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Everything posted by NurseGiGi

  1. Okay, I didn't start watching TAR until the season with the Chippendale's and they're one of my favorite teams. Was it the same season in which the Beekman's won the race? I was so pissed when that happened. Anyway, I came here to get recommendations for which seasons I should go back and watch and I'm guessing by the comments that would be Seasons 1-7. I especially want to see the season with "my ox is broken!". Any other suggestions? Or better yet, which past seasons should I avoid?
  2. What everyone else has said about this season being so much better than last. I guess the Wrestlers would have to be my least favorite team at this point but I still enjoy them, except for Brooke's whining. The thing is, if they had been on last season they would have been my favorite team for the win. I'm just really enjoying this season's participants.
  3. NurseGiGi

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    If Beth had any gumption at all she would have just walked up to Dawn, said Drrreeeet! and then walked away. That would really have gotten her goat.
  4. NurseGiGi

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    I just hope they aren't trying to turn Beth into a Katniss Everdeen. I really don't want TWD to turn into a YA nightmare. I really don't have a problem with Beth's character, it's the actress that's the problem. EK is a terrible actress which is ironic since she promotes herself as an actress/singer, neither of which she is good at. The whole time in the hospital I was trying to figure out what was going on. I never knew what she was trying to portray because she uses the same expression to show fear/surprise/joy/anger, etc. EK reminds me of one of the cute Disney characters that have these huge round blue empty eyes.
  5. I also don't buy the Father Pee Pants story. There's no way he would have put down all those parishoners who would have been zombified. No way. And they would have to be put down before he could bury them. ETA: Oops, what AngelaHunter said.
  6. Oh, wow. Nice bit of information there, JBody. I'm wondering, too, if that's why Darabont bit the dust. I've read rumors that it was because he butted heads with Kirkman. Yes, that story line very much gets in the way of The Three Stooges' plot so no wonder things aren't adding up. I watched the first season again yesterday. *hangs my head in shame*
  7. Thanks for filling me in about Rosita, I had completely forgotten about that.\ I'm so observant I didn't even notice that some were live tweeting. Count me in, I'll be here Sunday!
  8. Do we know anything at all about Rosita? Has anyone said that she is Abraham's love interest? For all we know she could be his sister or cousin. I really don't remember, can anyone clarify?
  9. And, I've said it before but I'm saying it again. I love these forums and the discussions. People can have a difference of opinion without it turning nasty.
  10. After giving it some thought I can understand why they're going to DC because why not? They have no home right now and they might find something along the way. You know, should they suddenly agree with me that Eugene is full of crap. My problem still is how all this was set up by the writers because it takes me completely out of the show when they portray the characters doing something that's so out of character, especially after all they've been through in such a short time. Judith burbles and Rick says hey okay let's go! Glen and Maggie make a spur of the moment promise and off they go! I'm thinking Rick and the Rickettes put more thought into where they're going to take a crap than they have the DC business. ETA: Also, what peach said.
  11. It would be impossible for me to say who I want to go next since I dislike most of them. I figured if Hunapu had to go to TC they would vote off Julie since she seems to be contributing nothing and is just another mouth to feed. I'm kind of liking Natalie, which surprises since I didn't really care for them on TAR, although I did admire their athleticism and ability to blow through even male oriented tasks. Maybe it's because the sister is gone so I don't have to hear them screeching "twinnie". I'm withholding final judgement until I see more. And Reed, so far I'm liking Reed. I don't mind Reed and Josh kissing because they do it tastefully and affectionately unlike Jaclyn and Jon who look like they're about to go full on porn. So far I'm pretty much disappointed in the season. I hate tptb taking every chance to try to illicit emotions from the audience with the constant crying and snoting over their loved ones. The emotional response they get from me is disgust and impatience, causing me to FF through the tears.
  12. Baby Judith is going to be kicking Zombie butt as a toddler. She will be shocked and dismayed by Tyrese' behavior.
  13. I go back and forth on Tyrese. Sometimes I like him and sometimes not so much. I know he and Carol are severely traumatized over Lizzie and Mika because it really hasn't been long since The Grove happened. I know they are both trying to cope in different ways. The thing is, this is the ZA and you just don't have the luxury anymore of sitting back and trying to sort out your feelings. Hopefully he's starting to realize that since he's the one who stepped up with Bob so Sasha didn't have to do it. Father Pee-Pants is so appropriate. Good one, Mrs. Pootel.
  14. I cracked up when Abraham told the group that he was taking the short bus to DC.
  15. Another thought. Why has no one mentioned that even if Eugene has a cure there's no longer any way to mass produce and distribute said cure. There's actually no way to produce it on a small scale even. I just don't understand. So many plot holes, so little time. What works in the comics, and I've never read the comics, just assuming, does not translate well onto the screen. ETA: To SimonS and others, I missed your posts earlier and see that we're thinking along the same lines.
  16. The writers really dropped the ball with letting Maggie go away without even mentioning Beth. Hell, when she was getting on the bus she could have thrown a line out to Rick about maybe, I don't know, entrusting him to make sure Beth got back safely. Anything rather than nothing.
  17. Well, that was surprising. Not that they killed the Termites but that it was so violent and gory, although they certainly deserved it and I was yelling "Yes!" at the TV. I'm glad they wound up the Termite story as quickly as they did. Glen and Maggie being surprised at the brutality was surprising, too. I mean, Glen was almost butchered by this bunch and what they did to Bob was unconscionable. I guess it was to give them an out for leaving the group and going with the three stooges. Although, now that I think of it Glen has really been this way from the beginning. He's said more than once "this is not who we are". Daryl looked pretty traumatized when he came out of the woods, or I could just be misreading his expression. I'm hoping it's not Carol getting killed when rescuing Beth. He just looked like he might have some bad news. It's probably as others have said that tptb just wanted to l leave us with a cliffhanger. Plot holes aside, I did really enjoy the episode.
  18. OMG, I'm freaking out! For some reason my DVR didn't record the episode. Thank goodness for the encore episode.
  19. Well, I just don't have anyone I care enough about to get behind. This season has been so meh for me that I will even wait a few days before I watch it. I'm hoping I can find someone who interests me after the merge. The rice thing bothers me. If they don't get a severe enough penalty then future contestants will see that they don't need to ration. On the other hand, I hate to see someone who just got shuffled there to have to pay the price. My guess is it won't really matter because they'll have a merge soon and those that got shuffled into the other camp (thinking of you, Missy) won't be suffering ANY repercussions. Life (and Survivor) is rarely fair, though.
  20. Thank you so much, kikismom and redheadzombie. That was HIlarious! I'm going to have to watch Bad Lip Reading now. I've seen one but didn't know there were two of them. Not sure which one I saw.
  21. You know you're obsessed when you own every single seasons' DVD's and yet still watch the marathons!
  22. Thanks for the correction, kikismom. I guess in watching the recent marathon the episodes ran together. Now, how about the "stuff and thangs" reference?
  23. I think Carol did kill Karen and David. There was a flashback scene, and I want to say it was right after she confessed to Tyrese but I'm not sure, of her going up to Karen, gently rubbing her head, and putting a knife into her skull. It then showed her dragging the body down the hall. Hoping someone can help me. I've rewatched the episodes many times and just can't recall the "stuff and thangs". Can somebody maybe tell me the season, and possibly the episode? Thanks in advance.
  24. Oh, goodie!! See show, you should have kept Charlie!
  25. Everytime someone says something about Charlie dying the first thing I think of is that youtube video of that kid saying "Chaaaarleee bit me!".
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