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Everything posted by LADreamr

  1. Yeah, they were calling it the series finale, so I think they only meant it to be this one season. I'm glad it seemed to end happily for everyone (until the next victim - and I didn't believe for a second, that they were getting rid of him that easily), but I felt like it still had a lot of unanswered questions. Everything you mentioned, plus why is she MRS Eaves, and where is that other person? Was the baby born inherently evil, or did it come from circumstance? Why did he have a houseful of stuff, and yet still never changed clothes? Natasha seemed to believe that his mother's death had to do with his evilness, which would mean he wasn't trying to replace her, he was just trying to kill mothers and everyone around them. But what we saw of her history and death didn't really look like that. Also, I think they meant for it to be an allegory for motherhood and the difficulties it brings, but really it was just about this evil kid. Anyway, I still really enjoyed it, and would even have watched another season, if they had meant for there to be more. It was just these few things that it would have been good to have more insight on.
  2. Swearing doesn't bother me, I just find it lazy and juvenile when it's overused. Especially on a smart show like this, I want to hear smart writing, and the constant use of swearing - for shock value, or just because they are allowed to, or whatever - takes me out of it. If Sister Andrea had been the only one to use it, that would have been funny.
  3. Yes, please. And enough with all the swearing, just because you can. They sound like kids who have escaped their parents for a few minutes and are getting in all the swearing they have time for. And, do Kristen and her husband not communicate at all, when he's away? He didn't know she changed the locks, and she didn't know he was selling the business and coming home for good? And, flushing the demon-y thing down the toilet? That won't create any issues. And yeah, the girls' constant chattering over each other has always been annoying and sounded unnatural. Also, that big house only has one bathroom? I know it doesn't sound like it, but I was really excited about the show coming back. I just hope it's going in a more interesting direction, which for me, has always happened in the quieter moments. I think the chamber experiment would have been more interesting without all the drama and chaos.
  4. Absolutely. I've binged all of the episodes so far, a few times, just trying to put the pieces together, but also just watching the baby(ies), himself. For not being able to "say" anything, other than infant sounds, there's a lot of communication going on there.
  5. I agree. I like the complexity. I kind of wish the finale was available now, but I also don't want it to be over yet.
  6. It's possible I'm just talking to myself in this forum now, but just in case... Really suspicious of Mrs Eaves now. I'm starting to think she's in on it, somehow. She's been following this baby for 50 years, but seems to vacillate on the rules of what's happening with him. He's killing women who don't want him? But now it's a curse? And it's not a curse that has anything to do with the baby, it's actually between her and his father? But, according to next week's preview, now that he has the one who has been caring for him and does want him (even if reluctantly), now he's going to own and destroy her? And how is she MRS Eaves? Who is the other part of that pairing? For someone so smart, Natasha isn't asking many questions. I hope we get satisfying answers next week.
  7. I can't believe how hooked I've gotten on this series. I'll be sad to see it go, but I hope by the resolution next week, we find out why the Baby (if he ever gets a name) has never targeted Mrs Eaves, and how his powers came to be. Also hope Bobbi gets some kind of a happy ending.
  8. Thanks, and WOW that is very different language than the version I read this morning.
  9. I read that article earlier and he was saying that he *couldn't* confirm it. That that was the original plan, but that it kept growing. It's going around on Twitter like he said this is the end, but I didn't see anything in the interview that made it official.
  10. Thanks! I'll definitely check that out. I went back and watched the first few episodes again last night, just to see if what we know now is foreshadowed at all in the beginning. Not that I could tell, but maybe that's partly because we don't know everything yet. It just made me wonder about his list of skills, and again, if he was born with them or they developed through trauma after losing his mother. OR - was his mother not the one he ever wanted, and she was his first victim? She was just the vessel to get him born? I have no idea. As for abilities - we know he has mind control over people, he seems to have the ability to transport himself (although I think we only saw that once, early on, in Natasha's house). He absolutely knows what's going on around him, and understands what people are saying. And can make things happen, to result in the death of people who are in his way - whatever his mission ends up actually being. And I know he's actually a decades-old murderous psychopath, but I was really glad she finally had a car seat for him, instead of the laundry basket, or just sitting on the back seat. I wondered if the fact that he was asleep in the car indicated that he's feeling more safe with her? Yes, I do too have a life. :)
  11. It seems like it's going towards Natasha being the one who ends up wanting him, and who he can grow up with. I continue to be amazed by the baby, himself. How they manage to get those actions and facial expressions from him. When she told him she was sorry about what happened to his mother, his faced looked like she was the first one ever to say that to him. However they're working with the babies, it's very effective.
  12. Good point. Although, as far as combative Chechen and Bolivian rival mob bosses turned adorable couples go, they are the most stable relationship in his life.
  13. Forget the State of the Union. He wouldn't be able to answer the phone without a monologue about the greatness of being a Pearson.
  14. I think in their attempt to explain the baby's origin story, I got more confused. I understood the story, but not what happened with the baby. Did he develop the ability to transport himself out of survival necessity, after everyone else was gone? Or was he born with that ability? Was the view of the inside just showing that he was being created, or that something else was developing in there? Is he inherently evil, or did that come from circumstance? I did think it was interesting that the only sounds we've heard him make that sound like a word was "mama," that the only time we've seen him cry was when his mother was rejecting or leaving him (and with Natasha, when she was trying to leave him in the field - unless I'm forgetting other times), and also, unless I missed it, I don't think we've heard his name. And what's his mission? To stay 5 months old until he finds a mother who actually wants him? And if so, then why did he make Natasha's sister choke? She was nuts about him. I hope there is more clarity by the end of the season.
  15. First of all, I love how the previews this season are just, who is staring at what, and why? The creepy speech was amazing in what it was revealing about Barry. He still knows how to be comforting (in tone of voice, anyway), but he has been in this messed-up world for so long, he has no idea how to talk to regular people, now. And I'm not sure he hears himself, at all. It's a weird kind of autopilot that he's deaf to. When people who benefit from your anger issues are calling out your anger issues, something has gone very wrong. Also, a little worried about Gene's son and grandson's safety in that new house.
  16. I know. But IIRC, he has said some things publicly about being unhappy, so I thought he might have left on his own.
  17. Sad about Kate, but I hope she has great things coming up. Kind of surprised not to see Aristotle Athari on that list. I can't remember the last thing I saw him do.
  18. I hated it. I've always hated the trope of the daughter always slapped for one thing or another (and never anything like that to sons - not that I want anyone getting hit). It was a terrible end to a great, honest, very well acted scene, and the words were hits enough. I know the triggery part is all my issue, but besides that, it was a cliche end to an otherwise incredible moment.
  19. The power of this show. I got teary just reading that.
  20. Watching Barry's behavior this week, I realized that how much I like Bill might be clouding how much I'm not supposed to like Barry, and I wondered if it's supposed to be that ambiguous? I mean, does Barry have enough moments where he is also likable, that it makes the handwaving of bad behavior easier? And does he really want to be better, or does he want to appear to be better, for his own self-preservation, using the likability he does have to help keep him afloat, even if it's just a facade? NoHo Hank is extremely likable too, but I think in his case, it's part of what is going to endanger him. We actually get close-ups of his eyes watching his world crumbling. Also loved the "Laws of Humanity" being something people think of as a great show, when it actually looks like absolute garbage. Just seemed like a reflection of Barry himself - the accepted idea of it being great overshadowing the fact that it really isn't.
  21. I've thought the same thing. Just watching that is sometimes more intriguing than the story. I'm still in, though. I want to see where this goes.
  22. I agree. I don't understand the lack of engagement with this show. It's so well done, and there is conflict and high stakes all over it, as well as amazing acting. Giovanni Ribisi isn't a surprise, because he's always been great, but still... just wow! And even though we know it turns out fine, seeing the process, hurdle after hurdle, and how they navigate them, has been great.
  23. My thoughts exactly. And to that point, if I had a Davey in my life, I would hold on very tight to him. I'm having trouble quoting you, @Lily H, but yes! Several times during the episode, I thought, We're supposed to like/care/root for her, right?
  24. The conversation with her sponsor saved the episode for me. Until then, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to stick with the show through the rest of the season. Her constant, and kind of juvenile, neurotic behavior was exhausting, as was every conversation she had with someone in her life, all of which seemed to go like: Friend: Cassie, I have a life, too! Cassie: No, I know, but ME ME ME! But the conversation on the beach illuminated a lot of where that was coming from. I just hope this is a turning point for her. And I'm glad they are showing the daily struggle of sobriety. Not just trying to stay away from the poison, but also dealing with the emotional foundation of it.
  25. LOL I didn't catch that. I wonder if it was just food for Gene, or if Gene was also paying for food for Barry? I mean... are there any lines of decency left to cross?
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