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Everything posted by johntfs

  1. Right now, no, there's not. The whole point of the Timekeepers and the TVA is to service and maintain one single sacred timeline. All other timelines (including a happily-ever-after for Tony, Pepper and Morgan) get reset/destroyed.
  2. The TVA doesn't care about your intentions, just your results. If you're driving down the street and feel hungry, you have a choice between trying that new Thai-fusion place or grabbing a Big Mac from McDonalds like you do every day. You decide to go Thai, hit it off really well with the waitress there, stop eating Big Macs and start working out end up marrying her and your kid grows up to be the President of the US who goes to war with Canada - all because you didn't just grab a Big Mac like you were "supposed to." So the TVA plucks out the "you" who went Thai tries you and vapes you so that the Sacred Timeline of you being a fat, boring office drone who eat Big Macs can continue. Presumably the Holocaust happened in the MCU. So, there were TVA agents whose job it was to make sure that 6,000,000 Jews (among others) died in concentration camps for the sake of the Sacred Timeline.
  3. I don't think that will happen because it kind of can't. The point of variants is that they're outside the Sacred Timeline. V-Loki was able to watch Main-MCU Loki's "file" because that was all "in the plan." That was what was supposed to happen. There is no special predicting file on either Loki2012 or "Evil_Loki." They can't predicted because they're outside the Sacred Timeline. That seems to be why Mobius wanted to interrogate/analyze (and presumably recruit) Loki2012 because they can't predict what EvilLoki will do.
  4. The TVA ensures that the things that have to happen do happen. Steve had to go to his alternate timeline and grow old happily with Peggy so he could return and pass the torch/shield to Sam. Because if that does not happen then Steve stays in the MCU timeline and remains Captain America - which is not how it's supposed to happen. I don't know how the bombs or red-lining works, but I suppose that Steve goes to the "Peggyverse" lives there with her until she dies and then returns to give up the shield and presumably die in the MCU mainline. At which point the TVA destroys the "Peggyverse" because it's served it's purpose. One thing that's interesting to note is that "Evil Loki" went to medieval France and gave the French kid some gum either before or after killing the Minutemen. And the French kid was alive and unharmed for Mobius to interrogate (before Mobius murdered him and the rest of his universe by resetting in).
  5. They already go pretty damned dark. When they "reset" a timeline, they destroy it and everyone in it. The French kid? Dead now. Along with everyone else in his universe. The Mongolions who met Loki? Dead/Gone/never existed. Along with everyone else in their universe. At this point I'm kind of rooting for the Big Bad variant of Loki because she mostly seems to be killing people who are perpetrating genocides on a scale that beggars the imagination.
  6. johntfs

    Loki In The Media

    I have to admit that Loki and Wanda would make for an interesting "power couple" in the MCU.
  7. I kind of wish they'd swung the Honzo of the guy that got eliminated in the first round to see if it would have snapped or exploded.
  8. I caught some of this yesterday along with some of Oak Island. Oak Island at least brings in some occasionally cool stuff. Skinwalker Ranch, with the segment dates from 2019, seems like the world longest, kind of dullest found-footage movie. Like at the end we'll exclaim, "Oh! So that's how they all ended up as dismembered, radioactive skeletons."
  9. As the Winter Soldier Bucky was trained to be coldly ruthless when fighting. To kill as efficiently as possible. Bucky doesn't want to kill anymore. So he's not fighting as "efficiently."
  10. Private boats. Private planes. She does have a huge sympathetic network. Look at Osama bin Laden. After 9/11 it took the US not quite ten full years to find him and end him. Osama bin Laden was a 6' 5" Arab dude with a huge beard and kidney disease. The idea that Karli and her group could get into New York is far from a deal-breaker for me.
  11. Well, it's been awhile since I saw it but IIRC the art restorer was killed by the person he himself killed. The restorer and his wife concocted a plan to make money that had been in close contact with drugs seem dangerous so the DEA would give them a contract to literally launder/clean the money to make it safe to use. Part of that plan involved the restorer going to an acquaintance who was now a criminal and getting him to steal money from a safe - money that they had tainted with a deadly poison. In the course of robbing the safe, the acquaintance killed the restorer to keep all the money in the safe. At which point the poison on the money killed the criminal.
  12. A thing to consider about the Dora Milage is that they are the "elite of the elite" warriors of Wakanda. They are its "John Walkers." Wakanda is the powerful "super-power" nation-state in the world as far as we know. Just as American special forces are the "big swinging dick" in Wakanda the "big swinging dicks" have vaginas. Walker's "shoulder touch" represented a challenge to the Dora Milage. And in Wakanda, a challenge like that only ends when one party either yields or dies. And "ignorance of the culture" is no excuse as far as the Dora Milage are concerned. As for Karli the GRC and its goons murdered Mama Donya, so she murdered some of them back. And yeah, in the USA at least, withholding vital medication from someone who is in your care who requires it to the point that they die from its lack would be considered Second Degree Murder through Depraved Indifference. As far as Karli watching her friend's execution, I think she probably got there right at the end when it was too late to save. Attacking Walker alone now that he clearly had taken a dose of the SSS would have been a slightly elaborate suicide. It certainly wouldn't help the rest of her friends.
  13. It seems less than likely that HYDRA would give their Winter Soldier slave weapon time off to bang, but who knows? I hope that the situation with Ayo doesn't end with a fight but with her and Bucky talking things out and then joining the group to keep an eye on Zemo. It'd be funny to watch Sam bounce hard off the idea that Wakandans are not African-Americans. I mean, Wankanda has basically been a nation-state since before the beginning of recorded human history. Zemo being a Baron is basically a child playing dress-up compared to the lineage of their royal family. Plus, it's probable that Bucky knows that the heart-shaped herb is effectively extinct and might very well have contacted Ayo/Wakanda about what he's doing with the idea of getting them some of the Super-Soldier Serum as a replacement.
  14. Maybe, but figure "Invite yourself onto top secret military missions" is still probably not going to be one of them.
  15. Most people would include most white people. Most white people would not feel entitled to go on to a military base to lecture a black man on some choice he made and then invite themselves along on a mission to continue said lecture. I'll agree that it's privilege of some sort. It's just not specifically "White" privilege in this case.
  16. I don't see that as "white privilege" because the person who holds all the power in that moment is Sam. If Sam says "Get your ass off this base" Bucky has to leave or beat the shit out of some soldiers and become a fugitive again. I mean if some random white person had trespassed onto the base to bitch Sam out about giving away the shield, that's exactly what Sam would have done. This was more "friend" privilege or at least "friend of a friend" privilege, because that's really what Sam and Bucky are at this point, two people who were friends with Steve Rogers but not friends with each other.
  17. I was making a joke about how unlikable John Walker comes off as being. I really hope there aren't actually idiots harassing Wyatt Russel over the character he is playing.
  18. I think Wyatt Russel is doing an excellent catering to the writer/director/studio requests "Okay, Wyatt, what we want is for your personality to be such that random people on the street in the real world will walk up and try to slap the life out of you."
  19. Bucky and Sam did help save the universe from Thanos, so there's that. Also, Bucky is likely known to be one of the deadliest human beings on the planet, so the beat cops are probably more inclined to "handle him with care."
  20. From the Something Awful forum by someone who has a PhD in critical race theory:
  21. I liked the little call back we got to Wakanda with the White Wolf reference. I think it's a little funny that people always talk about the Shield but nobody really considers the Arm. I mean figure the Shield going to Howard Stark could easily have been: Wakandan1: So what did you give to that colonizer to get him to go away? Wakandan2: That old disc of Uncle M'Bakran's that he used to play "fetch" with the War Rhinos.
  22. Well, neither Walker nor his buddy is a super soldier as far as the show has said... And the trailing truck had no visible reaction. Though I suspect that the guys driving it made a bet on just how far Karli would kick Bucky's ass. AKA they knew she was in there and they correctly trusted her to be able to handle Bucky.
  23. I think the Flag-smashers are little too "small ball" for something like that. It's not like they're some vast global movement as far as we can tell. They seem to mostly be a group of young trying to help other people in need, albeit through less than legal means. I suspect that them appearing on U.S. Intelligence agencies' radar is due to the Power Broker using contacts to try to hound and harass them so he can take them down/out.
  24. I think all that bit on the "Good Morning America" segment about Walker being at the top of everything is a cue that he's already obtained some version of the Super-Soldier Serum - possibly from the Power Broker even before he joined the military. Meanwhile, I suspected that the Flag-smasher also got their serum from the PB - but likely with the "five-finger discount."
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