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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I don't think Tracy is at all suspicious that Sabrina is lying about the baby in part because she likes Sabrina and treats her as a young friend. There's also the factor that before Sabrina was baby Avery's nanny, she was the mother figure to Emma (a child Tracy's own father wanted to save at the expense of his own life) when Robin (a young woman Edward dearly loved) was presumed dead. Tracy tends to be cynical and suspicious of women when she's A) jealous or B) the woman has a history of lying or being a criminal and/or poor taste in men such as her nephews. I doubt she's even aware that Sabrina was once involved with Carlos.
  2. Avery is divorcing Juliette, doesn't want anything to do with her, and doesn't want her to have access to Cadence because she's so reckless and selfish he feels she's only going to end up hurting the child psychologically/emotionally, if not physically. And in taking that stand, his pride and anger will not allow him to use Juliette's money for any bills. Emily offered him money from Juliette's account(s) or that she would give him a loan herself - he needs the money "for Cadence" and he said NO. Will is in a tough position because Luke dropped him from the label, per PR lady's advice that Will being gay and associated with him would make Luke lose money/business opportunities in a city like Nashville. Luke said after that it was a really hard thing to do, but she dismissively said it was the right thing for him to do for his image.
  3. I think little Brooklyn has *tried* to play that Emma misses her mom/is sad in certain moments. I think maybe it was when Emma and Anna were talking about the upcoming wedding, Anna said something like 'Mommy is doing very important work that really matters to her (which sounded to me like the PC version of "Mommy's career is more important to her than you are" - I personally hated it because Robin's not you, Anna!). Emma looked like she was trying not to hear in that comment "Mommy doesn't love me," and put on a brave face like yes Grandma, I totally understand that. Emma said something about lighting a candle for Mommy. To me her "fear" of Mommy breaking up the Samtrick wedding is about the promise of permanent stability ending abruptly once again, only this time being certain Mommy wouldn't come home with her and stay. Then in the recent scene in the park, I could swear there was a forlorn tone to her voice when she told Spencer that her Mommy "went away" and that she just wants "everyone to be happy." Also, children can feel when it's not okay to talk about someone to a parent. She probably doesn't talk to her Daddy about Mommy because she can feel his anger/disgust/frustration and doesn't want Daddy to be upset.
  4. I can fanwank that Jason and Brooklyn are having some tears while in-character talking about things changing because they know this is the beginning of the end of their characters playing father and daughter. I've gotten the impression the actors are very fond of each other. Also, Emma's talk with Spencer in the park (before the 'stranger danger' stuff) showed that it's not so much about thinking Sam is the best thing evvvaaa (as Patrick's been spouting), but more about happiness that there's a woman present in her home doing mom-type things with her and that Emma is afraid of her stable family environment getting destroyed yet again. That girl must be craving stability more than ever after losing her mother twice and losing Sabrina, too.
  5. They certainly seem to be going with some version of history repeating itself, but I feel like Michael is the Tony Jones to Sabrina's Carly, with Carlos in the AJ role - the guy who doesn't want to believe this woman who matters to him would abandon him/screw him over because she wants to be with Michael and does not want him to be the baby's father.
  6. Oh, I was so disgusted by his scowl/attitude toward Nathan re: the Lante marriage I wasn't even paying attention to his hand to notice the ring. I think it's easier for Lulu to hate Val than Dante since she's still in love with him, and believes Val was trying to mess w/her marriage at the first opportunity. I also just enjoyed this episode because it had a good amount of Q Family focus - no sighting or mention of a Corinthos. When Michael was all smiles about the baby and sat down with Tracy talking about family, she spoke of the Qs growing and he didn't dispute that or seem to be thinking at all of his 'other' family.
  7. I liked Nathan for the first time (since he's been all.about.Maxie), telling Dante he might want to close the door if it's a so-called private conversation, and showing Lulu/Lante's marriage more respect than Dante is. Now Dante's all ready to be done with his marriage and have a "discreet" affair with Val? So much WTF. It is truly a sad day when Maxie shows more sense and maturity than Lulu. I guess she was building up to making a scene in the police station because she got humiliated in her own place of business? The AJ fans will love Monica point-blank calling Ava out for goading Sonny into killing her son. I certainly did. Monica's I'm-not-playing-nice-with-you attitude is good to see. It's great to see Monica and Tracy discussing the Qs and charity rather than arguing over one of Monica's kids or Luke. I LOLed at Carlos starting to dance around with joy. I laughed at Sabrina stopping him in annoyance, and being annoyed that he eavesdropped on her and Felix confirming Carlos has to be the father since she's so far along.
  8. To me it looked like they were having a 'yay' moment about something - probably his album?- and he kissed her, catching her off guard. I'll be shocked if Rayna's reaction is anything other than "What the hell!"
  9. He's mad that Luke a) was sleeping with her the night Jeff died, so he wasn't there to be a dad to him, the traumatized witness b) Luke didn't believe him, until Juliette remembered what happened and 'fessed up AND c) Luke and the PR woman agreed to protect his brand by going with the story that Jeff committed suicide and Juliette took the news hard. He told Colt that since Juliette is now in re-hab, he and Gabriella decided that was "best." Colt is disgusted that his father seems to care more about brand/image and sexing up the PR lady than him or doing what's right .He made it clear he doesn't want Colt telling anyone the truth of what he saw.That's why he said he lost all respect for him and that at least granddad stands for something.
  10. So Laura confronted Nik and he admitted it? I remember Liz told Laura her suspicions; Nikolas later admitted it to Liz when they were alone and she pressed the issue.
  11. Loved Tracy's fabulous clothes/jacket, jewelry and "slow-cooking wiles" line to Hayden. LOL. It's awesome seeing Tracy being intense and passionate about her family company instead of her loser ex. Sam and Patrick fighting, showing actual emotion, is the most interesting the two have ever been together in a scene. I figure HeatLifer is a teensy bit pleased that Sam throws Robin in Patrick's face, he looks down and away and doesn't respond to that. That's at least a small acknowledgement from JT that he understands his character is being a douche. Sam and Patrick being truly, genuinely angry at each other is a nice change from the we're perfection blah blah blah stuff. I was wondering if they would clash over Liz, and they did. Did anyone else interpret Patrick's response to Sam as "I don't give a damn if Elizabeth actually has been lying to Jason, me and you for the past year - you're supposed to love me. But you're not acting like it - all you want is for Jason to come running back to you." Are the hair/makeup people having some competition between them as to who's hair looks worse, Carly's or Maxie's? Yeesh. Genie did a fabulous job with Laura's anger and fear for/about Nikolas today. But I'm a Genie fan, so I acknowledge bias. :) Becky did a great job of showing Liz is still capable of being the woman fans remember, not just the cartoon OTT schemer she's been written as since Nik told her the truth. Side note: LOL!!! @ Nik's WTF look in response to Hayden telling them she's falling in love with him.
  12. Is that what she said when she returned to PC most recently? I know when she left she told Liz and Nikolas she needed 'some time' upon learning their secret and that she intended to go see Lucky. Now yesterday she tells Sam re: Jake she'll talk to "his parents." I wasn't sure if she was referring to Liz and Jason or if it was an acknowledgement that she's in touch with Lucky. I wish JJ would come back again to at least establish *some* true, on-going relationship between Lucky and the kids and have real conversations with both his ex and his mom about what happens next. When Lucky took off this last time, I didn't get the impression he was going back to Africa - it was more like he was on an indefinite journey to deal with the "darkness" inside of him that he doesn't want to expose the boys to.
  13. I'm not judging Laura yet re: Jake because why would she address being concerned about traumatized Jake to Sam of all people. Sam doesn't care about Jake except that he mattered/matters to Jason and that she wanted her own son to have another living connection to his awesome dead Daddy (her attitude prior to the reveal). Also, Laura didn't say oh, you can never believe anything Jake says - she just refused to deal with Sam trying to confront her. Laura has (naively) hoped to push/encourage Liz to come clean; she loves Liz due to their past and also I think has some guilt about Liz raising those boys without her own son being there as an active father. She loves Nikolas, feels guilt about him being raised by the Cassadines (without her maternal nurturing), and I believe lives in denial about Nik's ability to go full-on evil Cassadine. Laura has expressed feeling guilt about keeping this from Monica, due to her history with Alan, Monica, Edward. I would buy her struggling with guilt and feeling compelled to tell the truth far more if she ran into Monica somewhere. But for me, her being loyal to Liz and Nikolas instead of telling Sam what she wants to know makes sense.
  14. Well, keep in mind that Lucky has abandoned his sons, again. Laura's lines to Nikolas at Wyndemere indicated she wished Lucky would stay and be a father to his children. She seemed dismayed that Lucky left so quickly because of whatever Nikolas told him. Whatever people think of Liz, she has been the one constant parent in her sons lives, aside from the always off-screen Gram. I think maybe she doesn't feel greater resentment because when Laura returned the last time, Nikolas told his mother he was pursuing Liz again, but Liz was resisting because of the damage that was done and wanting to be at peace with Lucky. Nikolas was no victim of Liz and Laura knows a lot of the damage done to Lucky in the past was self-inflicted, between the drug abuse and the affair with Maxie. In that last scene between Nikolas and Lucky years ago in Liz's home, Lucky spoke of "broken-ness" between them when he and Liz got engaged again. He did not feel that Liz plotted to/set out to break his heart or wreck their lives by having an affair with Nikolas. And Laura told Lulu during their first scene on the Haunted Star that she and Lucky had a "long visit" in Ireland. I figured that was supposed to mean he caught her up on what all had happened. Yes, Laura was with Lulu and Rocco at Wyndemere when Dante showed up. She knows what happened. Then right before Lulu found Dante and Valerie together, she told Laura she was going to see Dante and Laura was being encouraging. I think that's because she believed Dante really loves Lulu and the 4th of July sex was a one-time horrific mistake during not good circumstances in their marriage ... that her daughter and son-in-law really love each other and their son and their marriage could be saved.
  15. I don't know what Laura knows specifically, but a lot of the time on this show someone is told about what's happened off-screen. For example, Laura explaining that Lulu called her to tell her about Luke's past. I would actually be surprised if Lucky or Elizabeth had not told Laura about the Lucky-Sam affair and Sam's part in Jake/the children being endangered.
  16. But it would be true to Patrick's character, due to his arrogance, long-term disgust of Jason and his desire to want Sam to put her marriage behind her and marry him rightthisminute. He has already verbalized believing himself to be the better man/right choice for Sam. Bringing up Jason's behavior during the marriage would make more sense than the I love Sam, we're a perfect family, we've both never been happier nonsense he's been spouting after, what, a year together tops?
  17. But Liz is raising Laura's grandsons, and also has a history with Laura dating back to when Liz was a teenager falling in love with Lucky. Laura has vaguely said that matters to her. I also agree with CPP83; Laura has a misplaced sense of loyalty to Nikolas to protect him, at least in part because he guilt-tripped her by bringing up that she abandoned him to the Cassadines as a baby to protect people she loved.
  18. I was referring to his selfishness and his attitude toward Danny-in-utero because Sam goes on about their great love and "we have a son." She's choosing to ignore the great amount of negativity that has happened in her life as a result of having a relationship with Jason. I would like someone to bring Sam down to Earth by reminding her, hey why do you want someone who once threatened your life, didn't put you first when you were traumatized, and rejected your baby until after his birth? That's not love! I could actually respect Patrick a tiny bit for being all about Sam and demanding she divorce Jason if he brought up all that as reasons why he can't understand her wanting to hold on. Franco's name wouldn't even need to come up; it's all about how Jason handles the "worse" in marriage.
  19. She does have class; she didn't bring up Sam throwing herself at her son, Lucky and having an affair with him while he was married to Elizabeth, as well as Sam going to the Spencer home (Laura's) and taunting Liz that Jake was probably dead when he had been kidnapped ... all because of Sam's unhealthy love of/hatred for Jason when their relationship ended. I really wish someone would bring up how things were ugly between Sam and Jason yet again in that last year, until that night they got back together and brought Danny home. Sam doesn't have any high ground when she's pining for Jason while intending to sex up Patrick, and continuing to live with Patrick and Emma as a family. Laura doesn't owe Sam a thing.
  20. Does Julian even know how Sam suffered? I'm wondering if Alexis or Sam ever mentioned on-screen talking to him about it, or has Julian ever acknowledged knowing the history? I'm not sure he does - script seems to call for him to treat Franco as a weirdo to be dismissed, as just the boyfriend of crazy Nina. The writing for Patrick is ignoring his 10-year history on the show, so it's not surprising that Julian doesn't acknowledge the ugly history between Franco and Sam since it happened before actor WdV came on the show as Julian.
  21. Carly never had any sense of reason, beginning with SJB's version of the character. She's still the same trash as she always was, only over the years she's gained wealth and 'power' due to the men she's married and the partnership with (her now ex) Jax in the Metrocourt. She's not even fit to lick Helena's evil shoes. Helena's schemes are way beyond anything Carly could imagine or pull off, involving a lot of money, planning, and being on top of details (Aiden's paternity test, Jason's info in the criminal database) so others can't find out the truth and mess with her intentions. Carly is a pathetic, small-scale, not so bright bad girl.
  22. In Liz's case, it's that he's devoted to her now and had a history of saving her from her pain about losing Lucky (first when he "died" and later when Lucky was an addict) and dangerous situations. Their first real conversation was when he saved her from a pushy guy in a bar, and then talked about what he felt like due to giving up Michael. So Liz never saw the situation as "Jason stole Michael from AJ;Jason hurt AJ." I assume she thinks he made that choice due to his 'twisted' (as she put it today) relationship with/loyalty to Carly. Liz has always seen Jason through rose-colored glasses; I'm almost positive she has never acknowledged before today that he killed people for Sonny. She told Carly very determinedly that Jason likes the life he has with her now and doesn't want his old life, which included working for Sonny and dealing with all of Sonny and Carly's personal problems. Also, IMO, Liz likes that she knows his entire history - no surprises from his past or manipulations to be expected like there would be w/Ric or some other man. No addiction issue like there was with Lucky (and AJ, too). In Sam's case, it's because she has low self-esteem. That was established years ago. Her belief, pre-Jason, that she was in love with Sonny tells me she was really lacking in self-love.
  23. To be fair, Patrick walked up to Jason in a confrontational manner, telling him it's good he's "finally" divorcing Sam and that Jason should move on'/quit being a distraction to Sam ... all of a few days? A week? after his identity reveal. With Patrick's attitude, you'd think Jason and Sam having things unresolved between them had been going on for many months or years. What Patrick is really reacting to is the obviousness that whatever 'love' Sam feels for him, it cannot compare to the depth of love for Jason she's been holding onto since Jason got shot and went into the harbor. IMO Patrick totally deserved/earned Jason's reaction today. It didn't seem to me like Julian was attracted to Nina/thought she was stunningly beautiful at all. He believes she's an incompetent nut job, so to see her suddenly in an expensive-looking dress and wearing so much makeup like she's trying to be Kate Howard representing Crimson in the fashion world was a shock. He couldn't actually say "WTF is going on here" aloud and didn't want to engage with Crazy, so he just stammered a bit and left with the report.
  24. She does; she flat out told him Jason's going to remember who you are and what you did and he's going to kill you.
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