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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. What I liked about this episode was it being a little Martha-focused, and that it high-lighted the mother-son love....it showed Martha's heart. I really did not like Esposito in this episode, yet again. I agreed with Ryan's sad sigh. Did not find the slap of Castle funny, either ... or the fake fight scenes for that matter.
  2. The wide eyes while on the phone in the hospital chapel, tears in her eyes, then in the regular area of the hospital while trying to respond to Franco, seemed to me like Becky was trying to play Liz as in shock...Her first thought was, thank God nobody (the boys, Laura) was home. She's focused on Jake; it has yet to sink in that her home is gone.
  3. So much HELL NO about Franco reaching out for Elizabeth to hug him for comfort. UGH. Or should I say *dubbel zout rage blackout* ;) No No No to Franco getting redeemed through Elizabeth/Jake's trauma storyline. BH did a good job, though, with Liz's reactions to "that's my wife!" and realizing Jake knew Sam was in the basement. Jason being blown off the porch w/her in his arms and Sam being helpless ("I knew you'd find me") makes me roll my eyes. 'You kept me safe. You always do." WT... that must be one hell of a concussion you got there, Sam. I did, however, enjoy Michael's angry jaw and eyes when Carly mentioned she "lied about the father" while pregnant w/Michael, so she understands Sabrina's situation and why she left for Puerto Rico...then discouraged him from going to find Sabrina. I kinda want someone to slap the smiles off Sonny and Carly's faces. I think that's the closest Carly has come in some time to acknowledging to both Michael and Sonny that AJ was Michael's father. Re: preview - not surprising that Elizabeth is crying over seeing Jason and Sam closer, at the same time Jake's a mess in a hospital bed. I think this is how she's paying for her lies - the ripple.....son hurt, house blown up, the man she lied to reconnecting with his wife. That's so much worse than people telling you off.
  4. If the spoiler/spec is true, they'll probably do something like "My given name is Susan Rachel Hornsby."
  5. Yes, there was a little girl around, who was Paul's daughter, when Dillon was an infant. But did she ever even have a name? I can't recall.
  6. Elizabeth and Carly signed off on an organ transplant from the kid everyone thought was Jake....if they had not signed papers for the child's organ donation, Joss wouldn't have received it, period. Liz took care of Jason when he's been shot (multiple times), assisted Patrick in the surgery when Michael got shot in the head, so yeah Carly can be a human every now and then and not be a bitch to her while's she scared about her son's condition...
  7. They agreed that Valerie would stay with Rocco while Dante went out to get the aspirin. She was not forced to stay with the kid, and she knew damn well how Rocco's mother felt about her. She was happy to do it, knowing it was inappropriate, because she wanted to be close to/score more points w/ Dante.
  8. Johnny vaguely said some stuff, lit a candle for light so they wouldn't attract attention, tried to scare her into thinking he was crazy, and then said See ya, leaving her tied up in a cold cabin in the woods. Torture is what Franco did to people. Val screaming and jostling around is what knocked the candle over. Instead of calmly trying to think of a way to get free when she was hardly minutes away from dying of hypothermia, she freaked out, the fire started accidentally. Dante had been lying for months about breaking his marriage vows, and Val had also been lying to Lulu's face for months. She saw Dante every chance she got, and made sad faces about Dante focusing on Lulu. She blamed Lulu for the affair. Then she showed up to see Dante again and they had sex. Then she was alone with Rocco and Olivia told Lulu. That final straw is what really set Lulu off. The Johnny-Lulu partnership was not a good idea, but I get that she leaned on someone (yes, her criminal ex) she felt she could trust after her husband betrayed and humiliated her (with cousin Val's help).
  9. Sam's dream is to be a family with Jason and Danny, so I was expecting him to play it that way as well while holding Danny in his arms. Like, "We need you. I need your help to get my memories back, and we can't be a family without you." Or some similar lame crap, since that is the writers' specialty. This wasn't just about her and Jason. I have a hard time believing she would hallucinate and not have Danny be a part of that when it comes to life and death.
  10. I thought Cam telling Jason how he felt about Jake made sense because he doesn't want his mother - his beloved one f/t parent since his birth - more upset/angry/hurt than she is right now. Yes, Jason has been in and out of Cam's life for a long time now, but he's *not* Cam's father and so it's easier to talk to him. I wouldn't be surprised if a sweet, sensitive kid like that would be afraid he might lose some of his mother's love by saying, "Mom, I didn't really feel like Jake was my brother, or part of the family" because she was so overjoyed to have her middle child back.
  11. I'm a little bit glad I watched today for the Cam-Liz sweetness, Cam finally getting a chance to address the brother history regarding Jake, and Elizabeth having a genuinely honest moment with Jason/admitting that her deception hurt her kids too and served as the catalyst for this moment. I actually liked her again today-bravo BH. The Sam stuff...just ridiculous. That was one seriously awkward-looking love scene for N&H. If that red lighting was intended to shade Nikolas as evil, TPTB succeeded. So very gross that he's in bed with a woman he tried to have killed. I can hardly tolerate Maxie, so it really says something that I wanted her to be close enough to hear the conversation, march up to Val and punch her in the face hard enough to knock her onto the pool table when Val was an uber-bitch in rejecting Lulu's apology. Also, Curtis is eye-roll worthy and Dante's balls must be in a jar somewhere. ETA: I'd forgotten all about Lucas (I know, so did the writers) but then he appeared to address Jake's condition. So with this storyline in the last couple days, we've gotten to see all *2* doctors in General Hospital - Grandma Monica and (cousin via Lucky's Aunt Bobbie) Lucas. I'd forgotten that this kid is related to pretty much everyone.
  12. Ewwwwwwwww doesn't even begin to cover it, KerleyQ.
  13. Except foreplay shouldn't even be an option for these two lunatics - the two not being locked away in a mental hospital is appalling. I feel like what I could stand to watch of their scenes should be some separate show called "Asylum TV." Differences in reactions to the idea of one's significant talking babies. Um, Dante's wife never faked disability, forced a woman into labor, left the woman bleeding on a floor and went on the run with the newborn, claiming it as her own and after getting caught and the baby taken away, decided to start afresh in a new relationship with the whole "let's get/make a baby" idea.
  14. HATE Scott being used to prop Franco. The child abduction line was good..then the goodness got killed with "I'm proud of you." Had to tune out Nina and the baby rabies.. Sonny, Mini-Sonny, Ava and Kiki are all detestable. I felt sorry for Avery, being passed between Sonny and Carly. Sonny prompting Avery to say "Daddy" again made me want someone to go over and knock him right out of that wheelchair he barely needs now. It would be great to see older Avery disown both parents, and She-Beast Stepmother as well. They so deserved Ava marching in and taking away their favorite new toy. I just can't, with Nik and Hayden. I wonder how much that guy in the jester costume got paid. But I liked Laura and Tracy having a scene about something real. A nice change from facing off over not-worth-it Luke. I liked the N&H digs - JE is always awesome with such lines. Both actresses look great, too. Preview that includes Cam asking his mom if he's enough to cheer her up....awww my heart melts.
  15. Thanks so much, ciarra! I missed those moments of Anna and Robert, too. Robert is the only man I would buy Anna being in love with. I didn't watch Duke and Anna back in the day, but I didn't buy them in recent years. It feels like the love is still between R&A, they're just not going there because Tristan isn't staying. :(
  16. It's hard to take Sam seriously with blood cat whiskers. Here's a thought - you have upper body strength. Haul yourself back up the stairs instead of ogoing for Elizabeth's laundry. The "I'm going to freeze" bit was ridiculous because basements are WARM in the winter due to the heater and the heat from the dryer when laundry is being done. She's not alone in a cabin in the woods! Nice of TPTB to drag out the 'Sam in 'danger' thing, btw. Also, Sonny just needs to STFU. I hated everything he said today, Michael being all devoted son, and Kiki being all chipper about sneaking little sister over to see "Daddy."
  17. LOL!!!! I thought of you because of the preview of Anna and Robert, with her head on his shoulder. I guess they're in a jail cell? Did he hear Paul mention Robin to Anna, on her end of the phone call last week? Also so Nina could bring up that she *still* wants to have a baby/be a mother and so Franco's reaction could be wide-eyed horror.
  18. Lulu asking Dante if she's still the one makes her look pathetic. Their dialogue is awful; I HATE that he said she looks better in the dress now (because that seems like s a slam on the first Lulu, JMB). Olivia berating Julian over Nina of all people makes me want to tune out all 3 of them. Show is STILL trying to make Nina happen. Blech. Professor Parker is coming off as a pathetic loser. Lexi is not giving off the vibe that Kristina is attracted to Parker; it sounds like she was more trying to take advantage of the attraction she sensed from Parker. And Alexis didn't think it was at all weird that this woman came to her house to see Kristina, instead of on campus? Yeah, sure. Plot point stupidity. Lexi looked like she was trying not to be uncomfortable about the Parker actress stepping close to her with a vibe of power/sexuality. As for the end moments - are they TPTB serious?! Nevermind, don't answer that.
  19. If someone actually calls Sam that on the show, I will not complain about GH for at least a couple days. This shows my desperation for just a bit of good, snarky writing (not purely out of Tracy's mouth).
  20. This. Jason told her about the incidents and she volunteered to get involved. Then she accused Elizabeth of being the one to set everything up to get Jason back. Jason saw Elizabeth's manipulative behavior/cryptic way of speaking when they were together, and it's pretty clear that's not what she's doing now. Having Jason around would have made Elizabeth blase about a non-existent outside threat. Instead, she's been clearly upset about Jake's "fear" and behavior. Liz isn't the type to shrug off children being afraid. That is in Sam's old bag of tricks (remember Cam's scared toddler face when those goons in the park -hired by Sam - waved a gun at him, Liz and baby Jake?) I don't believe Sam or Liz would ever shrug off their sons being afraid in their own homes.
  21. That was my secondary irritation with the Sam-Franco scenes (primary is that everything he does and says, esp. to his previous victims, is hypocritical, offensive, and more). Sam said Jake is her business because he's Jason son, and Danny's brother. Oh please. If Elizabeth went to Franco or any other "professional" asking about what's going on with Danny's mental health, Sam would be going ballistic. The only person Sam may question about Jake is Jason because of any more potential playdates for Jake and Danny. The correct thing for Sam to do in the situation today was call up to the babysitter about Jake's bloody finger, make sure the babysitter had that handled, keep her suspicions to herself until she talked to Jason and possibly Elizabeth, not confront Jake without his parents, and leave. Him running away from her shouldn't surprise her. Of course she trips and falls going down the basement steps after Jake. His face was shocked, so I know he didn't grab her foot. I know this is supposed to be all 'Jake is a disturbed child' but he wasn't trying to hurt her. He just didn't want to talk to her. Her getting into this situation is all her own stupidity. I felt like the Alexis-Kristina scene, with Alexis specifically saying "young" and Kristina's face, was a set up for Kristina being into someone much older (esp. with how they all reacted to her crush on Ethan years ago). Lady Professor Parker showing up at Alexis' home was a WTF moment. Lexi has never even hinted at playing Kristina as bi/gay, so I'm reallllyyyy wondering where TPTB are going with this. Maybe desperate for the grade and a tiny bit curious?
  22. THIS. Sabrina was always clueless about Patrick and the Patrick/Robin/Emma family dynamic.
  23. GH gets a + for Michael mentioning/asking Anna about Robin, but then loses several points for Sabrina having a longer in-depth/personal/TMI conversation with Robin's mother than Robin's had in how many years?!! And what's with Anna offering to be a friend/basically a surrogate mother to Sabrina? Anna hugging Sabrina pissed me off. I don't care if it's partly because she's thinking about a break in the "Carlos case." Hey show - Anna will always be Robin's mother - not Sabrina's, not Sam's.
  24. It is rare for me to tear up while watching GH or any show, but I got misty-eyed over: Patrick and Emma. JT really loves that little girl. Wow. Patrick and Robin. KMc is absolutely right to be proud of her and JT's work over the last 10 years. Robin and Uncle Mac. He was the ideal wedding officiant for them. I have always adored the Mac-Robin parent-child relationship. That last hug...*sniffle*. Patrick and Anna. I felt their mutual fondness/respect. I think JT and FH will miss working together, even aside from their friendships with KMc. I actually liked/was okay with the Robin-Jason scene. Jason attending the wedding made sense in the context of all that's happened. Robin's work under duress, her fear and pain during this time away from Patrick and Emma again was not in vain. Robin will never completely regret leaving with Victor, because she was able to save Jason. And now Patrick really *understands* and *proclaims* that Robin is a genius doctor. I liked Robin's line to Jason that she wanted him to see the life she has that he once wished for her. Sonny being there didn't bother me so much because of his history with Robin, and Patrick deserved that thanks after the numerous times Patrick has saved either Sonny or one of his so-called loved ones. I agree with a few other posters that Epiphany and Noah should have both been there. I saw at least one spare seat!
  25. Is that scene online anywhere? The only thing I've been able to find is mid-way through Robin's lines to Emma, ending with the Scrubs kiss.
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