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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. From Merriam-Webster: embouchure: the position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument Sorry. I see this was already addressed.
  2. Maybe Ashley is a new kind of hospice nurse. A few days around her and you lose your will to live.
  3. Ah, T-Rav, asking that age-old question: How can pretend to listen and pretend to care so I can still eff this shrew before I trade her in? Ashley: No one likes you, not even the horse. Naomi: We're all barely tolerating you, including Gizmo. Cameran and her finger licking completely grossed me out. Completely. She is perfect in every other way, though, of course. I went two days past my due date and had a huge baby, no problem. Somehow my baby was not the second coming of Jesus. Babies have been born for many, many years. The special snowflake shite gets old. Whitney's tongue is too big for his mouth, and Austen's mouth is too big for whatever's going on in there (thus the Muppet mouth). Also, he's so boring. Even dude-bro's need a little personality. Shep: You reached your expiration date long ago. And I've never heard of something being ideal-lic. Idyllic, yes. Drunk enough to walk into things, for years, is not a good look for anyone. I don't care about your amazing childhood anymore. F. Scott Fitzgerald would not have written about you. Your great aunt, maybe, but not you. You bore me, too. Next!
  4. I have always been Team Carole. Don't eff with a journalist/former journalist. Know this! (TM what's her name psychic on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills--Allison DuBois?) Bethenney seemed to be either manic or on some kind of upper early on. Jeebus, is that really her? When she first entered Dorinda's and went on and on about the Nutcracker? Find it for me, nay, find ALL of them for me, and I will buy them! I will buy ALL of them! We get it, Beth, you a rich bish. As my old boyfriend would say, "Charming to the last!"
  5. Hey! Great name for a band! So much better than Whitney's tired "Renob."
  6. Kathryn a stunning beauty? Naturally, or with makeup troweled on? I'm a redhead, so I get it. She needs some makeup. But turn down the makeup spray hose from 11 to maybe 4. It's creepy to me how women paint masks on their faces. All the talk about contouring? The endless youtube tutorials on the finer points of how to contour your face until you look like a completely different human being? Jeebus! I blame the Kardashians for the intense focus on outer beauty to the detriment of a rich inner life. Vacuous is the word that comes to mind. It's just sad. Koth-ryn (TM T-Rav) has shown herself to be pretty dull when she's not being histrionic. I'm guessing that medication is helping her, and that's wonderful. But I don't think she's had amazing growth. I don't think she has the capacity or interest to look deep within herself and work toward change. Take some sedatives, stop drinking and drugging, learn a few catchphrases about growth, and boom: new and evolved person. The interview at Gwynns, where she had the great advantage of being a family friend and having shopped there herself over the years (money, dontcha know), was a joke. We were looking at someone who has never had to think on her feet like most of us poor bastards. Over time, you get good at it. You know, to survive. To make a living. To contribute. So her contribution to society will be subpar styling. Brava! I took a gander at their website, just to see what was what, and it's not the typical website. No online shopping for the upper crust! They talk about their history and list the designers they offer. Their landing page: #inmygwynns: anything is possible, I'm at the top of my game, all eyes on us. Bleh. Patricia looking amazing? Well, sure. Again, money. Countless surgeries and the best of the best of everything. So many people would look just fabulous given her situation. She's a snob. I mean, I enjoy her. She's great TV, but, again, it creeps me out that women go to such extremes for beauty. Grow old, enjoy your money, enjoy your life, enjoy your Michael and your martinis. (/rant) Oh, and speaking of looks, Whitney looks pretty good this season. His floating tongue is still disturbing, but his skin looks great. And Craig's running style? That gets side eye from me. He looks much better working around the house, wheeling Gizmo around the garden, modeling his snazzy prep-wear, and sitting poised at the sewing machine. And yay to Gizmo. So happy we'll see the distinguished old chap again!
  7. I didn't understand how the women were rejected. I mean, I understand why, but not how. Can some kind poster fill me in on what happened? Thanks!
  8. I just did a quick search on "Emilio Pucci romper." Guys, I'm about to pass out. And to think, just this morning, I was comparing prices of "shampoo for color-treated hair."
  9. I found it really disturbing when Ashley nuzzled Thomas and they kissed. She closed her eyes and kept them closed. How swept away! How romantic! Really, it was gross. Do that shite at home, where no one has to see you.
  10. "Keening" is the perfect word for what our precious li'l Tins was doing. Good job!
  11. I have never seen anyone drink from a bottle the way that Erika did in a TH: with her mouth fully enveloping the opening of the bottle. I assume it was to preserve the lipstick. Or it could be force of habit.
  12. I'm pretty sure that he was the friend who visited Diane's place with his wife (or girlfriend) and brought along a blind date for Diane. But I could be wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong!
  13. I think Lee was a little horrible this week, when he assumed that he would have the chance to say "rejected, rejected, rejected" each time a woman at the convention came on to him. I don't recall any takers.
  14. This explains so much (she says, while her belly strains against her waistband as she sits at "work.")
  15. Did anyone else notice that Sandoval's face looked a little fuller on last night's episode?
  16. I knew I could count on our PTV detectives! Thanks!
  17. Now I can't even remember where I read that. I know that's the case for LuAnn on Real Housewives of New York. She's an LPN. But now I'm not so sure about Ashlely. Maybe one of our astute detectives could follow up!
  18. I'm pretty sure that I read that Ashley is not an RN but an LPN, which requires less education. Takes about a year to become a licensed practical nurse.
  19. I think Dennis was kidding when he said he shaved his head and the hair never grew back.
  20. The perfect response to that photo. And now I must apologize to my coworkers for my loud guffaw! Thanks, RHZ!
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