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Everything posted by SoWindsor

  1. I ship BRUND! That's definitely the best name that's been thrown out -- and it fits both Brienne and Tormund. i think they chose the wrong word when LF convinces Robyn to help Sansa -- he says lets join the Frey. At first I thought he meant Walder Frey.
  2. I cried as soon as the gate opened at castle black and we saw Sansa. We've been waiting for a stark sibling reunion for 6 seasons so it was so amazing to get it! came close when bran saw Jon in season 3 or 4 but this was the real deal. It was just so amazing and I was so happy for Sansa. liked how theon began to talk like himself again when yara asks him what he wants and he says he wants to help her take the salt throne. i thought Emilia Clarke said no more nudity but it was very appropriate here. It didn't really make sense to me that all the dothraki would bow to her. Why would they? I can understand being shocked and amazed but bowing doesn't really make sense here. where is drogon? Kind of thought we'd see him flying above the flames.
  3. I hope that if Ramsay is finally killed he's not brought back to life by a white walker/
  4. Tormund is just so hot and I love his interaction with Jon snow. Can't wait to see him and Jon fight more white walkers together. Someone upthread asked if there's book talk here or just speculation -- it's the latter and theories about Jon's parentage. Why can't they just kill the high sparrow? It makes no sense that Cersei would allow him to live?? I want Dany to come back into her power soon.
  5. Ugh I cannot take Ramsey torturing another Stark -- I was so sad to see Rickon ? And now I'm so worried about him. I think OSHA could've held her own but Rickon is just in trouble and I can't bear to watch it! I liked the scene with young Ned but I was confused by the guy who stabbed the other guy in the back -- why was that a bad thing? Was that baby crying a baby Jon Snow? Liked when Arya was fighting back. This show really needs to give us some victories for the good guys -- please!!
  6. Is no one watching this show? Holy chemistry between Christine and David! Of course the sex was hot but their interaction at the party and even moreso at the bar was all kinds of intense!
  7. This show sucks. I am the biggest Aaron Paul fan but I don't don't like his character or anything about the show. Why is his character so crappy? Cal is awful. I know he's played by Claire Danes husband but he is creepy and unlikeable. Doesn't have the charisma you would expect from a cult leader. He's like a weird pervert creep -- not charming and strong like your typical sociopath ha. ive also always been a Michele M fan -- perhaps because I've been told I look like her but her character is the most annoying character I've ever come across. Ugh! The storyline I'm most interested in is Hawk and his muggle girlfriend. Blech!
  8. I can't stop thinking about this episode and I was riveted. I don't get the Alison Williams hate -- she's great, especially in this episode and opposite Christopher Abbott. The music was perfect too. The montage of them at dinner with Tied up by Casey Veggies captured the fantasy perfectly. Same goes for Lia ices little marriage when Marnie was under water. There was an ominous feeling throughout and you knew something bad was going down but the writing and acting and music kept you along for the ride. Fantastic!
  9. I've done a marathon of this show over the last week and I'm really not liking the new season. This show infuriates me that they continue to keep Lagertha and Ragnar apart. I'm not saying they should get back together but why is Michael Hirst wasting the actors chemistry? It makes no sense at all. Have them interact, have Ragnar confide in her about his marital problems, how to ice fish, whatever. Please just have them interact. I'm sorry but this new slave cannot replace the intimacy Ragnar had with both Lagertha and Athlestan.
  10. Lagertha and Ragnar have been so underused and it's very frustrating. Why couldn't she have gone in and talked to him while he was still "alive". Just made no sense she looked at him and turned away. Such a waste of chemistry and history between characters. How many 1x1 exchanges have they had this season? My guess is 1 or 2. I love Rollo staying and accepting his offer but the casting of the princess was terrible. So many actresses could have done a better job. Hoping for a recast. I know season 4 has already started so will find that out rather quickly. I've done a marathon and seasons 1 to 3 and watching it so quickly my enjoyment of it has declined considerably since season 1 and not sure I can pinpoint why. I think it's the lack of intimacy and continued development and evolution of characters and their relationships. I'll catch up to present with season 4 but this show has fallen in favor for me.
  11. I wanted to see Ragnar discover althestan dead. Seemed odd that was missing. Athlestan was my favorite character that I was attached to but like others that faded this season. I can't quite pinpoint why but I wasn't too upset he died which is shocking compared to how I felt seasons 1 and 2. I cannot stand floki. The character and actor are terrible IMO. He's not even a love to hate character. Just ugh. My love for largertha has lessened and I'm also not sure why. I miss season 1 Lagertha. The show isn't doing any favors having no interaction between her and Ragnar. I'm feeling pretty meh about this show.
  12. Exactly this! I wanted Athelstan to have goodbye sex with Ecbert and God I've missed you sex with Ragnar. I love Lagertha and have wanted a reunion with her and Ragnar but his chemistry with Athelstan is stronger. Fascinating. I wonder if the writers intended this or just went with it based on the actors chemistry. Anyone know where I can find some fan fic with Ragnar / Athestan / Ecbert action?
  13. Huge crush on Athlestan since the beginning. Is the character celibate? I'd rather like to see him getting some action. He's got insane chemistry with everyone.
  14. Every time I hear it I picture Jesse Pinkman on the go-kart screaming and then coming home to crazy junkies and just wanting to forget his pain. God I miss Breaking Bad. Ragnar scared me this episode. He seemed to get a lot of pleasure out of the blood eagle which didn't seem to fit with his character. I felt sick to my stomach during that scene. Agreed it was believably filmed but it was still tough to watch. Truly felt bad for jarl burg.
  15. Kind of disappointed by the lagetha Ragnar reunion. Always felt the love and connection with them and do not understand how he let her leave and chose the new wife who I still can't stand.
  16. Which current monarchs are his descendants?
  17. Didn't enjoy this episode at all. Just felt off. Not liking any of these story lines. Mickey really brought something special.
  18. I know this is not a popular opinion but I just don't get this show at all. Wasn't a huge fan of the first season either. I wish I could figure out what I'm missing. I'm a huge fan of good tv. Breaking Bad was my favorite show and I miss it terribly. I wanted to like fargo but that didn't happen even though I watched the entire season hoping it would change.
  19. Yes I noticed the same. They also used the Yiddish word schvartze so I figured they must be Jewish.
  20. I enjoyed this episode. A bit hard to believe that Helen would attend the wedding. Was nice seeing Noah and Helen again. I wasn't a Helen fan last season but have loved her this season. In Noah's memory does he actually see Alison or not? I couldn't see her but was wondering if it's just my bad vision. Why couldn't Noah just say that he was driving and leave Helen out of it. Seems like that would be the best thing to do and he wouldn't be choosing. Hope this doesn't veer too off in a soap opera direction. Wonder what next season will encompass.
  21. It could've but Abi still would've gotten more votes. But really makes no sense why she voted Keith. Didn't she tell her 'we' that she'd vote Tasha? How did she think it would benefit her to vote Keith? Abi - Keith Kelly - Tasha Keith - Tasha Tasha - Abi Spencer - Abi Kimmi - Abi Jeremy - Abi
  22. I don't like any of the ladies. Would be happy with Spencer, Jeremy or Keith. Abi has got to go! Sad to see Joe leave but made sense. Everyone looked really sunburned from the challenge. Wonder if Keith wearing the hat was what gave him the edge over Joe. Why did Keith vote Tasha?
  23. I'm really enjoying Liv Tyler as a villain. So against type that it really works. I too was confused when she said she was getting Tommy pregnant. I wondered if it was somehow related to holly Wayne and the pregnant women from last season. They seem to have made her some sort of psychopath which I didn't get last season. If they always intended this, I think Liv would have played her differently last season.
  24. Why did Cole burn the house down? I really want that baby to be his. He did show Noah levels of selfishness though by thinking her infertility was about him. Noah was just awful this episode. I knew that was going to be Whitney! Kind of odd her Dad would just leave her there but I guess she's 18. Just seemed really off. Enjoyed Helens scenes quite a bit. I'm really liking her POVs. Interesting how they gave Cole and Allison a POV too. That was a first for the show.
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