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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. After today, if Dr. O kidnaps the kid right out from under Claudette's nose, I will laugh. A lot. The UCG moment was Sonny being all condescending toward Carly, and also assuring her he got through to Morgan ... cut to Morgan attacking Julian. Best moment was Tracy stopping Paul on the staircase, and responding with "You're not family." Very cool to see her so protective of Monica. She knows how deceptive Paul can be, and with him acting oddly in front of her ... you're a smart woman, figure it out!! Disgusting that Sonny and Carly showed up at the Q Mansion. Good for Michael for being cold to Carly and calling them out on the "donation" for a Sabrina wing/section meant to buy his love/forgiveness. On that note, shut up Griffin. You know zero about how much Carly's choices have f'ed up Michael's life. Today is one of those episodes where you want someone to take out Sonny, Carly, Morgan, Julian, Ava first in a blaze of glory - and then move onto Franco and some others. Just fyi.
  2. She was alone because she asked Franco (who wheeled her over to the portraits) to give her a moment alone.
  3. Morgan walked into the Q mansion with a chip on his shoulder, though. I honestly thought he was going to try to hit Dante and/or Dante would have to restrain him before Joe even showed up.
  4. I expect HeatLifer is seeing red over: A) Maxie's line about Sabrina being good for Patrick and Emma while Robin was away. (Me: "No, Maxie, Robin wasn't just gone, she was held prisoner!") B) Epiphany sobbing, and then praying and crying, over the loss of Sabrina, when we never saw her cry over Robin's "death" after how many years of being close colleagues?! I just remember her being sad and tense while giving encouragement to Patrick not long after the lab explosion. Franco kissing Liz as she's crying over Sabrina was only a little less gross than Michael kissing Sabrina's corpse. UGH. Back OFF, Dude. I did like Liz grieving while touching her grandfather's portrait - alone. Bittersweet moment. Morgan truly is Sonny, Jr. in every way. I assume this was the beginning of the exit story. The writing and this dude's acting today managed to make me feel sorry for both Michael and Dante - didn't think that was possible. I didn't like Joe's "you people" line - uh, Morgan is not a Quartermaine. Good to see Michael decide to rise above the ugliness of Carly and Sonny's past, to love Sabrina's baby selflessly. The Tracy-Michael interaction was lovely. I think I could ship Tracy and Finn. Go away, Hayden. I don't feel sorry for you. At all. Same for Nathan's manipulative ex.
  5. Lisa's delivery of the line asking Ava not to be a bitch is the only time I've liked Olivia aside from when she went off on Dante for the affair with Valerie. The glaring lack of continuity is that after being by her mother's side through this trial, Sam is absent for the verdict?! Instead, Olivia is the one trying to comfort and look after a sobbing Alexis?! Yeah, okay. I am somewhat amused that Sonny's implication is he and Julian will both ultimately go to hell. Re: Previews - Morgan punching Joe in the Q mansion makes me roll my eyes. Why is Morgan even there? He's definitely behaving as his father's son, getting into something that's none of his business and using violence to do it.
  6. Edward was salivating once he knew that AJ was Michael's biological father, and was all about Michael being raised in the mansion as a "true Quartermaine", so it seems unlikely he would ever willingly send away another child fathered by AJ. Edward wanted heirs, badly. Nelle reacted to Nina's gushing about Carly being "crazy about her daughter" (unsubtle anvil IMO) and seems fixated on Carly and her children. My best guess is she wants to get close to the children who seem to matter most to Carly and are vulnerable/open to her influence (Michael, Josslyn, Avery) and in time, turn them against Carly while she also gets Carly attached to her. I fully expect that at some point, she'll tell people, "I'm like a daughter to Carly."
  7. If so, that makes it even weirder because Maxie was the wedding coordinator the last time there was a wedding in the Corinthos house, and she's Sam's only girl friend. The only actual "guests" in the home (other than the two children/sons of the groom) for this ceremony were the bride's mother, two sisters, and Spinelli. Carly never mentioned either Maxie or Lucas, brother of both Sam and Carly. It's kinda funny that the guest list consisted of their favorite son, and 4 other people. I almost laughed when Sam said something about them being surrounded by beloved family and friends.
  8. Michael and Nelle definitely looked like almost same-age siblings, sitting on that bench. When she mentioned her parents, I really thought she was going to throw in a line that she was adopted. That baby seemed like he was looking for an escape route, while sitting in Michael's lap. I was surprised that Scotty brought up the murder of A.J. Quartermaine. Then I thought, it should have been A.J. going to Michael to comfort him, not Sonny. On that note, shut up Carly. Another (minor) GH history fail: Maxie speaking of Spinelli officiating Sam and Jason's wedding like she barely knew these people. Guess the writers forgot that Sam and Maxie are supposed to be good friends. Maxie wasn't at the wedding, but now we hear she knew about Spinelli being in town for that reason, and wasn't invited or didn't care.
  9. Came across a news item that Bryan Craig/Morgan is leaving GH but will be in scenes through November. I figure a few of you are also thinking, "Yay"? http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/TV/2016/09/17/Bryan-Craig-confirms-General-Hospital-departure/4751474139019/
  10. I don't think it's about BM being a great actor - more like he smiles at people/seems to engage, speaks in sentences, and doesn't do that silent blink-and-glare thing SBu did. I think BM hit the mark in the Monica scenes in that the character came across as caring about his mother and wanting her to survive esp. for the sake of the grandchildren, but not feeling an emotional bond with her (after now having lost a couple years of his life) and because (IMO) Jason was never a warm ' I love my Mom' guy in all the years SBu played him as Jason Morgan. He understood that she was his mother, and her well-being meant something to him, but not in a normal mom-son relationship type way. He was mostly lukewarm, distant. I believe they had maybe one personal/emotional scene, when Jason told her that Franco had raped Sam. Hell, when Alan died, Jason was just like "I feel sad" and verbalized identifying with Alan's sense of loss re: him because Jason and Elizabeth had agreed he would not be in the role of father to Jake. The problem with Sabrina having a montage is due mostly to the show's casting changes. Sabrina had scenes over the years with Robin's husband, daughter (gone) and mother (off-screen right now), her own personal cheerleader Epiphany (rarely seen), Britt (gone), Carlos (dead), Lucy, Felix, Elizabeth (in a hospital bed at the moment), and Michael and Tracy ... Monica sometimes too I guess. GH has all but abandoned great friendships on this show, so Elizabeth and Sabrina were friends but not tight like the days of Liz, Robin, Emily, etc. GNOs. I agree with you in the sense that Sabrina was not an independent character having relationships of substance with current characters, so a montage with anyone other than Felix strains credibility.
  11. Was Nina's "You're such a good mom" and Carly's "thank you" supposed to be funny, because of these two characters? I laughed at the insanity of it. This is the woman who kidnapped your precious Avery from Ava's womb, Carly. How many others were rolling their eyes that Sabrina saved Monica's life by performing CPR? How will Jason and Michael honor her memory forevermore? /sarcasm. Interesting that Michael assumes he will be the one to teach Teddy about Sabrina, tell him how much his mom loved him, etc. Uhhh .... NO. Monica's cologne/after shave clue, and saying she's smelled it before in the Q mansion, has me thinking maybe Tracy will catch on to Paul. Carly somehow missed that Michael looks like he's been crying - yup, such a good mother. I did like the preview of Michael telling Carly to get the hell away from him. Ha. Jordan's indignation about making the Jerome case continues (for me) to be eye-roll worthy because she had a sexual relationship with Shawn, and is sorta friendly with Sonny during this case. Blech.
  12. This embryo-seeking journey of hers could ... possibly ... be compelling if Dante and Kevin got her talking and she acknowledged that, deep down, this is about fulfilling a fantasy: a whole, secure/happy family in a home because she wants to give herself and Rocco what she didn't have growing up due to Laura's mental illness and Luke being Luke. The Lulu character has voiced jealousy more than once in the past that Lucky grew up having a close bond with both their parents, living adventures with them before she was born, etc. She felt alone (in part because of the age difference between Lucky and Lulu) as a child and so she doesn't want her son to feel that way. BUT this show clearly doesn't have writers capable of tackling that kind of material.
  13. He's in a reflective mood; I think what's new is him saying he was wrong to have pushed her way/not appreciated her. He talked about how important she is to his kids - emphasis on her role as grandmother to the boys and 'another on the way.' Jason thinking of her in that context seems new as well.
  14. Very appropriate comment, esp. after JE's acting today. I was moved by Tracy's quiet fear and sadness, in telling (unconscious) Monica she can't do it alone. I liked the Jason-Tracy conversation, and thought it was interesting to see BM's Jason act like a son who values his mother. Such a contrast to how SBu was in scenes with LC in the past. It was nice to see Sam in court supporting her mother, while Jason was at his mother's bedside. BM's Jason really seems more like Michael's big brother than uncle. The affection between them was sweet/cute. Nice to see Kevin attempting to get Lulu to really think about what she's doing, from a kind family friend/shrink perspective instead of in a hospital office. Seems like Chad D. did his best with the emotions, but the writing just hasn't been there to support it. The vow to love her always made me roll my eyes. Also, am I the only one who thinks it's gross he put a diamond ring on the finger of her corpse?! There are no words... Aside from thinking, "Shut up, Sonny", I'm not even going to bother commenting on the court room stuff.
  15. I loathe that Elizabeth is being used to prop NotTodd!Franco. Him as her advocate is just gross and absurd (among other reasons...hello baby Aiden kidnapping story). The one character I could see being an appropriate advocate for her at this point is Dr. Kevin Collins: he has a long history at that hospital and in the city of Port Charles (including relationships with both Elizabeth's grandparents and the Spencer Family), has known Elizabeth for some years (at least via Lucy and Nurse's Ball), and in theory due to his current relationship with Laura, could be invested in her as a person because she is the mother of three of Laura's grandsons.
  16. Someone else said Spinelli looked like a Wal-mart greeter. I agree, but court jester works too. I was wondering the same about the boys, esp. because Jake was in a suite last year (along with Cam and Aiden) on Jake Doe/Jason and Elizabeth's wedding day. This wedding wasn't spur-of-the-moment either, so they could have dressed the boys up in at least khakis and nice shirts.
  17. Oracle, You made me literally Laugh. Out. Loud. Best response I've read aside from a poster's comment this week that Franco should be beaten with a fire extinguisher. Although I'd settle for Liz smacking him repeatedly with her bedpan upon finding out he's called Jason, and what else he's been up to/saying regarding her while she's been recovering. UGH.
  18. Was the issue of the legality of their marriage ever resolved after the Jake Doe is Jason revelation? I remember Alexis saying she would have Jason's death certificate voided (overturned?). Jason and Sam talked about divorce papers, to set each other free, but then Jason started having more memory flashes. Did they ever go through with the divorce paperwork?
  19. Actually a nurse (don't know her name) gave a witness statement to Jordan, indicating that Hayden had slapped as well as threatened Elizabeth.
  20. Absolutely, re: Franco. I think the shock is because she thinks of Hayden hating her more or less like Carly hated her - an irritation in life, but not dangerous. (As far as she knows, Hayden's background includes conning and blackmail, but not murder). I'm not sure if what Hayden is saying about Elizabeth being an accessory after the fact is valid. Some months after Hayden had been shot, Nikolas acknowledged he was responsible - but Liz doesn't know details, didn't hide the gun, help pay off the shooter, etc. She didn't record her private conversation with Nikolas. Even if Liz wanted to help Hayden, she had zero proof to give the police. Isn't Spencer, Nik's son, next-of-kin? Nikolas knew Hayden maybe a year? Spencer, Laura, Lulu or possibly Liz are far more entitled to deal with Cassadine belongings.
  21. Don't give up so easily! She's hinting at turning psycho on Carly (and/or Avery) because she wants to stay but Carly chose Bobbie to be Avery's nanny.
  22. That "Club" thing wouldn't be a concern if the writers did the smart thing (so, no way) and had a new character turn out to be Jax and Brenda's long-hidden child. The beauty of Carly's head exploding because Jax and Brenda's kid saved Josslyn's life would just be ... awesome. ("Hi, Carly. I know who you are. No worries. I don't hold it against my sister that you're her mother.") Actually the outrage and/or indignation from both Carly and Sonny that they didn't know of the kid's existence would be pretty funny.
  23. There is history - Alexis almost married Tracy's son, Ned; Alexis was a friend/co-conspirator with Luke (Tracy's ex) esp. against Helena; and her (now presumed dead) nephew was married to Tracy's niece, (the quite dead) Emily. Tracy has also been married to a Mob man, and has felt like she'd been run over due to past relationships, so it seems she empathizes with Alexis ... a bright woman who's made poor choices and all that.
  24. In the last year or so, she's just gone along with however Jason handles things. But now we're in the hospital again, and her attitude toward Liz (within the hospital) has been Jason and Jake specific - how she felt wronged as a grandmother and/or in service of propping JaSam. I'm so tired of Elizabeth being repeatedly thrown under the bus to prop JaSam/be the 'big bad' in their Grand Love Story (gag). I do remember the scene in the park where Monica liked the idea of SBu's Jason being a family with Liz and kids - because she believed Jason had feelings for Liz. (Again, it's all about her son and and ignoring the fact that he's been a paid killer). Monica wants to see her son in family man mode and believe he's a good guy at heart, so she ignores (or blames others for) the horrible things he's done over the years, as well as lesser offenses like not telling her he had a son growing up right under her nose in Port Charles. That's my point.
  25. I'm making a specific point about behavior in the workplace/hospital setting. Monica has a history of being nasty/unprofessional to Liz in the hospital, for personal reasons. I don't recall Liz behaving in such a way toward Monica while on duty or while Monica was a patient, but I could have missed something. I feel like if Monica went so far as to thank Carly on NYE (given Carly's heinous history with the Qs - most recently covering up the murder of Monica's first-born son!), then she certainly should behave as a both a professional and concerned sort-of family member when Liz is a patient, in such bad shape. I don't believe she would say she doesn't care if Liz dies ... but she's all about seeing Jason and Sam through rose-colored glasses. So it wouldn't surprise me if she was like well, they are wonderful parents to Danny, they're getting married again, it's the perfect time to add Jake to their family - especially since Elizabeth may not physically be the same after this and shows such poor judgement -Franco is just the most recent example. (Cue the audience wondering if the whitewash hypocrisy re: JaSam would cause an avalanche tumbling down on her).
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