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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I was just thinking the same thing - last week I thought it was so odd that she's wearing a rather loose-fitting blue top in her scenes with JT. I wondered why the Show would dress her like that when, IIRC, she rarely wore loose-fitting clothing as a regular cast member. I don't recall her wearing anything glaringly loose-fitting during her last stint at GH, either. I too hope she has ignored/stayed away from social media/the Internet. She's a lovely person and a pretty lady; I hope she never dignifies anybody's comments with a response.
  2. I'm wondering if HeatLifer was underwhelmed by the proposal(s), because I certainly was. Where's the emotion?? Of course Patrick initiates sex to "prove" to Robin their reunion is real. Robin, naturally, looked afraid/nervous at the first bedroom kiss - not joyful. IMO, the love scene just came off as awkward, not two people overwhelmed by the love they feel for each other. I actually enjoyed a moment of NotTodd!Franco - Curtis calling him a punk ass, and pointing out the recognizable habits of a criminal. Ha. Kristina amused me, but Sam falling into Jason was so contrived. Kinda nice to see Dante looking somewhat alive, and Michael and Dante acting like brothers having a little fun. I figured Lulu would end up making out with Johnny at midnight. UGH at the focus on Sonny, his leg, and their joy. Of course that's the focus on the end. Also, disappointed that Morgan didn't get shot on the pier for being stupid.
  3. I feel like the best moments were the Liz&Lucky's hug of joy over "our son" (Jake) and Robin and Emma's hug of joy upon being reunited. JJ and RH as well as KMc and BS have terrific chemistry no matter how long they are apart. Best storyline was Michael turning on Sonny and Carly, calling them by name, embracing his Q family, etc. Worst: So very, very many choices (for both moments and storylines).
  4. A) Great point. B) Of course, because Maxie doesn't want to deal with guilt - her own or anyone else's. Right after Robin found out Patrick slept with Lisa, Maxie empathized with Patrick to Robin's face because of understanding what it's like to screw up. Upon finding out that the baby Britt gave birth to was actually Lulu and Dante's, and had been given to them, Maxie was ready to be friends with them again because she figured that them getting the baby they desperately wanted somehow absolved her of being a traitor in the friendship.
  5. I rolled my eyes about Patrick smiling and touching the ornament Danny made him. Oh yay, add Jason to the list of people not expressing concern for Robin's mental state. Are we supposed to be grateful he's acknowledging to her face that she saved his life? I'm not. That was a weak- ass thank you from Jason. I hated Robin greatly underplaying what she's been through and telling Jason she has a future because of him. But KMc did a truly phenomenal job with her lines and monologue to him on the bridge. Beautiful. I liked Jason calling himself an idiot for choosing a life of loyalty to Sonny over her. Of course Robin says no, you were being true to yourself. But it was good to see Jason have a flashback of young Robin at the bridge, in reaction to Robin's last line of their scene. Actually Maxie, Patrick Drake is a fool. I did like her being put off that Patrick let Robin out of his sight. Ha! I thought of HeatLifer's anger during the Maxie-Patrick scene(s). Also, her hair looks so much better down. Speaking of hair, I didn't recognize Val for a moment with the bangs and pony tail. The Jordan-Val girltalk is definitely FF material. Also Dom is playing Dante as so devoid of emotion re: his marriage, Val, everything. Maybe he's just exhausted. Johnny is fun/ny.
  6. The Spencers have been so marginalized, the one police partnership on this show is crap - there's no place for Lucky. Nikolas did not want Lucky to stay, and drove him away with his approach (along with Lucky sadly witnessing Lucky, Jakeson and little Jake together). Kiki is living in Lucky's old apartment, Lulu is consumed by the Dante-Val yuck and Dante's police work has consisted of him wanting to get daddy's shooter. (At least when Lucky was around, there was actual police work going on). Laura wrings her hands about her son and Liz's lies, and encourages Lulu to not give up on her marriage. That's it.
  7. A) He didn't. People are angry about the writing and directing for the Patrick character - the appreciation of their time together/'little family', the no regrets (despite knowing now that Robin suffered, protecting him and Emma all that time), and the tears in his eyes as she walked away. He's taking a bit of time to give Sam an explanation and focus on what they had, instead of wanting to accompany Robin to her doctor's appointment and being visibly torn up by how Robin has suffered while they were playing house. The writing and directing doesn't scream "Robin is the love of my life, I am overjoyed to have her back, after everything she's been through I don't want to let her out of my sight." Instead, when Patrick starts to talk about his feelings of guilt/regret re: Robin, Sam waves it away and Patrick goes with that.
  8. That's pretty much to be expected of Show, though. (I'm not saying that makes it right.) KMc is not on contract because she moved onto better things, so her character's experiences/pain are not valued (Robin to Uncle Mac: "I'm fine.") The same thing happened with JJ's very brief return when Lucky brought little Jake back after being gone 4 years -we get next to no details about what Lucky's been up to, he has not a single real conversation with the son he thought was dead, no scene with Lucky, Liz and all 3 boys, and then Lucky leaves. Patrick is no more focusing on what Robin has been through than he did when she returned after being declared dead/being a prisoner the first time. It was about Patrick being torn, and then Patrick wanting another baby with Robin - not his great love for Robin and her emotional health. Show focuses on the characters/actors who are staying. If Patrick speaks of regrets about his relationship with Sam, that somehow marginalizes her and Show won't do that because she's a main character. The Jasam love is considered important to GH, so that gets propped in the conversation. It's a set up for Scrubs leaving and JaSam getting even more focus. The ultimate example of this bullshit kinda writing was no final fond goodbye scene between Luke and Laura when TG left (I'm ignoring that he hated the L&L legacy because it should have been irrelevant). Also, no reading of the letter for Laura. It was an insult to a former couple who had more than 10 years of history, 2 kids, and extended family. It would not surprise me to find out that current PTB think Robin should have left in a body bag, or as wig on a stick/permanent mental patient at Shadybrook.
  9. Patrick said "our break up is what lead me to take Emma to Paris to try to find Robin." That's not inaccurate; he took Emma to Paris to find Robin because Emma had the meltdown reaction to her home life stability being disrupted (again), and wanted her mother. A specific mention of Emma's meltdown and screaming "no more falling in love" makes Patrick look like a bad parent, and Show will not do that. Show has Patrick say he's grateful for the time he had with Sam because his relationship with her can't be a "mistake" due to the character's importance (as opposed to JT and KMc both leaving) and the incessant 'Patrick, you deserve to be happy' line that won't die. The character is making it clear to Sam, hey you really matter to me (and also, Patrick never dwells on Robin's suffering). Patrick doesn't know how to deal with difficult times in relationships (aka not being #1) and uncertainty - I think that's why he was all "everything is up in the air/Robin and I have a chance" and had tears in his eyes as she walked away. Because the easy love is over, what comes next is love with challenge (overcoming trauma, lots of time missed), so he's feeling a bit on edge. He doesn't know what happens next. Will he be happy with Robin again? It's all.about.Patrick. To me, the writing and acting didn't come across like he's hating that he and Sam can't be together. Mourning the loss of the easy life to which he'd grown accustomed - plenty of sex, girlfriend thinking he's Dr. Sparkly Awesomeness, fun times with the kids, no exes in their lives - yes.
  10. It's interesting how we all see stuff differently. I didn't get JT playing Patrick as in love with both Sam and Robin; same with KeMo re: Jason and Patrick. It seemed more like both characters had just stepped out of denial and have realized that Jason and Robin are their great loves. I saw it as KeMo and JT playing their characters as firmly back in friend territory, but both knowing whatever comes next is not going to be easy, comfortable love like they've had with each other (that's what I got from Sam fond look/"little family" comment and JT's tears). Neither is feeling confident about a great love life right now; *uncertainty* in the future is all they have guaranteed because Jason still doesn't remember his life with Sam and does not appear to have banished Liz from his life, while Robin has been through major trauma. What really bothered me was when Patrick was acknowledging aloud what we've all complained about here, Sam says no don't be so hard on yourself. You saved Robin. (Robin also told Emma, Daddy saved me.) I wanted to hear Patrick's "I should have" thoughts expressed to Robin, with an apology - possibly with Mac, Robert and Anna there. I wanted an acknowledgement that Robin saved herself by faking her own death with that drug. I want Emma to know that while yes, Daddy, Grandpa and Grandma found her, Mommy saved herself because she's strong and smart. But no, it's all about Patrick being the hero to his love/mother of his daughter because the actor is leaving the show. Robin's only a legacy character with history connecting her to Scorpios, Qs, Spencers, the Corinthos Douche, and the Joneses. Patrick is the one who matters here. I agree that the last minute or two of that scene - the way Sam hugged him and then walked out quickly without looking back was the actors, who are friends, feeling like their final scene together was a tough moment.
  11. Robin hugging Liz shouldn't be surprising, because this was her reaction to Maxie telling her (during commercial break) in 2013 about lying during pregnancy and then lying after the birth that baby Georgie was Dante and Lulu's: "it sounds like you did it because you love so much - your heart was in the right place." (Keep in mind,Robin has cared about Lulu/Spencer Family for a very long time - it's not like Maxie's family but Lulu's a stranger.) Then she made Maxie promise she would not hurt herself. Elizabeth is Robin's friend, Maxie is Robin's cousin via marriage, so Robin won't condemn their actions as heinous. She has also always seen Jason through rose-colored glasses. That's just who Robin is; I chalk it up partly to her seeing only the best in the parents who perpetually abandoned her.
  12. Yeah Robin had a doctor's appointment, but I felt like both KeMo and KMc played it like both characters felt extremely awkward and that KMc was showing that Robin just wanted to get away from the reminder right there in front of her that Patrick had been playing house (in her home) with Jason's wife. She's no more comfortable around Sam now (after she's been sleeping with Patrick) than she was around Sabrina. The two women can't really talk about Robin saving Jason and then being a long-term prisoner because really, no writer is going to give St. Sam this dialogue: "Well, thanks for saving my husband, while I banged your ex, because we were both too stupid and uninterested to go looking for real answers about our spouses in the last year plus."
  13. Mac had better get included in that Scorpio Family Christmas!!! It looks like Maxie is with baby Georgie, either in PC or Portland. I think it's fine that she's not with Robin for Christmas, since her relationship with Robin was all about her, anyway. Maxie has zero ability to empathize with true suffering in life (other than the loss of a sibling).
  14. No, Michael, Sonny did not adopt you and raise you, he stole you by putting your real dad on a meathook. Not that I blame him for walking out on Sabrina. HeatLifer called it that Robin would be all "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I think Patrick could do better than 'You have nothing to be sorry about." I liked that he just hugged her and held her close, that he wasn't trying to kiss her (after everything that's happened). I find it odd that he and Anna are all teary with relief while Robert is just happy and "Never let you go again." What Tristan directed to be just smiley and pretty much emotionless? I don't get it. And why does a single Interpol agent come for a sociopath like Jerry? You'd think a whole team would show up. Writing fail. So Carly's words send Elizabeth fleeing to the roof to cry alone, while Sam and Jason connect a little and then NIkolas shows his true colors as well as his contempt for Jason and punches him. Okay, whatever. I did like Tracy telling off Paul, though. Had to tune out Maxie and Dillon toasting the loser psychos. UGH.
  15. Yes, this was my point earlier. The lie didn't start so that Liz could keep Jason to herself; it started because Nikolas wanted to take over ELQ. Protecting Liz's "family"/happiness and Sam's current "family" of Danny, Patrick, and Emma are excuses Nikolas tossed out in an effort to get Laura to keep her mouth shut. His shield for months now has been "protecting these families/protecting Liz's and Sam's happiness." He told Liz he could arrange for the truth to come out if she wanted, but he wasn't pushing for it/enthusiastic about encouraging her to come clean. That's why he shut Laura down when she was pushing him right before the wedding to get Liz to tell the truth. He had no interest in the truth being outed because he had selfish reasons for Jason to not re-claim his own identity.
  16. In general? She's mad that she got caught, and is being immature in that she's pouting that Jason got angry with her and only her (from her perspective). Right now, specifically? She's drunk and having a self-pity party.
  17. Oracle42: No. This started out with Nikolas, who (months down the road) used Liz's "happiness" as an additional excuse to keep lying, for his own benefit. It was Nikolas, not Liz, who acknowledged the truth to Laura (in private, at Wyndemere) and then used emotional blackmail to get her to keep her mouth shut.
  18. Prior to Jason confronting Liz, Sam told him that Jake knew Liz and Laura had a secret about "Daddy", and that Laura did not approve/was upset. She found out there was a secret because she overheard Jake tell Danny on Thanksgiving at the Qs.
  19. Lucky was an innocent teen-ager when he "died." I forgot Monica had a 4th kid, but Monica's kids getting murdered while Laura has living children is beside the point in my opinion. Jason got shot, kicked into the harbor and was presumed dead because of his work as a criminal, Emily was murdered by someone seeking revenge on Jason, and the Jason-Carly-Sonny trio of horror's mindset against AJ 'the loser who doesn't deserve Michael' is why Sonny eventually killed AJ. I know Laura and Monica have been friendly-ish because Emily and Lucky became friends when they were kids and Emily later married Nikolas, but I don't remember L&M being actual friends. Laura was busy w/the Ward House and had a close friendship with Mae Mae when Lucky was a kid. Plus there was the awkward history that Monica had an affair with Rick, husband of Lesley (Laura's mom). I know it's been mentioned quite a few times that Monica at first thought baby AJ was Rick's.
  20. Laura could simply say she's sorry, but she just couldn't put her feelings of love and loyalty to her son aside despite disagreeing with his terrible choice(s) - and Monica should be able to understand considering she was loyalty to her son, Jason, despite Monica's awareness that he's killed God knows how many people over the years. Lila, while sweet, was an enabler who lived in denial.
  21. Thanks, GHScorpiosRule. Glad I missed Obrecht.
  22. Does this mean no GH scenes aired before the start of the Obama conference? I tuned in late...
  23. To me it played more like Sam tried to make herself/forced herself to believe she was in love with Patrick. When a woman can barely stand to move out of the apartment she shared with her 'late' husband to move in with her new man, is crying over wedding rings while in her new man's home, and is talking about her 'late' husband practically non-stop while in bed with her new man ... she's not in love. She has been using Patrick, just not really purposefully or consciously. And her most recent actions do seem to indicate yes, she cares about Patrick, but she never stopped being in love with Jason. In the first conversation with Alexis after the Jake is Jason reveal, it was Alexis emphasizing what a great family situation Sam had with Danny, Patrick and Emma in that house while Sam was yearning for the family life with Danny and Jason in the Penthouse that she never got to have. ' I think Liz's accusation that Sam was using Patrick was a combination of her anger at being outed and also remembering conversations with Patrick (for example, him telling her Sam hadn't given his proposal an answer because she still missed Jason, would perk up when she heard the sound of a motorcycle, etc).
  24. She was either bringing him a gift, or it was for Emma, either way...it looks manipulative or like she's sending his daughter mixed signals. I got the sense that she is regretting the 'mutual' breakup with Patrick because Jason has not come to see her, or Danny, since walking out on Liz. She's just not consciously aware of it. Then to find out he's taken a leave of absence from the hospital (without a word to her, the 'woman he loves') was shocking. I took her reaction to be wow, I guess we really are over.
  25. Aside from Alexis, Kristina and Molly looking gorgeous and Robert and Robin showing their Scorpio smarts, this was just AWFUL. Hated all the Liz stuff, the Franco and Liz stuff, Monica thanking (!!!) Carly for Jason's appearance at the gala, Jason voluntarily walking away from Monica to go fetch for Carly, Patrick saying what he and Anna believed/guilt doesn't matter right now, and Dillon saying he mourns for Georgie range false to me. Finola's tears in the previews got me, though.
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