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Everything posted by johntfs

  1. Just saw an ad on History that a new season is coming October 2.
  2. Kelly, who made a falchion with an actual horse head pommel! Who noted in one of the championship episode (where she placed third out of five) that she'd gotten mad at her malfunctioning washing machine so she turned it into a knife. Honestly you could tell that Willow's hog-splitter looked huge compared to the other guy's. Doug could probably tell that at a glance but he still wanted to test Willow's so he could split a hog. And he did. Twice. I did like the hug at the end when J. denied that he was big but completely owned that he was scary.
  3. Haven't actually seen the episode yet. but I think I can take a shot at these. Why TVAmensia? Because plot. Maybe they're on variant timelines because they were variants. Think about Sylvie's life for a bit. From the (Asgard equivalent) age of maybe 8-12 she's been running from the TVA and hiding in places where everyone there dies over and over and over again. She slew the person ultimately responsible for all that and apparently that somehow made things worse. Maybe she doesn't want to work at Mickey D's forever, but just wants to chill out there for maybe a good decade where her worst problem will be "Oh shit! That guy did want fries with that after all!"
  4. The weird weapons are part of the main draw for me. The first part is generally 5800 version of "Okay, camp knife, bowie or seax?" But then we get examples and histories on weapons we've never heard of plus get to see them tested/wielded. Turning to this most recent episode, Willow was adorable and I was so glad she won. As for the other guy, I mean, sucks that he didn't even get tested... but when parameters are a thing, measuring tape is your bestest friend. Use it.
  5. Just started this and young Mariner is so adorable. She's like if Boimler and Tendi had a baby that wasn't green.
  6. I suck at remembering names, but this episode kind of went by the numbers. For the first guy out, dude, if you have 15 minutes left, unless your blade is ready to sell in a market, keep working. I admit that was a mild surprise. I thought Ben had the most to do, but I guess deciding to relax those last 15 minutes annoyed the judges like crazy. The second guy out was much less of a surprise. He was half-assing his pins. He knew that. And still did it. So yeah, his handle fell apart in testing. And for the final part, Travis seemed to get that his handle wasn't working but still didn't bother to redo it and that was pretty much that. Ben made a superior weapon that was comfortable to wield. Plus, damn. Double pig slicing. Cut the carcass in half and then cut it in half again.
  7. The TVA that B-15 and Mobius wanted to overthrow and/or burn down, has been overthrown and "burned down." It's mission and purpose has changed from one of destruction (prune the non-Sacred timelines) to one of preservation. Mobius and B-15 are loyal to a TVA that deserves their loyalty - or is at least getting to that point. Meanwhile Renslayer is still the same woman who regularly sentence people to be banished to the End of Time to get eaten by a Smoke Monster. Miss Minutes being a psycho is not even a little bit of a surprise.
  8. Sylvie is a fully separate character from Loki. Hell, who says Thor(ina) is even her brother. Maybe she's a sister instead.
  9. Ma'ah is accidentally a better therapist than Miglimoo ever dreamed of being.
  10. Someone somewhere is writing an epic femslash fanfic novel based on that concept.
  11. To get paid in Quarter-Pounders?
  12. Tendi and Rutherford worked well because they clearly could be a couple but right now they're both too comfortable as friends to take that extra steps. Also, Rutherford looked good in his "Lover's suit" and Tendi was Day-um! in that evening dress. It's not listed on IMDB yet but I think Quimp was the guy Mariner got to pretend to rob Boimler back on episode 2 of the first season.
  13. If Starfleet admirals aren't evil, they're dumb. Landlord Cops is the perfect scummy TV.
  14. According to Memory Alpha they're married. T'lyn hasn't been in every episode (she skipped episode 2) so she isn't a full regular character yet. Maybe next season.
  15. Jennifer sighting. And a T'lyn episode. I love my TV life now.
  16. When Thrawn walked in was I the only one who flashed to Harold Shand's airport scene from The Long Good Friday?
  17. Full disclosure, I haven't seen the full episode yet, but I can probably still take a shot at answering your questions. Could Morgan, Baylan or Shin kill Thrawn with their cool Force powerz? Sure. Easily. But what happens to them next after they've killed the person those scary-ass, desperate storm-troopers who looked at like a living god? No specific guesses but I'll go with something messy, painful and fatal. Thrawn's "power" is that it's his hand that holds the leash holding back the terrifying, vicious monster that is the collective might of those troopers, and, y'know, the Imperial Star Destroyer that they're on. If nothing else you should watch the series finale of the show which set all this up. But I'm pretty sure that's been covered so hopefully this next bit won't be real spoilers. I'll still hide it just in case. Ezra What's changed is that Morgan and her friends/lackeys brought that big-ass ring ship that could get Thrawn and his people home. Unless Ezra phones his whale friends and gets them to knock that plan into a cocked hat. Thrawn's fought Ezra, Sabine and the Rebels before. He respects their abilities. Some, he even admires. So unlike most asshat Imperial who underestimate their opponents, Thrawn respects Ezra and Sabine to tell Baylan to kill the shit of them to make damned sure they can't fuck up the "Go Home" plan.
  18. Absolutely. Especially the Old Republic Jedi, which Ahsoka was trained as. They were all about avoiding messy emotional attachments that could impair calm, logical thinking. What happened to them again? Oh yeah, wiped out except for a few scattered survivors. They were that good at that. We've seen plenty of examples of them being that good at that. However, quantity is also a quality. Blocking/redirecting a clone trooper's blaster shot was trivial for a trained Jedi. Blocking/redirecting a thousand of them being fired at them all at once was a little different story.
  19. Thrawn has always been the Erwin Rommel in an Empire of Herman Gorings. He can be (and often is) ruthless, but he's not cartoonishly evil. He treats his subordinates well and with respect. When he makes a promise he can usually be expected to keep it. If he has to conquer/pacify a planet and he can do it with either a full planetary invasion or by returning some lost idol to the planet's people, he'll do the latter. Thrawn is fine with just winning. His ego doesn't require others to lose as well. Keeping Ezra prisoner might be satisfying in a vengeful way, but there's no really good reason to antagonize the person who might be able to call the whales back and get them all home. Thrawn is all about the cost-benefit analysis. Being "evil" is usually more costly than it's worth. That said, if your life is the cost of some benefit he wants, then yeah, you're shit out of luck.
  20. Presumably Thrawn doesn't speak Night Witch. What do you want from the galaxy? It's just a place in the Star Wars universe. Unless Cylons, Daleks or Vulcans start showing up, it's pretty much going to look like a Star Wars galaxy because it is one. As for Thrawn being less intimidating, in the animated series he had the full power of the Galactic Empire behind with it's loads of replacement troops, repair yards other Star Destroyers, etc. Here's he's got the one ship and he's been stuck out there for probably a good decade or so.
  21. It's not like we haven't seen Light-siders use "the Dark Side" to teach. Recall Yoda with Luke and the evil tree. It really doesn't matter who "Anakin" was, whether he was the real deal, Ahsoka's brain hallucinating while shutting down or one of Yoda's farts that achieved sentience. What was the end result? The end result was Ahsoka getting back in the fight with renewed purpose. That seems like a pretty Anakin-style goal from what we've seen of him in Clone Wars. Assuming he doesn't feel your intent to do that through the Force and react quickly enough to send your blaster bolt back to burn your own face off, sure.
  22. It's not like we have "Force Ghost" powers manual or something. Maybe FG Anakin took up the mask of Vader to help his former apprentice beat down her demons and return to the fights in the living world stronger and more centered. Sabine had two basic options that she could reasonably attempt in that situation. Option one: (try to) destroy the map. Okay, maybe that works and they kill her. Or maybe that works and they don't kill her but instead combine the powers of two Force users (Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati) along with that of someone who's at least adjacent to that (Morgan Elspeth). The combined power then rips an image of the map from Sabine's living brain, probably leaving her a mindless sack of meat in so doing. Option one sucks IMHO. Option two was doing what she did. Now, she's alive and with a functioning brain and mind. Baylan, by his word of honor, which he takes seriously, is obligated to protect her, which could sow dissension between him and Morgan. They're also taking her to Ezra, who might not have been at Ahsoka levels, but is still a capable force user. Plus, she cares about Ezra. He's her little brother from a non-Mando mother. Sometimes you can't get the win have to try to save who you can.
  23. The ship would have been sealed and pressurized against vacuum. Presumably (haven't seen the ep yet) Ahsoka was not sealed and pressurized against vacuum. She was instructed to enter the mouth so she wouldn't die.
  24. I don't see Ezra straight up joining Thrawn. Thrawn was the dude who was trying to destroy the Rebels, who lead Ezra to Palpatine and Ezra took him away with space whales when Thrawn started a bombardment of the city. That said, I could see Ezra and Thrawn joining forces against a clear, common enemy. Maybe the Star Wars version of Fred Saberhagen's Berzerkers (powerful machine intelligences dedicated to wiping out all organic life). Honestly that would be a pretty decent way to move Ahsoka and the Rebels character "out of the way" of the eventual canon. Why weren't Hera, Ahsoka and Sabine helping out when the First Order first showed? Because they're busy helping Thrawn fight Super-Skynet.
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