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Everything posted by Shanna

  1. They could have easily rewritten the plot to include Sansa, keeping awesome stuff like Frey pie and ghosts of winterfell randomly killing people, though. They chose to go this way instead. They could have had Sansa be smart and work with manderlys on the sly. They could have drawn out the engagement while other stuff was happening. They could have left theon with his hero moment before anything happened.They didn't have to do this and they did it for shock value. I'm not convinced we will get any interesting Sansa out of it at this point.
  2. I wouldn't go that far (re greyjoys) but they basically cut everything worthwhile about this plot in favor of a raped stark. I'm not sure how much of this shit I can watch..
  3. I haven't watched this show in ages but I caught the last bit and I just have to say two things: 1. Happy about Stefan and Caroline and 2. Um, did they really have an Elena stunt double for the ballroom scene? It didn't look complicated enough that Nina couldn't do it. I had no idea she was leaving the show though. I may have to go back and catch the Damon chooses Bonnie part.
  4. I've worked in mental health for years. I can't see that lee did anything but talk to Barbara as a friend. She didn't do anything wrong that I can see. She didn't even prescribe meds! She certainly wouldn't lose her license for talking to someone off the books. So meh. Also, as mentioned, it's gotham. On fish I figure she is soap opera 'dead' meaning she can come back whenever because we didn't see a body.
  5. He is 100 years old. I'm not sure how much targs do and don't get sick, but they definitely die so they break at some point.Just saw kill the boy and now I'm digesting. I just cringe when Ramsey is in the room and want him to die. I don't want him to touch Sansa at this point. I don't care about any rationalizing of why it would fit a story, I don't want it to happen.
  6. I don't think it's fair to say people hated Sansa for being 'pretty'. She was rather shallow, although she seems to be growing out of that's bit. And this was worse in the books than in the show. I am not generally of the opinion that everyone who has sex within an arranged marriage has been raped. My objection is to Ramsey specifically. Because he is beyond disgusting and even if I still hated Sansa like I did first season I would not want her anywhere near him. Unless she was plunging a knife into his throat. Also, the interesting parts of this story in the books for me had not a thing to do with theon or Jeyne. They were all mance and manderlys. I'm holding onto the north remembering in some possibly vain hope they will do something...
  7. Has absolutely nothing to do with liking Sansa for me. It took me years to stop hating Sansa and I'm not sure I ever stopped hating theon but I hate and despise theons story and don't want to see the same with Sansa.For one, my aversion to Ramsey is so strong now that I could not even watch his scenes with theon last year. For two, this is such a retread for Sansa. I don't want to see her in the exact same situation she was in before, but actually forced to go through with a marriage to a psychopath. For three, it makes littlefinger look like an idiot. For four, the nine thousand things already mentioned about Sansa agency being important. They have already cut many of my favorite things from this story, and I see no evidence they will add any of the others. Is their some reason they can't just make Ramsey one of the surprising deaths? I didn't like reading about Jeyne either, but this wasn't a complete retread of her story, it was actually a theon story. I have had deep concerns about the potential of this story all season but if Sansa actually sleeps with Ramsey, and if he abuses her At All I am afraid I might end up breaking the tv.
  8. I love Angie. I admit part of it is residual Nikita love, but I think she brought a zing to the show. She just didn't have enough to do relating to the main stuff...
  9. I wasn't thinking about the netflix ones actually.
  10. Ok episode until the end. What the actual fuck? I want Juliette dead. Was that the point of this story?
  11. I am so ridiculously excited about this renewal!!! I don't like to get bogged down in bean counting (or dc vs marvel) but I think marvel would win any movie comparison easily on diversity points. Tv shows...actually they would maybe tie? Idk. Dc seems to have more tv than marvel.
  12. I can't handle those spoilers right now. I don't trust Melisandre or her version of The Lord of light. Now, thoros and berics lord of light maybe. So who is aa and why should I care about him? I believe she is sincere but completely wrong.
  13. Oh man, is Jacob toms real name? I think I forgot that. I love tom when he's being a badass, but dude, waiting sadly in a restaurant? Lizzie might be a little busy! And I didn't even notice the ss tattoo this week although it has provided many weeks of amusement as he just wandered around. Um...this episode. Eh.
  14. I don't think you can take everything Tyrion says at face value. Some of it is just because he wanted to be irritable. He was not drunk at all the council meetings and was a fairly good hand. Of course he's pretty drunk lately! I still think he could round out Danys advisors in a beneficial way if he actually makes it there.
  15. Horn hill is close the citadel iirc. So he should be able to do it like the book.
  16. Psychiatrists are mds with more training in mental health. General medicine physicians have to do a psych rotation I believe and are licensed to prescribe psychiatric drugs. But this counseling session was very off the books informal, so I took more as a favor just to try to get Barbara to talk to someone.
  17. I honestly don't trust anything Melisandre says so I don't know what to think of her prophecies. We know she lies and in her head she thinks she misinterprets but it's been a while since I read her chapters... I think what she isn't lying about is usually wrong. And I have no idea why she burns people, unless she just likes it. I always wondered if she wasn't serving the evil counterpart to The Lord of light.
  18. The meerenese chapters are hard to read but I think they are realistic. Dany is not a bad ruler necessarily, and it especially has nothing to do with being female. I think if she had roled in as ruler of her own lands and people she was familiar with, it might have gone smoothly. If she had just taken over and not tried to change all the customs it might have gone smoothly. But what she is trying to do is not easy and that is all this story says to me. No other person is trying to do what she is doing, rule another culture, except maybe mance? And he had fear of the white walkers to help him. All the rulers in westeros are flailing and they are not trying to do anything so difficult.
  19. I never liked the idea of setting the dothraki on westeros but it never really got anywhere close to happening so I didn't worry about it too much. That was a plan made by Danys brother who was a crazy asshole. (Or maybe master Illyrio?) Dany talked a little about the dothraki but It didn't seem to be going anywhere since they rejected her. Btw, what happened to her blood riders? Are they all dead in show?
  20. Promise me Ned! Promise me! Lol. That's what I remember. It was in the tower right before she died I believe. They don't explicitly mention the baby. I loved Sansa visiting the crypt. I really hope this leads somewhere bad ass instead of disgusting. If D&D can kill off ser barriston than they can damn well kill off Ramsey!!!
  21. What I mean is that I see most of this as Margarey being diplomatic. I also think tommen would be miles better off if his mother went to kings landing so it's no betrayal. I think nobody thinks of that because Jon is said to look like a Stark. Like arya. Like Lyanna. I also never thought she seemed very interested in Robert from the way everyone talked although we know nothing from her perspective. But if Jon had been Roberts they would have just gotten not so secretly married since that was the plan anyway.
  22. I don't know that I would consider that much of a lie by Margarey. She just tried to get along with or pretend to get along with her mil. That's not strange or evil to me. I do think the show was irritating because they had Margarey repeat that 'what should I call you' business three or four times! I don't think she's that dumb. ( the thing about it being a little early for wine was much more her style - pretend to be solicitous while actually making a dig). I would much rather be getting Lora's training tommen to fight as they did in the books than this laurel taken by the faith business. The only thing I liked about the faith in the books is that they gave Cersei shit and some of the river lands implications. I think it was a mistake to make their plot move so fast and solely occur in kings landing. If it weren't for Jonathan price and hot lancel I wouldn't enjoy this at all.
  23. Yes, I miss the river lands for that reason. I understand the impulse to send him to dorne but when I first heard I guess I thought they were going on a diplomatic visit or something . Not sneaking in and snatching myrcella. This is such a dumb plan that I am afraid I am just going to find all aspects of the dorne stuff stupid even though I love bronn and Jaime and I love the setting. We better get something about myrcella being the rightful queen soon because that was what I loved about the story in the books. Nobody wanted to hurt myrcella herself except dark whatever and I don't remember what the hell his point was. The sand snakes were always kind of vengeful and bloodthirsty but they weren't killing random dudes who brought them information! (I knew the last two books were full of filler reading them so I'm not upset at the streamlining but there are things I like that I got want cut out. Like the ghost of winterfell stuff. And now that Sansa is subbed in I do Not want I see her treated like Jeyne. If she takes the manderlys place that could be ok. I do miss some of the river lands both because I wanted to know what was going on but also because the brotherhood and the common people and the sparrows I think all sort of were running around and I think that is important)
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