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Everything posted by tvgoddess

  1. Since when did Kiki start calling Michael "Mikey"? It doesn't even bother me that much when Morgan does it, but coming from her it just sounded all kinds of wrong.
  2. OMG, those two clips. The Ric one cracked me up. Looks like someone has been taking acting tips from Carrrrrrlos. If Britt tries to fuck with Liz, I will really love her. Wait, that sounded a little differently than I intended.
  3. Compared to Michael/Kiki, the chemistry between Epiphany and a dead cat is scorching. I don't want Morgan back with that lameass twit. He escaped her orbit once, and he improved immensely. I guess I can be okay with them as friends, but she just really needs to go make friends with an electric fence and a thunderstorm. Pretty boring episode except for a few small parts. Way too much Nina, and Nina being too breathy. Get to the psycho bitch part already. There are not enough words for the sickness that is Cranco. I guess Carly, Franco, Bobbie, Lucas, Morgan, and Joss will all just be one happy family living under the same roof. I cannot WAIT for the UCG that Druggie!Rafe will bring. Hee hee hee. I'm giggling already.
  4. Isn't he though! I really adore him. My Snarky Morgan. Please don't ever change. Hate Sonny forever. And he's still not over Ava, no matter what he spouts. Him replaying the conversation in his head, poor thing. I missed Drunk!Sam the first time around, and all I keep hearing makes me wish she came back. Drunk!Sam sounds like so much fun. Sam did look great though, getting her drink on with her mom. Her hair is fantastic. I love how Nina is all "the world has changed so much." I thought for sure she'd mention 9/11, maybe having a black President. But no, what does she focus on? That The Chili Peppers played the Superbowl. Because she and Silas went to see them on their first date or something like that. And if Silas listens to jazz for hours, what the hell was he doing at a RHCP concert? But I think I'm in the minority, I'm actually enjoying Nina with a side of cray cray. Makes me think of Dr. Lisa Niles, who I despised but could still watch. I'm sure I'll end up hating Nina, but for now I really like that she's so delusional. Calling Silas attractive for example. No sadness or sympathy for Baby Blanket. Kudos to whoever came up with that one. Honestly, I really didn't feel a thing. I did enjoy seeing Lizzie with Patrick. She should have been with him all along. When Patrick comforts Sabrina, he almost looks like her dad. I thoroughly enjoyed the hell out of the Ava/Carly scenes. From the granny reference, to calling her out on jealousy of Sonny, to the "feral" description, to the limerick/haiku, I just loved it. I love that she has zero fucks to give about Carly. I love that she wanted to kill Franco because he pissed her off. God, me too sweetie. And let's see, Carly calling Ava a whore, when she slept with her own stepfather and is now currently fucking a serial killer who facilitated the rape of her favorite child. Yes, please keep talking. What made the scenes just as good though, was knowing that Maura and Laura were loving getting to work together. They adore each other. Even though I loathe the Slagbeast, I like LW a lot. She's a cool chick, save for her liking SBu.
  5. Yeah, I still don't like it. I really didn't like it when Jason suggested it to Sam, and I don't like it here. I can definitely understand it more from Morgan's POV, I don't think he's doing it in the same way that Jason was, which was disgusting. But still. Not your decision to make.
  6. This I really can't explain my thoughts on but I will try. I loathe Kiki. I hate that Ava's only offspring (thus far) must be the crap that is Kiki. But for some reason, I don't want her to be someone else's, I still want her to be Ava's. I guess because in her own weird, twisted way Ava has shown me that even though she's the "second worst mother in the world", she really does love Kiki. And the only time I've liked Kiki ever has been the phone call conversations she's had with her about this upcoming dinner. I guess it's time to tell Kiki she's getting a new brother or sister, heh, that should make for some interesting dinner discussion. Anyway, I thought they might make her Nina's once upon a time, but I think that's probably been laid to rest.
  7. So, Mac and Felicia are paying Maxie's share of the rent? How old is Maxie now? I like Maxie, but come on. Isn't any 20 something on this show self sufficient? And no, Michael certainly doesn't count. Levi could be Mac's son or he could not be Mac's son. It still wouldn't make Levi any more tolerable or Mac any less boring. Since the baby was just a blanket, I felt absolutely nothing. Kind of a joke, actually. This, a million times, this! Just STFU, Slagbeast. And take a seat or thirty. Loved Morgan shading Sonny, but dude. You don't order a woman, especially Ava, to have an abortion, ever. Not your body, not your decision. I had typed out a few lines about how I don't think Ava is solely trying to save her life, but no one cares but me. Nina. Sigh. I want these scenes to do more than make me long for a coma, my own.
  8. I don't. It's what she signed up for. If she has a problem with it, maybe she needs to find another line of work. I missed the last day of TWoP for the most part. I'm finally all caught up here. I actually really enjoyed Friday's episode, was practically bored to tears by Siam and Niz yesterday but loved Britt/Brad, Britt/Nathan and Molly schooling Alexis and calling out Julian. The rest was a snooze. Can't really decide who sucks the most: Sonny, Carly, Franco, Ron, or me for watching their bullshit. I welcome Nina if she can make Sam watchable again. I liked Ava eyerolling Sonny today with "is that thing really necessary?"
  9. I'm not saying it's not true because of the camp, I'm saying it's not true because it's imdb. NOT a credible source.
  10. If even one of those ends up being true, I'll eat my arm. Fanfiction, all of it.
  11. No offense, but I don't consider that to be a credible source at all.
  12. That rumor's been around so long, I'll be dead by the time she gets here.
  13. I saw where you posted that just now, lillybee. :) My sports guy who I follow that is also a huge GH fan - Trevor is his guess. I thought it was a pretty good one.
  14. Can someone please explain to me how Maxie managed to actually fool a licensed OB/GYN that she was pregnant with a pillow? I think that out of all the things we've been asked to swallow over the years, this had to be up at the very top. I wasn't watching yet at the time, so I just am incredulous and simply must know how it happened.
  15. As much as I'd like this to be true, it's been refuted. I don't buy that all of those people are coming/returning.
  16. I think that was someone's hopeful wish. There's been no mention of it anywhere from any credible source.
  17. Good lord, could you imagine if all those kids had lived?
  18. I don't think hating Liesl is an unpopular opinion, I think it's the opposite. Hence, my UO is that my favorite characters are Ava, Morgan, and Liesl.
  19. Silas' current girlfriend isn't Ava/MW, it's Sam/KM. But Silas did have an affair with Ava way back in the day that preceded Nina falling into the coma. Silas/Ava had a child together, Kiki, who we all pretty much universally hate.
  20. Sorry, I don't give a fuck about "poor Sabrina". I love Ava already, and if she offed Sobby I'd love her even more.
  21. Ava/Maura looked gorgeous today. Love her straight hair. But I agree about Jordan's choice of outfit, that jacket and ill-fitting skirt, just no. I wanted the room that Sonny, Carly and Franco were in to just swallow them whole. Imagine how many problems would be solved without these three. Liesl can stay forever if she continues to throw shade at Liz. Made me so happy. I can't remember her line, but some piece of dialogue just cracked me up. And I liked how she found herself surprised about liking the cereal. Oh, I also loved her description of Sabrina - the mousy nurse and pink dustmop. Siambien and Detective Can't Read are going to catch Ava? They couldn't catch a cold in a room full of sick daycare kids. I can't wait for this to blow up in their face.
  22. Just guessing, but I don't think Stuart Damon's in the greatest of health. But they probably didn't bother to ask anyway.
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