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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. If this turns out to be true, the petty part of me wants someone to ask Steve if he/Jason will be jealous that BMJason is more like Sonny in one way than he is - that BMJason takes after Sonny in that he had a son with (ex-) Carly and then a daughter with Sam.
  2. I've gotta roll my eyes at Liz telling SBJason it's "highly unlikely" that either he or BMJason is Drew, due to the death certificate. Umm, Liz, hon, you knew quite well that Lucky was not Jake's biological father when his name was printed on that birth certificate, and you know that your son Jake, your young love Lucky, and your dear friend Robin were all declared dead but came BACK. She should pretty much be assuming that BMJason is Drew after her conversation with Jason, who is behaving and speaking exactly as she remembers. Sheesh.
  3. I think you just hurt Sonny's feelings :P. Have you not seen the suffering *he* has endured when his children, wives, employees and friends have been victims of violence?/sarcasm *And* he would point out he's been in Port Charles way longer than Sam.
  4. He already found that out from Ava when she was telling him the background on NuJason. For a moment he thought she was talking about NuJason marrying Sam. He seemed a little surprised about an interrupted wedding to Liz, but no real reaction.
  5. Yes, but you weren't being used to prop the return of Steve Burton/the "two Jasons" rivalry. Griffin told BMJason and Franco (neither of whom are Liz's legal family, btw) that Liz's gunshot wound looked worse than it was; she 'just' needed a blood transfusion. Basically, BMJason had to be occupied in that moment with taking care of Jason's not-severely-injured first baby mama, so that 'real Jason' could then be the true hero saving his love, Sam, from kidnappers who drugged her with something and then threw her in the harbor. Sam has to be the true/real victim everyone is super concerned about, for the sake of storyline.
  6. I say this as someone who's never been a Sam, especially re: her relationship with Jason. The issue was that she was drugged and only semi-conscious when she went into the water, so it's not like she could just kick a little and swim to the surface. SBJason got her to wake up for a second and cough up the water after pulling her out of the harbor. It seemed like BMJason was the one, with both lines and behavior, who was emphasizing how fragile/messed up he believed Sam was as a result of what she'd been through. BMJason seemed motivated to over-emphasize her fragility to puff himself up as her big, strong protector husband not about to allow "imposter" Jason with his nefarious intentions near her (also because he already felt his Jason status threatened by the insta-love and acceptance as the 'real Jason' that SBJason received from S&C). The writing for SBJason somewhat emphasizing Sam's fragility is (IMO) to show what a hero the real Jason was for saving her/to re-invigorate the old "Stone Cold" guilt about Sam being a target because she's connected to Jason who has mysterious people coming after him. It didn't seem that Epiphany thinks Sam is a fragile kitten so much as she was annoyed at the Jason-Jason drama going on in Sam's room, especially BMJason's yelling.
  7. I thought KeMo did a good job of conveying Sam's shock, how it felt to have Jason touch her hand for the first time after 5 years, her agitation/fear at BMJason being so openly hostile toward SBJason in front of little Danny, and realizing that SBJason looks/speaks/ behaves exactly how she remembers him. The tear rolling down her cheek when she told him Heather lied, Franco lied... then chose her words very carefully as she grabbed BMJason's hand to keep him calm. She said:"Danny is my son with Jason" not "Danny is our son," nodding toward BMJason. She looked like she just wanted to withdraw and cry.
  8. God willing, that's exactly what it means. And you're welcome :).
  9. What she really means whenever making it clear to someone that she is Jason's best friend, is that she had to settle for best friend way back when, because he wouldn't love her and be with her the way she wanted. S&C started because SBCarly was jealous at seeing Jason dancing with Liz, she went to Sonny for answers, he taunted her and they ended up in bed. Carly understood that Jason realized she slept with Sonny to get revenge on Jason, and that Jason wasn't ever going to want her sexually again, so she decided to stay with Sonny after her miscarriage. Jason was the "one who got away," so yes she absolutely values him above Sonny and Jax. Jax is the one who was way too good for her, and she basically knows that. She's addicted to the toxicity of her relationship with Sonny, and feeling important in Jason's life.
  10. Kevin tried to steal his friend's role and his line to his sister that they now have proof "Randall's had sex at least once in his life"? I wonder if Randall ever found out that was Kevin's reaction to gaining a niece. Ugh. (Yeah, I get he thought he was being funny, but it's SO not). I guess that was his jealous cut to the brother he feels inferior to because he's jealous that Randall has a happy, stable marriage and a great house.
  11. Well remember, Monica has been through a helluva lot re: her kids, and I mean more than Emily being brutally murdered and her eldest son being murdered at point-blank range by the thug who stole/illegally adopted her grandson from her family. I absolutely understand why Monica would be shaken up; a few years ago Emily's previously-unheard-of identical twin sister showed up in Port Charles (for a truly terrible storyline). Then the actress left the show again, so the twin moved to Europe and out of the Qs' lives permanently. And then she lived through the Franco-is-Jason's twin/Alan's son-oh-wait-that's-a-lie, plus the uncertainty about Danny's paternity. I think Monica has more right than anyone to have trouble processing what's going on. I don't believe any other parent on GH has been through this with *two* of her/his kids.
  12. True, but it seems like TPTB do that because they just want her to be the perpetual 'attempted-Jason-stealer' in the "Grand Love Story of Jason and Sam." I refuse to watch Liz scenes with Franco. *Shudder* I am hopeful that the return of SBu's Jason means that eventually, Franco will be out of Liz's life. My best-case scenario: Jakeson/Drew starts to feel like an outsider, thinking maybe he and Sam don't belong together as people are just so thrilled that Sonny and Carly's servant Jason is back. Jakeson/Drew leans on the first person who cared for him in Port Charles - Liz. He and Jake are close, and he somewhat reconnects with Cam and Aiden. A rivarly develops: Jason/Sam/Jakeson-Drew/Elizabeth/Franco. In time, Jakeson/Drew and Liz seem to want to spend time together aside from just talking about how to take care of Jake in the Jason v. Jakeson/Drew mess. Franco is determined that he is the man for Liz and rationalizes that he is the best for Jake, so he tries to kill Jakeson/Drew and gets caught. Liz is horrified, seeing the evidence and/or security-camera footage, tells Franco he can't justify or talk his way out of this one, and is completely done with him as he gets carted off to prison. Jakeson/Drew and Liz get back together; he co-parents Scout with Sam and does his best to ignore Jason's glares (because despite the fact that Jason was first to have a child with another woman, he is nothing if not a hypocrite). Jakeson/Drew would absolutely be a better father to all 3 of Liz's kids than Jason ever could be.
  13. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the show will forget it too. Perfect example: The psychiatrist Andre was talking to a bad guy and said "Jake Webber saw him..." Those of us who watched back when Jake was born clearly remember that his name is Jake Spencer. That's the name on his birth certificate. Liz was married to Lucky when Jake was born. Jason, Michael, etc. all said "Jake Spencer" about baby/toddler Jake. When Lucky and Luke returned Jake to Liz from Cassadine Island, Lucky called him "my son" and definitely did not ask Liz to change Jake's last name to Webber. I remember that Monica had a line "Jason is my son in every way that matters" in response to someone's surprise that she's not his bio mother. But I can't recall her reminding people that she legally adopted Jason.
  14. I could buy that if Jason's hadn't decided to be a father to baby Michael, all the while knowing quite well that AJ (yes his brother, but he didn't like him IIRC) was Michael's bio father. And he and Sam decided they would raise the baby together, when Sam was pregnant with Sonny's child. When Elizabeth told Jason she was pregnant (with Jake) and he didn't know he was the father, he offered to marry Liz and be a father to Cam and the baby regardless. The reason he had zero real connection to Danny is because of his own behavior. He was being a cold-hearted jerk to pregnant Sam after the trauma of Franco, so she moved out and he missed out on the rest of her pregnancy. That is why they weren't together when she went into labor. Then, out of jealousy, he had some guys grab McBain, beat the hell out of him, and leave him on the ground when he went to get the car to take Sam and her newborn to the hospital. Sam was alone as a result, passed out because she was unwell post-birth, and that is why the opportunity existed for infant Danny to be switched with a deceased infant. Sam lost out on months of parenthood, and they were not together during those months, as a direct result of Jason's actions. So I will never believe SBu's Jason would make Sam and family a priority over Sonny, or that he loves Sam more than anything in the world.
  15. I say definitely SBu Jason and Sam. The scene of SBu Jason on the balcony, eavesdropping on Sam and BM Jakeson/Drew talking about their wedding was angst for Jason to win her love back. Contrast that with SBu's Jason eavesdropping on Liz in the park, appearing to not give a crap about how she's doing - only focused on Jake and then Jake calling Jakeson/Drew "Dad." Jakeson/Drew and Liz bond over how great it is that Jake did well in carving the pumpkin, and then he appeals to Liz to talk to him, calls her a "straight-shooter" and gives her a quick, friendly kiss as he leaves. In that scene, Jakeson/Drew treated Liz like an old girlfriend he now considers a friend, and is still fond of. There was no angst; it was a low-key, friendly conversation on an ordinary day. Any real conversations Liz and SBu's Jason had were usually when one of them was at a shitty point in a relationship, or crisis moments/weeks due to a hostage situation or Jason healing from violence, his sister having a health crisis, his father's death, etc. I think in time Jakeson/Drew will mention remembering how much they cared for each other when he didn't have an identity, before Nikolas told Liz that he was Jason. Also, the simple fact is that Jakeson/Drew - not Jason - has a loving relationship with both Jake and Danny. I noticed when Jason has been talking to Sonny about Sam, he didn't even ask about Danny, or ask to see a photo of Sam with Danny. I really thought in asking about Jakeson/Drew, he would ask Sonny about how the guy treats Danny. Jason has zero experience being a father to his own child/children, due to his own choices.
  16. I thought that was Mac taking a shot at the late Duke, without actually saying Duke's name so as not to offend Anna. Mac, Felicia and Robin are probably just relieved that she's not bringing up his death and Julian every 5 minutes.
  17. A) You forgot Carly, Sonny, Ava. B) She's been without SBu Jason for five years and didn't have a real relationship with him when he was present. She got breadcrumbs of care from him; I expect about the same now. She'll still have Jakeson/Drew, who actually speaks to her in complete sentences, will smile at her, and genuinely seems fond of her. Also, he is happy to let her see her only granddaughter often. If SBu's Jason had fathered Scout, he'd probably reference the late Leticia's never-before-mentioned grandmother spending lots of time with Scout. I'm curious to see if ... as Sam finds her way to inevitably choosing SBu's Jason after S&C already have ... BM's Jakeson/Drew feels like an outsider again, leans on Elizabeth for support, and they wind up back together. After all, they were in love before and he developed a close relationship with her sons. I am hopeful that some miracle will happen and Elizabeth will be totally over this disturbing relationship with Franco. Griffin could have been good for Liz, but clearly TPTB want to to waste him on Ava. Either Franco and Ava or Franco and Nina deserve each other. Wouldn't it be interesting if Jakeson/Drew ends up just co-parenting Scout with Sam, like Jakeson/Drew just co-parented Jake with Liz after TPTB set up the bus to run over Liz in order for Jason and Sam to overcome being victimized and get back together as they were always meant to be (gag). The propping of JaSam is just sickening.
  18. I thought Griffin was at the hospital working on Elizabeth because he was at the party/on-scene when she was shot and knew what to look for? It was strange that Finn got called to come in about Liz's injuries. But then, he was also the doc who got to tell Sam she was pregnant, which is definitely not an infectious disease diagnosis (since the kid is not a spawn of Carly and Sonny). Lucas gets used when a Jones or Jerome (most likely Julian) is a patient in a hospital scene. In fact, I think the only scene the current Lucas has had to date with Maxie and Felicia was mere moments long when little Georgie was brought to the hospital and diagnosed with some brief virus.
  19. Gotcha. But it's not just that; KMc and the no-face actor played it like yes, he can't speak, but they recognized each other and their long-time connection made Jason not being able to reply not a problem. There was no sense of body-language confusion, or Robin saying "Why are you looking at me like that?" when she said Jason. The guy should have been really confused as to why some woman he didn't recognize would think his name is Jason. Yes, I know, GH has pulled much worse retcons than this -Jake didn't die, Luke conceived Ethan with Holly while away from Laura, yada yada. And it's all going to get more annoying and confusing with yet another past actress coming back, but as a different character. Bah.
  20. Okay GH is retconing, thanks, good to know. KMc clearly played those scenes (before BM was cast, so only Robin was seeing his face) as helping Jason - who's face she saw - escape from the clinic. He was in chains when she first set eyes on him. The guy had not been through facial reconstruction surgery, because the car-ran-him-over plot point was after that. I thought SBu Jason just escaped from being drugged in a clinic. I will give SBu credit for playing the appropriate reaction to wrapping his mind around the realities of both his son and Robin turning up alive. I also liked that he said the boy was "too old to be Aiden." The kid gets an acknowledgement by someone from Liz's past/(present)!! Wow.
  21. I'm a little confused. Sonny told Jason that "Robin confirmed she helped you escape from the clinic." So does that mean she she helped SBu Jason escape from the clinic and then he got re-captured and stayed drugged these past few years - that nuJason/Jakeson/Drew was another Helena captive elsewhere who got hit by a car and had facial reconstruction surgery? Are there two different clinics? Did I miss SBu Jason saying that he saw Robin while he was a captive?
  22. SO MUCH this (although knowing Sonny, he probably skipped some important details about the horrors Robin has survived, because he never bothered to be interested/remember since it's not his own pain he can whine about). What Jason *should* have said is Robin deserves to be happy, especially after I sacrificed our happiness at the altar of a thug, a thug's on-again, off-again wife, and my nephew who was a mess because of the choices made by the three of us. This might sound mean, but I hope Jason hears that Danny had cancer but Sam got through it with family and Dr. Clay's support, and I hope he overhears Sam telling someone she's happier than she's ever been with Jason and their two beautiful kids - that while there may be small moments when she misses how Jason used to be, she loves how his family is his priority now whereas Jason always used to put the business/Sonny's needs first. Jason *should* hurt over Jakeson/Drew making Sam happy and being a loving father to Jake and Danny, are consequences of his own choice. He should understand that his *own choice* to go to the pier for business and walk away from Danny and Sam on the night they brought Danny home, is why another man has his life now. I don't feel sorry for him when his eyes turn red over seeing Sam with Jakeson/Drew, or when he's sad/hurt/upset at hearing Jake say, "Dad." He will get a taste of how Sam felt when Jake was a baby, upon seeing Sam and Jakeson/Drew with baby Scout.
  23. For one thing, Liz has been associated with the Spencer Family since she was 15. Liz's family consisted only of Grams and the Spencers, except for the brief periods when Steven Lars or Sarah Webber were around. Young Liz felt loved and supported by Laura and Lucky, and then Nikolas as well. Liz also treated Lulu like a sister. Liz married GV's Lucky when Cam was a baby. He wasn't "putrid" then. Same goes for Laura and Lulu. I don't think anyone could disagree with you that Luke was "putrid" but he was rarely around Liz's kids. In the recent years when Laura has been in scenes with Liz's children, she's been a loving grandmother. (Her approval of Liz's relationship with Franco is a separate, gross issue). And while Lulu can definitely be awful, i don't think ER's Lulu has ever had a real scene with Liz's children. Teenage/young 20something Lulu babysat for and cared about the kids, before Nikolas and then Lucky left town.
  24. Jake was not a normal kid when he returned. There was once instance of him knocking Cam down, which caused Laura concern. He broke the window of his house with a rock and pretended that someone was stalking his family, to manipulate Jason into spending more time with them (away from Sam). Re-casting the character helped a lot. Danny was a baby the night Jason went to the pier and never returned, so he only had abstract ideas about "Daddy" and didn't understand death - just heard that his father was in Heaven. For that reason, no trauma about his father coming back. Now if Danny was pre-school age or older the night of Jason's dock-and-roll, mourned him with Mommy and other family members, and then Jason came back from the dead when Danny was 9+ years old, and Danny was perfectly fine with it all...then I would call b.s.
  25. Good to know I'm not the only confused by this. Some eye-roll worthy moments: Ava hates Sonny; no way would she display a photo of her precious toddler that was clearly taken in his home. The audience has heard about or seen Avery in the park with Ava, Michael, and other family members. Ava doesn't have an adorable photo of Avery from one of those moments? Please. Just a set-up for Jason to realize Ava and Sonny are connected. Sam's line to Jas/Drew/whatever his name is (with Jason overhearing on the balcony): "surrounded by our friends and family." Um, you two had a grand total of like 6 people at your wedding - 8 if you count both of Jason's sons. A brother, a mother and others were missing. Jake saying the man he saw who called his name "made me feel safe." As has been pointed out, Jake knows what Jason used to look like so he should have been saying "That was so weird." Sam is supposed to treasure her family more than anything - but in their home now there's not a single framed photo of Danny and Scout, Sam with one or both children, or all 4? I thought there would be at least a photo of Danny, for Jason to see while he was sneaking around. That (as has been mentioned) Ava hasn't even asked Jason yet what his name is. He doesn't have to say "I'm the real Jason." He could have told a semi-truth, like "I'm. Jay...er...Maine. Jay Maine." Also - does Jason know about baby Scout?
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