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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. And one of the panels is Julian, with his baby mamas on either side of him. UGH. Alexis should be in panel with Kristina and Molly, or replace Liz in that panel since Alexis is, in fact, their family. Alexis and Olivia have not been rivals.
  2. Yup, LW making those disbelief and "how dare he lie to us" angry faces was UCG. Yes, Carly, it is just shocking that Morgan takes after you and Sonny.
  3. I like how Paul was bellowing at Anna that she would have done the same for Robin and Emma....clearly, he doesn't know her that well. Faison is wherever now, instead of being locked up or executed, an Dr. O is walking around doing whatever she wants - with Anna not doing a thing to get justice for the crimes against her daughter. Ava proves again she is just as vile as S&C. As annoying as Scott is, it was good to see someone not in the Mob yell at her. Strange to see Lucy and Scott in the same episode after so long, although not in the same scenes. I really thought Paul was going to get shot, even at the last moment. The Tracy-Dillon hug of comfort at the end was quite sweet. Based on the anvils, I'm thinking Dillon (crying at the end today) is going to break down to Kiki once this all truly sinks in, Morgan will see a comforting embrace, think that she's cheating, and freak out. That, along with all the other strikes against him, will get him carted off to some mental hospital soon.
  4. I'm thinking of a scene (since Luke's departure) when Tracy was in Paul's office, and Paul wanted to see Anna about some case/official matter. He spoke of her experience/value and Tracy got irritated -possibly bordering on jealousy (way before she caught him w/Ava) - saying something like "What is it about that woman ..."
  5. On the bright side, it looks like Dillon will get to be the hero who saves his mother. I can appreciate that. I don't like Anna being the one to bust Paul (should have been Jordan), but I'm assuming it's written this way so that a) she can look like a PCPD hot shot again and b) whatever lingering hostility Tracy still feels toward Anna re: Luke (ugh, so not worth it) can finally be put to rest. I wonder if it will turn out that the guy who knocked on the door didn't believe Paul and called the police/flagged down Anna as they arrived.
  6. THIS!!! Jane has been just awesome to watch (now-hated her material for the Luke/Fluke storyline). Her trying to handle Paul, in contrast to her killer nephew telling his wife how he would have arranged for an enemy of Sonny's to die in the past while Sonny would be in public to have an alibi. And Sam's nonchalant reaction. Everything she said about Carly was absurd. You'd think she'd only met Carly recently, and didn't know the S&C history.
  7. I agree - she admitted that being married to him was a fantasy, when she and Jason were trapped in the elevator (Jake pregnancy) and she confessed to him that he was the father. There have been times when she let it go, but then when she's at a low point in her life and feeling alone, she longs for what she believes could have been for her and Jason. She was still in a sad downward spiral after losing Jake when she messed with Danny's test results, and acknowledged feeling alone/being unhappy in a scene with Monica in Jake Doe's room when "Jake Doe" was still unconscious.
  8. Ugh. All her tears and anger about Julian because of Duke's death only serve to remind me she's shown zero motivation to try to build a case against Dr. O, the one who nearly killed her beloved ex-husband/father of her daughter with a needle meant for her daughter and who tortured that daughter. But really, why would we think at this point that she would want justice for her own family, who are not criminals? Pretty sure Anna's spent more time mourning Duke on screen than her own daughter (after the lab explosion). Her sadness for Emma re: Sabrina fell flat for me, too, because she wasn't there back when Patrick had to tell Robin that Mommy wasn't coming home, which was a thousand times worse. Also Emma has her Mommy back; Sabrina has not been a part of her life for a while now. In fact the last time Emma was in Port Charles (for NB), it was Sam who spoke of going to say Hi to Emma. The way she was about the Drake Family re: Sabrina and about Julian's case today was all kinds of wrong.
  9. Anna saying she should have left the daughter she's lost out on many years with over her lifetime, to come back for justice for her dead criminal boyfriend?? UGH. Anna sucks as a mother. K. Storms was great today. Maxie behaving like an adult, and a non-ditzy supportive fiance was the most I've ever liked her. I wonder if that was more K. Storms talking than Maxie, though. Jane Elliot acted her butt off in Tracy trying to maintain her calm with Paul. I actually watched their scenes.
  10. Liz found out about a "sure thing" from her brother Steve, invested the trust fund money and lost it. This was back when she was pregnant with Aiden. Nikolas wanted to set up a trust fund (not yet knowing who had fathered Aiden), wanted her to go on early maternity leave, etc. She got upset about him trying to take control of her life and told him she could provide for her own children. Just because a man is legally required to pay child support, does not mean he follows through. At the moment we don't know if Lucky has income/a job to pay child support. Jason probably does now. He bought Liz her former home because he was never going to pay child support or raise Jake. Still, there's no question that she should have good health insurance through GH, which would cover these expenses. The show is just being stupid. Shocker.
  11. In contrast to Jax's home in Australia (where Josslyn visits), Lucky's supposedly "wandering" to fight "the darkness inside." So he doesn't have a home for the kids to come to for visits. Also, there's the sensitive matter that Lucky is technically the father of all three boys (despite us getting hit over the head repeatedly about Jason being Jake's dad). Lucky is on Jake's birth certificate as the legal father, since Lucky and Liz were married at the time of his birth. Lucky raised Jake until shortly before his 4th b-day (when Luke ran over him). Right after Jake returned, he said his dad Lucky had to go away, his dad Jason died - that's the last time Lucky was acknowledged in reference to Jake. Also, as far as I know, Jason has not said or done anything about maintaining a relationship with Cam and Aiden as well. I hate the emphasis on Jason and Jake's relationship, whereas the other two boys get ignored because Lucky is wherever and they're not Jason's bio kids. When Jason got ticked off at Franco that Elizabeth got injured the night before but "I'm just hearing about this now", I thought well, Lucky should have been tracked down/called immediately since he's her actual ex-husband and father of her children. I think the last time all three boys were seen was Elizabeth and Jake Doe's 2015 wedding day-that-wasn't?
  12. I thought it was presented as the most intense sex, unless I missed a line where she actually said "best." I remember a Liz-Robin scene in Liz's house, they were talking about the affair. Liz seemed to describe sex with Nikolas as a drug high, whereas Lucky was sweet/gentle. Jason has labeled by the show, Liz, or Franco as the love of her life when Jason is present in Port Charles and JJ's Lucky is not ... also when the lazy writers want a competition obstacle in the great love relationship they are creating (or re-building) for Jason at the time with a woman. TPTB can say what they want about Liz and Lucky, but there was definite longing about what could have been/lost love in their brief scenes when JJ returned for Geary's retirement exit storyline.
  13. Bravo for Jane Elliot's non-verbal acting!! Her eyes/the look on her face in that last moment (overhearing) - perfection. Yay Tracy. Did I miss something, about Monica re: "Susie"? He thinks Monica had something to do with it? He supposedly loves his son Dillon as well, and killing Monica would hurt both Dillon (her nephew) and hurt Dillon again via Tracy's pain if Monica died. Yet another oversight, that he has not verbally justified why hurting Dillon in that way to avenge Susan is okay.
  14. The best would have been ghost!Sabrina appearing in the Q mansion to haunt/scold Sonny about his Carlos hatred when Carly and Sonny showed up. I'd laugh so hard at Sonny's scared face and freaked out stammering. Possibly funnier than when AJ haunted him.
  15. Yet prior to this, she saw him try to get up the staircase to see Monica (yes, she didn't see the needle, I know), that same day she saw that he zoned out on the Q couch while staring at Sabrina's pictures, and then screamed "I can't!!!" in Tracy's face. That's weird. I feel Tracy would raise an eyebrow about stuff like that, especially in an ex-hubby, after dealing with Luke's personality changes. The Luke stuff wasn't that long ago in Tracy's life, especially for someone who will bring up accurate details of Carly's history from 20 years ago to make a point.
  16. Can someone explain to me like I'm Morgan why Monica would give a woman she doesn't know, who didn't know Sabrina and never worked for GH, pics of Sabrina for an on-line memorial??! Somehow I don't think Nell saying "Hi, I'm a friend of the Corinthos family" would endear her to Monica! I could buy Monica having access to Nurses Ball and candid hospital pics of Sabrina, as doctor/administrator of GH. However, the scene(s) with Michael should have been Lucy. I'd believe Monica would give pics to Lucy, a business woman with a history at GH and w/ the Q Family, who adored Sabrina. Not as bad as Franco being the new love interest for Elizabeth, but still took me out of the scene. I didn't even bother with the Sonny-Jason or Julian-Nina nonsense. Also, Tracy should already have been suspicious of/weirded out by Paul's words and behavior, after everything she'd been through because of Luke. I tuned out after "I heard you" and how she dismissed it.
  17. Lucky had an air of smug superiority (IMO at the time, definitely inherited from his father) when he ambushed Laura about Luke raping her. JJ and KMc were different in that they connected exceptionally well with the actors who played their parents, and were believable in acting complex/difficult material such as being blindsided by a new brother during a younger sibling's health crisis, or having to accept that parents are most likely dead. The two actors played Lucky and Robin over the course of years, both in childhood and adulthood. This show has recast the adult Q kids, three of the Corinthos kids, Carly, Maxie, Nikolas, and others once or more in the years I've watched. I don't know if other shows do it as much as GH does. The only child actor on GH I can think of in the last 10 years or so who is still in the role now as a young adult is the Molly character. What people think of her talent/skill level is another matter. In general, it seems like the child actors and their storylines are mostly unappealing due to a combination of bad/lazy writing, poor casting and/or lack of effort from the actors. I feel like JJ and Kim Mc never 'phoned it in,' either as children or adults. ITA about your Liz/Jason/Sam statement.
  18. I'm thinking she heard that from Brenda?? I remember the last time Brenda was in town and staying with Jason. Carly dropped by, and I clearly remember things got heated between Carly and Brenda - Brenda said those words to her, or very close to it (she referenced how young Jason was and his brain damage, too). I can't say for sure Sam was around and heard, though. It's also possible Robin could have told her at some point.
  19. I also don't agree. The only thing that would make a little sense is that the audience has high standards for Lucky, since he first came to Port Charles as a child, and especially (IMO) because he was raised by Laura Webber/Spencer. With the Lucky recasts (after the first love story of teen Lucky and Liz), also came the worst in Liz. I remember L&L2 were toxic together when GV played Lucky. Lucky would say Liz was everything to him, but his behavior did not reflect that. With Franco, Ric and Jason Morgan, non-Mob people (like Mac or Tracy) mostly saw them as low-lifes - no standards of decent behavior ever existed. After the Alcazar murder trial, Liz confronted Ric in court, saying "Everyone in my life" had warned her that he was bad news. She called him cruel. He said Jason had turned her into a liar. (But actually, it had started with her self-deception about Lucky, Lucky lying to her, and then her lying to him too). I believe an emotionally healthy Elizabeth Webber (one with decent standards for her own love life) would never have anything to do with Franco or Ric outside of treating them as patients. With Jason, it's not quite that simple because he was her best friend's older brother and because was genuinely kind toward/protective of her after Lucky was presumed dead in the fire. Then Jason used her and was toxic for her after he and Sam got married. She should have been completely done with him once he married Sam - the reason (IMO) she still wanted him was that the writers are lazy.
  20. I agree that it's absurd. It's kind of a toss-up as to who is worse, Ric (who poisoned her and held a pregnant woman captive in a secret room of their home) or Franco (who had her newborn son kidnapped from the hospital, almost murdered her ex-SIL to taunt Jason, and has been verbally awful to anyone he hadn't either killed or tortured already.) I guess SBu's Jason was better than Franco in that he didn't go after children to hurt the adults? I would hope that the people who've hated Lucky or thought he was a terrible match for Liz meant the two awful Lucky recasts.
  21. No, she said she worked for a powerful, dangerous man so she could support her daughter, wanted to quit, and the man found out about her daughter and threatened the kid to stop her from quitting. At the moment, the Claudette actress seems to be playing it like either Griffin or some other dude is the father, and she's both exploiting Nathan's caring cop nature/ manipulating him into protecting them by claiming the girl is his child. As another poster pointed out, if Nathan was the father, the girl would have to be about 10. The girl in that photo looks younger than 10.
  22. I remember that Halloween awkwardness! I really didn't like Lucy's explanation about Sabrina reviving the Nurse's Ball because those who watched at the time know Lucy is speaking 'with rose-colored glasses.'. Epiphany and Elizabeth would have been the ones to "know it was needed" and want to "bring the community together," in part to "honor Robin" because of years spent working at the hospital and out of respect for Robin's memory. Sabrina had the time for it due to lack of other stuff going on in her life. She worked at the hospital, hung out with Felix, and mooned over Patrick while resenting Britt. The funeral scenes also showed how GH has decimated friendships. Elizabeth was Sabrina's only girl friend, and Sabrina was the last of Elizabeth's girl friends (or even just friends, period) who had not already been killed off or left town. When Emily was murdered and Robin "died" in the hospital lab explosion, I absolutely believed (and not just because of the tears) that Elizabeth was devastated by the loss of her friends. Now at Sabrina's funeral, she just seems sad, defeated/resigned, and alone. All she could really say is that she and Sabrina "clicked right away." Why? Because the show never invested in scenes of them building a close friendship over years. Liz mostly served as an ear for Sabrina when she was upset about something Patrick-related. If the showed stayed true to what it was originally intended to be, legacy family characters Nurse Elizabeth and Doctor Robin would be the female leads, with maybe a half dozen recurring hospital staffers as their friends/family/in-laws, whatever. (Steven Lars should have been recast, and still a doctor at GH!) Becky and Kim Mc certainly have the acting chops to be leads. Monica and Bobbie would be seen on at least a recurring basis with patients at the hospital. After Jason's life has now been repeatedly saved by doctors and he supposedly wants to value family more, he would in some way make contributions (other than $$) to the hospital his family has been so invested in over many years. There are so many ways to connect characters directly or indirectly through relationships and storylines, without all roads leading back to f'ing Sonny and the Mob.
  23. It seemed to me like the actress played it as Sabrina being subconsciously manipulative. The concept of 'honoring Robin' would have seemed genuine if it came from Elizabeth, Monica or Lucy due to their history of friendship/professional relationships with her and having been a part of NBs of the past. Sabrina was just fixated on Patrick and had no previous knowledge of the NB, that I recall.
  24. I was thinking the same thing. Although I'm sure in Sonny's mind, Sabrina was also bad news because she had previously been with, and then "cheated on" Michael with, Carlos - who was clearly a bad mobster due to his association with Julian and Ava. I wish Michael had corrected Sonny during the one conversation; Sabrina slept with Carlos before she and Michael were truly a couple. She let Michael believe he was the father, but then when it was confirmed how far along she was, he realized he couldn't be because he and Sabrina hadn't had sex until a while after that. Also, I believe the NB revival went beyond just getting Patrick to notice her. I could swear she was actively trying to get him to fall for her, and win Emma's heart as well, by reviving it in honor of Robin. I recall thinking how she approached it all seemed manipulative.
  25. Love Linny and HeatLifer's reactions. Also, Carly manipulating Michael toward forgiveness while he's speaking at his girlfriend's funeral, and using the girlfriend's memory to do it, was almost as low as Sonny and Ava screwing on AJ's grave. Ugh. The funeral highlighted that there were exactly 5 characters who had spent significant time with Sabrina, between her personal and professional lives. Did I miss why Sam wasn't there with Jason? And did Dante show up only after the funeral? I'm confused. I'm a little surprised Kristina wasn't there, to support Michael.
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