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M1977G replied to ByTor's topic in Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
Aw, Nina M.! She was great. Glad she got to dance in the NFL elsewhere. -
Yes, VK said that in the podcast interview--that neither she or her mom had talked to Kelli. I don't know if the interview was before Sam's wedding, but it aired after the wedding. So, either VK was lying/exaggerating or they did not speak up until or close to the wedding. Either seems possible to me. And, interesting point that they did not show up to the Meet the Team event the year she was cut! I never noted that, even though I always like it when they show TCCs who were cut who showed up to cheer the team on. I remember Kristen being there the year she was cut. Yes to all of this.
OK, my mouth was hanging open multiple times during the podcast. Right after the part where she says no one came to her birthday after being invited, the host asks her about who Netflix selected the DCC and TCC who'd get main story lines. VK said she didn't pay any attention to that or to who was miced up when or how often--but that totally goes against the Reddit account about TK flipping out on Armani because Armani took up too much mic and camera time. I do believe that story, and I just feel like VK is doing way too much to spin her story to be her as the victim and just an innocent that fans are drawn to and others get jealous. And, she said the Netflix producer is now like her "brother" and he will always have her back, so I guess I have some idea why TK showing her dance-mom ass with Armani and Chandi story didn't make the documentary. And oh, wow, now she's saying she thinks it's "wild" that the crew picked up on how she was kind of an outcast but no one in the organization had noticed for her 4 years there. There's either a massive lack of self-awareness or she's actively trying to mold this story her way, maybe a mix of both. And now I'm on the floor because VK she said her mom was "the perfect dance mom" and they want to start some kind of good dance mom show. Ew. Interesting that neither VK nor TK have talked to Kelli since the show aired. Hearing her talk about how serious her depression was shocked me, though. I hope her break from DCC and move to NYC help her find her way and be healthy and genuinely happier.
Messy! I can understand some saying DCC posts on that thread isn't a great look for them. But, I don't think those particular cheerleaders would have posted comments if they had known about the party details. I always took Jessica to be a very supportive and kind teammate, but what do I know. I don't think their comments are on the orders of Kelli, like some thread commenters suggested, because it's all former DCC and she can't tell them what to do in the same way she could control the social media lockdowns of current cheerleaders and TCCs. I feel badly for VK even as I agree that she contributes to her difficulties with DCC. Cosmopolitan posted that the Netflix doc makers said they'd be into doing a second season, so I'm hoping it happens!
The language she used was so telling, too. She said something like, these millennials think of this as a "job" but we thought of it as a "privilege." But, even back then, you had to be privileged enough to spend that much time working for little money. I noticed that on one of the many, many vintage clips of TK, her hobbies were listed as golf, racketball and tennis--basically, country club sports (yes, I know there are public golf and tennis courts, but my point is that TK seemed to have had plenty of recreational time on her hands and could afford a limited-paying job like DCC). The Cowboys & Jones family still would make plenty if they paid these women better for their time and talents. I think the Jones family also can be villains here. Equal opportunity!
Yes, I was that surprised tho!! 🤣 Rumors are rumors and a lot of what has been said about VK on here over the years has not been verifiable to me. That's not to say I never believe anything, but I also blew past tons of VK comments and posts, because I was bothered by the rage and sometimes hate directed at a young woman--especially when a lot of what was said could not be verified as true or false. So, for me, to see her isolation and her mama's extra everything with my own eyes was a bit shocking. For a mom who seems to want her daughter to be so popular, she sure seems to work against that goal or possibility.
Just finished the first episode and already TK is looking a mess. I got such an ick from the little bit of Dance Mom-ing I saw in the first episode. So far, I like that the show has a slightly different vibe and style from MTT, but I also enjoy the familiarity of the old show watching auditions and love seeing familiar faces. I know some of that will change when the episodes go past training camp and into the season and I'm looking forward to that too.
WOW. If the new show doesn't showcase some of this drama, I will be SO let down! I second the above post saying reading the Reddit thread is worth it--my first Reddit rabbit hole! I feel so enlightened yet have so many new questions. Most of the questions are tied to: How much of this drama am I going to get to see? Will we see TK acting out? Will we see Chandi step up for Armani? Will we see Armani's mom? Will we see any conversation about this with Kelli and Judy? Another question about the show that is not driven by the Reddit news: Can someone tell me which 12 DCC were chosen to be featured on the show? I can tell from the preview and Reddit thread that VK (obvi), Armani, Reese, Kelsey, and Chandi, and maybe KayDianna were tapped. I presume from the show poster that Jada, Madeline S, and Sophy also are among the 12. I'm hoping Megan and Kellee are among them! They were two of my favorite rookies the last season of MTT and I'd love to see more of their journey.
+ I am sure it will be very different and I hope so! While I love DCC:MTT (so much!), I'm ready for something new rather than an imitation of the original. Plus, I have wanted to see more of the DCC during the actual football season for YEARS, so I am looking forward to that. I also am really curious to see the team and process through a lens that is *not controlled by Kelli & Co. This is where I think that "perfection isn't perfect" is going to come in. I don't see how I can be disappointed, unless it's all Victoria every episode (I am not a Victoria or legacy-hater, but I am so much more interested in most of the other women as dancers and as people). I mean, I feel like 7 new episodes of anything will be welcome to me. Here is the preview:
So excited for the show!!! And glad that we don't have to wait until the end of summer to watch. I'm imagining it may be less that Kelli is shifting away from perfection and more that is part of the story the show makers decided to tell. Love that Jada and Kelsey made the show poster, rolled my eyes at Victoria, but I appreciate that Madeline S was included since legacy Victoria was in there.
Wow. People can be so cruel, it is shameful. Taylor's relationship and weekly letters with her grandpa were about the sweetest things ever to be shown on that TV show, and they were just so filled with love for each other. I was a fan of her and her dancing, too. Hope she is doing well and was able to disregard trolls like that.