Molly and Issa are the REAL soulmates on this show. Not saying they don't love their partners, of course they do...but the way Issa's whole spirit lit up when Molly called her at the end (from her honeymoon?!) was proof for me. Nobody else ever got her to light up like that in the entirety of the show's run. Her whole face just glowed when her girl called her. There's more than one type of soulmate out there.
S08.E03: Blue Flu / S08.E04: Balancing
LaJefaza replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Brooklyn Nine-Nine
I'm guessing the decision to have Rosa quit was more to do with disguising Stephanie Beatriz' pregnancy (they're doing a good job, actually) and giving Rosa a reason to curl up on couches in baggy clothes and not be on a beat. Because I agree: Rosa, who for sure has some brutality complaints of her own, seemed the least likely to quit even if she was disgusted with the system. I wonder if they'll eventually write Stephanie's pregnancy in somehow. Loved Jake and Charles relaying info by way of a lullaby. Loved it. The chemistry between these two actors in phenomenal. I also loved that this episode was somewhat of a callback to the earlier argument that Amy and Jake had as newlyweds, when they were deciding whether or not to have kids (still boggles my mind that they didn't discuss that before marriage, but whatever) and they had a debate to be settled by Holt, Kevin and several other accredited moderators. Everything Jake was scared of, lost opportunities and sacrifices, has ended up happening. But everything Amy predicted is also happening...their son makes everything worth it and they're working things out together, owning their losses and their wins as a team. Continuity (and reality) for the win. -
S01.E06: One World, One People
LaJefaza replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier
I'm not that pressed about Sharon being the Power Broker, especially since many here figured that out pretty early, so it was anticlimactic... but I am totally confused that this supposedly brilliant woman who has been surviving for years on sheer wit and grit would, on the very steps of the building in which she had now been pardoned, be having that loud ass conversation on the phone. "SECRETS! SECRETS! COME GET YA SECRETS! I'M SELLIN SECRETS!" I mean WTF? Did Walker's wife...NOT notice how twitchy he was when he came out in that new costume? How can she NOT tell that something is off with him? Perfection. Perfectly said. His lovable personality returning at the end really proves Ayo right. Even Steve hadn't seen this guy in years. He's back, and he's free. Sam turning up in that suit and people cheering him on was the payoff he deserves. He may not be perfect, and he may not get everyone's support, but dammit he deserves this, and he finally knows it. "No, that's Captain America." Damn right, he is. Zemo being a lovable rapscallion till the end tickled me, I'll admit it. -
I love that Sam is finally feeling worthy enough to take up the shield. I saw the pain in his face that he had to take it by force from Walker. You could tell it was the last thing he wanted to do. He's been trying diplomacy for the longest while with both him and Karli to no avail. He may not have liked Walker, but Sam had been willing to give him a chance, or at least leave him alone to do what he had to do. Walker was such a terrible choice that it made Sam come to reckon with his insecurities and self-doubt faster than he anticipated. Sometimes in life the signs keep coming until you do what needs to be done. The shield being used to slaughter someone was the biggest sign possible. I also loved Sam's training montage and the fact that the show is acknowledging that for a non-super human it is no easy feat to be a superhero. He doesn't just wake up and get it done. We're seeing the blood, sweat and tears it will take for him to get ready. Really ready. And at one point when Sam threw the shield and it boomeranged back to him at full speed and almost decapitated him, I swear I heard Steve say "on your left." Isaiah's statement to Sam that people are not ready for a Black Captain America is so true, truer that even the writers of this show are probably able to grasp. Or maybe they are. I remember the outrage in certain spaces after Endgame, with some (definitely not all, of course) people claiming that Tony Stark dying and Steve Rogers ageing and handing the shield over to a minority were "erasure" and "pandering". There are people who are pissed about the possibility of a Black Captain America right here in the real world. That scene might be more meta than they want to admit. SCHWEEDIE said this in last week's thread and I'm in total agreement. Wyatt Russell is doing a phenomenal job. He's taken Walker through the range of humble, unsure, terrified, arrogant and insane in such a visceral and believable way. That there are boneheads out there who think it makes sense to harass an actor for doing a great job portraying a character they don't like, is testament not just to the fact that humanity is growing dangerously stupider by the minute, but also that this guy is consistently knocking it out of the park. Sam's 'tough love' for Bucky was great. I thought it was fantastic advice to be of service to the people he'd wronged. Going about trying to make himself feel better was making him miserable. That's exactly the type of advice Captain America should give. And Bucky was great with Sam's family. He turned on the charm for Sarah and she was HERE for it. It was adorable. He's on his way to being back to his old (and I mean OLD) tomcat self. He's come a long way from having to be strong-armed (heh) into that date with that bartender back in the first episode. The Winter Soldier was actually grinning this episode. Who would have thought. I hate to admit how much Zemo amused me, but here we are. I still don't think this is the last time we'll see him. But I love that Bucky kept his word to the Wakandans and turned him over. He really was the means to an end. Love this. Meanwhile: Sebastian...Sir...cut it out. Cease and desist. I'm supposed to be 'working'. Stop it right now, Seb. Or...you know...keep going, I guess?
S01.E04: The Whole World Is Watching
LaJefaza replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier
Poor Bucky was unarmed, disarmed, unhanded and manhandled in the space of seconds. I love him to death but I chortled. I have said it before about this guy's talent: Sebastian Stan puts in WORK. The man's a beast. He was on fire in that opening scene, good gawd. Between this and him doing all his knife stunts himself, I'm thoroughly impressed. I hope he has a long and rewarding career. And I'd love to see him and Karl Urban play angry brothers in something. Daniel Bruhl is also doing a fantastic job, given that viewers are now tickled by Zemo and find him adorable, even though the very first thing he did, when Bucky approached him at the jail, was try to reactivate the Winter Soldier for shits and giggles. His hilariousness has eclipsed the fact that he's actually a very dangerous man. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him, and I'm certain he isn't to be trusted. But I do appreciate that he's a man who keeps to his principles, dubious as they may be. He didn't even attempt to consume any of the serum, he just wanted it gone. Walker slowly but visibly losing it after Lamar's death gave me shades of Daenerys Targaryen going apeshit after Missandei's death on Game of Thrones. In both cases, this loss of their bestie/moral compass is what finally pushes an all-powerful psychopath off the deep end, public relations be damned. That last tether of virtue is just ripped to shreds. Knowing Walker's corny ass he was probably screaming 'dracarys' in his head. I agree with whoever it was upthread that thought it ridiculous that Zemo was able to slip away from the Dora Milaje. There's no way they shouldn't have immediately had one warrior snatch him up while the others made (very) short work of NotMyCap. As much as I loved the hysterical ass kicking, Zemo getting away was sloppy. I did have to laugh at Walker thinking he could impress Ayo by identifying himself. First of all, she has eyes, she can see that you're Captain America. Secondly, this is the woman who said 'Move or you will be moved' to Natasha Romanov. She is NOT impressed by Avengers. The blank stare on her face afterwards was priceless. Sam continues to prove that Steve knew damn well what he was doing when he gave him the shield. -
So I'll raise a pointless, shallow, not-at-all serious issue that I don't think has been mentioned. Obviously I know TV sex scenes can't be realistic, especially where time is concerned...but come on...Couldn't they at least try to make it look like something that would satisfy a woman? Even if we ignore the hard or rough surfaces they were positioned on... Simon wasn't even a one-minute man...dude was clocking 15 and 20 seconds! And we were expected to believe Daphne was experiencing waves of rapturous ecstasy even before he got done? Just INSTANTLY straight to the top of the stairway to heaven? Couldn't it have been edited to look like Simon was worthy of his alleged reputation? Couldn't they have made it LOOK like dude was putting in a few minutes worth of work? Even way back in the 80s on good ol' Miami Vice, even Crockett and Tubbs would be shown crazily rolling with women from one end of a bed to the next and back again...you got the impression that as odd as the sex must have been, at least there was some sort of foreplay and it was of a respectable duration. We're supposed to believe Simon's been sexing it up across Europe for years, and THIS is his performance? Sex scenes are sometimes embarrassing, but it shouldn't be for this reason. I've microwaved lunch longer than the time it takes him to get in, get off and get out. And he's supposed to be some sort of notorious rake? Unimpressive. It's a good thing he taught Daphne how to handle herself, because DAMN.
S02.E01: On a Dead Guy's Bench
LaJefaza replied to jewel21's topic in Bob ❤️ Abishola (Bob Hearts Abishola)
I'm not looking forward to the inevitable breakup/called off engagement/reunion arc that is pretty much guaranteed to come. I'm 100% sure Abishola will call it off and we'll have an episode or 5 of them pining after each other. -
I can see this and I'll take your point. Maybe I'm being hard on him. I guess I'm still seeing as the guy with the bouch glued to his ass in season 1. I guess, as Kelli says...it's growth.
This articulates something I remember from last week's episode that bugged me. When Lawrence and Issa went out on their date he mentioned figuring out that he was fine being someone's employee and executing someone else's vision, and he doesn't feel the pressure to be some type of leader anymore. Which is FINE. Everyone can't be a leader. Literally, everyone cannot be a boss, and bosses need employees. The majority of us are employees. There's nothing wrong with being a worker bee at all because all roles are important. However Lawrence saying it rubbed me wrong for this very point you made. Lawrence doesn't like challenge. It just took me back to where he was at in season 1. His whole 'Well I tried, what do you want from me?" attitude he took with everything. He's fine just going with the flow. He enjoys the easy road. He likes to coast. Yeah, he and Issa hashed out their residual issues last week but what happens if things get tough again? It makes me feel like 'new' Lawrence isn't new at all...just the same product in a fresh package. TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN... Molly's gonna realize sooner or later that Andrew's the only person who signed up to eat her ass. And even he's getting tired of the aftertaste. It lingers on the palate.