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She became that obnoxious in the JMB years when they decided that Lulu was a mini Carly (and worshipped her), instead of a female Luke, and yes, there is a difference. And this is why I disagree with @dubbel zout. This is why I care when they have temp actors film these important scenes, especially if the actual actor is coming right back; nothing else, it looks sloppy. They could have rewritten the scene at least and moved the kiss to a different day, but no. Between this, and the lack of care with characters (legacy to new) is why I was on @GHScorpiosRule side for her dislike of Emma's characterization. It felt like the show needed a "bad girl" and decided it should be Emma because she was the most available. Considering what the show did to Anna Devane, an established character with a long history and multiple, it was warranted. There are ways to make a character what you need for the canvas without sacrificing the integrity of what the audience believes they could be.
No, it was. Even a 2 year age gap between anyone under 14 seems huge. I'm chalking it up to Maxie's son wanting to hang out at a luxurious mansion with stables, pool and a lake, possibly sweet in home theater and latest video gaming set up. And it feels earned with everything that Maxie has gone through, being either the villain or the heroine. I haven't really watched the show since FV & RC killed AJ and decided that Sonny should skate after a few months, complete with SLS giving up on his vendetta, but unlike other characters on the show, she does suffer consequences for her actions and the show doesn't have perfectly good characters sacrificed to make her look better. The Joss investigation storyline seems to be pale imitation of the storyline of Maxie's Text Message Killer investigation, after her boyfriend Cooper and then poor Georgie were murdered. While Maxie was tenacious and resourceful, she also wasn't super awesome. She even recruited Spinelli, who she couldn't stand, (and believe or not, Spinelli hated her too because of his affection for Lulu) because of his computer skills. Of course, the storyline was doing so well, with Maxie nearly solving, Guza couldn't have that and had, and I kid you not, Nikolas's tumor!Emily tell him who killed her so he could pass the message off to Jason.
The writers can't figure out that it is universal known that close family members aren't allowed to perform medical procedures on relatives. There is a famous riddle about it and everything. Yes, I'm still salty on Lucas performing major surgery on Sam. And it was a scheduled surgery in a hospital, not an emergency one on Spoon Island. If the show manages to write anything correctly, like people using checks (especially in an independently owned art gallery to avoid credit card processing fees) and reading your medical results online, it is purely accidentally. Because of all the babies FV introduced in the first 5 years, many unnecessary, there is seems to be too many kids. It also doesn't help that FV likes to make everyone related. He has the weirdest quirks: constantly making women pregnant, babies switches (two on this show that I can think of right now), and on the flip side, infertility storylines. Three of them (there might be more on this show). First Lulu and her misshapen uterus, then rendered infertile by the Cassadines, Molly and now Chase. And this is in the last 10 years. I can only recount three major characters dealing with infertility from General Hospital/Port Charles between 1963-2000: Lee Baldwin, Bobbie Spencer and Lucy Coe. I'm sure even the most trad wife audience members are sick of all these baby storylines. The one thing this show has control of, the writing, they refuse to control. Do they even have Zoom meetings about this? It is like they go with the first draft of the stupidest ideas and say, yes, this is fine.
It is especially annoying because Ric and Liz were involved right before he was moved on to Alexis. He was trying to steal Zander's rights to Cam. No one outside of the saner boards comments what in absolute disgrace it is that Sonny has so many ONS babies, considering Stone died of a sexually transmitted disease. I hated that they made Cody Dominque's son. I have no real issue with Mac being the father, but I feel the addition of Cody damages the Scott/Dominque/Lucy surrogacy storyline. So all this Q talk about them being powerful of late & Tracy being overly invested in Michael's kids living arrangement & being a bitch to servants was a set up for this this Sasha shit. I never understood why the show didn't have the reason that Monica wanted to keep Ameila and Wiley at the Q mansion is for the basic reason is that it is the only home they known. With SLS and the Cult Mom's marriage breaking up and Scout being dragged out of the home and away from her older brother, they need some continuty in their lives. But it is all Monica wants to know they are in the house so she feels better. Every time the "Qs" and their horribleness keep being brought, I ask, "what the f* are is the show talking about?" Ned , who next to Jason, has been the most contemptuous of his family (though not in a traitorous way like Jason), BLQ, Olivia, Lois? Drew, who only decided to embrace being a Q after being tricked into thinking he was Jason, and would only have a few memories of old guard Qs, a very few positive? The Q that would lead that charge, Edward, has been dead for a decade and Alan for longer. Monica is bed ridden (and LC has sadly passed away). AJ might have pulled these shenanigans, but FV killed him too. I think that Tracy is being written out of character, bc she was never this interested custody of Q kids, not even her own. FV and Guza have so throughly gutted and in the case of Guza, neutered, the family, I feel insulted that the Qs are being scapegoated. No show, you mean the Cornithos and I don't want Qs lumped into together with them. Not only do Cornitios fight dirty (hanging people on meat hooks, framing people for sexual assault) they don't bother protecting them.
My point is that while what Drew did managed to outdo what Jason and Monica did in terms of cheating, it is Jason's support of Sonny and Carly that has lead to Michael being gravely injured, again, that would cause Monica the most stress. Monica is probably furious with Drew as she was one of the few people that didn't demand that everything be taken away from him turned over to Jason when Jason came back from the dead the first time, but it isn't enough to stress her out as similar things have happened in the past and no one died directly from those events. However, Jason alliance with Sonny and Carly, even after what happened with Jason, has caused the Michael to be fighting for his life a second time. Michael to his stepfather's house for advice shouldn't put him in the hospital, but it did, again, not from an accident but from one of Sonny's enemies. Jason put Michael that lifestyle, when a safer option was available, because Carly can't compromise. He's threatened AJ several times when AJ tried to legally get custody of Michael. The alliance has cost the lives of Emily, Alan and Justus (with Justus being the most direct one as he was representing Jason when he got killed). The danger element would be bad enough, but Sonny cold bloodily murdered AJ and is freely living his life. If he cared about Monica out all, he would be distance between CarSon, but no. Instead he allows Sonny to use her property to stage another murder and Jason helps cover it up. Now Michael is again paying for the lifestyle that Jason got him in and refuses to quit.
Counterpoint: Jason constantly runs cover for the ASSHOLE THAT MURDERED HER BIOLOGICAL SON AJ IN COLD BLOOD AND HIS BITCH EX-WIFE. This isn't some Dorian/Vicki shit or on this show, Leslie/Monica drama, Jason is a complete traitor. Not only is he still friends with the guy that murdered Monica's son AJ, he even recently covered up a murder that Sonny committed, again in cold blood, on her fucking property. In any other circumstance, even the heighten ones, what Drew did was worse than Jason, it is the worse case of family stealing away another spouse, and that is a pretty high bar. At least this time around with the spouse stealing, people are disgusted by the people involved in the betrayal, unlike with what Jason pulled with AJ/Courtney with everyone celebrating it. And if kids being involved makes it worse, Jason fully supported Sonny knocking up Carly while she was (in an admittedly sham) marriage to AJ and taking full custody and then Sonny kidnapping AJ to steal his parental rights. If Jason truly felt sorry about it with his own experience with his own sons, he would be keeping his distance away from Sonny, instead of helping him cover up a murder.
Fuck that too. Considering how she openly disparages the memory of her murdered cousin Kate, after she inherited half a hotel from her, and how she judges the Qs, a hard pass too. It should go into a trust for the great grand kids and grand kids besides Michael, as @DanaKsaid. So if the stress of the combo of Willow and Michael's impending divorce and especially Michael going away to heal from life threatening burns finally does Monica in, then Jason's constant traitorous bullshit finally killed her. I know people deem Drew worse (and he is slimy), what Drew did has happened in the family before: Monica had an affair with Ned (before realizing it was her nephew, at least to her credit) and Jason stole Courtney away from AJ with the family cheering it on. But Jason constantly choosing Carly and Sonny and even helping them keep Michael away from most of the family, not mention directly or indirectly getting members of family killed, probably broke her heart.
It will as they will actually have to create interesting stories and characters and can't rely on an existing IP for their audience.
Based on the “justice” that white people get (Kate Howard, AJ Quartermaine), the show sucks with justice and protecting anyone. As someone that is neither white nor black, my observation is that the legal system has trouble protecting women in general. In the last couple of years, I’ve heard separate stories of a white and black woman being targeted by their prior victimizers because the legal failed to properly inform them that the men had been paroled. In the case of the white woman, she was murdered and the black woman, she was seriously injured and her pre teen son was killed. Heather only stalked Trina (though that is very serious), but I would argue that white women are more in danger, as Heather hasn’t killed any African American people, but she has killed or attempted to kill several white women. Considering what a vindictive bitch Ava is, it is a bit surprising she isn’t pushing more for Heather to be locked in a mental hospital. If Dr.O doesn’t come back to at least to attempt to take out Heather, then I know there is no depth in this storyline.
Then by that metric, Carly is a less evil character than her because she hasn’t murdered anyone, just kidnapping, fraud and accessory to murder. Ava doesn’t own shit. The only good thing with Ava and Sonny sharing a kid is that they are stuck torturing each other because they are both incredibly slimy, so they regularly get out of trouble. And I find Maura West overly mannered. This show is very sad because between our three unrepentant killers, Ava commits the least amount of murderers.
As I said in the post, it is fine if you aren’t looking for morality. My point there isn’t anything in Ava’s history that makes her redeemed for what she did to Kate, AJ, and Morgan. She is still an evil character like Sonny and Carly, but unlike someone like Helena Cassadine, the show isn’t willingly to be honest about how immoral they are.
Or they justify or hand wave the truly evil things they do & they get storyline after storyline. See: Ava Jerome, Sonny Cornithos, now they trying to portray Carly as the matriarch even though she is currently covering up another murder. The current leads don’t suffer any repercussions for the shit they do. Mitch Lawerence was portrayed straight up,so I can at least appreciate the honesty. Even when he escapes justice, it is seen as wrong, not like with Ava when she murdered Kate and got AJ killed.
So it isn't so much they actually did anything redeemable, but people find them entertaining. I guess if they do something really shitty to a relative innocent (or someone they professed to care about) hopefully they don't do anything else shitty within the year, like Ava's back to back shooting Kate in cold blood and getting Sonny to kill AJ when he was searching for the truth. I get that people just enjoy watching evil characters when they are played by entertaining actors. Believe it or not, I do too, but to me, they aren't redeemed unless they fully make up for the things they did and being nice to a teen girl ≠ murdering 2 innocent people and swapping the meds from a troubled young man. To me, there is difference be from being entertained by dark characters and ignoring the bad stuff they do (and it fine if people value that more than morality in entertainment) and a character being redeemed. @YaddaYaddaGive Donna to Lucas. She'd probably be safer.
You're entitled to your opinion, I just don't agree with the assessment. More than redeemed herself because of Trina?? It is that line of thinking that got Guza to believe that Sonny is still the good guy. sarcasm Sonny gets a SAed teen to strip at his club, sleeps with her and gives her pills...water under the bridge and she's to blame because Sonny gave comfort care to Stone when he was dying of AIDS. And all the kidnappings and murders are fine because he did it out of love.sarcasm I'd would argue that Sonny sitting vigil by Stone's bedside did more for his redemption for he did to Karen than Ava being nice to Trinia, especially as Ava directly or indirectly got 3 people killed: Kate, AJ and Morgan. And I don't think he is ever redeemed for he did to Karen because he doesn't believe he did anything wrong. Ava might have some pangs of guilt now and again, but she was over joyed when the confession went missing. AJ, on the other hand, was somewhat disturbed when he was found not guilty and was the only one that bothered to find out the truth about what happened to Kate. I don't root for Heather, because Heather was always a nasty person, but like I said, she was never crazy as Guza characterized when he brought the character back, so maybe cobalt poisoning explains why she acted like she did when she was high. As for Brad, being sleazy towards Michael and taking Wiley in a moment of weakness when Wiley's own mother even offered, since in the case of Michael nothing happened (thoughMichael was too forgiving in order to usher Lucas/Brad), weirdly, they are actually classic storylines. Tracy did try to coerce Jax into marrying her, so it isn't hugely different than Brad. 100%, though I think that Michael should be banished until he gives up Sonny.